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Datum/Zeit:08.02.2014 14:13:19

const as single pi =atn (1) * 4
const as single doublepi=pi*2
const as single halfpi=pi/2

type vectorR2
  x as single
  y as single
end type

type vectorR3
  x as single
  y as single
  z as single
end type

sub HSV_to_RGB (byval hue as single, byval saturation as single, byval value as single, byref RGBvalue as uinteger)
  dim as integer huecase,r,g,b
  if hue>=360 then hue=0
  if hue<=0 then hue=0
  if saturation>100 then saturation=100
  if saturation<0 then saturation=0
  if value>100 then value=100
  if value<0 then value=0
  'Grundfarbe ermitteln
  select case huecase
    case 1                        'grün steigend
      g=255 * hue/60
    case 2                        'rot fallend
      r=255 - (255 * (hue-60) / 60)
    case 3                        'blau steigend
      b=255 * (hue-120)/60
    case 4                        'grün fallend
      g=255 - (255 * (hue-180)/60)
    case 5                        'rot steigend
      r=255 * (hue-240)/60
    case 6                        'blau fallend
      b=255 - (255 * (hue-300)/60)
  end select
  '        s Sättigung      und    v Helligkeit berechnen
  r=(255 - (255-r)*saturation/100)    * value/100
  g=(255 - (255-g)*saturation/100)    * value/100
  b=(255 - (255-b)*saturation/100)    * value/100
end sub

sub RGB_to_HSV (byval RGBvalue as UInteger, byref hue as single, byref saturation as single, byref value as single)
  dim as integer RGB_Split(2)'[0]=rot,[1]=grün,[2]=blau
  dim as integer RGB_Max,RGB_Min,RGB_Range

  'Aufsplitten der Originalfarbe
  RGB_Split(0)=((RGBvalue shr 16) and &HFF)
  RGB_Split(1)=((RGBvalue shr 8) and &HFF )
  RGB_Split(2)=(RGBvalue and &HFF         )

  'Maximal- und Minimalwerte ermitteln
  for i as integer=0 to 2
    if RGB_Split(i)>RGB_Max then RGB_Max=RGB_Split(i)
    if RGB_Split(i)<RGB_Min then RGB_Min=RGB_Split(i)
  next i

  'Grundfarbe in Grad ermitteln
  if RGB_Range then'keine Grauwerte
    select case RGB_Max
      case RGB_Split(0)                                 'Maximalwert:rot
        hue=60 * (0 + (RGB_Split(1)-RGB_Split(2)) / RGB_Range)
      case RGB_Split(1)                                 'Maximalwert:grün
        hue=60 * (2 + (RGB_Split(2)-RGB_Split(0)) / RGB_Range)
      case RGB_Split(2)                                 'Maximalwert:blau
        hue=60 * (4 + (RGB_Split(0)-RGB_Split(1)) / RGB_Range)
    end select
    if hue<0 then hue +=360
  end if
  saturation=100 * RGB_range/RGB_Max
  value=100 *RGB_Max/255
end sub

'eigener wiederverwendeter Code aus Einparksimulator

'bringt ein Bogenmaß in den Bereich von 0 bis 2PI
'! BYREF es wir die übergebene Variable verändert
sub RadCorrected (byref Rad as single)
  if Rad>=doublepi then Rad=Rad-doublepi
  if Rad<0 then Rad=doublepi+Rad
end sub

'liefert Entfernung 2er Ortsvektoren nach Pythagoras
 Function GetDistance(source as vectorR2, dest as vectorR2) As Single
   dim as single dx,dy
   dx=dest.x - source.x
   dy=dest.y - source.y
   function=sqr(dx*dx + dy*dy)
 End Function

'Richtung(als Bogenmaß) des Punktes dest vom Standpunkt source aus betrachtet
function GetRad overload(source as vectorR2,dest as vectorR2) as single
  dim as single Rad
  dim as vectorR2 d
  d.x= dest.x - source.x
  d.y= dest.y - source.y
  if sgn(Rad)=-1 then Rad= doublepi + Rad
end function

'wandelt einen Richtungsvektor zu Bogenmaß
 function GetRad (v as vectorR2) as single
   dim as single Rad=atan2(v.y,v.x)
   if sgn(Rad)=-1 then Rad= doublepi + Rad
 end function

'wandelt Bogenmaß zu Richtungsvektor
'distance stellt ein Skalar dar, der optional benutzt werden kann
function GetVectorR2(Rad as single,distance as single=1) as vectorR2
  dim as vectorR2 v
end function

