Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Datum/Zeit:10.04.2014 15:43:35


#Include once "win\commctrl.bi"
#Include Once "win\Richedit.bi"
#include once "win\GdiPlus.bi"
#Include Once "file.bi"

Dim Shared InitCommon As Integer = 0

' Control
Type Control Extends Object

    Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
    Declare Property Left() As Integer                          ' Get  Left
   Declare Property Left( ByVal value As Integer )          ' Set  Left
    Declare Property Top() As Integer                           ' Get  Top
   Declare Property Top( ByVal value As Integer )           ' Set  Top
    Declare Property Width() As Integer                         ' Get  Width
   Declare Property Width( ByVal value As Integer )     ' Set  Width
    Declare Property Height() As Integer                        ' Get  Height
   Declare Property Height( ByVal value As Integer )        ' Set  Height
   Declare Property ClientHeight() As Integer               ' Get  ClientHeight
   Declare Property ClientWidth() As Integer                    ' Get  ClientWidth
   Declare Property Caption as string                           ' Get  Caption
   Declare Property Caption(value as string)                    ' Set  Caption
   Declare Property Font() As HFONT                             ' Get  FontHandle
   Declare Property Style() As UInteger                     ' Get  Style
   Declare Property Style(ByVal value As UInteger)          ' Set  Style
    Declare Property ExStyle() As UInteger                      ' Get  ExStyle
    Declare Property ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)       ' Set  ExStyle
    Declare Property Visible as Integer                         ' Get  Visible
   Declare Property Visible( ByVal value as Integer)        ' Set  Visible
   Declare Property Enabled as Integer                          ' Get  Enabled
   Declare Property Enabled( ByVal value as Integer)        ' Set  Enabled
   Declare Property TextColor() As UInteger                 ' Get  TextColor
   Declare Property TextColor( ByVal value As UInteger )    ' Set  TextColor
   Declare Property Color() As UInteger                     ' Get  HintergrundColor
   Declare Property Color( ByVal value As UInteger )        ' Set  HintergrundColor
   Declare Property Handle() As HWND                            ' Get  Handle Control
   Declare Property Handle( ByVal value As HWND )           ' Set  Handle Control
   Declare Property Parent() As HWND                            ' Get  Handle
   Declare Property Parent( ByVal value As HWND )           ' Set  Handle
   Declare Property CtHandle() As HWND                          ' Get Container Handle
    Declare Property CtHandle( ByVal value As HWND )        ' Set Container Handle
    Declare Property Tip( ByVal value As String )           ' Set  ToolTip
   ' Methods
   Declare Sub Invalidate
   Declare Sub Focus
    Declare Sub Repaint
    Declare Sub setFont(Face As String,ByVal size As Integer,ByVal bold As Integer,ByVal italic As Integer,ByVal underlin As Integer)
    Declare VIRTUAL Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   Declare Static Function DispMsg(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Declare Sub DisplayToolTip
   As HWND      b_hwndTT
   As String    b_tooltip       = ""
    As Integer  b_Left          = 0
    As Integer  b_Top               = 0
   As Integer   b_Width             = 0
    As Integer  b_Height        = 0
    As HWND     b_Handle        = 0
    As HWND     b_Parent        = 0
    As HWND     b_Cthandle      = 0
    As String   b_Caption       = ""
    As UInteger b_ExStyle       = 0
    As UInteger b_Style             = 0
    As Integer  b_Visible       = SW_SHOWNORMAL
    As Integer  b_Enabled       = TRUE
    As UInteger b_TextColor     = 0                             ' Vordergrund(Text) Schwarz
    As UInteger b_Color         = &HDCDCDC                      ' Hintergrund hellgrau
    As HFONT        b_hFont
End Type

Destructor Control
    ' wird bei allen Objekten aufgerufen
    Dim As ZString * 128 szClass
    Dim wcls as WNDCLASS

   szClass = "FB_CONTROL"
   If GetClassInfo(GetModuleHandle(0),@szClass,@wcls) <> 0 Then
    End if

    If this.b_hFont Then

End Destructor
Constructor Control

    Dim wcls as WNDCLASS
   Dim As ZString * 128 szClass

   szClass = "FB_CONTROL"
   ' Class für die Conainer der Controls
   If GetClassInfo(GetModuleHandle(0),@szClass,@wcls) = 0 Then
        with wcls
            .style         = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
            .lpfnWndProc   = @DispMsg
            .cbClsExtra    = 0
            .cbWndExtra    = 0
            .hInstance     = GetModuleHandle(0)
            .hIcon         = NULL
            .hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW )
            .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
            .lpszMenuName  = NULL
            .lpszClassName = @szClass
        end with

        if( RegisterClass( @wcls ) = FALSE ) then
           MessageBox( null, "Fehler - FB_CONTROL Class ist nicht registriert", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
        end if
   End If

    this.b_Handle       = 0
    this.b_Cthandle = 0
    this.ExStyle        = 0
    this.Style          = WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD
    this.b_Visible  = SW_SHOWNORMAL
    this.b_Enabled      = TRUE
    this.b_TextColor    = 0
    this.b_Color        = &HDCDCDC
    this.b_hFont        = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)

end Constructor

Property Control.Font() As HFONT
    Return this.b_hFont
End Property
Property Control.Left() As Integer
  Return this.b_Left
End Property
Property Control.Left( ByVal value As Integer )
    this.b_Left = value
    If this.b_Cthandle Then
        MoveWindow(this.b_Cthandle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
        MoveWindow(this.b_Handle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property
Property Control.Top() As Integer
  Return this.b_Top
End Property
Property Control.Top( ByVal value As Integer )
    this.b_Top = value
    If this.b_Cthandle Then
        MoveWindow(this.b_Cthandle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
        MoveWindow(this.b_Handle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property

Property Control.Width() As Integer
  Return this.b_Width
End Property

Property Control.Width( ByVal value As Integer )
    this.b_Width = value
    If this.b_Cthandle Then
        MoveWindow(this.b_Cthandle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
        MoveWindow(this.b_Handle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property

Property Control.Height() As Integer
  Return this.b_Height
End Property

Property Control.Height( ByVal value As Integer )
    this.b_Height = value
    If this.b_Cthandle Then
        MoveWindow(this.b_Cthandle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
        MoveWindow(this.b_Handle,this.b_Left,this.b_Top,this.b_Width,this.b_Height ,TRUE)
    End If
End Property

Property Control.ClientHeight() As Integer
    If this.b_Handle Then
        Dim rc As RECT
        Return rc.bottom
End Property

Property Control.ClientWidth() As Integer
    If this.b_Handle Then
        Dim rc As RECT
        Return rc.right
End Property

Property Control.Handle() As HWND                           ' Get Handle
  Return this.b_Handle
End Property

Property Control.Handle(ByVal Value As HWND)                ' Set Handle
  this.b_Handle = Value
End Property
Property Control.CtHandle() As HWND                         ' Get Container-Handle
  Return this.b_Cthandle
End Property
Property Control.CtHandle(ByVal Value As HWND)          ' Set Container-Handle
  this.b_Cthandle = Value
End Property
Property Control.Parent() As HWND                           ' Get Handle
  Return this.b_Parent
End Property
Property Control.Parent(ByVal Value As HWND)                ' Set Handle
  this.b_Parent = Value
End Property
Property Control.Caption as string                          ' Get Caption
   Return this.b_Caption
End Property
Property Control.Caption(value as string)               ' Set Caption
    If this.b_Handle Then
    this.b_Caption = value
    End If
end Property
Property Control.Style() As UInteger                        ' Get  Style
     Return this.b_Style
end Property
Property Control.Style(ByVal value As UInteger)         ' Set  Style
        this.b_Style = value
End Property
Property Control.ExStyle() As UInteger                      ' Get  ExStyle
    Return this.b_ExStyle
end Property
Property Control.ExStyle(ByVal value As UInteger)       ' Set  ExStyle
        this.b_ExStyle = value
end Property
Property Control.Enabled as Integer
    Return this.b_Enabled
End Property
Property Control.Enabled(ByVal value as Integer)            ' value = True : Enabled
     this.b_Enabled = IIf(value,TRUE,FALSE)
     If this.b_Handle Then
     End If
End Property
Property Control.Visible as Integer
    Return this.b_Visible
End Property
Property Control.Visible(ByVal value as Integer)            ' value = 0 : SW_HIDE ; 1 : SW_SHOW
    this.b_Visible = value
    If this.b_Handle Then
    End If
End Property
Property Control.TextColor() As UInteger                        ' Get  TextColor
    Return this.b_TextColor
end Property
Property Control.TextColor( ByVal value As UInteger )   ' Set  TextColor
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_TextColor = value
    End If
end Property
Property Control.Color() As UInteger                            ' Get  HintergrundColor
    Return this.b_Color
End Property
Property Control.Color( ByVal value As UInteger )           ' Set  Hintergrund Color
    If this.b_Handle Then
        this.b_Color = value
    End If
end Property
Property Control.Tip( ByVal value As String )
    this.b_tooltip = value
    If  (Len(this.b_tooltip) > 0) And (this.Handle > 0) Then
End Property

Sub Control.DisplayToolTip

    If InitCommon = 0 Then
        InitCommon = 1

    Dim AS TOOLINFO ti
    Dim szTip As ZString * 64

    If Len(this.b_tooltip) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    szTip = this.b_tooltip

    this.b_hwndTT = CreateWindow(TOOLTIPS_CLASS,  NULL, TTS_ALWAYSTIP, _
        NULL,  NULL, GetModuleHandle(0), NULL)

   If  this.b_hwndTT Then
       If this.Handle Then
       End If
       GetClientRect(this.Handle, @ti.rect)
       SendMessage(this.b_hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, CAST(LPARAM, @ti))
   End If
End Sub

Function Control.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

    Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd ,uMsg ,wParam , lParam )

End Function

Function Control.DispMsg(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

    Dim obj As Control Ptr = Cast(Control Ptr,GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA)) ' Zeiger auf Klasse die hWnd sendet

