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Datum/Zeit:25.03.2014 17:10:07

#include once "windows.bi"
#Include once "win/commctrl.bi"

'-----------------------------------------  Das Menu  ------------------------------
Dim Shared acc() AS ACCEL

Type FMenuItem Extends Object

    Declare Property vKey As UShort
    Declare Property vKey( value As UShort)
    Declare Property sKey As String
    Declare Property sKey( value As String)
    Declare Property ctrKey As Integer
    Declare Property ctrKey(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property EventSub(ByVal value As Any Ptr)
    Declare Property EventSub As Any Ptr
    Declare Property MItemID As Integer
    Declare Property MItemID(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property bmpUnCeck(value As String)
    Declare Property bmpCeck(value As String)
    Declare Property hbmUnCeck  As HBITMAP
    Declare Property hbmCeck  As HBITMAP
    Declare Property Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property Check As Integer
    Declare Property Enabled(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property Enabled As Integer
    Declare Sub addAccel(ByVal virt As Integer,ByVal  vK As UShort , sK As String)
    Declare Constructor
    Declare Destructor

    hMenuBar        As HMENU

    m_sKey      As String
    m_vKey      As UShort
    m_ctrKey        As Integer
    m_accel     As Integer
    m_Check     As Integer
    m_Enabled   As Integer
    m_EventSub  As Any Ptr
    m_MItemID   As Integer
    m_bmpUnCeck As HBITMAP
    m_bmpCeck   As HBITMAP
End Type

Constructor FMenuItem
    this.m_Check        = 0
    this.m_vKey         = 0
    this.m_ctrKey       = 0
    this.m_EventSub     = 0
    this.m_bmpUnCeck    = 0
    this.m_bmpCeck      = 0
End Constructor
Destructor FMenuItem
    If this.m_bmpUnCeck Then
    If this.m_bmpCeck Then
End Destructor
Property FMenuItem.hbmUnCeck  As HBITMAP
    Return this.m_bmpUnCeck
End Property
Property FMenuItem.hbmCeck  As HBITMAP
    Return this.m_bmpCeck
End Property
Property FMenuItem.sKey As String
    Return this.m_sKey
End Property
Property FMenuItem.sKey( value As String)
    this.m_sKey = value
End Property
Property FMenuItem.vKey As UShort
    Return this.m_vKey
End Property
Property FMenuItem.vKey( value As UShort)
    this.m_vKey = value
End Property
Property FMenuItem.ctrKey As Integer
    Return this.m_ctrKey
End Property
Property FMenuItem.ctrKey(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.m_ctrKey = value
End Property
Property FMenuItem.bmpUnCeck( value As String)
    Dim As ZString * MAX_PATH szRes
    szRes = value
    If this.m_bmpUnCeck Then
    If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then    ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
        this.m_bmpUnCeck    = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(0) , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
   Else                                     ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
    this.m_bmpUnCeck    = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
    End If
    If this.m_bmpUnCeck = 0 Then
            MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht geladen", "Menu Error", MB_ICONERROR )

End Property
Property FMenuItem.bmpCeck( value As String)
    Dim As ZString * MAX_PATH szRes
    szRes = value
    If this.m_bmpCeck Then
    If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then    ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
        this.m_bmpCeck  = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(0) , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
   Else                                     ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
    this.m_bmpCeck  = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
    End If
    If this.m_bmpCeck = 0 Then
            MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht geladen", "Menu Error", MB_ICONERROR )

End Property
Property FMenuItem.Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.m_Check = IIf(value, MFS_CHECKED, MFS_UNCHECKED    )
    If this.hMenuBar Then
        Dim As MENUITEMINFO mi
        Dim retval As Integer
        mi.cbSize       = SizeOf(mi)
        mi.fMask        = MIIM_CHECKMARKS Or MIIM_STATE
        mi.hbmpChecked = this.m_bmpCeck
        mi.hbmpUnchecked = this.m_bmpUnCeck
        mi.fState = this.m_Check
        retval = SetMenuItemInfo(this.hMenuBar,this.MItemID,FALSE,@mi)
    End If
End Property

