Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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FadeText! (aka text weich einblenden via Freetype)

Datum/Zeit:08.01.2009 18:28:33

' routines for rendering text are from FreeType2 library test, by jofers (spam[at]betterwebber.com)
' THANK YOU jofers :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneeleven

'      Copyright 2009 Florian Jung <florian.a.jung@gmx.de>
'      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
'      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
'      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
'      (at your option) any later version.
'      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'      GNU General Public License for more details.
'      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
'      Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
'      MA 02110-1301, USA.

'Unfortunately, i wasn't able to find any licensing hint in jofers original code.
'so, jofers, when you don't want your code used like that, please tell me.

'This is not even a beta-version! Don't expect everything to work, but when you find an error, please tell me!

#macro logge(text)
#ifdef DEBUG
open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": ";text:close#123

#macro xlog(text)
#ifdef XDEBUG
open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": ";text:close#123

#macro uglylog(text)
open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": ";text:close#123

#macro logerror(text)
    open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": [ERROR] ";text:close#123
    #ifdef WAITONERROR

#macro logFATAL(text)
    open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": [FATAL] ";text:close#123
    #ifdef WAITONERROR

#macro logwarn(text)
    open cons for append as #123:?#123,__FUNCTION__;": [WARNING] ";text:close#123

#define false 0
#define true (not false)
#define debug

#include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "freetype2/freetype.bi"

' Alpha blending
#define FT_MASK_RB_32         &h00FF00FF
#define FT_MASK_G_32         &h0000FF00

' DataStructure to make it easy
Type FT_Var
    ErrorMsg   As FT_Error
    Library    As FT_Library
    PixelSize  As Integer
End Type
type FT_Select
    x as integer
    y as integer
end type

declare sub FTSleep (inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr)

declare sub FadeText_Select (inptr () as any ptr, outptr () as any ptr)
declare Function FT_Pos(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14,retval() as integer,FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer
Declare Function GetFont(ByVal FontName As String,FT_Var as FT_Var) As Integer
declare Function FadeText overload (ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255), func as sub (inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr), inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr,FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer'Function PrintTest(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255)) as integer
declare Function FadeText(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255),FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer
declare Function FadeInput(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, maxlen as integer, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255),FT_Var as FT_Var) as string

Dim Shared FT_Var As FT_Var
' Initialize FreeType
FT_Var.ErrorMsg = FT_Init_FreeType(@FT_Var.Library)
If FT_Var.ErrorMsg Then
    logfatal ("couldn't load FreeType!")
End If
'Load font
Dim shared GameFont As Integer
dim shared font_to_load as string
line input "please enter the path to a ttf file: ",font_to_load
GameFont = GetFont(font_to_load,FT_Var)
If GameFont = 0 Then
    logFATAL("Couldn't load font!")
end if
screenres 800,600,32

fadetext (100,100,"FadeText demo",gamefont,64,rgb(255,255,255),FT_Var)
fadetext (100,100,"by Florian Jung%n(florian.a.jung@gmx.de)%c232",gamefont,64,rgb(255,255,255),FT_Var)
sleep 3000
fadetext (100,100,"you saw how you can output 'normal' text, without any interaction.%nbut FadeText is also able to wait for the user, or to execute SUBs!",gamefont,20,rgb(255,255,0),FT_Var)

dim as integer coordinates(0 to 5)
dim as any ptr inptr (0 to 4)
dim as integer i
dim as integer nChoices,Choice
inptr(0)=cast(any ptr,@nChoices)
dim as any ptr outptr(0 to 0)

dim as FT_Select selecttemp(0 to 2)
FT_Pos (100,100,"for example, you can choose between three items: item one  %p  %p   item two  %n        %p  or item three",gamefont,20,coordinates(),FT_Var)
for i=0 to 2
    selecttemp(i).y=coordinates(i*2+1)-20*0.3 -5
    logge (selecttemp(i).x;",";selecttemp(i).y)

    inptr(i+1)=cast(any ptr,@selecttemp(i))
inptr(4)=cast(any ptr,@Choice)
outptr(0)=cast(any ptr,@Choice)
fadetext (100,100,"for example, you can choose between three items: item one       item two  %n          or item three %n(try up,down,enter/space) ",gamefont,20,rgb(255,0,0),@FadeText_Select,inptr(),outptr(),FT_Var)

fadetext (100,100,"i admit: the current syntax sucks, but i'll%nprovide a way to do that easier soon (hopefully :p)",gamefont,20,rgb(0,0,255),FT_Var)

dim as integer sleeptime,keypress
sleeptime=5000 'in msec, aborting by keypress is allowed. (-5000 would forbid aborting by keypress)
inptr(0)=cast(any ptr,@sleeptime)
outptr(0)=cast(any ptr,@keypress)
fadetext (100,100,"now we'll wait 5 sec that you can read the text.%nwith hitting any key you can abort this.",gamefont,20,rgb(255,0,0),@FTSleep,inptr(),outptr(),FT_Var)
fadetext(100,100,"here i'll try to provide a more comfortable way, too",gamefont,20,rgb(0,0,255),FT_Var)

fadetext (100,100,"now please enter your name (or any other text...)",gamefont,24,rgb(127,127,127),FT_Var)
do : loop while inkey<>"" 'empty keybuffer
dim as string tmp
tmp=fadeinput (100,100,50,gamefont,20,rgb(255,255,255),FT_Var)
fadetext (100,100,"you entered:%n"+tmp,gamefont,22,rgb(255,255,0),FT_Var)
sleep 1000
fadetext (100,100,"CIAO!%c102",gamefont,32,rgb(255,255,255),FT_Var)