    If obj Then
        Function = obj->CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd ,uMsg ,wParam , lParam )
        Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd ,uMsg ,wParam , lParam )

End Function
Sub Control.Focus
    If this.b_Handle Then
End Sub
Sub Control.Invalidate
     If this.b_Handle Then
End Sub

Sub Control.Repaint
     If this.b_Handle Then
         RedrawWindow(this.b_Handle,0,0,RDW_ERASE Or RDW_INVALIDATE Or RDW_FRAME Or RDW_ALLCHILDREN)
End Sub

Sub Control.setFont(Face As String,ByVal size As Integer,ByVal bold As Integer,ByVal italic As Integer,ByVal underlin As Integer)
    Dim lgFont AS LOGFONT
    lgFont.lfFaceName = Face
    lgFont.lfHeight     = -MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(0), LOGPIXELSY), 72)
    lgFont.lfWeight     = IIf(bold,800,400)
    lgFont.lfItalic     = IIf(italic,1,0)
    lgFont.lfStrikeOut = 0
    lgFont.lfUnderline = IIf(underlin,1,0)
    If this.b_hFont Then
    this.b_hFont = (CreateFontIndirect(@lgFont))
    SendMessage(this.Handle,WM_SETFONT,Cast(Uinteger, this.b_hFont),TRUE)
End Sub
'                                          ###### Ende Basis #######
' FImage
Type FImage Extends Object
    Declare Property ImgWidth() As Integer
    Declare Property ImgHeight() As Integer
    Declare Property ImgWidth(ByVal value  As Integer   )
    Declare Property ImgHeight(ByVal value  As Integer  )
   Declare Property DC() As HDC
   Declare Property bkColor() As UInteger
   Declare Property bkColor( ByVal x As UInteger )
   Declare Sub LoadImg(s As String)
   Declare Sub LoadRes(s As String)
   Declare Sub ImgCopy(ByVal ZielDC As HDC, ByVal posx As Integer, ByVal posy As Integer)
   Declare Sub ImgCopyRect(ByVal ZielDC As HDC, tRC As RECT, qRC As RECT, ByVal rop As UInteger)
    Declare Destructor

   As Integer   w       = 0
    As Integer  h       = 0
    As HDC      tdc   = 0
    As UInteger bkC     = &hffffffff

End Type

Property FImage.ImgWidth() As Integer
  Return this.w
End Property

Property FImage.ImgHeight() As Integer
  Return this.h
End Property
Property FImage.ImgWidth(ByVal value  As Integer    )
    this.w = Value
End Property
Property FImage.ImgHeight(ByVal value  As Integer   )
    this.h = value
End Property
Property FImage.bkColor() As UInteger
    Return this.bkC
End Property
Property FImage.bkColor( ByVal value As UInteger )
    this.bkC = value
End Property

Property FImage.DC() As HDC
  Return this.tdc
End Property
    If this.tdc <> 0 Then
    End If
End Destructor

Sub FImage.LoadImg(s As String)

    Using Gdiplus

    Dim As GdiplusStartupInput gdipsi
   Dim As ULONG_PTR gdipToken
   Dim As GpGraphics Ptr pGraph
   Dim As GpImage Ptr pImg
    Dim As HBITMAP bitmap
    Dim As UInteger w,h

    If this.tdc <> 0 Then
    End If

    gdipsi.GdiplusVersion = 1
    If GdiplusStartup( @gdipToken, @gdipsi, null ) <> 0 Then
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler bei der Initialisierung der GDI+","Fehler",MB_OK)
    If GdipLoadImageFromFile( WStr(s), @pImg) Then
        MessageBox(0,"Datei "+s +" nicht gefunden!","Fehler",MB_OK)

    If GdipGetImageWidth (pImg, @w) = 0 Then
        this.ImgWidth = w
    If GdipGetImageHeight (pImg, @h) = 0 Then
        this.ImgHeight = h
        MessageBox(0,"Image Height konnte nicht gelesen werden","Fehler",MB_OK)

    Dim As HDC tmpDC = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow)
   this.tdc = CreateCompatibleDC(tmpDC)
   bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(tmpDC,w,h)


    GdipCreateFromHDC(this.tdc , @pGraph)
    GdipDrawImageRect(pGraph, pImg, 0, 0, w, h)

    'Image und Objekt freigeben
    GdipDisposeImage( pImg)
    GdiplusShutdown( gdipToken )

End Sub

Sub FImage.LoadRes(resName As String)

    Dim As HINSTANCE hInst
   Dim As ZString * 128 szRes
   Dim As BITMAP bm2

    If this.tdc <> 0 Then
    End If

    hInst   = GetModuleHandle(0)
    szRes       = resName

    Dim As HDC hDC = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow)
   this.tdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)

    Dim As HBITMAP hBmp = LoadBitmap(hInst , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
    If hBmp  = 0 Then
        MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht gefunden", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
        Exit Sub

    this.ImgWidth = bm2.bmWidth
    this.ImgHeight = bm2.bmHeight


End Sub

Sub FImage.ImgCopy(ByVal ZielDC As HDC,  ByVal zielX As Integer, ByVal zielY As Integer)

    If this.tdc<>0 Then

End Sub
Sub FImage.ImgCopyRect(ByVal ZielDC As HDC, tRC As RECT, qRC As RECT, ByVal rop As UInteger)

    Dim As UInteger iRop

    If rop = 0 Then
        iRop = SRCCOPY
        iRop = rop

    If this.tdc<>0 Then
        StretchBlt(ZielDC,tRC.left,tRC.top,tRC.right,tRC.bottom ,this.tdc,qRC.left,qRC.top,qRC.right,qRC.bottom ,iRop)

End Sub

Type FPanel Extends Control
    Declare Property TextAlign(ByVal value as Integer)
    Declare Property TextAlign as Integer
   Declare Property Border(ByVal value as Integer)
   Declare Property Border As Integer
   Declare Sub BKBmp( value as String)
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onLbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onLbuttonup As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onMousemove As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onRbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onPaint As Sub(ByVal dc As HDC)

   Declare  Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As Integer  b_TextAlign  = 1
   As Integer   b_Border        = 0
   As HBITMAP   b_Bmp           = 0
End Type
Constructor FPanel
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
    this.Style   = WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE
End Constructor

Destructor FPanel ' OK
    If this.b_Bmp Then
        this.b_Bmp = 0
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor

Property FPanel.TextAlign As Integer
    Return this.b_TextAlign
End Property
Property FPanel.TextAlign(value as Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        Select Case value
            Case 0  ' links einzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 0
            Case 1  ' mitte einzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 1
            Case 2  ' rechts einzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 2
            Case 3  ' links mehrzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 3
            Case 4  ' mitte  mehrzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 4
            Case 5  ' rechts mehrzeilig
                b_TextAlign = 5
        End Select
End Property
Property FPanel.Border As Integer
    Return this.b_Border
End Property
Property FPanel.Border(value as Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        Select Case value
            Case 0  ' ohne      default
                b_Border = 0
            Case 1  ' sunken
                b_Border = 1
            Case 2  ' raised
                b_Border = 2
            Case 3  ' rahmen
                b_Border = 3
            Case 4  ' rahmen
                b_Border = 4
        End Select
End Property

Sub FPanel.BKBmp( value as String)
    Dim As HINSTANCE hInst
   Dim As ZString * 128 szRes

    If this.Handle Then
        hInst   = GetModuleHandle(0)
        szRes       = value

        If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then    ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
        this.b_Bmp  = LoadBitmap(hInst , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
            If this.b_Bmp  = 0 Then
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
        Else                                        ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
        this.b_Bmp  = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
            If this.b_Bmp  = 0 Then
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
        End if
    End If

End Sub

Function FPanel.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   Function = 0
   Dim As HDC hDc,dc
   Dim As RECT rc
   Dim As HBRUSH hBr
   Dim As UInteger drStyle
    Dim As Integer lKeyDat = 0
    Dim As BITMAP bm

   Select case uMsg

    Case WM_PAINT
            dim pnt as PAINTSTRUCT
         hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )

            If this.b_Bmp = 0 Then
                    'Hintergrund  Color ------------------
                hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
                'Hintergrund Bild ------------------
                dc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
            End If
            'Rahmen ------------------------------
            If this.b_Border = 1 Then
                DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_SUNKEN , BF_RECT )
            ElseIf this.b_Border = 2 Then
                DrawEdge(hDC,@rc,  EDGE_RAISED , BF_RECT )
            ElseIf this.b_Border = 3 Then
                DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_BUMP , BF_RECT )
            ElseIf this.b_Border = 4 Then
                hBr = CreateSolidBrush(&HAAAAAA)
            End If

            'Text --------------------------------
            If Len(this.Caption) > 0 Then
                rc.left = rc.left + 2
                rc.Top = rc.Top + 2
                rc.right = rc.right - 2
                rc.bottom = rc.bottom - 2
                SetBkMode(hDc, TRANSPARENT)
                Select Case this.b_TextAlign
                    Case 0
                        drStyle = DT_SINGLELINE or DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER
                    Case 1
                        drStyle = DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER
                    Case 2
                        drStyle = DT_SINGLELINE or DT_RIGHT  or DT_VCENTER
                    Case 3
                        drStyle = DT_EDITCONTROL or DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER Or DT_WORDBREAK
                    Case 4
                        drStyle = DT_EDITCONTROL or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER Or DT_WORDBREAK
                    Case 5
                        drStyle = DT_EDITCONTROL or DT_RIGHT or DT_VCENTER  Or DT_WORDBREAK
                End Select
                DrawText(hDC,this.Caption, -1, @rc, drStyle )
            End If
            If this.onPaint Then
        EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
        Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If this.onRbuttondown Then
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If this.onLbuttondown Then
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If this.onLbuttonup Then
        End If
            Function = 0
        Exit Function
        If this.onMousemove Then
        End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

   End Select

   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function

Sub FPanel.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND ,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

    this.Parent = hParent

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle  , @szClass , "" , this.Style  , x, y, w , h , _
                          this.Parent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.Handle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.Handle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Caption = ""
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Panel","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