Property FMenuItem.Check As Integer
    Return this.m_Check
End Property
Property FMenuItem.Enabled(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.m_Enabled = value
    If this.hMenuBar Then
        Dim As MENUITEMINFO mi
        Dim retval As Integer
        mi.cbSize       = SizeOf(mi)
        mi.fMask        =  MIIM_STATE
        mi.fState = IIf(value, MFS_ENABLED, MFS_DISABLED)
        retval = SetMenuItemInfo(this.hMenuBar,this.MItemID,FALSE,@mi)
    End If
End Property

Property FMenuItem.Enabled As Integer
    Return this.m_Enabled
End Property

Property FMenuItem.EventSub(ByVal value As Any Ptr)
    this.m_EventSub = value
End Property
Property FMenuItem.EventSub As Any Ptr
    Return this.m_EventSub
End Property

Property FMenuItem.MItemID As Integer
    Return this.m_MItemID
End Property
Property FMenuItem.MItemID(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.m_MItemID = value
End Property

Sub FMenuItem.addAccel(ByVal virt As Integer,ByVal  vK As UShort , sK As String)
        this.ctrKey = virt
        this.vKey   = vK
        this.sKey   = sK
End Sub
'                   Das Menu
Type FMenu Extends Object
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND)
   Declare Sub CreateSubMenu(sName As String )
   Declare Sub AddItem(oItem As FMenuItem Ptr,sText As String)
   Declare Sub Seperator()
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   Declare Property Handle As HMENU
   Declare Property Parent As HWND
   Declare Sub FMenuProc(ByVal wID As Integer)

   m_accel  As Integer
    m_Curpos As Integer
    m_Newpos    As Integer
   m_Handle As HMENU
   m_Parent As HWND
   m_ItemID As Integer
End Type
Constructor FMenu
    this.m_Handle       = 0
   this.m_Parent        = 0
   this.m_NewPos        = 0
   this.m_Curpos        = 0
   this.m_ItemID        = 1024
   this.m_accel     = -1
End Constructor
Destructor FMenu
End Destructor
Property FMenu.Handle As HMENU
    Return this.m_Handle
End Property
Property FMenu.Parent As HWND
    Return this.m_Parent
End Property

Sub FMenu.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND)
    this.m_Parent = hParent
    this.m_Handle = CreateMenu()
End Sub
Sub FMenu.CreateSubMenu(sName As String )
    Dim As ZString * 128 szText
    Dim As Integer er

    this.m_Curpos = this.m_NewPos

    szText      = sName
    mi.cbSize   = SizeOf(mi)
    mi.fMask    = MIIM_TYPE Or MIIM_SUBMENU
    mi.fType    = MFT_STRING
    mi.hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu()
    mi.dwTypeData = @szText
    mi.cch      = Len(szText)

    If InsertMenuItem(this.m_Handle,this.m_NewPos,TRUE,@mi) = 0 Then
        er = GetLastError
        MessageBox(0," Fehler SubMenu - Error Nr. = "+Str$(er),"info",MB_OK)
    this.m_NewPos = this.m_Curpos + 1
End Sub
Sub FMenu.AddItem(oItem As FMenuItem Ptr,sText As String)

    Dim As ZString * 128 szText
    Dim As HMENU hsubMenu
    Dim As string vK = ""

    oItem->hMenuBar = this.Handle

    hsubMenu = GetSubMenu(this.m_Handle,this.m_Curpos)

    If oItem->vKey > 0 Then
        this.m_accel = this.m_accel + 1

        ReDim Preserve acc(this.m_accel)
        acc(this.m_accel).fVirt = oItem->ctrKey Or FVIRTKEY
        acc(this.m_accel).key   = oItem->vKey
        acc(this.m_accel).cmd   = this.m_ItemID