' Load a font
' -----------
Function GetFont(ByVal FontName As String,FT_Var as FT_Var) As Integer
    Dim Face As FT_Face
    Dim ErrorMsg As FT_Error

    ErrorMsg = FT_New_Face(FT_Var.Library, FontName, 0, @Face )
    If ErrorMsg Then Return 0

    Return CInt(Face)
End Function

Function FadeText(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255), func as sub (inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr), inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr,FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer
' Prints text fading in each letter (looks cool,  like in Zelda :D)
' Usage:    x and y are the coordinates of our text
'           Text is the text you want to display including controls. These start with %, followed by the function indicator and eventual parameters.
'               There are the following function indicators: ( [+/-] means the sign, [xx] means a hex number (lenght is the number of 'x'))
'               character   |  parameters   | function
'                   n       |     none      | begins a new line
'                   d       |  [+/-][xxxx]  | sets the difference between the current transparency and the following to +/- xxxx (usually negative values, around -0040)
'                   s       |  [+/-][xxxx]  | sets the transparency of the current letter to +/- xxxx.
'                   a       |     [xx]      | sets the step transparency gets increased when text is showed
'                   t       |     [xx]      | sets the maximum transparency (255 means not transparent, 0 is not visible)
'                   c       |    [x][yy]    | specifies, how background should be restored. when x=0, it's just deleted (bah :D). yy has no effect
'                           |               |                                               when x=1, the whole text is faded out. yy is the step visibility gets decreased.
'                           |               |                                               when x=2, each glyph gets removed like it's drawn, but reverse. yy has the same effect like
'                           |               |                                                         the value specified with <a>
'                           |               |                                               otherwise the text won't be deleted and the background is destroyed.
'                   X       |     [xxxx]    | sets the right margin of our text
'                   Y       |     [xxxx]    | sets the maximum y-coordinate. When y wants to get greater than max_y, the output will be truncated at this point.
'                   x       |    [+/-][x]   | sets the number of pixels added to (current_x_coordinate + lenght_of_current_glyph). Default is 0
'                   y       |    [+/-][x]   | sets the number of pixels added to (current_y_coordinate + height_of_current_glyph). Default is 0
'        any other character|     none      | this character is displayed (without the previous %). Usually used to display the percent-sign (with %%)
'           Font is a font loaded with GetFont before.
'           Size: right! it's the size of our text (whow, you haven't thought of that, right? :D)
'           clr is the color (just use rgb(r,g,b))
'           func is the address of a SUB that gets called between text is displayed and text gets deleted. is should receive two arrays of any ptrs, inptr() and outptr().
'           inptr() contains pointers to the parameters of this sub, and outptr() contains pointers to the return value(s)
'Return value:  in case of an error zero (false), otherwise -1 (true)

    'mytimer_pause                       'heh, because otherwise every guy would go on, but we can't see it, and no walls etc are checked... that would result in some trouble...

    '#define uglydebug
    Dim ErrorMsg   As FT_Error
    Dim FontFT     As FT_Face
    Dim GlyphIndex As FT_UInt
    Dim Slot       As FT_GlyphSlot
    Dim PenX       As Integer
    Dim PenY       As Integer
    Dim max_x      As Integer
    Dim max_y      As Integer
    Dim screen_xlen As Integer
    Dim screen_ylen As Integer
    Dim screen_depth As Integer
    Dim i          As Integer
    Dim j          As Integer
    Dim k          As Integer
    dim as ubyte endval

    Dim delta as Integer
    dim clearmode as byte
    dim clearparam as ubyte
    dim as integer deltax,deltay
    Dim add as integer
    dim as fb.image ptr zeichen (0 to len(text)-1),zeichenBG(0 to len(text)-1)
    dim as integer zx(0 to len(text)-1),zy(0 to len(text)-1)
    dim as integer transp(0 to len(text))

    clearmode=1: clearparam=16
    screencontrol  fb.GET_SCREEN_SIZE, screen_xlen, screen_ylen
    if screen_xlen=0 then
        logFATAL ("graphics mode is not initalized! leaving function...")
        return 0
    end if

    screencontrol fb.GET_SCREEN_DEPTH, screen_depth
    if screen_depth<> 32 then
        logFATAL ("we need 32 bits per pixel! leaving function...")
        return 0
    end if


    ' Get rid of any alpha channel in AlphaClr
    Clr = Clr Shl 8 Shr 8

    ' Convert font handle
    FontFT = Cast(FT_Face, Font)

    ' Set font size
    ErrorMsg = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FontFT, Size, Size)
    FT_Var.PixelSize = Size
    If ErrorMsg Then Return 0

