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Einfacher BASIC-Interpreter

Datum/Zeit:02.11.2007 02:19:45


' C4BSI - CIC4-Skripter-BASIC-Interpreter


'(c) 2007 By.: /_\ DeltaLab's - Deutschland

'Autor: Martin Wiemann


'Alle Rechte vorbehalten!



#include "vbcompat.bi"

#include "dir.bi"

Dim Shared G_Command As String

Dim Shared G_LocalExec As Long

Dim Shared G_PathInput As String

Dim Shared G_PathOutput As String

Dim Shared G_PathOutputHeader As String

Dim Shared G_PathServerinfo As String

Dim Shared G_PathWWWRoot As String

Dim Shared G_Request As String

Dim Shared G_RequestType As String

Dim Shared G_IPA As String

Dim Shared G_Port As String

Dim Shared G_OverrideOutputfile As Long
Dim Shared G_ExecTimeOut as Long

Dim Shared G_Echo as String

Private Type Var_Type

    V_Name As String

    V_Value As String

End Type

Private Type Var_Dyn_Type

    V_ValueD(255) As Var_Type

    V_Count As String

End Type

Private Type Sub_Var_Type

    V_Name As String

    V_ByRef As Long

End Type

Private Type Sub_Type

    V_FromFile As String

    V_FromLine As Long

    V_Name As String

    V_ValD(255) As Sub_Var_Type

    V_ValC As Long

    V_Code As String

End Type

Dim Shared G_VarD() As Var_Type

Dim Shared G_VarC As Long

Dim Shared G_SubD() As Sub_Type

Dim Shared G_SubC As Long

Dim Shared G_FOFN As Integer

Dim Shared G_FOEFN As Integer

Dim Shared ExOut As Long

Dim Shared ExecTimeOut as Long

Declare Sub Main()

Declare Function C4S_Read_File(ByRef V_FilePathName As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Read_Subs(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String) As String

Declare Function C4S_Do_Sub(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_ValParam As String) As String

Declare Function C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long, ByRef V_LoopExit As Long) As String

Declare Function C4S_Do_Sub_Line(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long, ByRef V_LoopExit As Long) As String

Declare Function C4S_Do_Sub_Block(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Line As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long) As String

Declare Function C4S_Do_Sub_Block_Exec(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Line As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long) As String

Declare Sub C4S_Calc(ByRef V_OP As String, V_DD() As String, V_DC As Long)

Declare Function C4S_InterFunc(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Func As String, ByRef V_Data As String, ByRef B_Data As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Sub_Add(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Var As String, ByRef V_Code As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Var_Add(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Value As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Var_Get(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef B_Value As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Var_Set(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Value As String) As Long

Declare Function C4S_Var_Exist(ByRef V_Name As String) As Long

Declare Sub F_SplitString(V_Data As String, B_DD() As String, ByRef B_DC As Long, V_CutString As String, V_ClearArray As Byte, V_Casesensitivity As Byte, V_AddEmpty As Byte)

Declare Sub F_Print(ByRef V_Text As String)

Declare Sub F_PrintOut(ByRef V_Text As String)

Declare Sub F_ErrAdd(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_EC As Long, V_AddInfo As String = "")

Declare Function F_ErrCodeDesc(ByRef V_ErrCode As Long, V_AddInfo As String = "") As String

Declare Sub C4S_SplitParam(ByRef V_Data As String, B_DD() As String, ByRef B_DC As Long)

Declare Function C4S_Trim(ByRef V_Data As String) as String


end 0

Sub Main()

Dim X As Long

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim XPos As Long

Dim X_FFN As Integer

Dim D As String

Dim T As String

ExOut = 0
G_Echo = "Echo: "

G_Command = Command

F_SplitString G_Command, DD(), DC, " ", 1, 0, 1

For X = 1 To DC Step 2

    Select Case LCase(DD(X))

        case "-e": G_Echo = DD(X + 1)
        case "-ex": G_ExecTimeOut = val(DD(X + 1))
        Case "-h": G_PathOutputHeader = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-i": G_IPA = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-k": X = X - 1: G_OverrideOutputfile = 1

        case "-l": X = X - 1: G_LocalExec = 1
        Case "-o": G_PathOutput = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-p": G_Port = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-r": G_Request = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-s": G_PathInput = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-t": G_RequestType = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-v": G_PathServerinfo = DD(X + 1)

        Case "-w": G_PathWWWRoot = DD(X + 1)
        Case "-help", "--help"

            F_Print "[C4S][HELP]"

            F_Print "(c) 2007 By.: /_\ DeltaLab's Deutschland --- Martin Wiemann"

            F_Print ""

            F_Print "Syntax: C4BSI <Parameter> [<Parameter-Wert>] ..."