        If oItem->ctrKey = FSHIFT Then
            vK = "Shift+"
            sText = sText + Chr(9) + vK + oItem->sKey
        ElseIf oItem->ctrKey  = FCONTROL Then
            vK = "Ctrl+"
            sText = sText + Chr(9) + vK + oItem->sKey
        ElseIf oItem->ctrKey  = FALT Then
            vK = "Alt+"
            sText = sText + Chr(9) + vK + oItem->sKey
        ElseIf oItem->ctrKey  = 0 Then
            sText = sText + Chr(9) + oItem->sKey
    oItem->MItemID = this.m_ItemID
   szText           = sText
    mi.cbSize       = SizeOf(mi)
    mi.fType        = MFT_STRING
    mi.hSubMenu     = 0
    mi.hbmpChecked = oItem->hbmCeck
    mi.hbmpUnchecked = oItem->hbmUnCeck
    mi.wID          = this.m_ItemID
    mi.dwItemData   = CInt(oItem->EventSub)
    mi.dwTypeData   = @szText
    mi.cch          = Len(szText)


   this.m_ItemID = this.m_ItemID + 1

End Sub
Sub FMenu.Seperator()

    Dim As HMENU hsubMenu

    hsubMenu = GetSubMenu(this.Handle,this.m_Curpos)

    mi.cbSize       = SizeOf(mi)
    mi.fMask        = MIIM_SUBMENU Or MIIM_TYPE
    mi.fType        = MFT_SEPARATOR
    mi.hSubMenu     = 0
    mi.wID          = 0
    mi.dwItemData   = 0
    mi.dwTypeData   = 0
    mi.cch          = 0


End Sub

Sub FMenu.FMenuProc(ByVal wID As Integer)
    Dim onClick As Sub()

    mi.cbSize       = SizeOf(mi)
    mi.fMask        = MIIM_DATA Or MIIM_ID

    If mi.dwItemData Then
        onClick = Cast(Any Ptr,mi.dwItemData)

End Sub
'######################################   End Menu    ##############################

' Form
Type FForm Extends Object

    Declare Property Left() As Integer                          ' Get  Left
   Declare Property Left( ByVal value As Integer )          ' Set  Left
    Declare Property Top() As Integer                           ' Get  Top
   Declare Property Top( ByVal value As Integer )           ' Set  Top
    Declare Property Width() As Integer                         ' Get  Width
   Declare Property Width( ByVal value As Integer )     ' Set  Width
    Declare Property Height() As Integer                        ' Get  Height
   Declare Property Height( ByVal value As Integer )        ' Set  Height
   Declare Property ClientHeight() As Integer               ' Get  ClientHeight
   Declare Property ClientWidth() As Integer                    ' Get  ClientWidth
   Declare Property Style() As UInteger                     ' Get  Style
   Declare Property Style(ByVal value As UInteger)          ' Set  Style
    Declare Property ExStyle() As UInteger                      ' Get  ExStyle
    Declare Property ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)       ' Set  ExStyle
   Declare Property Caption as string                           ' Get  Caption
   Declare Property Caption(value as string)                    ' Set  Caption
    Declare Property Visible as Integer                         ' Get  Visible
   Declare Property Visible( ByVal value as Integer)        ' Set  Visible
   Declare Property Enabled as Integer                          ' Get  Enabled
   Declare Property Enabled( ByVal value as Integer)        ' Set  Enabled
   Declare Property Color() As UInteger                     ' Get  HintergrundColor
   Declare Property Color( ByVal value As UInteger )        ' Set  HintergrundColor
   Declare Property Handle() As HWND                            ' Get  Handle
   Declare Property Handle( ByVal value As HWND )           ' Set  Handle
   Declare Property BorderIcon(value as Integer)
   Declare Property Border(value as Integer)
   Declare Property Icon( sIcon As String)
   Declare Sub Create(sCaption As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Sub Center
   Declare Sub Show
   Declare Sub FormClose
   Declare Sub Invalidate
    Declare Sub Repaint
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   As FMenu menu
   ' Events
    onShow   As Sub(ByVal w As UInteger)
    onSize   As Sub(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal h As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onPaint  As Sub(ByVal hDC As HDC)
    onLbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onLbuttonup As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onRbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onMousemove As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onCommand As Sub(ByVal notify As Integer,ByVal ID As Integer,ByVal ctl As LPARAM )
    onClose As Sub()
    onKeyDown As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
    onKeyChar As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
    onKeyUp As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
   Declare Static Function FormWinProc(hCtrl As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
    As Integer  b_Left          = 0
    As Integer  b_Top               = 0
   As Integer   b_Width             = 0
    As Integer  b_Height        = 0
    As HWND     b_Handle        = 0
    As String   b_Caption       = ""
    As UInteger b_ExStyle       = 0
    As UInteger b_Style             = 0
    As Integer  b_Visible       = SW_SHOWNORMAL
    As Integer  b_Enabled       = TRUE
    As UInteger b_Color         = &HFFFFFF              ' Hintergrund weiss
   As UInteger b_Border         = 0
   As Integer  b_Center         = 0
   As String   b_Icon           = ""
End Type