    ' Draw each character
    Slot = FontFT->Glyph
    PenX = x
    PenY = y

    xlog ("parsing string...")
    uglylog ("lenght=";len(Text))
    For i = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
        uglylog ("current position:";i;", character='";chr(Text[i]);"', number=";j)
        do while Text[i]=asc("%")
            uglylog ("  found a control-char.")
            if i>=len(text) then 'actually if i>len(text)-1
                logerror ("there is no function indicator at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                exit for
            end if
            uglylog ("  function indicator='";chr(Text[i]);"'")
            if Text[i]=asc("n") then
                uglylog ("  no parameters.")
            elseif Text[i]=asc("d") then 'delta
                if i+4>=len(text) then 'actually if i+4>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if chr(text[i])="-" then delta=-delta
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+4;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3],text[i+4]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";delta;".")
            elseif Text[i]=asc("s") then 'set
                if i+4>=len(text) then 'actually if i+4>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if chr(text[i])="-" then transp(j)=-transp(j)
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+4;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3],text[i+4]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";transp(j);".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("a") then 'add-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";add;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("t") then 'endval/maxtransparency-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";endval;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("X") then 'max_x-wert setzen
                if i+3>=len(text) then 'actually if i+3>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+3;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";max_x;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("Y") then 'max_y-wert setzen
                if i+3>=len(text) then 'actually if i+3>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+3;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";max_y;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("x") then 'deltax-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if text[i]=asc("-") then deltax=-deltax
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";deltax;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("y") then 'deltay-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if text[i]=asc("-") then deltay=-deltay
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";deltay;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("c") then 'clearmode incl. parameter
                if i+2>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+2;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";clearmode;",";clearparam;".")

                uglylog ("  no parameters, parsed as '";chr(text[i]);"'")
                exit do
            end if

            if i>=len(text) then exit for
            uglylog ("current position:";i;", character='";chr(Text[i]);"'")

        if max_x<=x then
            logwarn ("max_x was lesser than x at position";i;". set max_x to screen_xlen.")
        end if
        if max_y<=y then
            logwarn ("max_y was lesser than y at position";i;". set max_y to screen_ylen.")
        end if

        ' Load character index

        uglylog ("  loading character index...")
        GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FontFT, Text[i])

        ' Load character glyph
        uglylog ("  loading glyph...")
        ErrorMsg = FT_Load_Glyph(FontFT, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)
        If ErrorMsg Then
            logerror("couldn't load glyph! leaving function...")
            Return 0
        end if
        ' Render glyph
        uglylog ("  rendering glyph...")
        ErrorMsg = FT_Render_Glyph(FontFT->Glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)
        If ErrorMsg Then
            logerror ("wasn't able to render glyph! leaving function...")
            Return 0
        end if

        ' Check clipping
        If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Width) > max_x Then PenX=X:PenY+=size+deltay'Exit For
        If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Rows) > max_y Then Exit For
        If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left) < 0 Then Exit For
        If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top) < 0 Then Exit For

        ' Set pixels
            Dim BitmapFT As FT_Bitmap
            Dim BitmapPtr As UByte Ptr
            Dim DestPtr As UInteger Ptr
            Dim BitmapHgt As Integer
            Dim BitmapWid As Integer
            Dim BitmapPitch As Integer

            Dim Src_RB As UInteger
            Dim Src_G As UInteger
            Dim Dst_RB As UInteger
            Dim Dst_G As UInteger
            Dim Dst_Color As UInteger
            Dim Alpha As Integer

            BitmapFT = FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap
            BitmapPtr = BitmapFT.Buffer
            BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
            BitmapHgt = BitmapFT.Rows
            'BitmapPitch = 320 - BitmapFT.Width

        if BitmapWid>0 and BitmapHgt>0 then
            uglylog ("  creating buffer for glyph and background...")
            zx(j)=PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left
            zy(j)=PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top
            'conswrite (BitmapPitch;" , ";zeichen(j)->pitch)
            uglylog ("  getting background...")
            get (zx(j),zy(j))-step (BitmapWid-1,BitmapHgt-1),zeichen(j)
            get (zx(j),zy(j))-step (BitmapWid-1,BitmapHgt-1),zeichenBG(j)

            DestPtr = Cast(UInteger Ptr, zeichen(j)+1)
            'DestPtr+=8 '(sizeof(fb.image)\sizeof(uinteger))
            'put (1,1),zeichen(i),pset
            '*(DestPtr+BitmapWid*BitmapHgt)=rgb (127,127,127)
            'put (1,1),zeichen(i),pset


            uglylog ("  drawing glyph into buffer...")
            Do While BitmapHgt
                Do While BitmapWid
                    'conswrite (BitmapWid;"   ";BitmapHgt)
                    ' Thanks, GfxLib
                    Src_RB = Clr And FT_MASK_RB_32
                    Src_G  = Clr And FT_MASK_G_32

                    Dst_Color = *DestPtr
                    Alpha = *BitmapPtr

                    Dst_RB = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_RB_32
                    Dst_G  = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_G_32

                    Src_RB = ((Src_RB - Dst_RB) * Alpha) Shr 8
                    Src_G  = ((Src_G - Dst_G) * Alpha) Shr 8

                    *DestPtr = ((Dst_RB + Src_RB) And FT_MASK_RB_32) Or ((Dst_G + Src_G) And FT_MASK_G_32)
                    DestPtr += 1
                    BitmapPtr += 1
                    BitmapWid -= 1


                BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
                BitmapHgt -= 1
            uglylog ("done.")
            'put (zx(i),zy(i)),zeichen(i),pset
        end if
            'DrawGlyph FontFT, PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left, PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top, Clr

            PenX +=(Slot->Advance.x Shr 6 )+deltax

    Next i
    xlog ("done.")

