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Datum/Zeit:25.03.2014 17:39:58

#include Once "win\commdlg.bi"

' Save und Open Dialog

Type FSaveOpen Extends Object

Declare Property Caption(value As String)
Declare Property Caption As String
Declare Property FileName(value As String)
Declare Property FileName As String
Declare Property Filter(value As String)
Declare Property Filter As String
Declare Property FilterIndex(value As Integer)
Declare Property InitialDir(value As String)
Declare VIRTUAL Function Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer
Declare Constructor
Declare Destructor

As String s_Caption
As String s_FileName
As String s_Filter
As String s_InitialDir
As Integer s_FilterIndex
End Type

Constructor FSaveOpen
    this.s_InitialDir = CurDir
    this.s_Caption = "Open/Save"
    this.s_Filter = "All Files, (*.*)"+Chr(0)+"*.*"+Chr(0,0)
    this.s_FilterIndex = 1
End Constructor
Destructor FSaveOpen
    this.s_InitialDir = ""
End Destructor
Property FSaveOpen.Caption(value As String)
    this.s_Caption = value
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.Caption As String
    Return this.s_Caption
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.FileName(value As String)
    this.s_FileName = value
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.FileName As String
    Return this.s_FileName
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.Filter(value As String)
    Dim As String sTmp
    Dim As Integer i
    For i=1 To Len(value)
        If (Mid(value,i,1) = Chr(124)) Or (Mid(value,i,1) = Chr(47)) Then
            Mid(value,i,1) = Chr(0)
    value = value + Chr(0,0)
    this.s_Filter = value
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.Filter As String
    Return this.s_Filter
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.FilterIndex(value As Integer)
    this.s_FilterIndex = value
End Property
Property FSaveOpen.InitialDir(value As String)
    this.s_InitialDir = value
End Property
Function FSaveOpen.Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer
    Return 0
End Function
'                                       Openfile
Type FOpenFile Extends FSaveOpen
Declare Function Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer
End Type
Function FOpenFile.Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer

    dim ofn as OPENFILENAME
    dim szfname  As zstring * MAX_PATH+1
    Dim szFilter As ZString * 128
    Dim szCapt As ZString * 128

    szCapt  = this.s_Caption
    szFilter = this.s_Filter

    with ofn
        .lStructSize        = sizeof( OPENFILENAME )
        .hwndOwner          = hParent
        .hInstance          = GetModuleHandle( NULL )
        .lpstrFilter        = @szFilter
        .lpstrCustomFilter  = NULL
        .nMaxCustFilter     = 0
        .nFilterIndex       = this.s_FilterIndex '"All File|*.*|Basic|*.bas|Include|*.bi"
        .lpstrFile          = @szfname
        .nMaxFile           = sizeof(szfname)
        .lpstrFileTitle = NULL
        .nMaxFileTitle      = 0
        .lpstrInitialDir    = NULL
        .lpstrTitle         = @szCapt
        .nFileOffset        = 0
        .nFileExtension = 0
        .lpstrDefExt        = NULL
        .lCustData          = 0
        .lpfnHook           = NULL
        .lpTemplateName = NULL
    end with

    if( GetOpenFileName( @ofn ) = FALSE ) then
        Function = 0
        this.s_FileName = szfname
        Function = 1
    end if
End Function

'                                       Savefile
Type FSaveFile Extends FSaveOpen
Declare Function Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer
End Type
Function FSaveFile.Execute(ByVal hParent As HWND) As Integer

    dim ofn as OPENFILENAME
    dim szfname  As zstring * MAX_PATH+1
    Dim szFilter As ZString * 128
    Dim szCapt As ZString * 128

    szCapt  = this.s_Caption
    szFilter = this.s_Filter

    with ofn
        .lStructSize        = sizeof( OPENFILENAME )
        .hwndOwner          = hParent
        .hInstance          = GetModuleHandle( NULL )
        .lpstrFilter        = @szFilter
        .lpstrCustomFilter  = NULL
        .nMaxCustFilter     = 0
        .nFilterIndex       = this.s_FilterIndex
        .lpstrFile          = @szfname
        .nMaxFile           = sizeof(szfname)
        .lpstrFileTitle = NULL
        .nMaxFileTitle      = 0
        .lpstrInitialDir    = NULL
        .lpstrTitle         = @szCapt
        .Flags              = OFN_EXPLORER  or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST
        .nFileOffset        = 0
        .nFileExtension = 0
        .lpstrDefExt        = NULL
        .lCustData          = 0
        .lpfnHook           = NULL
        .lpTemplateName = NULL
    end with

    if( GetSaveFileName( @ofn ) = FALSE ) then
        Function = 0
        this.s_FileName = szfname
        Function = 1
    end if
End Function
'                                       Color - Dialog
Function getColor(BYVAL hWnd AS HWND) AS UInteger

          Dim ccf    AS ChooseColor
          Dim i    AS Integer
          Dim retRGB AS UInteger
          DIM iRGB(0 To 15) AS UInteger

          FOR i = 0 TO 15
          Next i
          retRGB = 0

          ccf.lStructSize = LEN(ccf)
          ccf.hwndOwner   = hWnd
          ccf.hInstance   = 0
          ccf.Flags       = 0
          ccf.rgbResult   =retRGB

          IF ChooseColor(@ccf) THEN
              FUNCTION = ccf.rgbResult
             EXIT FUNCTION
             FUNCTION = -1              ' Abbruch
          END IF
End Function