Property FForm.Left() As Integer
  Return this.b_Left
End Property
Property FForm.Left( ByVal value As Integer )
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_Left = value
    MoveWindow(b_Handle,b_Left,b_Top,b_Width,b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.Top() As Integer
  Return this.b_Top
End Property
Property FForm.Top( ByVal value As Integer )
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_Top = value
        MoveWindow(b_Handle,b_Left,b_Top,b_Width,b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.Width() As Integer
  Return this.b_Width
End Property
Property FForm.Width( ByVal value As Integer )
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_Width = value
        MoveWindow(b_Handle,b_Left,b_Top,b_Width,b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.Height() As Integer
  Return this.b_Height
End Property
Property FForm.Height( ByVal value As Integer )
    If this.b_Handle Then
      this.b_Height = value
      MoveWindow(b_Handle,b_Left,b_Top,b_Width,b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.ClientHeight() As Integer
    Dim As RECT rc
    If this.b_Handle Then
        Return rc.bottom
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.ClientWidth() As Integer
    Dim As RECT rc
    If this.b_Handle Then
        Return rc.right
    End If
End Property
Property FForm.Handle() As HWND                             ' Get Handle
  Return this.b_Handle
End Property
Property FForm.Handle(ByVal Value As HWND)              ' Set Handle
  this.b_Handle = Value
End Property
Property FForm.Caption as string                                ' Get Caption
   Return this.b_Caption
End Property
Property FForm.Caption(value as string)                 ' Set Caption
    If this.b_Handle Then
    this.b_Caption = value
    End If
end Property
Property FForm.Style() As UInteger                          ' Get  Style
     Return this.b_Style
end Property
Property FForm.Style(ByVal value As UInteger)           ' Set  Style
    this.b_Style = value
end Property
Property FForm.ExStyle() As UInteger                        ' Get  ExStyle
    Return this.b_ExStyle
end Property
Property FForm.ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)         ' Set  ExStyle
    this.b_ExStyle = value
end Property
Property FForm.Enabled as Integer
    Return this.b_Enabled
End Property
Property FForm.Enabled(ByVal value as Integer)          ' value = True : Enabled
     this.b_Enabled = IIf(value,TRUE,FALSE)
     If this.b_Handle Then
     End If
End Property
Property FForm.Visible as Integer
    Return this.b_Visible
End Property
Property FForm.Visible(ByVal value as Integer)          ' value = 0 : SW_HIDE ; 1 : SW_SHOW
     this.b_Visible = value
     If this.b_Handle Then
     End If
End Property
Property FForm.Color() As UInteger                          ' Get  HintergrundColor
    Return this.b_Color
End Property
Property FForm.Color( ByVal value As UInteger )         ' Set  Hintergrund Color bei Text
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_Color = value
    End If
end Property
Property FForm.Icon( sIcon As String)
    this.b_Icon = sIcon
End Property
Property FForm.BorderIcon(value as Integer)
    Dim styl As UInteger
   If this.Handle Then
    styl = GetWindowLong(this.handle,GWL_STYLE)
        If value = 1 Then
            styl = styl And (Not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)
        ElseIf value = 2 Then
            styl = styl And (Not WS_MINIMIZEBOX)
        ElseIf value = 3 Then
            styl = styl And (Not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)
            styl = styl And (Not WS_MINIMIZEBOX)
End Property
Property FForm.Border(value as Integer)
   If this.Handle Then
        If value = 1 Then
            this.style = WS_VISIBLE Or WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
        ElseIf value = 2 Then
        ElseIf value = 3 Then
            this.style = WS_VISIBLE Or WS_POPUPWINDOW  Or WS_CAPTION
            this.ExStyle = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
        ElseIf value = 4 Then
            this.style = WS_VISIBLE Or WS_POPUP
            this.ExStyle = 0
End Property
Sub FForm.Center
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim As Integer SreenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
        Dim As Integer SreenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
        this.Left = (SreenX - this.Width) / 2
        this.Top  = (SreenY - this.Height) / 2
        MoveWindow(this.Handle,this.Left,this.Top,this.Width,this.Height ,TRUE)
    End if
End Sub
Sub FForm.Invalidate
     If this.b_Handle Then
End Sub
Sub FForm.Repaint
     If this.b_Handle Then
         RedrawWindow(this.b_Handle,0,0,RDW_ERASE Or RDW_INVALIDATE Or RDW_FRAME)
End Sub
'---------------------------------------- Win Proc ------------------------------------------------
Function FForm.FormWinProc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Dim as FForm ptr Form = cast(FForm ptr,GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA))
   Dim As Integer lKeyDat = 0

