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[Ex|In]terne IP anzeigen
Uploader: | ![]() |
Datum/Zeit: | 11.07.2011 22:32:47 |
#include "vbcompat.bi"
#include once "windows.bi"
#include once "win\shellapi.bi"
#include once "win\wininet.bi"
#define maxBuf 1024
#define IPspc 20
'| Header: Bestimmen der Übergabeparameter |
'| AnzeigeCheck:|Il1 sind Alt-0124, Großes i, kleines L, Eins „ä”öüáߎę֚Üñ±ø°¸©|
Const Author="ExtIP.Bas v0.22.0 ¸2011 by ytwinky, MD"' |
'| (Tastenkombination: keine) |
'| |
'| Zweck : externe IP anzeigen(via WGet), falls offLine lokale IP anzeigen |
'(Anmerkung zu den Sonderzeichen: zuerst steht das DOS-Zeichen, danach das Windowszeichen)
Declare Function GetExternIP() As String
Declare Function ChkOnline(HostIP As String, Gateway As String, SubNetMask As String) As Integer
Declare Function GetPipe(Cmd As String) As String
Declare Sub String2Array(byRef StringRef As String, byRef Separator As String, IPArray() As Integer)
Const Lf=!"\n"
Var SysPfad=Environ("windir") &"\System32\", s="", i=0, online=0, HostIP="", Gateway="", SubNetMask=""
Dim As String z(5)
s=GetPipe(SysPfad &"IPConfig.Exe")
i=InStr(InStr(InStr(s, "LAN-Verbindung"), s, "dress"), s, ":")+2
HostIP=Mid(s, i, InStr(i, s, Lf)-i)
i=InStr(InStr(i, s, "mask"), s, ":")+2
SubNetMask=Mid(s, i, InStr(i, s, Lf)-i)
i=InStr(InStr(i, s, "ateway"), s, ":")+2
Gateway=Mid(s, i, InStr(i, s, Lf)-i)
online=ChkOnline(HostIP, Gateway, SubNetMask)
If online Then HostIP=GetExternIP()
Print Format(Now, "yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss") & *IIf(online, @" extern ", @" lokal ") & HostIP
If Command(1)="" Then GetKey
Function ChkOnline(HostIP As String, Gateway As String, SubNetMask As String) As Integer
Dim As Integer aIP(4), aGW(4), aSub(4)
Var okay=0, i=0
String2Array(SubNetMask, ".", aSub())
String2Array(HostIP, ".", aIP())
String2Array(Gateway, ".", aGW())
For i=0 To 3
okay Or=(.aIP(i) And .aSub(i))-(.aGW(i) And .aSub(i))
Erase aIP, aGW, aSub
Return okay=0
End Function
Function GetPipe(Cmd As String) As String
Var s="", z="", FNo=FreeFile
Open Pipe Cmd For Input As #FNo 'Dateinummer an Konsolenausgabe zuweisen..
While Not Eof(FNo) 'Lesen anfangen..
Line Input #FNo, z 'sollten Kommata in der Zeile sein einfach ignorieren..
If z<>"" Then s &=z &Lf 'leere Zeilen nicht beachten..
Wend 'Konsolenausgabe zuende
Close #FNo 'Konsolenausgabe schließen
Return s '..und zurückgeben
End Function
'Originally by agamemnus, search english fb-forum for split
Sub String2Array(byRef StringRef As String, byRef Separator As String, IPArray() As Integer)
Var m=1, n=0, i=0, lenStringRef=Len(StringRef)
n=InStr(m, stringRef, Separator)
If n=0 Then n=lenStringRef+1
IPArray(i)=Val(Trim(Mid(StringRef, m, n-m)))
If n=lenStringRef+1 Then Exit Do
End Sub
Function GetExternIP() As String 'Original von oldirty
'Source, returns only external IP-Address as String
Dim As String sURL="http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp" 'Beware:Address has changed!!
Dim As HINTERNET hOpen, hFile
Dim As Integer nRet, tbSize=32, x
Dim As String tBuff=Space(tbSize), scUserAgent="Zippy"
Dim As String*IPspc ExternIP=Space(IPspc)
Dim As Byte Ptr myBuff
hOpen=InternetOpen(scUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0) 'Create an internet connection
If hOpen=0 Then Return "error -1"
hFile=InternetOpenUrl(hOpen, sURL, NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0) 'Open the url
If hFile=0 Then Return "error -2"
'Let's get the file size, I think this requires IE 4.0 engine, not 3.0
x=HttpQueryInfo(hFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, StrPtr(tBuff), @tbSize, NULL)
x=InternetReadFile(hFile, myBuff, maxBuf, @nRet)
If nRet>0 Then
For x=0 To nRet-1
End If
DeAllocate myBuff
Return ExternIP
End Function