            F_Print "-e <Text>          = Legt einen Wert fest, der vor einer 'Echo' Ausgabe erscheinen soll. [Standard: 'ECHO']"

            F_Print "-ex <ZeitInSek.>   = Legt eine maximale Zeit fest, die dem SourceCode gegeben, bevor es durch Zwang abgebrochen wird."

            F_Print "-h <DateiPathName> = Legt eine Ausgabedatei fest, in der Header-Informationen für HTTP-Server hinterlegt werden."

            F_Print "-i <IP-Adresse>    = Legt eine IP-Adresse fest. (Wenn ein SourceCode z.B. über einen HTTP-Server gestartet wurde)."

            F_Print "-k                 = Diese Option überschreibt bereits vorhandene Ausgabedatein."

            F_Print "-l                 = Diese Option teilt dem Interpreter mit, das der Quellcode Lokal ausgeführt wird."
            F_Print "                     Daraufhin werden keine Ausgabedatein erstellt, und es wird zusätzlich nur der -s Parameter benötigt."
            F_Print "-o <DateiPathName> = Legt eine Ausgabedatei fest, in welcher Daten mit dem 'Print' Kommando gespeichert werden.."

            F_Print "-p <Port>          = Hier muss ein Port angegeben werden, auf dem z.B. der HTTP_Server auf Verbindungsanfragen wartet."

            F_Print "-r <Anfrage>       = Diese Option überträgt eine Anfrage vom Server in eine Globale Variable im Interpreter."

            F_Print "-s <DateiPathName> = Hier muss die Quell-Datei angegeben werden, in welchem sich der auszuführende Code befindet."

            F_Print "-t <AnfrageTyp>    = Diese Option Speichert den Typ der Anfrage in eine Globale Variable. z.B. GET, POST, PUT,..."

            F_Print "-v <DateiPathName> = Dieser Pfad legt eien Datei fest, in welcher sich Server-Informationen befinden."

            F_Print "-w <DateiPathName> = Hier wird ein ROOT-Verzeichniss angegeben, das bei Verzeichnisslistung nicht unterschritten werden darf."

            F_Print ""

            End  0

        Case Else: F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Gewählter Parameter existiert nicht! => " & DD(X): End -1

    End Select


If G_PathInput = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Keine Eingabedatei angegeben!": End  -1
if G_LocalExec = 0 then

    If G_PathOutput = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Keine Ausgabedatei angegeben!": End  -1

    If G_PathOutputHeader = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Keine Header Ausgabedatei angegeben!": End  -1

    If G_PathWWWRoot = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Kein WWW-Root-Pfad angegeben!": End  -1

    If G_Request = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Keine Anfrage-URL angegeben!": End  -1

    If G_RequestType = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Kein Anfrage-Typ angegeben!": End ' -1

    If G_IPA = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Keine IP-Adresse angegeben!": End  -1

    If G_Port = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Syntaxfehler! Kein Server-Port angegeben!": End  -1
End If

If Dir(G_PathInput, fbNormal) = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Eingabedatei wurde nicht gefunden!": End  -1
If G_LocalExec = 0 then

    If Dir(G_PathOutput, fbNormal) <> "" Then

        If G_OverrideOutputfile = 1 Then

            Kill G_PathOutput

            If Dir(G_PathOutput, fbNormal) <> "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Konnte Ausgabedatei nicht löschen!": End  -1

        Else: F_Print "[C4S][E] Ausgabedatei existiert bereits!": End  -1

        End If

    End If

    If Dir(G_PathOutputHeader, fbNormal) <> "" Then

        If G_OverrideOutputfile = 1 Then

            Kill G_PathOutputHeader

            If Dir(G_PathOutputHeader, fbNormal) <> "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Konnte Header Ausgabedatei nicht löschen!": End  -1

        Else: F_Print "[C4S][E] Header Ausgabedatei existiert bereits!": End  -1

        End If

    End If

    If Dir(G_PathOutput & ".ErrLog", fbNormal) <> "" Then

        Kill G_PathOutput & ".ErrLog"