   Select case uMsg

        Function = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
            Exit Function

        If Form Then
                If Form->onShow then Form->onShow(wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        '------------------------- onSize
    Case WM_SIZE
        If Form Then
            If Form->onSize then Form->onSize(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        '------------------------- onPaint
    Case WM_PAINT
            dim pnt as PAINTSTRUCT
            dim hDC as HDC
            Dim rc  As RECT
            Dim hBr As HBRUSH
         hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
            If Form Then
                hBr = CreateSolidBrush(Form->Color)

                'Event Sub
               If Form->onPaint then Form->onPaint(hDC)
            End If
        EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

        If Form Then
            If Form->onLbuttondown then Form->onLbuttondown(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Form Then
            If Form->onLbuttonup then Form->onLbuttonup(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Form Then
            If Form->onMousemove then Form->onMousemove(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Form Then
            If Form->onRbuttondown then Form->onRbuttondown(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Form Then
            If Form->onKeyDown then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function
    Case WM_CHAR
        If Form Then
            If Form->onKeyChar then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function
    Case WM_KEYUP
        If Form Then
            If Form->onKeyUp then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function

    Case WM_CLOSE
        If Form Then
            If Form->onClose then Form->onClose()
        End if
        Function = 0
         Exit Function
    case WM_DESTROY
         Function = 0
         Exit Function
        If (lParam = 0) And ( HIWORD(wParam) = 0) Then      ' Menu
            Exit Function
        If (lParam = 0) And ( HIWORD(wParam) = 1) Then      ' Accelerator
            Exit Function
        If Form Then
            If Form->onCommand then Form->onCommand(HIWORD(wParam),LoWord(wParam), lParam)
        End if

        Function = 0
        Exit Function
   End Select

   function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
end Function
Sub FForm.Create(sCaption As String, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim wcls as WNDCLASS
   Dim As ZString * 128 szClass
   Dim rc  As RECT

   szClass = "FB_FORM"

   If 0 = GetClassInfo(GetModuleHandle(0),@szClass,@wcls) Then
        with wcls
            .style         = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
            .lpfnWndProc   = @FForm.FormWinProc
            .cbClsExtra    = 0
            .cbWndExtra    = 0
            .hInstance     = GetModuleHandle(0)
            .hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL,IDI_APPLICATION )
            .hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
            .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
            .lpszMenuName  = NULL
            .lpszClassName = @szClass
        end with

        if( RegisterClass( @wcls ) = FALSE ) then
           MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Class ist nicht registriert", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
           exit Sub
        end if
   End If

