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Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Eingabe Box für Console Modus

Datum/Zeit:31.07.2014 23:12:03

Sub MQPrint OverLoad(text as String, fgcolor as Integer=-1,bgcolor as Integer=-1)
Dim curc as Integer

if fgcolor>-1  then
    curc = Color()
    If bgcolor>-1 Then color fgcolor,bgcolor Else color fgcolor
    Print text;
    color curc
    Print text;
end If
End Sub

Sub MQPrint OverLoad(column As Integer,row As Integer, text as String, colr as Integer=-1)
    Dim curcol As Integer
    Dim currow As Integer


    Locate row,column
    MQPrint text, colr
    Locate currow,curcol
End Sub

Function TextField(row As Integer, col As Integer, size As Integer, maxsize As Integer=50) As String
    Dim text As String
    Dim changed As Integer

    Dim key As String
    Dim askey As Integer

    Dim oldrow As Integer
    Dim oldcol As Integer
    Dim oldcolor As Integer

    Dim char(0 To 2,size+1) As Integer
    Dim fgcolor(0 To 2,size+1) As Integer
    Dim bgcolor(0 To 2,size+1) As Integer

    Dim w As Integer, h As Integer
    Dim depth As Integer
    ScreenInfo w, h, depth

    'save background
    For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(fgcolor)
        For j As Integer = 0 To UBound(fgcolor,2)
            fgcolor(i,j)=Screen(row+i,col+j,1) And &hf
            bgcolor(i,j)=Screen(row+i,col+j,2) Shr 4

    'save cursor position
    Dim curpos As Integer

    'save CusorState
    oldrow = CsrLin()
    oldcol = Pos()

    'save color
    oldcolor = Color()

    'Draw Box
    Locate row,col
    Print Chr(201);String(size,205);Chr(187)
    Locate row+1,col
    Print Chr(186);Space(size);Chr(186)
    Locate row+2,col
    Print Chr(200);String(size,205);Chr(188)

    'Set blinking cursor at right position
    Locate row+1,col+1,1
        key   = InKey()
        askey = Asc(key)

        Select Case askey
            Case 32 To 127 'All readable chars
                If Len(text)<maxsize Then
                    If curpos<=size Then curpos = curpos+1
                    changed = 1
            Case 13             'Return
                Exit Do
            Case 27         'Escape
                text = ""
                Exit Do
            Case 8          'Backspace
                If Len(text)>0 Then
                    text = Left(text,Len(text)-1)
                    If curpos<1 Then curpos=1
                    If Len(text)>=size Then curpos=size+1
                    changed = 1
                End if
        End Select

        If changed Then
            Locate row+1,col+1
            Print Right(text,size)+Space(size-Len(Text));
            Locate row+1,col+curpos


    'Restore Background
    For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(fgcolor)
        For j As Integer = 0 To UBound(fgcolor,2)
            Color fgcolor(i,j),bgcolor(i,j)
            Locate row+i,col+j
            Print Chr(char(i,j));

    Color oldcolor
    Locate oldrow,oldcol,0
    Return text

Dim text As String
Dim i As Integer

Screen 0
Width 80,25
Color 1,9
For i = 1 To 80*25
    Print chr((i Mod 26)+65);

Color 8,1
Locate 20,3
MQPrint "Hello World!",4                'user color
MQPrint 2,15,"Hello World!"         'use Color 8,1
MQPrint 1,16,"Hello World!",30
MQPrint "Hello World!"             'use Color 8,1

    text = TextField(2,10,20)
    Print text
Loop Until text=""