End Sub

'Button Pushbutton

Type FButton Extends Control
    Declare Property TextPos(Byval value as Integer)
    Declare Property TextPos as Integer
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onClick As Sub()
   Declare Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   Declare Sub Image(value as String)
   As Integer  b_TextPos    = 0
   As Integer   b_Bitmap    = 0
    As HDC      b_dc            = 0
    As Integer  b_bmWidth   = 0
    As Integer  b_bmHeight  = 0
End Type
Constructor FButton
    this.b_Bitmap   = FALSE
    this.b_TextPos  = 0
    this.b_dc       = 0
    this.Handle     = 0
    this.ExStyle    = 0
End Constructor

Destructor FButton  ' OK
    If this.b_dc Then
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor
Property FButton.TextPos(Byval value as Integer)
    this.b_TextPos = value
End Property
Property FButton.TextPos as Integer
    Return this.b_TextPos
End Property
Sub FButton.Image( value as String)
    ' kann JPG,PNG,GIF,TIFF und Bitmap laden
    this.b_Bitmap = FALSE   ' wenn Fehler - wird nur Text gezeichnet

    If FILEEXISTS(value) = FALSE Then
        MessageBox(0,"Image Datei nicht gefunden","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        Exit sub

    Dim As HBITMAP hBmp
    Dim As FImage Ptr img
    img = New FImage            ' FImage Object


    this.b_bmWidth  = img->ImgWidth
    this.b_bmHeight     = img->ImgHeight

   this.b_dc    = CreateCompatibleDC(img->DC)
   hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(img->DC,img->ImgWidth ,img->ImgHeight)

    If this.b_dc Then
        img->ImgCopy(this.b_dc, 0, 0 )
        this.b_Bitmap = TRUE     ' kein Fehler - Bild wird (oder mit Text) gezeichnet
        MessageBox(0," FButton ImageLoad Temp.HDC Fehler ","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)

    Delete img   'FImage löschen

End Sub
Function FButton.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Function = 0

   Select case uMsg
        Case WM_ENABLE
        this.Enabled = wParam
        Exit Function

        If this.Handle Then
            Function = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
        End If
            Exit Function

    Case WM_SIZE
        If this.Handle Then
        End If
            Exit Function

        If IsChild( hWnd, Cast(HANDLE, lParam)) Then
            If this.onClick Then
            End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

        Dim As LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis = Cast(Any Ptr, lParam)
        Dim As HANDLE hCtrl = lpdis->hwndItem
        Dim As Integer x, y
        Dim As RECT rc

        If IsChild(hWnd,hCtrl) Then

            rc = lpdis->rcItem
            Dim hBr As HBRUSH

            hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)

            if lpdis->itemState and ODS_SELECTED  Then
                DrawEdge(lpdis->hDC,@lpdis->rcItem,  EDGE_SUNKEN ,BF_RECT)
                DrawEdge(lpdis->hDC,@lpdis->rcItem,  EDGE_RAISED ,  BF_RECT )
            End If

        If (this.b_Bitmap<>0) And (Len(this.Caption) = 0) Then    ' Nur Bild
            x = Int((this.Width - this.b_bmWidth)/2)
                y = Int((this.Height - this.b_bmHeight)/2)

                BitBlt(lpdis->hDC,x,y ,this.b_bmWidth + x,this.b_bmHeight + y ,this.b_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY)

        ElseIf (this.b_Bitmap=0) And (Len(this.Caption)<> 0) Then ' Nur Text
            SetBkMode(lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT)
            DrawText(lpdis->hDC,this.Caption, -1, @lpdis->rcItem, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER )

        ElseIf (this.b_Bitmap<>0) And (Len(this.Caption)<> 0) Then  '  Bild + Text
            If b_TextPos = TRUE Then                                            ' Bild oben
                rc.left     = Int((lpdis->rcItem.right - this.b_bmWidth) /2)
                rc.top      = lpdis->rcItem.top + 5                          ' Padding oben
                rc.right    = this.b_bmWidth
                rc.bottom= this.b_bmHeight
                lpdis->rcItem.Top = this.b_bmHeight + 8
            Else                                                                        ' Bild links voreingestellt
                rc.left     = 5
                rc.top      = Int((lpdis->rcItem.bottom - this.b_bmHeight) /2)
                rc.right    = this.b_bmWidth
                rc.bottom= this.b_bmHeight
                lpdis->rcItem.left = lpdis->rcItem.left + 5 + this.b_bmWidth

            SetBkMode(lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT)

            DrawText(lpdis->hDC,this.Caption, -1, @lpdis->rcItem, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER )

        rc.left +=3
        rc.top +=3
        rc.right -=3
        rc.bottom -=3

        If lpdis->itemState and ODS_FOCUS  Then
            Function = TRUE
            Exit Function

   End Select

   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function

Sub FButton.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.CtHandle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( NULL , "BUTTON" , Capt, this.Style  ,  0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   If this.Handle = 0 Then
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   this.Caption = Capt

End Sub

'Button Checkbox

Type FCheckbox Extends Control
    Declare Property Check As Integer
    Declare Property Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onClick As Sub()
   Declare  Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As Integer b_Check   = 0
   As HBRUSH  b_Brush   = 0
End Type
Constructor FCheckbox
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = 0
    this.b_Check = 0
end Constructor

Destructor FCheckbox
    If this.b_Brush Then
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor
Property FCheckbox.Check As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_Check = SendMessage(this.Handle,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)
        Return this.b_Check
    End If
End Property
Property FCheckbox.Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,BM_SETCHECK ,IIf(value,BST_CHECKED,BST_UNCHECKED) ,0)
        this.b_Check = IIf(value,BST_CHECKED,BST_UNCHECKED)
End Property
Function FCheckbox.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Function = 0
   Static As BOOL flEnable = TRUE

   Select Case uMsg

        flEnable = wParam
        Exit Function

        If this.Handle Then
            Function = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
        End If
            Exit Function

    Case WM_SIZE
        If this.Handle Then
        End If
            Exit Function

        If IsChild( hWnd, Cast(HANDLE, lParam)) Then
            If this.onClick Then
            End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

    If IsChild(hWnd,Cast(HANDLE, lParam)) Then
        If flEnable Then
            SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor)
            SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),&HA0A0A0)
        End If
        SetBkMode(Cast(HDC, wParam),TRANSPARENT)
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush)
    End If
    Exit Function

   End Select
   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function
Sub FCheckbox.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.CtHandle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( NULL , "BUTTON" , Capt, this.Style  ,  0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   If this.Handle = 0 Then
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   this.Caption = Capt
End Sub

'Button RadioButton

Type FRadioBtn Extends Control
    Declare Property Check As Integer
    Declare Property Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property BtnLike(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property BtnLike As Integer
   Declare Sub BmpBtn(bm As String)
    Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onClick As Sub()
   Declare  Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As HBITMAP b_BMP     = 0
   As HBRUSH  b_Brush   = 0
   As Integer b_Check   = 0
   As Integer b_BtnLike = 0
End Type
Constructor FRadioBtn
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = 0
    this.b_Check = 0
end Constructor

Destructor FRadioBtn
    If this.b_BMP Then
    If this.b_Brush Then
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor
Property FRadioBtn.BtnLike As Integer
    Return this.b_BtnLike
End Property
Property FRadioBtn.BtnLike(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle  Then
        If value = 0 Then
            this.b_BtnLike = FALSE
            this.b_BtnLike = TRUE
End Property
Sub FRadioBtn.BmpBtn(bm As String)
    Dim As HINSTANCE hInst
   Dim As ZString * 128 szRes
   Dim As BITMAP bm2
   Dim As UInteger tStyle

    If this.Handle Then
        hInst   = GetModuleHandle(0)
        szRes       = bm

        If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then    ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
        this.b_BMP  = LoadBitmap(hInst , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
            If this.b_BMP  = 0 Then
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
            Exit Sub
        Else                                        ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
        this.b_BMP      = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
            If this.b_BMP  = 0 Then
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'this.Width = bm2.bmWidth +2
        'this.Height = bm2.bmHeight +2

        tStyle = this.Style Or BS_BITMAP
        this.Style = tStyle
End Sub
Property FRadioBtn.Check As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_Check = SendMessage(this.Handle,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)
        Return this.b_Check
    End If
End Property
Property FRadioBtn.Check(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,BM_SETCHECK ,IIf(value,BST_CHECKED,BST_UNCHECKED) ,0)
        this.b_Check = IIf(value,BST_CHECKED,BST_UNCHECKED)
End Property
Function FRadioBtn.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Function = 0

   Static As BOOL flEnable = TRUE

   Select Case uMsg

        flEnable = wParam
        Exit Function

        If this.Handle Then
            Function = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
        End If
            Exit Function

    Case WM_SIZE
        If this.Handle Then
        End If
            Exit Function

        If IsChild( hWnd, Cast(HANDLE, lParam)) Then
            If this.onClick Then
            End If
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

    If IsChild(hWnd,Cast(HANDLE, lParam)) Then
        If flEnable Then
            SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor)
            SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),&HA0A0A0)
        End If
        SetBkMode(Cast(HDC, wParam),TRANSPARENT)
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush)
    End If
    Exit Function

   End Select
   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function
Sub FRadioBtn.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.CtHandle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( NULL , "BUTTON" , Capt, this.Style  ,  0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   If this.Handle = 0 Then
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   this.Caption = Capt
End Sub

' FGroupbox

Type FGroupbox Extends Control
    Declare Property Border As Integer
    Declare Property Border(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property BorderColor As UInteger
    Declare Property BorderColor(ByVal value As UInteger)

   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   Declare Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As Integer  b_Border = 1
   As UInteger b_BorderColor = &H909090
End Type
Constructor FGroupbox
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
    this.Style   = WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE
End Constructor

Destructor FGroupbox
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor

Property FGroupbox.Border As Integer
    Return this.b_Border
End Property
Property FGroupbox.Border(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.b_Border = value
End Property
Property FGroupbox.BorderColor As UInteger
    Return this.b_BorderColor
End Property
Property FGroupbox.BorderColor(ByVal value As UInteger)
    this.b_BorderColor = value
End Property