    if add<1 then
        logerror ("add may not be 0! leaving function...")
        return 0
    end if

    dim as double start,s2,timeleft
    dim as integer fpscount,itemp,ii,ipressed
        for ii=0 to 255
            if multikey(ii) then ipressed=true : exit for
        if itemp=false and ipressed=false then itemp=true
        if itemp and ipressed then exit do

        fpscount+=1                                                     'calculate/show FPS
        if timer-s2>=0.25 then
            xlog (fpscount*4;" FPS")
            xlog ("time left:";timeleft*4;" sec per second")
        end if
        for i=0 to j-1                                                  'draw background and glyph with alphalevel in transp(i)
            if transp(i)+add>=endval and transp(i)<endval then if Zeichen(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),Zeichen(i),alpha,endval
            if transp (i)>0 and transp(i)<endval then
                if ZeichenBG(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),ZeichenBG(i),pset:put (zx(i),zy(i)),Zeichen(i),alpha,transp(i)
            end if
        do : sleep 1: loop until timer-start>=0.02
    loop until transp(j-1)>=255

    if ipressed then
        for i=0 to j-1                                                  'draw glyph
            if Zeichen(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),Zeichen(i),pset
    end if

    if func then
        xlog ("trying to call *func...")
        func (inptr(), outptr())                                            'now calling our sub...
        xlog ("successfully done.")
        xlog ("func is NULL, not calling.")
    end if

    xlog ("restoring background...")
    select case clearmode
        case 1: fpscount=0:timeleft=0:itemp=false
                for i=255 to 0 step -clearparam
                    for ii=0 to 255
                        if multikey(ii) then ipressed=true : exit for
                    if itemp=false and ipressed=false then itemp=true
                    if itemp and ipressed then exit for

                    if timer-s2>=0.1 then
                        xlog (fpscount*10;" FPS")
                        xlog ("time left:";timeleft*10;" sec per second")
                    end if
                    for k=0 to j-1
                        uglylog ("redrawing background #";k;"...")
                        if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset',alpha,i
                        uglylog ("painting glyph #";k;" (transparency=";endval/255*i;")")
                        if Zeichen(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),Zeichen(k),alpha,endval/255*i
                    do:loop while timer-start<0.02
                for k=0 to j-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
        case 0: screenlock
                for k=0 to j-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
        case 2: 'for i=1 to j-1
                '    transp(i)=255
                    for ii=0 to 255
                        if multikey(ii) then ipressed=true : exit for
                    if itemp=false and ipressed=false then itemp=true
                    if itemp and ipressed then exit do

                    if timer-s2>=0.25 then
                        xlog (fpscount*4;" FPS")
                        xlog ("time left:";timeleft*4;" sec per second")
                    end if
                    for i=0 to j-1
                        'if transp(i)>=0 and transp(i)<=clearparam then put (zx(i),zy(i)),ZeichenBG(i),pset
                        if transp(i)>0  and transp(i)< endval then
                            uglylog ("restoring background #";i;" (transparency =";transp(i);", x =";zx(i);", y =";zy(i);")...")

                            if ZeichenBG(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),ZeichenBG(i),pset
                        end if
                        if transp (i)>0 and transp(i)<endval then
                            uglylog ("painting glyph #";i;" (transparency =";transp(i);", x =";zx(i);", y =";zy(i);")...")

                            if Zeichen(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),Zeichen(i),alpha,transp(i)
                        end if

                    do : loop until timer-start>=0.02
                loop until transp(0)<=0
                for k=0 to j-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
    end select

    xlog ("cleaning up...")
    for i=0 to j-1
        if Zeichen(i) then
            uglylog ("destroying image and background #";i;"...")

            imagedestroy Zeichen(i)
            imagedestroy ZeichenBG(i)
        end if
    xlog ("done.")
    uglylog ("resuming mytimer...")
    uglylog ("done.")
    '#undef uglydebug
    return -1
End Function

sub FTSleep (inptr() as any ptr, outptr() as any ptr)
'This is a sub to use with FadeText to sleep a specified time
'inptr(0) has to be a pointer to an integer containing the amount of msec to sleep
'if this value is positive, you can continue by pressing any key
'if the value is zero, you have to continuse by pressing any key
'if the value is negative, you have to wait the specified time, you cannot interrupt
'outptr(0) has to point to an integer where the pressed key is stored. zero means no
'key was pressed, the sub was exited by timeout
    dim as integer sleeptime,i,kint,pressed
    dim as double start
    logge ("reading sleeptime...")
    sleeptime=*cast(integer ptr,inptr(0))
    logge ("  =";sleeptime)
    if sleeptime<0 then sleeptime=abs(sleeptime): kint=0
    if kint then
            for i=0 to 255
                if multikey (i) then pressed=i: exit for
            sleep 10
        loop while pressed
    end if
        if kint then
            for i=0 to 255
                if multikey (i) then pressed=i: exit do
        end if

        if sleeptime<>0 then
            if timer-start>sleeptime/1000 then exit do
        end if
        sleep 10
    logge ("writing pressed (";pressed;")...")
    *cast(integer ptr,outptr(0))=pressed
    logge ("done.")
end sub

Function FT_Pos(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14,retval() as integer,FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer
'Usage: x,y,Text,Font,Size are the same as in FadeText
'       retval is an integer array where the return values (bottom y and right x of the character) are saved in
'       retval(0)=x1, retval(1)=y1, retval(2)=x2, retval(3)=y2 and so on
'       to get the middle y of the line, use y-0.3*size
'       to get the right x of the character, use the %p after that character, and use x-deltax