        If Dir(G_PathOutput & ".ErrLog", fbNormal) <> "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] Konnte FehlerLog-Ausgabedatei nicht löschen!": End  -1

    End If

    If G_PathServerinfo <> "" Then

        If Dir(G_PathServerinfo, fbNormal Or fbReadOnly) = "" Then F_Print "[C4S][E] ServerInfo-Datei existiert nicht!": End -1

        X_FFN = FreeFile

        Open G_PathServerinfo For Binary As #X_FFN


            If EOF(X_FFN) = -1 Then Exit Do

            Line Input #X_FFN, T

            If D <> "" And Left(D, 1) <> "'" Then

                XPos = InStr(1, D, "=")

                If XPos > 0 Then

                    T = Mid(D, XPos + 1)

                    D = Mid(D, 1, XPos - 1)

                    C4S_Var_Add D, T

                End If

            End If

            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Exit Sub

    End If

    Close #X_FFN: X_FFN = 0

    G_FOEFN = FreeFile

    Open G_PathOutput & ".ErrLog" For Binary As #G_FOEFN

    G_FOFN = FreeFile

    Open G_PathOutput For Binary As #G_FOFN
End If
ExecTimeOut = Timer + G_ExecTimeOut
print ExecTimeOut
Print Timer

Print G_ExecTimeOut

C4S_Read_File G_PathInput

T = C4S_Do_Sub(G_PathInput, 0, "main", "")

Close #G_FOFN: G_FOFN = 0

Close #G_FOEFN: G_FOEFN = 0

End Sub

Function C4S_Read_File(ByRef V_FilePathName As String) As Long

Dim XFIFN As Integer

Dim XLineC As Long

Dim D As String

Dim T As String

Dim TIV As Long

Dim X As Long

If Mid(V_FilePathName, 1, 1) <> "/" Then
    If Dir(EXEPath & "/" & V_FilePathName, fbnormal or fbreadonly) = "" then Return 0

    XFIFN = FreeFile

    Open EXEPath & "/" & V_FilePathName For Binary As #XFIFN


    If Dir(V_FilePathName, fbnormal or fbreadonly) = "" then Return 0

    XFIFN = FreeFile

    Open V_FilePathName For Binary As #XFIFN

End If


    If EOF(XFIFN) = -1 Then Exit Do

    D = ""

    Line Input #XFIFN, D

    XLineC = XLineC + 1

    For X = 1 To Len(D)

        Select Case Mid(D, X, 1)

            Case """": If TIV = 0 Then TIV = 1 Else TIV = 0

            Case "'"

                If TIV = 0 Then

                    D = C4S_Trim(Mid(D, 1, X - 1))

                    Exit For

                End If

        End Select

        If ExOut = 1 Then Return 0


    T = T & C4S_Trim(D)

    If D <> "" Then

        If Right(T, 1) <> "_" Then

            T = C4S_Read_Subs(V_FilePathName, XLineC, T)

            If T <> "" Then T = T & ":"

        Else: T = Left(T, Len(T) - 1)

        End If

    End If

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return 0

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return 0

Close #XFIFN: XFIFN = 0

return 0

End Function

Function C4S_Read_Subs(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim XPos As Long

Dim T As String

Dim SP1 As String

Dim SP2 As String

Dim PSub As String

Dim PSubX As Long

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim LSVarD() As Var_Type

Dim LSVarC As Long

Dim TX As Long

Dim TD As String

PSubX = 1

For X = 1 To Len(V_Line) - 4

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    Select Case LCase(Mid(V_Line, X, 4))

        Case "sub ": Y = X

        Case "end "

            If X + 4 <= Len(V_Line) Then

                If LCase(Mid(V_Line, X + 3, 4)) = " sub" Then

                    If Y > 0 Then

                        T = Mid(V_Line, Y + 4, X - Y - 4)

                        PSub = Mid(V_Line, PSubX, Y - 1)

                        PSubX = Y + 8

                        XPos = InStr(1, T, ":")

                        If XPos > 0 Then

                            SP1 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, 1, XPos - 1))

                            T = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, XPos + 1))

                            XPos = InStr(1, SP1, "(")

                            If XPos > 0 Then

                                SP2 = Mid(SP1, 1, XPos - 1)

                                SP1 = Mid(SP1, XPos + 1)

                                If Right(SP1, 1) = ")" Then

                                    SP1 = Left(SP1, Len(SP1) - 1)