Function FGroupbox.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT

   Function = 0

   Dim As HDC hDc
   Dim As RECT rc
   Dim As SIZEL ti
   Dim As HBRUSH hBr
   Dim szTxt As ZString * 128

   szTxt = this.Caption

   Select case uMsg

    Case WM_PAINT
            dim pnt as PAINTSTRUCT
         hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )

            'Hintergrund  Color
        hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)

        If GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC,@szTxt,Len(szTxt),@ti) Then
            rc.top = rc.top + Int(ti.cy/2)
            ti.cy = 14
            rc.top = rc.top + Int(ti.cy/2)

        'Rahmen ------------------------------
            If this.b_Border = 1 Then
            DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_ETCHED    , BF_RECT )
            ElseIf this.b_Border = 2 Then
            DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_BUMP , BF_RECT )
            ElseIf this.b_Border = 3 Then
                hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.b_BorderColor)
            End If

            'Text --------------------------------

         rc.left = rc.left + 10
         rc.right = rc.left + ti.cx + 3
         rc.bottom = rc.Top + int(ti.cy)+5
         rc.Top = rc.Top  - 4
         hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)

        DrawText(hDC,@szTxt, -1, @rc, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER)

        EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
        Function = 0
        Exit Function

   End Select

   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function
Sub FGroupbox.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Capt As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
'   ========
   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.Handle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.Handle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Caption = Capt
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Group","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   End If

End Sub

'Static Controls - Bitmap
Type FBmpLabel Extends Control

    Declare Property Border As Integer
   Declare Property Border(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, bmp As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   As HBITMAP  b_BMP            = 0
   As Integer   b_Border        = 0
End Type
Constructor FBmpLabel
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_STATICEDGE
    this.Style   = WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE  Or SS_BITMAP
End Constructor
Destructor FBmpLabel
    If this.b_BMP Then
    this.Handle = 0
End Destructor
Property FBmpLabel.Border As Integer
    Return this.b_Border
End Property
Property FBmpLabel.Border(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        Select Case value
            Case 0
                this.b_Border   =  0
                this.Style      =  WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE  Or SS_BITMAP                         ' ohne
                this.ExStyle    = 0
            Case 1
                this.b_Border   =  1
                this.Style      =  WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE  Or SS_BITMAP Or WS_BORDER        ' Rahmen
                this.ExStyle    = 0
            Case 2
                this.b_Border   = 2
                this.Style      = WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE  Or SS_BITMAP Or SS_SUNKEN         ' Sunken
                this.ExStyle    = WS_EX_STATICEDGE
        End Select
End Property

Sub FBmpLabel.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, Bmp As String,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)

   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst
   Dim As ZString * 128 szRes
   Dim As BITMAP bm

   hInst    = GetModuleHandle(0)
   szRes        = Bmp

   If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then     ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
        this.b_BMP  = LoadBitmap(hInst , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
        If this.b_BMP  = 0 Then
            MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
            Exit sub
   Else                                     ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
    this.b_BMP      = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
        If this.b_BMP  = 0 Then
            MessageBox( null, "Fehler - fBitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
            Exit sub
   End If

   this.Width = bm.bmWidth
   this.Height = bm.bmHeight

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.Exstyle , "STATIC" , "", this.style , x, y, this.Width, this.Height , _       '
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   If this.Handle Then
    this.Left   = x
        this.Top        = y
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
   End If

End Sub

' Listbox
Type FListbox Extends Control
   Declare Property GetSelString As String
   Declare Property GetSelItem As Integer
   Declare Property GetItemCount As Integer
   Declare Property Border(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Sub SelItem(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Sub AddString(value As String)
   Declare Sub Clear
   Declare Sub DelString(ByVal item As Integer)
    Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   DECLARE  FUNCTION CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT
   ' Events
    onDblClick As SUB( ByVal item As UInteger,szItem As ZString)
    onSelChange As Sub(ByVal item As UInteger,szItem As ZString)
   As HBRUSH    b_Brush     = 0
End Type
Constructor FListbox
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
end Constructor
Destructor FListbox
    If this.b_Brush Then
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor
Property FListbox.GetSelString As String
     If this.Handle Then
        Dim item As Integer
        Dim szItem As ZString * MAX_PATH
        item = SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
       If item  <> LB_ERR Then
        Return szItem
        szItem = ""
        Return szItem
     End If
End Property
Property FListbox.GetSelItem As Integer
     If this.Handle Then
        return SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
     End If
End Property
Property FListbox.GetItemCount As Integer
     If this.Handle Then
        return SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0)
     End If
End Property

Property FListbox.Border(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        Select Case value
            Case 0              ' Ohne
                this.ExStyle  = 0
            Case 1              ' Sunken
                this.ExStyle  = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
            Case 2              ' Border
                this.ExStyle  = 0
        End Select
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property

Sub FListbox.AddString(value As String)
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim  sItem As ZString * 128
        sItem = value
End Sub
Sub FListbox.SelItem(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_SETCURSEL ,value, 0 )
End Sub
Sub FListbox.Clear
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle, LB_RESETCONTENT ,0,0)
End Sub
Sub FListbox.DelString(ByVal item As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle, LB_DELETESTRING ,item,0)
End Sub

Function FListbox.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

   Dim As UInteger item
   Dim szItem As ZString * MAX_PATH

   Select case uMsg
         this.Enabled = wParam

         IF this.Handle THEN
             FUNCTION = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
         END IF

    Case WM_SIZE
         IF this.Handle THEN
         END IF

            SetBkColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.Color)
        SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor)
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush )
          Exit Function


        If HiWord(wParam) = LBN_DBLCLK Then
            If this.onDblClick Then
                item = SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
                If item  <> LB_ERR Then
            End If
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
        End If

            If HiWord(wParam) = LBN_SELCHANGE  Then
            If this.onSelChange Then
                item = SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
                If item  <> LB_ERR Then
                    SendMessage(this.Handle,LB_GETTEXT, item,CInt(@szItem))
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
            End If

   End Select
   FUNCTION = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function

Sub FListbox.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim AS ZString * 32 szClass

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   IF this.CtHandle  THEN
        this.Left    = x
        this.Top     = y
        this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Parent  = hParent
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create LISTBOX","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        EXIT SUB

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle ,"LISTBOX" ,NULL, this.Style  , 0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   IF this.Handle = 0 THEN
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create LISTBOX","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
End Sub

' Combobox
Type FComboBox Extends Control


   Declare Property GetSelString As String
   Declare Property GetSelItem As Integer
   Declare Property GetItemCount As Integer
   DECLARE  FUNCTION CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Sub SelItem(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Sub SelStrItem( value As String)
   Declare Sub AddString(value As String)
   Declare Sub Clear
   Declare Sub DelString(ByVal item As Integer)
    Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onSelChange As Sub(ByVal item As UInteger, szItem As ZString)
   As HWND      b_Parent    = 0
   As HBRUSH    b_Brush     = 0
End Type
Constructor FComboBox
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE

end Constructor
Destructor FComboBox
   If this.b_Brush Then
    this.Handle = 0
end Destructor
Property FComboBox.GetSelString As String
     If this.Handle Then
        Dim item As Integer
        Dim szItem As ZString * MAX_PATH
        item = SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
       If item  <> LB_ERR Then
        Return szItem
        szItem = ""
        Return szItem
     End If
End Property
Property FComboBox.GetSelItem As Integer
     If this.Handle Then
        return SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
     End If
End Property
Property FComboBox.GetItemCount As Integer
     If this.Handle Then
        return SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_GETCOUNT,0,0)
     End If
End Property

Sub FComboBox.AddString(value As String)
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim  sItem As ZString * 128
        sItem = value
End Sub
Sub FComboBox.SelItem(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_SETCURSEL ,value, 0 )
End Sub
Sub FComboBox.Clear
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle, CB_RESETCONTENT ,0,0)
End Sub
Sub FComboBox.DelString(ByVal item As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle, CB_DELETESTRING  ,item,0)
End Sub
Sub FComboBox.SelStrItem( value As String)
    Dim szFind As ZString * 32
    Dim As Integer retVal

    szFind = value
    If this.Handle Then
        retVal = SendMessage(this.Handle, CB_FINDSTRING ,-1,Cast(WPARAM, @szFind))
        If retVal <> CB_ERR Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_SETCURSEL ,retVal, 0 )

End Sub
Function FComboBox.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

   Dim As UInteger item
   Dim szItem As ZString * MAX_PATH

   Select case uMsg
         this.Enabled = wParam

         IF this.Handle THEN
             FUNCTION = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
         END IF

    Case WM_SIZE
         IF this.Handle THEN
         END IF
         EXIT Function

         Dim As RECT rc
         Function = TRUE
         Exit Function

            SetBkColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.Color)
        SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor)
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush )
          Exit Function

            SetBkColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.Color)
        SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor)
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush )
          Exit Function

            If HiWord(wParam) = CBN_SELCHANGE  Then
            If this.onSelChange Then
                item = SendMessage(this.Handle,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
                If item  <> LB_ERR Then
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
            End If

   End Select

   function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
end Function

Sub FComboBox.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

     Dim AS ZString * 32 szClass

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   IF this.CtHandle  THEN
        this.Left    = x
        this.Top     = y
        this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Parent  = hParent
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create COMBOBOX","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        EXIT SUB

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle ,"COMBOBOX" ,NULL, this.Style  , 0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   IF this.Handle = 0 THEN
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create COMBOBOX","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
End Sub

