fb:porticula NoPaste
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Datum/Zeit: | 03.02.2013 21:20:39 |
#define FB3P_VERSION (0 shl 28) + (2 shl 24) + 130202
#define FB3P_URL "www.freebasic-portal.de"
enum FBPP_Error explicit
noError = 0, blocked, noUser, wrongUser, noPassword, wrongPassword, noID, wrongID
noAccess, listError, noCodes, wrongCommand, unknown
end enum
enum FBPP_Action
id2url, download, delet, readcode, savecode, newcode
check, list, listall, info, count
end enum
declare function fbpp_query(byref message as string, action as FBPP_Action, byref id as integer = 0, _
user as string = "", password as string = "", byref code as string = "", _
title as string = "", listlength as uinteger = 0, listoffset as uinteger = 0) as FBPP_Error
' ##### FB3P FUNCTTION #####
#include once "http.bi"
function fbpp_query(byref message as string, action as FBPP_Action, byref id as integer = 0, _
user as string = "", password as string = "", byref code as string = "", _
title as string = "", listlength as uinteger = 0, listoffset as uinteger = 0) as FBPP_Error
' action: what to do (readcode, savecode ...)
' id: ID of the entry on fb:porticula
' text: code to transmit
' user: user name on fb:porticula (for savecode etc.)
' password: hash of users password
' message: message from fb:porticula
message = ""
dim as string m = ""
' handle missing arguments
select case action
case FBPP_Action.id2url, FBPP_Action.download
if id = 0 then return FBPP_Error.noID
case FBPP_Action.delet, FBPP_Action.readcode, FBPP_Action.savecode
if id = 0 then return FBPP_Error.noID
if user = "" then return FBPP_Error.noUser
if password = "" then return FBPP_Error.noPassword
case FBPP_Action.newcode, FBPP_Action.check
if user = "" then return FBPP_Error.noID
if password = "" then return FBPP_Error.noPassword
case FBPP_Action.list
if user = "" then return FBPP_Error.noUser
case FBPP_Action.listall
if listlength <= 0 then return FBPP_Error.listError
case FBPP_Action.info, FBPP_Action.count
' nothing to do
case else
return FBPP_Error.wrongCommand
end select
' get http query string
dim as string queryGet, queryPost
select case action
case FBPP_Action.id2url
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=id2url&id=" & id
case FBPP_Action.download
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=download&id=" & id
case FBPP_Action.delet
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=delete&id=" & id & "&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
case FBPP_Action.readcode
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=readcode&id=" & id & "&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
case FBPP_Action.savecode
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=savecode&id=" & id & "&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
queryPost = "Titel=" & URLEncode(title) & "&Quelltext=" & URLEncode(code)
case FBPP_Action.newcode
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=newcode&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
queryPost = "Titel=" & URLEncode(title) & "&Quelltext=" & URLEncode(code)
case FBPP_Action.check
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=check&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
case FBPP_Action.list
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=list&username=" & URLEncode(user) & "&pwhash=" & password
case FBPP_Action.listall
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=listall&n=" & listlength
if listoffset > 0 then queryGet &= "&offset=" & listoffset
case FBPP_Action.info
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=info"
case FBPP_Action.count
queryGet = "porticula.php?action=count"
case else
return FBPP_Error.wrongCommand
end select
' send query, evaluate
dim answer as string, search as integer
if queryPost <> "" then
answer = httpPost(FB3P_URL, queryGet, queryPost)
search = instr(answer, chr(13, 10, 13, 10))
if answer = "BLOCKED" then return FBPP_Error.blocked
m = mid(answer, search+4)
answer = httpGet(FB3P_URL, queryGet)
search = instr(answer, chr(13, 10, 13, 10))
answer = mid(answer, search+4)
if answer = "BLOCKED" then return FBPP_Error.blocked
if action = FBPP_Action.readcode then
search = instr(answer, chr(10)) : search = instr(search+1, answer, chr(10))
answer = left(answer, search) & user & chr(10) & mid(answer, search+1)
end if
' replace "+" by " "
for i as integer = 0 to len(answer) - 1
if answer[i] = 43 then answer[i] = 32
' decoding special characters
search = instr(answer, "%")
if search = 0 then exit do
answer = left(answer, search-1) & chr(valint("&h" & mid(answer, search+1, 2))) & mid(answer, search+3)
m = answer
end if
' error handling
select case m
case "ERROR: Username not found."
return FBPP_Error.wrongUser
case "ERROR: No codes found"
return FBPP_Error.noCodes
case "ERROR: Entry not found"
return FBPP_Error.wrongID
case "ERROR"
select case action
case FBPP_Action.check, FBPP_Action.list, FBPP_Action.listall, FBPP_Action.delet, FBPP_Action.savecode
return FBPP_Error.wrongPassword
case FBPP_Action.id2url
return FBPP_Error.wrongID
case else
return FBPP_Error.unknown
end select
case else
if left(m, len(user) + 1) = user & chr(10) then
select case mid(m, len(user) + 2)
case "ERROR: Entry not found"
return FBPP_Error.wrongID
case "ERROR: You have no permission to edit this entry."
return FBPP_Error.noAccess
case "ERROR"
return FBPP_Error.wrongPassword
end select
end if
if left(m, 5) = "ERROR" then return FBPP_Error.unknown
end select
if action = FBPP_Action.newcode then
if left(m, 8) = "SUCCESS " then
id = val(mid(m, 9))
id = 0
return FBPP_Error.wrongPassword
end if
end if
message = m
return FBPP_Error.noError
end function
' ##### TEST (DO NOT INCLUDE) #####
#include once "md5.bi"
function translateError(e as FBPP_Error) as string
select case e
case FBPP_Error.noError : return "ok"
case FBPP_Error.blocked : return "query was blocked"
case FBPP_Error.noUser : return "no user name specified"
case FBPP_Error.wrongUser : return "wrong user name"
case FBPP_Error.noPassword : return "no password specified"
case FBPP_Error.wrongPassword : return "wrong password"
case FBPP_Error.noID : return "missing id"
case FBPP_Error.wrongID : return "wrong id"
case FBPP_Error.noAccess : return "permission denied"
case FBPP_Error.listError : return "wrong list count"
case FBPP_Error.noCodes : return "no codes found"
case FBPP_Error.wrongCommand : return "wrong command"
case FBPP_Error.unknown : return "unknown error"
end select
end function
dim as string message, user, password, code, title, line1, line2
dim as integer id
' read own code
open "fbpp-plugin.bas" for input as #1
do until eof(1)
line input #1, line1
code &= line1 & chr(10)
close #1
' read userdata
open "pw" for input as #1
input #1, line1, line2
close #1
user = mid(line1, 6)
password = mid(line2, 8)
title = __FILE__
' upload code
print "Return: "; translateError(fbpp_query(message, FBPP_Action.newcode, id, user, password, code, title))
print "Message: "; message
print "New ID: "; id