    Dim ErrorMsg   As FT_Error
    Dim FontFT     As FT_Face
    Dim GlyphIndex As FT_UInt
    Dim Slot       As FT_GlyphSlot
    Dim PenX       As Integer
    Dim PenY       As Integer
    Dim max_x      As Integer
    Dim max_y      As Integer
    Dim screen_xlen As Integer
    Dim screen_ylen As Integer
    Dim screen_depth As Integer
    Dim i          As Integer
    Dim j          As Integer
    Dim k          As Integer
    dim as ubyte endval

    dim as integer retnr,notepos

    Dim delta as Integer
    dim clearmode as byte
    dim clearparam as ubyte
    dim as integer deltax,deltay
    Dim add as integer
    dim as fb.image ptr zeichen (0 to len(text)-1),zeichenBG(0 to len(text)-1)
    dim as integer zx(0 to len(text)-1),zy(0 to len(text)-1)
    dim as integer transp(0 to len(text)-1)

    screencontrol  fb.GET_SCREEN_SIZE, screen_xlen, screen_ylen
    if screen_xlen=0 then
        logFATAL ("graphics mode is not initalized! leaving function...")
        return 0
    end if

    screencontrol fb.GET_SCREEN_DEPTH, screen_depth
    if screen_depth<> 32 then
        logFATAL ("we need 32 bits per pixel! leaving function...")
        return 0
    end if

    ' Convert font handle
    FontFT = Cast(FT_Face, Font)

    ' Set font size
    ErrorMsg = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FontFT, Size, Size)
    FT_Var.PixelSize = Size
    If ErrorMsg Then Return 0

    ' Draw each character
    Slot = FontFT->Glyph
    PenX = x
    PenY = y
    logge ("parsing string...")
    For i = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
        uglylog ("current position:";i;", character='";chr(Text[i]);"'")
       do while Text[i]=asc("%")
            uglylog ("  found a control-char.")
            if i>=len(text) then 'actually if i>len(text)-1
                logerror ("there is no function indicator at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                exit for
            end if
            uglylog ("  function indicator='";chr(Text[i]);"'")
            if Text[i]=asc("n") then
                uglylog ("  no parameters.")
            elseif Text[i]=asc("d") then 'delta
                if i+4>=len(text) then 'actually if i+4>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

            elseif Text[i]=asc("s") then 'set
                if i+4>=len(text) then 'actually if i+4>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if
            elseif Text[i]=asc("a") then 'add-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if
            elseif Text[i]=asc("t") then 'endval/maxtransparency-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if
            elseif Text[i]=asc("X") then 'max_x-wert setzen
                if i+3>=len(text) then 'actually if i+3>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+3;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";max_x;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("Y") then 'max_y-wert setzen
                if i+3>=len(text) then 'actually if i+3>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+3;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1],text[i+2],text[i+3]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";max_y;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("x") then 'deltax-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if text[i]=asc("-") then deltax=-deltax
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";deltax;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("y") then 'deltay-wert setzen
                if i+1>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if

                if text[i]=asc("-") then deltay=-deltay
                uglylog ("  parameters from position ";i;" to ";i+1;" are: ";chr(text[i],text[i+1]))
                uglylog ("  parsed them as ";deltay;".")

            elseif Text[i]=asc("c") then 'clearmode incl. parameter
                if i+2>=len(text) then 'actually if i+1>len(text)-1
                    logerror ("there are not enough parameters at position";i-2;"! stopping parsing at this point.")
                    exit for
                end if
            elseif Text[i]=asc("p") then

                uglylog ("  no parameters, parsed as '";chr(text[i]);"'")
                exit do
            end if

            if i>=len(text) then exit for
            uglylog ("current position:";i;", character='";chr(Text[i]);"'")

        if max_x<=x then
            logwarn ("max_x was lesser than x at position";i;". set max_x to screen_xlen.")
        end if
        if max_y<=y then
            logwarn ("max_y was lesser than y at position";i;". set max_y to screen_ylen.")
        end if

        ' Load character index

        uglylog ("  loading character index...")
        GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FontFT, Text[i])

        ' Load character glyph
        uglylog ("  loading glyph...")
        ErrorMsg = FT_Load_Glyph(FontFT, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)
        If ErrorMsg Then
            logerror("couldn't load glyph! leaving function...")
            Return 0
        end if
        ' Render glyph
        uglylog ("  rendering glyph...")
        ErrorMsg = FT_Render_Glyph(FontFT->Glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)
        If ErrorMsg Then
            logerror ("wasn't able to render glyph! leaving function...")
            Return 0
        end if

        ' Check clipping
        If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Width) > max_x Then PenX=X:PenY+=size+deltay'Exit For
        If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Rows) > max_y Then Exit For
        If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left) < 0 Then Exit For
        If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top) < 0 Then Exit For

        if notepos then
        end if

        PenX +=(Slot->Advance.x Shr 6 )+deltax
        'line (penx,0)-(penx,599),rgb(255,255,255)
    return -1
End Function