' Edit
Type FEdit Extends Control

   Declare Property Border(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property TextLen As Integer
   Declare Property Number(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property Password(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property Text As String
    Declare Property Text(sText As String )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   Declare Sub Clear
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer)
   DECLARE  FUNCTION CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT
   ' Events
    onChange  As SUB()
    onUpdate As Sub()
    OnKeyDown As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
    OnSetFocus As Sub(ByVal hWnd As HWND)
    DECLARE static FUNCTION EditSubClassFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT
    As String   b_Text      = ""
   As HBRUSH    b_Brush     = 0
   As UInteger b_oldProc    = 0
End Type
Constructor FEdit
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.Handle = 0
    this.Color   = &HFFFFFF
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
end Constructor
Destructor FEdit
    If this.b_Brush Then
    If this.Handle Then
        SetWindowLong(this.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, this.b_oldProc)
    End If
    this.Handle = 0
end Destructor
Property FEdit.Password(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        If value = 0 Then
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR,Cast(WPARAM,Asc("*")) ,0)
End Property
Property FEdit.Border(ByVal Value As Integer)

    If this.Handle Then

        Select Case value
            Case 0              ' Ohne
                this.Style = WS_CHILD  Or WS_TABSTOP Or ES_AUTOHSCROLL Or WS_VISIBLE
                this.ExStyle  = 0
            Case 1              ' Sunken
                this.Style = WS_CHILD  Or WS_TABSTOP Or ES_AUTOHSCROLL  Or WS_VISIBLE
                this.ExStyle  = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
            Case 2              ' Border
                this.ExStyle  = 0
        End Select
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property

Property FEdit.Number(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim Styl As UInteger
        Styl = GetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_STYLE)
        If value = 0 Then
            this.Style = Styl And (Not ES_NUMBER)
            SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_CLEAR, 0, 0)
            this.Style = Styl or ES_NUMBER
        SetWindowLong(this.Handle, GWL_STYLE, this.Style)
End Property

Property FEdit.TextLen As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        Return GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
End Property
Property FEdit.Text As String
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim  As Integer maxCount,i
        maxCount = GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
        this.b_Text = String(maxCount+2,Chr(0))
        i = GetWindowText(this.Handle , StrPtr(this.b_Text) , maxCount+1 )
        Return this.b_Text
End Property
Property FEdit.Text(sText As String )
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_Text = sText
        SetWindowText(this.Handle ,sText)
End Property

Sub FEdit.Clear
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_CLEAR, 0, 0)
End Sub
Function FEdit.EditSubClassFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

    Function = 0
    Dim As Integer lKeyDat = 0

    Dim as FEdit ptr Edit = cast(FEdit Ptr,GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA)) ' Zeiger auf diese Klasse

    If Edit = 0 Then
        function = DefWindowProc(  hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function

    Select case uMsg
        Case WM_SETFOCUS
            If Edit->OnSetFocus Then Edit->OnSetFocus(hWnd)
            function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
            Exit Function

        Case WM_GETDLGCODE
        Function = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
            Exit Function

        Case WM_KEYDOWN
            If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
            End If

        If Edit->OnKeyDown Then Edit->OnKeyDown(wParam,lKeyDat)
        function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
    End Select

    function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
End Function
Function FEdit.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

         this.Enabled = wParam

         IF this.Handle THEN
             FUNCTION = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
         END IF

        CASE WM_SIZE
         IF this.Handle THEN
         END IF

            SetBkColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.Color)
        SetTextColor(Cast(HDC, wParam),this.TextColor )
        If this.b_Brush Then
        this.b_Brush = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
        Function = Cast(LRESULT,this.b_Brush )
          Exit Function

    Case  WM_COMMAND
        If HiWord(wParam) = EN_CHANGE Then
            If this.onChange Then onChange()
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
        If HiWord(wParam) = EN_UPDATE  Then
            If this.onUpdate Then onUpdate()
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
   End Select

   function = DefWindowProc(  hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
end Function

Sub FEdit.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   DIM AS ZString * 32 szClass

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   IF this.CtHandle  THEN
        this.Left    = x
        this.Top     = y
        this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Parent  = hParent
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create EDIT","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        EXIT SUB

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle ,"EDIT" , "" , this.Style  , 0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   IF this.Handle = 0 THEN
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create EDIT","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        Exit Sub
    this.b_oldProc = SetWindowLong( this.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, CInt(@FEdit.EditSubClassFunc))
    SetWindowLong(this.Handle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

End Sub

' Font erstellen-ändert - In RichEdit
Type FFont Extends Object
    Declare Property FaceName() As String
    Declare Property FaceName( face As String   )
    Declare Property Size( ByVal x As Integer )
    Declare Property Size() As Integer
   Declare Property Bold( ByVal x As Integer )
    Declare Property Bold() As Integer
    Declare Property Italic( ByVal x As Integer )
    Declare Property Italic() As Integer
    Declare Property Underline( ByVal x As Integer )
    Declare Property Underline() As Integer
    Declare Property StrikeOut( ByVal x As Integer )
    Declare Property StrikeOut() As Integer
    Declare Property FontHandle() As HFONT
    Declare Constructor
    Declare DESTRUCTOR
   f_FaceName   As ZString * 32
    f_Size      As Integer
    f_Bold      As Integer
    f_Italic    As Integer
    f_StrikeOut As Integer
    f_Underline As Integer
   f_Handle     As HFONT
End Type

Constructor FFont
    this.f_Handle    = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)
    this.f_FaceName = "System"
    this.f_Size      =  10
    this.f_Bold      = 0
    this.f_Italic    = 0
    this.f_StrikeOut = 0
    this.f_Underline = 0
End Constructor

Destructor FFont ' OK
End Destructor

Property FFont.FontHandle() As HFONT
    Dim lgFont AS LOGFONT
    lgFont.lfFaceName = this.f_FaceName
    lgFont.lfHeight     = -MulDiv(this.f_Size, GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(0), LOGPIXELSY), 72)
    lgFont.lfWeight     = IIf(this.f_Bold,800,400)
    lgFont.lfItalic     = IIf(this.f_Italic,1,0)
    lgFont.lfStrikeOut = IIf(this.f_StrikeOut,1,0)
    lgFont.lfUnderline = IIf(this.f_Underline,1,0)
    If this.f_Handle Then
    this.f_Handle = (CreateFontIndirect(@lgFont))
    Return this.f_Handle
End Property
Property FFont.FaceName As String
    Dim s As String
    s =this.f_FaceName
    Return s
End Property
Property FFont.FaceName( face As String )
    this.f_FaceName = face
End Property

Property FFont.Size( ByVal x As Integer )
    this.f_Size = x
End Property
Property FFont.Size As Integer
    Return this.f_Size
End Property

Property FFont.Bold( ByVal x As Integer )
    this.f_Bold = x
End Property
Property FFont.Bold As Integer
    Return this.f_Bold
End Property

Property FFont.Italic( ByVal x As Integer )
    this.f_Italic = x
End Property
Property FFont.Italic As Integer
    Return this.f_Italic
End Property

Property FFont.Underline( ByVal x As Integer )
    this.f_Underline = x
End Property
Property FFont.Underline As Integer
    Return this.f_Underline
End Property

Property FFont.StrikeOut( ByVal x As Integer )
    this.f_StrikeOut = x
End Property
Property FFont.StrikeOut As Integer
    Return this.f_StrikeOut
End Property

' RichEdit

Type FRichEdit Extends Control
    Declare Property PlainText(ByVal value As Integer)
    Declare Property PlainText As Integer
    Declare Property Paraleft(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property Paraleft As Integer
    Declare Property Pararight(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property Pararight As Integer
   Declare Property Paracenter(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property Paracenter As Integer
    Declare Property Modifid As Integer
    Declare Property SelText As String
    Declare Property SelStart As Integer
    Declare Property SelLen As Integer
   Declare Property BKColor(ByVal value As UInteger)
   Declare Property BKColor As UInteger
    Declare Property ReadOnly As Integer
   Declare Property ReadOnly(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property LMargin(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property LMargin As Integer
   Declare Property AutoHScroll(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property AutoVScroll(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property ScrollBars(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property Border(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property TextLen As Integer
    Declare Property Text As String
    Declare Property Text(sText As String )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor

   Declare Sub Clear
   Declare Sub GlobalFontStyle()
   Declare Sub SelFontStyle()
   Declare Sub GetFontStyle()
   Declare Sub SelParaStyle()
   Declare Sub GetParaStyle()
   Declare Sub SaveFile(filename As String)
    Declare Sub LoadFile(filename As String)
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer)
   DECLARE  FUNCTION CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

    As FFont font

   ' Events
    onChange  As SUB()
    onSelChange As SUB()
    OnKeyUp As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
    OnKeyDown As Sub(nKey AS Integer,lKeyStatus As Integer)
    onLbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onLbuttonup As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onMousemove As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)
    onRbuttondown As Sub(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal flag As Integer)

    DECLARE static FUNCTION EditSubClassFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT
    DECLARE static Function DatenIn(BYVAL dwCookie As UInteger  ,BYVAL lpBuff AS BYTE PTR, BYVAL cb AS INTEGER, BYVAL pcb AS INTEGER PTR) AS UInteger
    DECLARE static Function DatenOut(BYVAL dwCookie AS UInteger,BYVAL lpBuff AS BYTE PTR, BYVAL cb AS INTEGER, BYVAL pcb AS INTEGER PTR) AS UInteger
    As String   b_Text      = ""
   As HBRUSH    b_Brush     = 0
   As UInteger b_oldProc    = 0
   As HANDLE   b_RichLib    = 0
   As Integer  b_ReadOnly  = 0
   As Integer  b_lmargin    = 0
   As Integer  b_Scroll     = 0
   As UInteger b_bkColor    = &HFFFFFF
   As Integer  b_Modifid    = 0
   As Integer  b_paraleft   = 1
   As Integer  b_pararight  = 0
   As Integer  b_paracenter= 0
   As Integer  b_plaintext  = 0
End Type
Constructor FRichEdit
    this.b_RichLib   = LoadLibrary("RICHED32.DLL")
    this.Handle       = 0
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.Color   = &HFFFFFF
    this.ExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
end Constructor
Destructor FRichEdit    'OK
    If this.b_Brush Then
    if this.b_RichLib Then
    If this.Handle Then
        SetWindowLong(this.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, this.b_oldProc)
    End If
    this.Handle = 0
End Destructor
Property FRichEdit.PlainText(ByVal value As Integer)
    b_plaintext = value
End Property
Property FRichEdit.PlainText As Integer
    Return b_plaintext
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Paraleft(ByVal value As Integer)
    b_paraleft = value
    If value <> 0 Then
        b_pararight = 0
        b_paracenter = 0
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Paraleft As Integer
    Return b_paraleft
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Pararight(ByVal value As Integer)
    b_pararight = value
    If value <> 0 Then
        b_paraleft = 0
        b_paracenter = 0
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Pararight As Integer
    Return b_pararight
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Paracenter(ByVal value As Integer)
    b_paracenter = value
    If value <> 0 Then
        b_paraleft = 0
        b_pararight = 0
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Paracenter As Integer
    Return b_paracenter
End Property