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.Exstyle, @szClass, sCaption, this.style, x, y, w, h , _
                           NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(0), NULL )

   If this.Handle Then
    this.Left   = x
        this.Top        = y
    this.Width  = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Caption = sCaption
    SetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger auf FForm

    MessageBox( null, "Fehler - CreateWindow FForm", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
   End If

End Sub
Sub FForm.Show

    Dim wMsg as MSG
    Dim hAcc As HACCEL
    Dim szFile As ZString * 128
    Dim hIcon  As HICON
    Dim nAcc      As Integer

    If Len(this.b_Icon) > 2 Then
        szFile = this.b_Icon '
        If InStr(szFile,".") Then
            hIcon   = LoadImage(NULL,@szFile,IMAGE_ICON,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
            hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(0),cast( LPCSTR, @szFile))
        If hIcon Then
            MessageBox(0,"ICON nicht gefunden","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    End If

    ShowWindow( this.Handle,SW_SHOW )

    If GetMenu(this.Handle) Then

   nAcc = UBOUND(acc) + 1
    If nAcc > 0 Then
        hAcc = CreateAcceleratorTable(@acc(0),nAcc)
    End If

    while( GetMessage( @wMsg, NULL, 0, 0 ) <> FALSE )
        If TranslateAccelerator(this.Handle, hAcc, @wMsg) = 0 Then
            If (IsWindow(this.Handle) = 0) OR (IsDialogMessage(this.Handle,@wMsg)= 0 )Then
              TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
              DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
            End If
        End if

   If hAcc Then
   End If

End Sub
Sub FForm.FormClose
    If this.Handle Then
        PostMessage( this.Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 )
    End If
End Sub
Constructor FForm
    this.Color   = &HFFFFFF
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
end Constructor

Destructor FForm
    this.Handle  = 0
end Destructor
'############################################# Ende Form-Class ###########################################

' DialogBox
Type FDialogBox Extends Object

    Declare Property ExStyle() As UInteger                  ' Get  ExStyle
    Declare Property ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)   ' Set  ExStyle
    Declare Property Caption as string                      ' Get  Caption
   Declare Property Caption(value as string)                ' Set  Caption
   Declare Property Color as UInteger
   Declare Property Color(value as UInteger)
   Declare Property Handle() As HWND                        ' Get  Handle
   Declare Property Center(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Function Create(ByVal hParent As HWND,sCaption As String,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer ) As Integer
   Declare Sub Close(ByVal retVal As Integer)
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor

   ' Events
   OnInitdialog As Sub(ByVal hWind As HWND)
    onShow as Sub(ByVal flag As Integer)
    onSize As Sub(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal h As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onPaint As Sub(ByVal hDC As HDC)
    onLbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onLbuttonup As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onMousemove As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onKeyDown As Sub(ByVal nVirtKey As Integer,ByVal lKeyDat As Integer)
    onKeyChar As Sub(ByVal nVirtKey As Integer,ByVal lKeyDat As Integer)
    onKeyUp As Sub(ByVal nVirtKey As Integer,ByVal lKeyDat As Integer)
    onCommand As Sub(ByVal notify As Integer,ByVal ID As Integer,ByVal ctl As LPARAM)
    onClose As Sub()

   Declare Static Function DlgWinProc(hCtrl As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As Integer   d_Left      = 0
    As Integer  d_Top           = 0
   As Integer   d_Width         = 0
    As Integer  d_Height    = 0
    As HWND     d_Handle    = 0
    As String   d_Caption   = "Dialog"
    As UInteger d_Style         = 0
    As UInteger d_Exstyle   = 0
    As UInteger d_Color         = &HFFFFFF
   As Integer  d_Center     = 1
   As HWND      d_Parent        = 0

End Type
Property FDialogBox.ExStyle() As UInteger                       ' Get  ExStyle
    Return this.d_Exstyle
end Property
Property FDialogBox.ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)            ' Set  ExStyle
    this.d_Exstyle = value
end Property
Property FDialogBox.Color as UInteger
    Return this.d_Color
End Property
Property FDialogBox.Color(value as UInteger)
    this.d_Color = value
End Property
Property FDialogBox.Handle() As HWND                                ' Get Handle
  Return this.d_Handle
End Property