Function FadeText(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255),FT_Var as FT_Var) as integer
    dim as any ptr a(0),b(0)
    return FadeText (x,y,Text,Font,Size,Clr,0,a(),b(),FT_Var)
end function

sub FadeText_Select (inptr () as any ptr, outptr () as any ptr)
'This is a sub to use with FadeText to wait for a decision between some elements
'inptr(0) has to be a pointer to an integer containing the number of items to choose from
'inptr(1 to number_of_items) have to be pointers to an FT_Select, containing x and y-coordinates
'(top left corner) for the indicator.
'inptr (number_of_items+1) as to be a pointer to an integer containing the preselected item
'outptr(0) has to point to an integer the selection will be stored in
    dim as integer wahl, owahl, anzahl,uplock,downlock,raushier
    dim as single i,ix,iy,oix,oiy,vx,vy,dx,dy,diff,maxdiff
    dim as double start

    dim as fb.image ptr BG,symbol
    logge ("reading arguments...")
    uglylog (" -n...")
    anzahl=*cast(integer ptr, inptr(0))
    uglylog ("  n=";anzahl)
    dim as FT_Select item(1 to anzahl)

    for i=1 to anzahl
        uglylog (" -item(";i;")...")
        item(i)=*cast(FT_Select ptr, inptr(i))
        uglylog ("  item(";i;")=";item(i).x;"/";item(i).y)
    uglylog (" -current selection...")
    wahl=*cast(integer ptr,inptr(anzahl+1))
    uglylog ("  cs=";wahl)
    logge ("done.")

    logge ("creating background...")
    BG=imagecreate (10,10)
    logge ("done.")

    logge ("preparing...")
    get(item(wahl).x,item(wahl).y)-step (9,9),BG

    put (item(wahl).x,item(wahl).y),symbol,trans
    logge ("done, entering loop")

        if ix <> oix or iy<> oiy then
         put (oix,oiy),BG,pset
         get (ix,iy)-step(9,9),BG
         put (ix,iy),symbol,trans
        end if

        if wahl <> owahl then
            uglylog ("choice=";wahl)
        end if

        if ix<>item(wahl).x or iy<> item(wahl).y then

            if diff >maxdiff then
                if abs(vx) > abs(dx/diff*3) then vx=dx/diff*3
                if abs(vy) > abs(dy/diff*3) then vy=dy/diff*3
            end if

            if diff <1 then
                uglylog ("snapped.")

            end if

            if raushier then exit do
        end if

        if multikey (fb.SC_UP) then
            if uplock=0 then
                wahl-=1:if wahl<1 then wahl=anzahl
            end if

        end if
        if multikey (fb.SC_DOWN) then
            if downlock=0 then
                wahl+=1:if wahl>anzahl then wahl=1
            end if
        end if

        if multikey (fb.SC_ENTER) or multikey (fb.SC_SPACE) then raushier=-1
        sleep 10

    logge ("item no.";wahl;"was selected.")

    *cast(integer ptr,outptr(0))=wahl

    for i=255 to 128 step -20
        put (oix,oiy),BG,pset
        put (oix,oiy),symbol,alpha,i
        sleep 20

    for i=128 to 255 step 20
        put (oix,oiy),BG,pset
        put (oix,oiy),symbol,alpha,i
        sleep 20

    for i=255 to 0 step -10
        put (oix,oiy),BG,pset
        put (oix,oiy),symbol,alpha,i
        sleep 20

    put (oix,oiy),BG,pset

    logge ("cleaning up...")
    imagedestroy (BG)
    imagedestroy (symbol)
    logge ("done.")
end sub
Function FadeInput(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, maxlen as integer, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255),FT_Var as FT_Var) as string
' Allows the user to enter text fading in each letter
' Usage:    x and y are the coordinates of our text
'           maxlen is the maximal lenght allowed for your text
'           Font is a font loaded with GetFont before.
'           Size: right! it's the size of our text (whow, you haven't thought of that, right? :D)
'           clr is the color (just use rgb(r,g,b))
'           clearmode and clearparam (see code) control the behaviour of the program when done with entering text
'           clearmode=0 just removes the text (looks ugly :x ). clearmode=1 and 2 fade it out (2 is a bit smoother for the last letter). any other value
'           lets the program not remove the text, but destroy the buffer for the background. clearparam behaves like add, but in the opposite direction
'Return value:  the text entered by the user (as a string)

    'actually, there's no real difference between clearmodes 1 and 2, but 2 has a smooth fadeout, too, when the last letter hasn't faded in completely

    'mytimer_pause                       'heh, because otherwise every guy would go on, but we can't see it, and no walls etc are checked... that would result in some trouble...

    '#define uglydebug
    Dim ErrorMsg   As FT_Error
    Dim FontFT     As FT_Face
    Dim GlyphIndex As FT_UInt
    Dim Slot       As FT_GlyphSlot
    Dim PenX (0 to maxlen) As Integer
    Dim PenY (0 to maxlen) As Integer
    Dim max_x      As Integer
    Dim max_y      As Integer
    Dim screen_xlen As Integer
    Dim screen_ylen As Integer
    Dim screen_depth As Integer
    Dim i          As Integer
    'Dim j          As Integer
    Dim k          As Integer
    dim as ubyte endval