Property FRichEdit.AutoHScroll(ByVal value As Integer)
    Dim style As UInteger
    If this.Handle Then
        style = GetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_STYLE)
        If value Then
            style = style Or ES_AUTOHSCROLL
            style = style And(not ES_AUTOHSCROLL)
        End If
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property
Property FRichEdit.AutoVScroll(ByVal value As Integer)
    Dim style As UInteger
    If this.Handle Then
        style = GetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_STYLE)
        If value Then
            style = style Or ES_AUTOVSCROLL
            style = style And(not ES_AUTOVSCROLL)
        End If
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property

Property FRichEdit.Modifid As Integer
    Return this.b_Modifid
End Property

Property FRichEdit.SelText As String
    Dim As CHARRANGE cr
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim sTmp As String
    If this.Handle Then
        If cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax  Then
            sTmp =""
            Return sTmp
        If (cr.cpMin = 0) And (cr.cpMax = -1) Then
            iLen = GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
            sTmp = String(iLen + 2,Chr(0))
            Return sTmp
        iLen = cr.cpMax - cr.cpMin
        sTmp = String(iLen + 2,Chr(0))
        Return sTmp
End Property
Property FRichEdit.SelStart As Integer
    Dim As CHARRANGE cr
    Dim As Integer iRet
    If this.Handle Then
        iRet = cr.cpMin
        Return iRet
End Property
Property FRichEdit.SelLen As Integer
    Dim As CHARRANGE cr
    Dim As Integer iRet
    If this.Handle Then
        If cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax  Then
            Return 0
        If (cr.cpMin = 0) And (cr.cpMax = -1) Then
            Return GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
        iRet = cr.cpMax - cr.cpMin
        Return iRet
End Property
Property FRichEdit.BKColor As UInteger
    Return this.b_bkColor
End Property
Property FRichEdit.BKColor(ByVal value As UInteger)
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_bkColor = value
End Property

Property FRichEdit.Border(ByVal Value As Integer)
    Dim Styl As UInteger
    If this.Handle Then
        Styl = GetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_STYLE)
        Select Case value
            Case 0              ' Ohne
                If Styl And WS_BORDER Then
                    this.Style = Styl And (Not WS_BORDER)
                this.ExStyle  = 0
            Case 1              ' Sunken
                If Styl And WS_BORDER Then
                    this.Style = Styl And (Not WS_BORDER)
                this.ExStyle  = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
            Case 2              ' Border
                this.Style = Styl or WS_BORDER
                this.ExStyle  = 0
        End Select
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property

Property FRichEdit.LMargin(ByVal value As Integer)
    Dim As RECT rc
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_lmargin = value
        SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_GETRECT , 0 , Cast(WPARAM,@rc))
        rc.left = rc.left + value
        SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETRECT  , 0 , Cast(WPARAM,@rc))
    End If
End Property
Property FRichEdit.LMargin As Integer
    Dim As RECT rc
    If this.Handle Then
        SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_GETRECT  , 0 ,Cast(WPARAM,@rc))
        Return rc.left
    End If
End Property
Property FRichEdit.ReadOnly As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        Return this.b_ReadOnly
   End If
End Property
Property FRichEdit.ReadOnly(ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        If value = 0 Then
            this.b_ReadOnly = 0
            SendMessage(this.Handle, EM_SETREADONLY,FALSE,0)
            this.b_ReadOnly = 1
            SendMessage(this.Handle, EM_SETREADONLY,TRUE,0)
   End If
End Property
Property FRichEdit.ScrollBars(ByVal value As Integer)
    Dim style As UInteger
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_Scroll = value
        style = GetWindowLong(this.Handle,GWL_STYLE)
        If this.b_Scroll Then
            style = style Or WS_HSCROLL Or WS_VSCROLL
            style = style And(not WS_HSCROLL)
            style = style And(not WS_VSCROLL)
        End If
        SetWindowPos(this.Handle,0,0,0,this.Width,this.Height,SWP_DRAWFRAME Or SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
End Property

Property FRichEdit.TextLen As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        Return GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Text As String
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim  As Integer maxCount,i
        maxCount = GetWindowTextLength(this.Handle)
        this.b_Text = String(maxCount+2,Chr(0))
        i = GetWindowText(this.Handle , StrPtr(this.b_Text) , maxCount+1 )
        Return this.b_Text
End Property
Property FRichEdit.Text(sText As String )
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_Text = sText
        SetWindowText(this.Handle ,sText)
End Property

Sub FRichEdit.Clear
    If this.Handle Then
        Dim As CHARRANGE cr
        cr.cpMin = 0
        cr.cpMax = -1
        SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_CLEAR, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub FRichEdit.SelParaStyle()
     Dim pf    AS PARAFORMAT

   pf.cbSize = SizeOf(pf)
   pf.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT
    If this.b_paraleft = TRUE Then
            pf.wAlignment= PFA_LEFT
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,Cast(WPARAM, (@pf)))
            Exit Sub
    ElseIf this.b_paracenter = TRUE Then
            pf.wAlignment= PFA_CENTER
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,Cast(WPARAM, (@pf)))
            Exit Sub
    ElseIf this.b_pararight = TRUE Then
            pf.wAlignment= PFA_RIGHT
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,Cast(WPARAM, (@pf)))
            Exit Sub
            pf.wAlignment= PFA_LEFT
             SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,Cast(WPARAM, (@pf)))
     End If
End Sub
Sub FRichEdit.GetParaStyle()
     Dim pf    AS PARAFORMAT

    pf.cbSize = SizeOf(pf)
    pf.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT

    IF SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_GETPARAFORMAT,0,Cast(WPARAM, @pf)) = 0 THEN
          MessageBox(0, " GetParaFormat - Fehler","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
           EXIT SUB
    END IF
    ' links
    IF pf.wAlignment = PFA_LEFT THEN
      this.b_paraleft = TRUE
      this.b_paracenter = FALSE
      this.b_pararight = FALSE
    END IF
    IF pf.wAlignment = PFA_CENTER THEN
      this.b_paraleft = FALSE
      this.b_paracenter = TRUE
      this.b_pararight = FALSE
    END IF
    ' rechts
    IF pf.wAlignment = PFA_RIGHT THEN
      this.b_paraleft = FALSE
      this.b_paracenter = FALSE
      this.b_pararight = TRUE
    END If
End Sub
Sub FRichEdit.SelFontStyle()

    Dim As uInteger retVal
    cf.cbSize = SizeOf(cf)

    cf.szFaceName  = this.font.FaceName
    cf.yHeight     = Abs(this.font.Size * 20)
    cf.crTextColor = this.TextColor

    retVal = 0
    If this.font.Bold Then retVal  = retVal Or CFE_BOLD
    If this.font.Italic Then retVal  = retVal Or CFE_ITALIC
    If this.font.Underline Then retVal  = retVal Or CFE_UNDERLINE
    If this.font.StrikeOut Then retVal  = retVal Or CFE_STRIKEOUT

    cf.dwEffects  = retVal

    retVal=SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_SELECTION   ,Cast(WPARAM, @cf))
   If retVal = 0 Then
      MessageBox(0, " SetChar All - Fehler " + Hex(cf.dwMask),"Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   End If

End Sub
Sub FRichEdit.GetFontStyle()
     Dim cf    AS CHARFORMAT

    cf.cbSize = SizeOf(cf)

    IF SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_GETCHARFORMAT,SCF_SELECTION,Cast(WPARAM, @cf)) = 0 Then
            MessageBox(0, " GetChar All - Fehler " + Hex(cf.dwMask),"Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    END IF
     this.font.FaceName     = cf.szFaceName
     this.font.Size             =  ABS(cf.yHeight/20)' Die Schrifthöhe wird in Twips zurück gegeben !
     this.TextColor             =  cf.crTextColor
     this.font.Bold         =  cf.dwEffects AND CFE_BOLD
     this.font.Italic       =  cf.dwEffects AND CFE_ITALIC
     this.font.Underline    =  cf.dwEffects AND CFE_UNDERLINE
     this.font.Strikeout    =  cf.dwEffects AND CFM_STRIKEOUT

End Sub
Sub FRichEdit.GlobalFontStyle()

    Dim As Integer retVal
    cf.cbSize = SizeOf(cf)

    cf.szFaceName  = this.font.FaceName
    cf.yHeight     = -MulDiv(this.font.Size, GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(0), LOGPIXELSY), 72)
    cf.crTextColor = this.TextColor
    cf.dwEffects   = 0

    SendMessage(this.Handle,WM_SETFONT,Cast(Uinteger, this.font.FontHandle),TRUE)

    retVal=SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_DEFAULT,Cast(WPARAM, @cf))
   If retVal = 0 Then
      MessageBox(0, " SetChar All - Fehler " + Hex(cf.dwMask),"Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
   End If

End Sub
 '----------------------- RTF-Datei-Load Callback Function --------------------
FUNCTION FRichEdit.DatenIn(BYVAL dwCookie AS UInteger,BYVAL lpBuff AS BYTE PTR, _
                 BYVAL cb AS INTEGER, BYVAL pcb AS INTEGER PTR) AS UInteger

      Dim nResult AS UInteger
      nResult =ReadFile( Cast(Any Ptr, dwCookie), lpBuff, cb, pcb, BYVAL NULL)
      IF nResult = 0 THEN
      END IF