                                    If PSub <> "" Then TD = C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(V_FPN, 0, PSub, DD(), DC, LSVarD(), LSVarC, TX)

                                    C4S_Sub_Add V_FPN, V_LID, SP2, SP1, T

                                Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -4

                                End If

                            Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -3

                            End If

                        Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -2

                        End If

                        V_Line = Mid(V_Line, X + 8)

                        X = 0

                        Y = 0

                    Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -1

                    End If

                End If

            End If

    End Select

    If X >= Len(V_Line) - 4 Then Exit For

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

Return V_Line

End Function

Function C4S_Do_Sub(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_ValParam As String) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim S As String

Dim D As String

Dim T As String

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim SID As Long

Dim TIV As Long

Dim BVV As String

Dim LSVarD() As Var_Type

Dim LSVarC As Long

Dim XOK As Long

C4S_SplitParam V_ValParam, DD(), DC

S = LCase(V_Name)

For X = 1 To G_SubC

    If G_SubD(X).V_Name = S Then

        SID = X: Exit For

    End If


If SID > 0 Then

    D = G_SubD(SID).V_Code

    BVV = C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(V_FPN, SID, D, DD(), DC, LSVarD(), LSVarC, XOK)


    If S = "main" Then

        F_ErrAdd V_FPN, 0, -7

    Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -8, V_Name

    End If

End If

Return BVV

End Function

Function C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long, ByRef V_LoopExit As Long) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim D As String

Dim T As String

Dim BVV As String

Dim TIV As Long

Dim Z As Long

Dim ZTIV As Long

Dim P1 As String

Dim P2 As String

Dim PE As String

Dim PS As Long

Dim IFIN As Long

Dim IFID As String

Dim IFIX As Long

Dim IFOPX As String

Dim PrCS As Long

Dim PrCD As String

Dim DoX As Long

Dim IfOK As Long

Dim XT as String

D = V_Line

Y = 1

PrCS = 0

For X = 1 To Len(D)

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    Select Case Mid(D, X, 1)

        Case """": If TIV = 0 Then TIV = 1 Else TIV = 0

        Case ":"

            If TIV = 0 Then

                T = C4S_Trim(Mid(D, Y, X - Y))

                If (LCase(Left(T, 3)) = "if ") And ((PrCS = 0) Or (PrCS = 1)) Then

                    IFIX = IFIX + 1

                    If IFIX = 1 Then

                        PS = 3

                        P1 = ""

                        P2 = ""

                        PE = ""

                        IFID = ""

                        IFOPX = ""

                        For Z = PS To Len(T)

                            Select Case Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                Case """": If ZTIV = 0 Then ZTIV = 1 Else ZTIV = 0

                                Case "=", "<", ">"

                                    If ZTIV = 0 Then

                                        IFOPX = IFOPX & Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                        If P1 = "" Then P1 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, PS, Z - PS))

                                        PS = Z + 1

                                    End If

                                Case Else: If IFOPX <> "" Then Exit For

                            End Select

                            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        For Z = PS To Len(T)

                            Select Case Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                Case """": If ZTIV = 0 Then ZTIV = 1 Else ZTIV = 0

                                Case Else

                                    If ZTIV = 0 Then

                                        If LCase(Mid(T, Z, 5)) = " then" Then

                                            P2 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, PS, Z - PS))

                                            PE = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, Z + 5))

                                            Exit For

                                        End If

                                    End If

                            End Select

                            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        P1 = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, P1, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                        P2 = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, P2, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                        IFIN = 1

                        PrCS = 1

                        IfOK = 0

                        Select Case IFOPX

                            Case "=": If P1 = P2 Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "<": If val(P1) < val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case ">": If val(P1) > val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "=<", "<=": If val(P1) <= val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "=>", ">=": If val(P1) >= val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "<>": If P1 <> P2 Then IfOK = 1

                        End Select

                        If IfOK = 1 Then

                            IFIN = 3

                            If PE <> "" Then
                                IFID = PE & ":"
                                If IFID <> "" Then

                                    XT = C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(V_FPN, V_SID, IFID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                                    If V_LoopExit <> 0 Then Exit For

                                    IFID = ""

                                    IFIX = IFIX - 1

                                End If

                                IFIN = 0

                            End If

                        End If

                    Else: IFID = IFID & T & ":"

                    End If

                ElseIf (LCase(Left(T, 7)) = "elseif " And (IFIX = 1)) And ((PrCS = 0) Or (PrCS = 1)) Then