    Dim delta as Integer
    dim clearmode as byte
    dim clearparam as ubyte
    dim as integer deltax,deltay
    Dim add as integer
    dim as fb.image ptr zeichen (0 to maxlen-1),zeichenBG(0 to maxlen-1)
    dim as integer zx(0 to maxlen-1),zy(0 to maxlen-1)
    dim as integer transp(0 to maxlen-1)
    dim as integer deltatransp(0 to maxlen-1)

    dim as string ink,text
    dim as integer nGlyphs



    screencontrol  fb.GET_SCREEN_SIZE, screen_xlen, screen_ylen
    if screen_xlen=0 then
        logFATAL ("graphics mode is not initalized! leaving function...")
        return ""
    end if

    screencontrol fb.GET_SCREEN_DEPTH, screen_depth
    if screen_depth<> 32 then
        logFATAL ("we need 32 bits per pixel! leaving function...")
        return ""
    end if


    ' Get rid of any alpha channel in AlphaClr
    Clr = Clr Shl 8 Shr 8

    ' Convert font handle
    FontFT = Cast(FT_Face, Font)

    ' Set font size
    ErrorMsg = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FontFT, Size, Size)
    FT_Var.PixelSize = Size
    If ErrorMsg Then Return ""

    Slot = FontFT->Glyph
    PenX(0) = x
    PenY(0) = y

    dim as double start,s2,timeleft
    dim as integer fpscount,itemp,ii,ipressed

        fpscount+=1                                                     'calculate/show FPS
        if timer-s2>=0.25 then
            xlog (fpscount*4;" FPS")
            xlog ("time left:";timeleft*4;" sec per second")
        end if

        for i=0 to len(text)-1                      'remove all glyphs
        for i=len(text) to nGlyphs-1                'also those that are actually fading out

        ink=inkey                                   'process keyboard input
        if ink <> "" then
            if ink=chr(13) then
                exit do
            elseif ink=chr(8) then
                if len(text)>0 then
                    deltatransp (len(text)-1)=-1
                end if
            elseif len(ink)=1 then 'no special chars!
                if len(text)<maxlen then
                    if deltatransp(len(text)-1)=0 then 'there is no glyph fading out?
                        transp(len(text)-1)=0       'and start with zero

                    elseif deltatransp(len(text)-1)=-1 then 'there is one fading out!
                        deltatransp(len(text)-1)=1  'fade IN!
                        'transp(len(text)-1)=0      'and start with zero
                        'nGlyphs=nGlyphs            'don't change nGlyphs
                    else 'should never happen!
                        logWARN ("you should never have come here oO?!")
                    end if 'transparency settings are done.

                    ' Load character index

                    uglylog ("loading character index...")
                    GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FontFT, ink[0])

                    ' Load character glyph
                    uglylog ("loading glyph...")
                    ErrorMsg = FT_Load_Glyph(FontFT, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)
                    If ErrorMsg Then
                        logerror("couldn't load glyph! leaving function...")
                        Return ""
                    end if
                    ' Render glyph
                    uglylog ("  rendering glyph...")
                    ErrorMsg = FT_Render_Glyph(FontFT->Glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)
                    If ErrorMsg Then
                        logerror ("wasn't able to render glyph! leaving function...")
                        Return ""
                    end if

                    ' Check clipping
                    If (PenX(len(text)-1) + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Width) > max_x Then PenX(len(text)-1)=X:PenY(len(text)-1)+=size+deltay'Exit For
                    If (PenY(len(text)-1) - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Rows) > max_y Then
                        logERROR ("y was greater than maxy! leaving loop...")
                        Exit do
                    end if
                    If (PenX(len(text)-1) + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left) < 0 Then
                        logERROR ("x was less than 0! leaving loop...")
                        Exit do
                    end if
                    If (PenY(len(text)-1) - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top) < 0 Then
                        logERROR ("y was less than 0! leaving loop...")
                        exit do
                    end if

                    ' Set pixels
                    Dim BitmapFT As FT_Bitmap
                    Dim BitmapPtr As UByte Ptr
                    Dim DestPtr As UInteger Ptr
                    Dim BitmapHgt As Integer
                    Dim BitmapWid As Integer
                    Dim BitmapPitch As Integer

                    Dim Src_RB As UInteger
                    Dim Src_G As UInteger
                    Dim Dst_RB As UInteger
                    Dim Dst_G As UInteger
                    Dim Dst_Color As UInteger
                    Dim Alpha As Integer

                    BitmapFT = FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap
                    BitmapPtr = BitmapFT.Buffer
                    BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
                    BitmapHgt = BitmapFT.Rows
                    'BitmapPitch = 320 - BitmapFT.Width

                    if BitmapWid>0 and BitmapHgt>0 then
                        uglylog ("  creating buffer for glyph and background...")
                        if zeichen(len(text)-1) then
                            xlog ("  buffer already exists, destroying it...")
                            xlog ("  done.")
                        end if

                        zx(len(text)-1)=PenX(len(text)-1) + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left
                        zy(len(text)-1)=PenY(len(text)-1) - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top
                        'conswrite (BitmapPitch;" , ";zeichen(j)->pitch)
                        uglylog ("  getting background...")
                        get (zx(len(text)-1),zy(len(text)-1))-step (BitmapWid-1,BitmapHgt-1),zeichen(len(text)-1)
                        get (zx(len(text)-1),zy(len(text)-1))-step (BitmapWid-1,BitmapHgt-1),zeichenBG(len(text)-1)