 END Function
 '----------------------- RTF-Datei-Save Callback Function ---------------------
FUNCTION FRichEdit.DatenOut(BYVAL dwCookie AS UInteger,BYVAL lpBuff AS BYTE PTR, _
                 BYVAL cb AS INTEGER, BYVAL pcb AS INTEGER PTR) AS UInteger

      Dim nResult AS UInteger
      nResult =WriteFile(Cast(Any Ptr, dwCookie),lpBuff, cb, pcb, BYVAL NULL)
      IF nResult = 0 THEN
      END IF

 '--------------------------------- Datei Laden -------------------------------
 SUB FRichEdit.LoadFile(filename As String)
      DIM hFile    AS HANDLE
      Dim es       AS EDITSTREAM
      Dim lpStream AS EDITSTREAM Ptr

       IF LEN(filename)>4 Then
         hFile = CreateFile(StrPtr(filename) ,GENERIC_READ, 0 , 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)

         es.dwCookie = Cast(UInteger, hFile)
         es.pfnCallback = Cast(EDITSTREAMCALLBACK, @DatenIn)
         lpStream = @es

         IF this.PlainText = FALSE Then
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_STREAMIN,SF_RTF,Cast(WPARAM, lpStream))
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_STREAMIN,SF_TEXT,Cast(WPARAM, lpStream))
         END If

      END IF
SUB FRichEdit.SaveFile(filename As String)

      DIM hFile    AS HANDLE
      Dim es       AS EDITSTREAM
      Dim lpStream AS EDITSTREAM PTR

      IF LEN(filename)>4 THEN
         hFile = CreateFile(StrPtr(filename),GENERIC_WRITE, 0,  0 , CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ,  0)

         es.dwCookie = Cast(UInteger, hFile)
         es.pfnCallback = Cast(EDITSTREAMCALLBACK, @DatenOut)
         lpStream = @es

         IF this.PlainText = FALSE Then
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_STREAMIN,SF_RTF,Cast(WPARAM, lpStream))
            SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_STREAMIN,SF_TEXT,Cast(WPARAM, lpStream))
         END If
      END IF
 END Sub

Function FRichEdit.EditSubClassFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

    Function = 0
    Dim As Integer lKeyDat = 0

    Dim as FRichEdit ptr Edit = cast(FRichEdit Ptr,GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA)) ' Zeiger auf diese Klasse

    If Edit = 0 Then
        function = DefWindowProc(  hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function

    Select case uMsg
        Case WM_GETDLGCODE
        Function = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
            Exit Function
        If Edit->onRbuttondown Then
        End If
            function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
        If Edit->onLbuttondown Then
        End If
            function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
        If Edit->onLbuttonup Then
        End If
            function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
        If Edit->onMousemove Then
        End If
        function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
        Case WM_KEYDOWN
            If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
            End If

        If Edit->OnKeyDown Then Edit->OnKeyDown(wParam,lKeyDat)
        function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function

        Case WM_KEYUP
            If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_SHIFT  '&H10
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_CONTROL    '&H11
            ElseIf GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < -126 Then
                lKeyDat = VK_MENU       '&H12
            End If

        If Edit->OnKeyUp Then Edit->OnKeyUp(wParam,lKeyDat)
        function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
        Exit Function
    End Select

    function = CallWindowProc( Cast(Any Ptr,Edit->b_oldProc), hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
End Function
Function FRichEdit.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd AS HWND,uMsg AS UINT,wParam AS wParam,lParam AS lParam) AS LRESULT

         this.Enabled = wParam

         IF this.Handle THEN
             FUNCTION = SendMessage(this.Handle,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
         END IF

        CASE WM_SIZE
         IF this.Handle THEN
         END IF

    Case WM_NOTIFY
          Dim As NMHDR Ptr lpNMH = Cast(Any Ptr, lParam)
          IF lpNMH->code = EN_SELCHANGE THEN        '
              If this.onSelChange Then
              Function = 0
             Exit Function
          END If

    Case  WM_COMMAND
        If HiWord(wParam) = EN_CHANGE Then
            If this.onChange Then onChange()
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
        If HiWord(wParam) = EN_UPDATE  Then
                this.b_Modifid = TRUE
            Function = 0
            Exit Function
        End If

   End Select

   function = DefWindowProc(  hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
end Function

Sub FRichEdit.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND,ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   DIM AS ZString * 32 szClass

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   IF this.CtHandle  THEN
        this.Left    = x
        this.Top     = y
        this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
        this.Parent  = hParent
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create EDIT","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        EXIT SUB

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle ,"RICHEDIT" , "" , this.Style  , 0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   IF this.Handle = 0 THEN
        MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create EDIT","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        Exit Sub
    this.b_oldProc = SetWindowLong( this.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, CInt(@FRichEdit.EditSubClassFunc))
    SetWindowLong(this.Handle ,GWL_USERDATA,CINT(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz
   SendMessage(this.Handle,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,Cast( WPARAM,ENM_SELCHANGE))

End Sub

' Horiz. Scollbar
Type FHScrollBar Extends Control
    Declare Property position (ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Property position  As Integer
   Declare Sub Range(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   ' Events
    onChange  As SUB(ByVal nPos As Integer )
   Declare  Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   As Integer  b_RangeMin   = 0
   As Integer  b_RangeMax   = 0
End Type

Constructor FHScrollBar
    this.Handle  = 0
    this.ExStyle = 0
    this.Style   =  WS_CHILD or SBS_HORZ Or WS_VISIBLE
end Constructor

Destructor FHScrollBar
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor

Property FHScrollBar.position (ByVal value As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        If (value >= this.b_RangeMin) And (value <= this.b_RangeMax) Then
            SendMessage(this.Handle,SBM_SETPOS ,value,TRUE)
        End If
    End If
End Property

Property FHScrollBar.position  As Integer
    If this.Handle Then
        Return SendMessage(this.Handle,SBM_GETPOS ,0,0)
   End If
End Property

Sub FHScrollBar.Range(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
    If this.Handle Then
        this.b_RangeMin = min
        this.b_RangeMax = max
End Sub

Function FHScrollbar.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   Function = 0

   Dim As HBRUSH hBr
   Dim As Integer nPos

   Select case uMsg
        Case WM_ENABLE
        this.Enabled = wParam
        Exit Function

    Case WM_SIZE
        If this.Handle Then
        End If
            Exit Function

            If hBr Then
            hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)
                Function = Cast(LRESULT, hBr )
            Exit Function

            Select Case LoWord(wParam)
                Case SB_THUMBTRACK
                    nPos = HIWORD(wParam)
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_THUMBPOSITION
                    nPos = HIWORD(wParam)
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_BOTTOM
                    nPos = this.b_RangeMax
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_LINEDOWN
                    nPos = GetScrollPos(this.Handle,SB_CTL)
                    If nPos < this.b_RangeMax Then
                        nPos = nPos +  Int((this.b_RangeMax - this.b_RangeMin) / this.b_RangeMax)
                    End If
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_LINEUP
                    nPos = GetScrollPos(this.Handle,SB_CTL)
                    If nPos > this.b_RangeMin Then
                        nPos = nPos -  Int((this.b_RangeMax - this.b_RangeMin) / this.b_RangeMax)
                    End If
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_TOP
                    nPos = this.b_RangeMin
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
            End Select
            Function = 0
            Exit Function

            Select Case LoWord(wParam)
                Case SB_THUMBTRACK
                    nPos = HIWORD(wParam)
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_THUMBPOSITION
                    nPos = HIWORD(wParam)
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_BOTTOM
                    nPos = this.b_RangeMax
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_LINEDOWN
                    nPos = GetScrollPos(this.Handle,SB_CTL)
                    If nPos < this.b_RangeMax Then
                        nPos = nPos +  Int((this.b_RangeMax - this.b_RangeMin) / this.b_RangeMax)
                    End If
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_LINEUP
                    nPos = GetScrollPos(this.Handle,SB_CTL)
                    If nPos > this.b_RangeMin Then
                        nPos = nPos -  Int((this.b_RangeMax - this.b_RangeMin) / this.b_RangeMax)
                    End If
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
                Case SB_TOP
                    nPos = this.b_RangeMin
                    If this.onChange Then onChange(nPos)
            End Select
            Function = 0
            Exit Function

   End Select

   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function
Sub FHScrollbar.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer )

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.CtHandle = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT  , @szClass , "", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD  , x, y, w , h , _
                          hParent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.CtHandle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.CtHandle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Parent  = hParent
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( NULL ,  "SCROLLBAR"  , "", this.Style  ,  0, 0, w, h , this.CtHandle , NULL, hInst , NULL )
   If this.Handle = 0 Then
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create Button","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
End Sub
' Vert. Scollbar
Type FVScrollBar Extends FHScrollBar
   Declare Constructor
End Type

Constructor FVScrollBar
    this.Exstyle = 0
    this.style   = WS_CHILD or SBS_VERT Or WS_VISIBLE
    this.Handle  = 0
End Constructor

' Hilfs Class für Mouseverfolgung
Type MTrackEvents Extends Object
      Declare Sub myMouseMove(ByVal hWind As HWND)
      Declare Sub myReset
      Declare Constructor
      As BOOL m_bMouseTracking
End Type

Constructor MTrackEvents
    m_bMouseTracking = FALSE
End Constructor

Sub MTrackEvents.myMouseMove(ByVal hWind As HWND)

     if m_bMouseTracking = FALSE Then

      Dim as TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme

      tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme)
      tme.hwndTrack = hWind
      tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER OR TME_LEAVE
      tme.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT
      m_bMouseTracking = TRUE
     End If