Screenres 640,480,32

Dim as any ptr BumpMap = ImageCreate(640,480)
dim as any ptr ColorMap = ImageCreate(640,480)
BLoad "BumpMap.bmp",BumpMap
BLoad "ColorMap.bmp",ColorMap

'Variablen fürs Farbmodell
dim as UInteger rgbval
dim as single  hue,saturation,value

'Verortung im Koordinatensystem
dim as single Light_PosRadians
dim as vectorR2 Light_Pos
dim as integer Light_Radius,Light_Height

'Höhe der Nebenpixel
dim as integer hpxl1,hpxl2,hpxl3,hpxl4'in Draufsicht--> l,r,o,u
'Farbe der Pixel
'dim as uinteger cpxl1,cpxl2,cpxl3,cpxl4'in Draufsicht--> l,r,o,u

'das zu untersuchende Pixel
dim as integer pixel_height'Höhe des Pixels
dim as UInteger pixel_Color'Farbe des Pixels, welche manipuliert werden soll
dim as single pixel_dLight'Entfernung Licht-Pixel
dim as integer pixel_hLight'relative Höhe Licht ausgehend von Höhe Pixel
dim as single pixel_hLightRad'relative Höhe Licht Bogenmaß
dim as single pixel_XRad 'Höhenwinkel bei 0 grd durch hpxl1 und hpxl2 definiert (ist bei 180 grd negativ)
dim as single pixel_YRad'Höhenwinkel bei 90 grd durch hpxl2 und hpxl3 definiert (ist bei 270 grd negativ)
dim as single pixel_LRad'Azimut des Lichtes
dim as single pixel_XYRad'Höhenwinkel in Abhängigkeit vom Azimut
dim as single pixel_DiffHeights'"absolute" Höhe Licht

dim as vectorR2 v,d,Vo
dim as integer rgbcomp

dim as integer Xo,Yo



For y As integer= 0 to 479
  For x As integer=0 to 639

    '0.alle Höhen der Pixel aus Bumpmap holen,Farbwert aus Colormap holen
    pixel_height=point(x,Yo-y,BumpMap) and &hFF
    if x=0    then hpxl1=pixel_height else hpxl1=point(x-1,Yo-y,BumpMap) and &hFF
    if x=639  then hpxl2=pixel_height else hpxl2=point(x+1,Yo-y,BumpMap) and &hFF
    if y=0    then hpxl3=pixel_height else hpxl3=point(x,Yo-y-1,BumpMap) and &hFF
    if y=479  then hpxl4=pixel_height else hpxl4=point(x,Yo-y+1,BumpMap) and &hFF

    '1.Entfernung Pixel Licht, von "oben" betrachtet
    pixel_dLight=GetDistance(v, Light_Pos)

    '2. relative Höhe Licht
    pixel_hLight=Light_height - Pixel_height
        If pixel_hLight<0 Then pixel_hLight=0

    '3. relative Höhe Licht in Bogenmaß

    '4.Winkel für 0 grd berechnen in Bogenmaß
    If pixel_XRad>pi then pixel_XRad -=doublepi

    '5.Winkel für 90 grd berechnen in Bogenmaß
    If pixel_YRad>pi then pixel_YRad -=doublepi

    '6.Azimut des Lichtes relativ zum Pixel in Bogenmaß

    '7.Höhenwinkel des Pixels in Richtung Licht(Azimut) berechnen in Bogenmaß
    pixel_XYRad=Cos(pixel_LRad)*pixel_XRad  +  sin(pixel_LRad)*pixel_YRad

      '8.Differenz relative Höhe Licht - Höhenwinkel Pixel in Richtung Licht
      'dieser Wert "pendelt" zwischen 0  bis pi,
      pixel_DiffHeights= pixel_hLightRad-pixel_XYRad
      if pixel_DiffHeights>pi then pixel_DiffHeights=doublepi-pixel_DiffHeights
      if pixel_DiffHeights<0 then pixel_DiffHeights=0

      '9 Farbe berechnen
      'rgbcomp=255 * pixel_DiffHeights/pi

    RGB_to_HSV (pixel_Color,hue,saturation,value)
    value +=100 * pixel_DiffHeights/pi
    saturation -=100 * pixel_DiffHeights/pi
    HSV_to_RGB (hue,saturation,value,pixel_Color)

        '10. Pixel setzen

  Next x
Next y

ImageDestroy bumpmap
ImageDestroy colormap