                        DestPtr = Cast(UInteger Ptr, zeichen(len(text)-1)+1)
                        'DestPtr+=8 '(sizeof(fb.image)\sizeof(uinteger))
                        'put (1,1),zeichen(i),pset
                        '*(DestPtr+BitmapWid*BitmapHgt)=rgb (127,127,127)
                        'put (1,1),zeichen(i),pset


                        uglylog ("  drawing glyph into buffer...")
                        Do While BitmapHgt
                            Do While BitmapWid
                                'conswrite (BitmapWid;"   ";BitmapHgt)
                                ' Thanks, GfxLib
                                Src_RB = Clr And FT_MASK_RB_32
                                Src_G  = Clr And FT_MASK_G_32

                                Dst_Color = *DestPtr
                                Alpha = *BitmapPtr

                                Dst_RB = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_RB_32
                                Dst_G  = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_G_32

                                Src_RB = ((Src_RB - Dst_RB) * Alpha) Shr 8
                                Src_G  = ((Src_G - Dst_G) * Alpha) Shr 8

                                *DestPtr = ((Dst_RB + Src_RB) And FT_MASK_RB_32) Or ((Dst_G + Src_G) And FT_MASK_G_32)
                                DestPtr += 1
                                BitmapPtr += 1
                                BitmapWid -= 1


                            BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
                            BitmapHgt -= 1
                        uglylog ("done.")
                        'put (zx(i),zy(i)),zeichen(i),pset
                    end if
                        'DrawGlyph FontFT, PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left, PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top, Clr

                    PenX(len(text)) =PenX(len(text)-1)+(Slot->Advance.x Shr 6 )+deltax
                    PenY(len(text)) =PenY(len(text)-1)

                end if
            end if
        end if

        for i=0 to len(text)-1                      'draw all glyphs
            uglylog ("processing glyph #";i;"...")
            if deltatransp(i)>0 then
                uglylog ("fading IN...")
                if transp(i)>255 then transp(i)=255:deltatransp(i)=0
                uglylog ("alpha=";transp(i))
            elseif deltatransp(i)<0 then
                uglylog ("fading OUT...")
                if transp(i)<0 then transp(i)=0:deltatransp(i)=0
                uglylog ("alpha=";transp(i))
            end if
        for i=len(text) to nGlyphs-1                'also those that are actually fading out
            uglylog ("processing glyph #";i;"...")
            if deltatransp(i)>0 then
                uglylog ("fading IN...")
                if transp(i)>255 then transp(i)=255:deltatransp(i)=0
                uglylog ("alpha=";transp(i))
            elseif deltatransp(i)<0 then
                uglylog ("fading OUT...")
                if transp(i)<0 then transp(i)=0:deltatransp(i)=0
                uglylog ("alpha=";transp(i))
            end if

        do : sleep 1: loop until timer-start>=0.02


    xlog ("restoring background...")
    select case clearmode
        case 1: fpscount=0:timeleft=0:itemp=false
                for i=255 to 0 step -clearparam
                    for ii=0 to 255
                        if multikey(ii) then ipressed=true : exit for
                    if itemp=false and ipressed=false then itemp=true
                    if itemp and ipressed then exit for

                    if timer-s2>=0.1 then
                        xlog (fpscount*10;" FPS")
                        xlog ("time left:";timeleft*10;" sec per second")
                    end if
                    for k=0 to nGlyphs-1
                        uglylog ("redrawing background #";k;"...")
                        if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset',alpha,i
                        uglylog ("painting glyph #";k;" (transparency=";endval/255*i;")")
                        if Zeichen(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),Zeichen(k),alpha,endval/255*i
                    do:loop while timer-start<0.02
                for k=0 to nGlyphs-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
        case 0: screenlock
                for k=0 to nGlyphs-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
        case 2: 'for i=1 to j-1
                '    transp(i)=255
                    for ii=0 to 255
                        if multikey(ii) then ipressed=true : exit for
                    if itemp=false and ipressed=false then itemp=true
                    if itemp and ipressed then exit do

                    if timer-s2>=0.25 then
                        xlog (fpscount*4;" FPS")
                        xlog ("time left:";timeleft*4;" sec per second")
                    end if
                    for i=0 to nGlyphs-1
                        'if transp(i)>=0 and transp(i)<=clearparam then put (zx(i),zy(i)),ZeichenBG(i),pset
                        if transp(i)>0  and transp(i)< endval then
                            uglylog ("restoring background #";i;" (transparency =";transp(i);", x =";zx(i);", y =";zy(i);")...")

                            if ZeichenBG(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),ZeichenBG(i),pset
                        end if
                        if transp (i)>0 and transp(i)<endval then
                            uglylog ("painting glyph #";i;" (transparency =";transp(i);", x =";zx(i);", y =";zy(i);")...")

                            if Zeichen(i) then put (zx(i),zy(i)),Zeichen(i),alpha,transp(i)
                        end if

                    do : loop until timer-start>=0.02
                loop until transp(0)<=0
                for k=0 to nGlyphs-1
                    if ZeichenBG(k) then put (zx(k),zy(k)),ZeichenBG(k),pset
    end select

    xlog ("cleaning up...")
    for i=0 to nGlyphs-1
        if Zeichen(i) then
            uglylog ("destroying image and background #";i;"...")

            imagedestroy Zeichen(i)
            imagedestroy ZeichenBG(i)
        end if
    xlog ("done.")
    uglylog ("resuming mytimer...")
    uglylog ("done.")

    return text
End Function