End Sub
Sub MTrackEvents.myReset
    m_bMouseTracking = FALSE
End Sub

'   FToolBtn
Type FToolBtn Extends Control
    Declare Property Border(Byval value as Integer)
    Declare Property Border as Integer
    Declare Property BorderColor(Byval value as UInteger)
    Declare Property BorderColor as UInteger
    Declare Property Down(Byval value as Integer)
    Declare Property Down as Integer
    Declare Property TextPos(Byval value as Integer)
    Declare Property TextPos as Integer
    Declare Property Focused(Byval value as Integer) ' Zeichnet Focusrect ja/nein
    Declare Property Focused as Integer
   Declare Sub Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer)
   Declare Sub LoadBmp( value as String)
   Declare Sub Image( value as String)
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   As MTrackEvents tEvents
   ' Events
    onClick As Sub
    onRbuttondown As Sub
   Declare  Function CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   b_Bitmap     As BOOL
   b_dc         As HDC
   b_TextPos    As Integer
   b_bmWidth    As Integer
   b_bmHeight   As Integer
   b_Down       As Integer
   b_Focused    As Integer
   b_Border     As Integer
   b_ColBorder  As UInteger
End Type
Constructor FToolBtn
    this.b_Bitmap   = 0
    this.b_dc       = 0
   this.b_bmWidth = 0
   this.b_bmHeight = 0
    this.Handle     = 0
    this.ExStyle    = 0
    this.Style      =  WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE Or WS_TABSTOP
    this.b_Down     = FALSE
    this.b_Focused = FALSE
    this.b_TextPos = TRUE
    this.b_Border  = FALSE
    this.b_ColBorder  = &HAAAAAA
End Constructor

Destructor FToolBtn
    If this.b_dc Then
   this.Handle  = 0
End Destructor
Property FToolBtn.BorderColor(Byval value as UInteger)
    this.b_ColBorder = value
End Property
Property FToolBtn.BorderColor as UInteger
    Return this.b_ColBorder
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Border(Byval value as Integer)
        this.b_Border = IIf(value,TRUE,FALSE)
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Border as Integer
    Return this.b_Border
End Property
Property FToolBtn.TextPos(Byval value as Integer)
    this.b_TextPos = value
End Property
Property FToolBtn.TextPos as Integer
    Return this.b_TextPos
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Down(Byval value as Integer)
    this.b_Down = IIf(value,TRUE,FALSE)
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Down as Integer
    Return this.b_Down
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Focused(Byval value as Integer)
    this.b_Focused = IIf(value,TRUE,FALSE)
End Property
Property FToolBtn.Focused as Integer
    Return this.b_Focused
End Property

Sub FToolBtn.LoadBmp( value as String)

        Dim As HBITMAP hBmp
        Dim As HDC hDC
        Dim As ZString * 128 szRes
        Dim As BITMAP bm

        szRes   = value
        this.b_Bitmap = False

        If InStr(szRes,".") = 0 Then    ' Wenn kein Punkt (.) enthalen ist, dann Resource
            hBmp    = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(0) , cast( LPCSTR, @szRes ))
            If hBmp  = 0 Then
                this.b_Bitmap = FALSE
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
                Exit Sub
       Else                                     ' mit Punkt (.) dann Deteiname
        hBmp    = LoadImage(NULL,@szRes,IMAGE_Bitmap,0,0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Or LR_LOADFROMFILE )
            If hBmp  = 0 Then
                this.b_Bitmap = FALSE
                MessageBox( null, "Fehler - Bitmap ist nicht geladen", "Error", MB_ICONERROR )
                Exit Sub
        this.b_Bitmap = TRUE

        If this.b_dc <> 0 Then
        End If

       this.b_bmWidth   = bm.bmWidth
       this.b_bmHeight      = bm.bmHeight

       hDC      = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow)
    this.b_dc   = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)


End Sub

Sub FToolBtn.Image( value as String) ' kann JPG,PNG,GIF,TIFF und Bitmap laden

    this.b_Bitmap = FALSE   ' wenn Fehler - wird nur Text gezeichnet

    If FILEEXISTS(value) = FALSE Then
        MessageBox(0,"Image Datei nicht gefunden","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
        Exit sub

    Dim As HBITMAP hBmp
    Dim As FImage Ptr img
    img = New FImage


    this.b_bmWidth  = img->ImgWidth
    this.b_bmHeight     = img->ImgHeight

   this.b_dc    = CreateCompatibleDC(img->DC)
   hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(img->DC,img->ImgWidth ,img->ImgHeight)

    If this.b_dc Then
        img->ImgCopy(this.b_dc, 0, 0 )
        this.b_Bitmap = TRUE     ' kein Fehler - Bild wird (oder mit Text) gezeichnet
        MessageBox(0," ToolBtn ImageLoad Temp.HDC Fehler ","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)

    Delete img

End Sub
Function FToolBtn.CtrlMsgFunc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT,wParam as wParam,lParam as lParam) as LRESULT
   Function = 0
   Dim As HDC hDC,tmpdc
   Dim As RECT rc,bmpRC
   Dim As HBRUSH hBr

   Select case uMsg
            Exit Function
        Exit Function
    Case WM_PAINT
            dim pnt as PAINTSTRUCT
            Dim As Integer x,y

         hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )

         'Hintergrund -------------------------
        hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.Color)

        If this.b_Border Then
            hBr = CreateSolidBrush(this.b_ColBorder)
        If this.b_Down = TRUE Then
                DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_SUNKEN   , BF_RECT )

        If (this.b_Bitmap<>0) And (Len(this.Caption) = 0) Then    ' Nur Bild
            x = Int((this.Width - this.b_bmWidth)/2)
                y = Int((this.Height - this.b_bmHeight)/2)

                BitBlt(hDC,x,y ,this.b_bmWidth + x,this.b_bmHeight + y ,this.b_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY)

        ElseIf (this.b_Bitmap=0) And (Len(this.Caption)<> 0) Then ' Nur Text
            SetBkMode(hDc, TRANSPARENT)
            DrawText(hDC,this.Caption, -1, @rc, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER )
        ElseIf (this.b_Bitmap<>0) And (Len(this.Caption)<> 0) Then  '  Bild + Text
            If b_TextPos = TRUE Then    ' Bild oben
                bmpRC.left  = Int((rc.right - this.b_bmWidth) /2)
                bmpRC.top   = rc.top + 5 ' Padding oben
                bmpRC.right = this.b_bmWidth
                bmpRC.bottom= this.b_bmHeight

                rc.left = rc.left + 2
                rc.Top = this.b_bmHeight + 10
            Else                            ' Bild links
                bmpRC.left  = 5
                bmpRC.top   = Int((rc.bottom - this.b_bmHeight) /2)
                bmpRC.right = this.b_bmWidth
                bmpRC.bottom= this.b_bmHeight

                rc.left = rc.left + 5 + this.b_bmWidth



            SetBkMode(hDc, TRANSPARENT)

            DrawText(hDC,this.Caption, -1, @rc, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER )

        ' FocusRect zeichnen
        If (hWnd = GetFocus()) And (this.b_Focused = TRUE)Then
            rc.left +=3
            rc.top +=3
            rc.right -=3
            rc.bottom -=3
        End If

        EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
        Exit Function
        If this.onRbuttondown Then
        End If
        Exit Function
        If this.b_Down = FALSE Then
            hDc = GetDC(hWnd)
            DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_SUNKEN   , BF_RECT )
            this.Down = FALSE
        End If
        Exit Function
        If this.onClick Then
        End If
        Exit Function
        If this.b_Down = FALSE Then
            hDc = GetDC(hWnd)
            DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_RAISED   , BF_RECT )
        End If
        Exit Function

        Exit Function

        Exit Function

        If  wParam = 32 Then
                hDc = GetDC(hWnd)
                DrawEdge(hDC,@rc, EDGE_SUNKEN   , BF_RECT )
        End If
        Exit Function
    Case WM_KEYUP
        If  wParam = 32 Then
                If this.onClick Then
                End If
        End If
        Exit Function
   End Select

   Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)
end Function

Sub FToolBtn.Create(ByVal hParent As HWND, ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer,ByVal w As Integer,ByVal h As Integer)

   Dim As ZString * 32 szClass
   Dim As HINSTANCE hInst

    this.Parent = hParent

   szClass     = "FB_CONTROL"
   hInst        = GetModuleHandle(0)

   this.Handle = CreateWindowEx( this.ExStyle  , @szClass , "" , this.Style  , x, y, w , h , _
                          this.Parent , NULL, hInst , NULL )

   SetWindowLong(this.Handle ,GWL_USERDATA,CInt(@This)) ' Zeiger diese Instanz

   If this.Handle  Then
    this.Left    = x
        this.Top         = y
    this.Width   = w
        this.Height  = h
    this.Caption = ""
    MessageBox(0,"Fehler - Create FToolBtn","Fehler",MB_ICONERROR)
    Exit Sub
   End If

End Sub

' Timer
Type FTimer Extends Object

    Declare Property Takt As Integer
    Declare Property Takt(ByVal value As Integer)
   Declare Sub Start(ByVal win As HWND )
   Declare Sub Stop()
   Declare Constructor
   Declare Destructor
   onTimer As Sub ()
   As Integer  b_takt       = 1000
   As HWND      b_hWnd      = 0
   As Integer   b_ID            = 0
   Declare Static Function MyTimerProc(hWnd As HWND, uMsg as UINT, idEvent  as UINT ,dwTime As UInteger) as LRESULT
End Type
Function FTimer.MyTimerProc(hWnd As HWND,uMsg as UINT, idEvent  as UINT ,dwTime As UInteger) as LRESULT

    Function = 0

    Dim ret  As Integer
    Dim As FTimer Ptr tim=Cast(FTimer Ptr,idEvent)

    If tim=0 Then Exit Function

    If uMsg = WM_TIMER Then
        If tim->onTimer Then tim->onTimer()

End Function
Constructor FTimer
    this.b_takt = 1000
    this.b_hWnd = 0
    this.b_ID   = CInt(@This)
End Constructor

Destructor FTimer
    this.b_takt = 0
    If this.b_hWnd Then
End Destructor

Property FTimer.Takt As Integer
    Return this.b_takt
End Property
Property FTimer.Takt(ByVal value As Integer)
    this.b_takt = value
End Property

Sub FTimer.Start(ByVal win As HWND )

    Dim As Integer retVal

    this.b_hWnd = win
    retVal=SetTimer(this.b_hWnd, this.b_ID, this.b_takt,Cast(TimerProc, @MyTimerProc ))
End Sub
Sub FTimer.Stop()
End Sub
' Ende