Property FDialogBox.Caption as string                               ' Get Caption
   Return this.d_Caption
End Property

Property FDialogBox.Caption(value as string)                    ' Set Caption
   If this.d_Handle Then
    this.d_Caption = value
        ShowWindow( d_Handle, SW_HIDE)  ' alle Änderungen nach Create werden
        ShowWindow( d_Handle, SW_SHOW)  ' hier neu gezeichnet
   End If
End Property

Property FDialogBox.Center(ByVal value As Integer)
    d_Center = value
End Property

Function FDialogBox.DlgWinProc(hWnd As HWND, uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Dim  As FDialogBox Ptr Dialog = Cast(FDialogBox Ptr,GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA))
   Dim hBr  As HBRUSH
   Dim As Integer lKeyDat = 0

   Select case uMsg
        Dialog = Cast(FDialogBox Ptr,lParam)
        Dialog->d_Handle = hWnd
        If Dialog->OnInitdialog Then Dialog->OnInitdialog(hWnd)
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        '------------------------- onShow
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onShow then Dialog->onShow(wParam)
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        '------------------------- onSize
    Case WM_SIZE
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onSize then Dialog->onSize(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

        '------------------------- onPaint
    Case WM_PAINT
            dim pnt as PAINTSTRUCT
            dim hDC as HDC
         hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )

            If Dialog Then
                If Dialog->onPaint then Dialog->onPaint(hDC)
            End If
        EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        '------------------------- Hintergrundfarbe dieser Dialog
        If hBr Then
        hBr = CreateSolidBrush(Dialog->d_Color)
        Return Cast(LRESULT, hBr)
        '------------------------- Hintergrundfarbe Controls

        If Dialog Then
               If Dialog->onLbuttondown then Dialog->onLbuttondown(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
            If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onLbuttonup then Dialog->onLbuttonup(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
            End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onMousemove then Dialog->onMousemove(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),wParam)
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onKeyDown then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function
    Case WM_CHAR
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onKeyChar then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function
    Case WM_KEYUP
        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onKeyUp then
                If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
                ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                        lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
                    End If
        End If
        Function = 0
         Exit Function

        If Dialog Then
            If Dialog->onCommand then Dialog->onCommand(HIWORD(wParam),LoWord(wParam), lParam)
        End If
        Exit Function
    case WM_CLOSE
        If Dialog then
               If Dialog->onClose then Dialog->onClose()
        End If
        If hBr Then
         Function = 0
         Exit Function
   End Select

end Function
Function FDialogBox.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, sCaption As String,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer ) As Integer

   Dim As RECT rc
   Dim as DLGTEMPLATE Ptr lpdt

   this.d_Parent     = hParent

   If hParent Then
       this.d_Left = (rc.right - w) / 2
        this.d_Top  = (rc.bottom - h) / 2
    Dim As Integer SreenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
        Dim As Integer SreenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
        this.d_Left = (SreenX - w) / 2
        this.d_Top  = (SreenY - h) / 2

    this.d_Width    = w
    this.d_Height  = h
    this.d_Caption = sCaption

   lpdt = Allocate(SizeOf(DLGTEMPLATE))

   lpdt->style = this.d_Style
   lpdt->dwExtendedStyle = this.d_Exstyle
   lpdt->cdit = 0                'number of controls
   lpdt->x  = this.d_Left
   lpdt->y  = this.d_Top
   lpdt->cx = this.d_Width
   lpdt->cy = this.d_Height

   Function = DialogBoxIndirectParam(GetModuleHandle(0), lpdt , hParent , @FDialogBox.DlgWinProc, CInt(@This) )


End Function

Sub FDialogBox.Close(ByVal retVal As Integer)
    If d_Handle Then
    End If
End Sub
Constructor FDialogBox
    d_Handle  = 0
end Constructor

Destructor FDialogBox
    d_Handle  = 0
end Destructor