                    If IFIN = 1 Then

                        PS = 7

                        P1 = ""

                        P2 = ""

                        PE = ""

                        IFOPX = ""

                        For Z = PS To Len(T)

                            Select Case Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                Case """": If ZTIV = 0 Then ZTIV = 1 Else ZTIV = 0

                                Case "=", "<", ">"

                                    If ZTIV = 0 Then

                                        IFOPX = IFOPX & Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                        If P1 = "" Then P1 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, PS, Z - PS))

                                        PS = Z + 1

                                    End If

                                Case Else: If IFOPX <> "" Then Exit For

                            End Select

                            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        For Z = PS To Len(T)

                            Select Case Mid(T, Z, 1)

                                Case """": If ZTIV = 0 Then ZTIV = 1 Else ZTIV = 0

                                Case Else

                                    If ZTIV = 0 Then

                                        If LCase(Mid(T, Z, 5)) = " then" Then

                                            P2 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T, PS, Z - PS))
                                            exit for

                                        End If

                                    End If

                            End Select

                            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        P1 = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, P1, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                        P2 = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, P2, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                        IFIN = 1

                        IfOK = 0
                        Select Case IFOPX

                            Case "=": If P1 = P2 Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "<": If val(P1) < val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case ">": If val(P1) > val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "<=", "=<": If val(P1) <= val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "=>", ">=": If val(P1) >= val(P2) Then IfOK = 1

                            Case "<>": If P1 <> P2 Then IfOK = 1

                        End Select

                        If IfOK = 1 Then IFIN = 3

                    Else: IFIN = 4

                    End If

                ElseIf ((LCase(Left(T, 4)) = "else") And (Len(T) = 4) And (IFIX = 1)) And ((PrCS = 0) Or (PrCS = 1)) Then

                    If IFIN = 1 Then

                        IFID = ""

                        IFIN = 3

                    Else: IFIN = 4

                    End If

                ElseIf (((LCase(Left(T, 6)) = "end if") Or (LCase(Left(T, 5)) = "endif"))) And ((PrCS = 0) Or (PrCS = 1)) Then

                    If IFIX = 1 Then

                        If IFID <> "" Then

                            XT = C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(V_FPN, V_SID, IFID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                            If V_LoopExit <> 0 Then Exit For

                            IFID = ""

                        End If

                        IFIN = 0

                    Else: IFID = IFID & T & ":"

                    End If

                    IFIX = IFIX - 1

                ElseIf ((LCase(Left(T, 2)) = "do") And (Len(T) = 2)) And (PrCS = 0) Then

                    DoX = DoX + 1

                    If DoX = 1 Then PrCS = 2

                ElseIf ((LCase(Left(T, 4)) = "loop") And (Len(T) = 4)) And ((PrCS = 2) Or (PrCS = 1)) Then

                    If DoX = 1 Then

                        If PrCD <> "" Then

                            V_LoopExit = 0


                                BVV = C4S_Read_Sub_Decode(V_FPN, V_SID, PrCD, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                                If V_LoopExit <> 0 Then Exit Do

                                If ExOut = 1 Then Exit Do

                                If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Exit Do

                            V_LoopExit = 0

                            PrCD = ""

                        End If

                    End If

                    PrCS = 0

                    DoX = DoX - 1

                ElseIf PrCS = 1 Then

                    If IFIN = 3 Then

                        IFID = IFID & T & ":"

                    ElseIf IFIN = 0 Then

                        If IFIX = 0 Then

                            BVV = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, T, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                            If V_LoopExit <> 0 Then Return BVV

                        End If

                    End If


                    If PrCS > 0 Then

                        PrCD = PrCD & T & ":"


                        If IFIN = 0 Then

                            BVV = C4S_Do_Sub_Line(V_FPN, V_SID, T, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC, V_LoopExit)

                        End If

                        If V_LoopExit <> 0 Then Return BVV

                    End If

                End If

                If IFIX < 0 Then IFIX = 0

                If DoX < 0 Then DoX = 0

                Y = X + 1

            End If

    End Select

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

Return V_Line

End Function

Function C4S_Do_Sub_Line(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, ByRef V_Line As String, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long, ByRef V_LoopExit As Long) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim XDest As String

Dim XSource As String

Dim XVB As Long

Dim BV As String

For X = 1 To Len(V_Line)

    Select Case Mid(V_Line, X, 1)

        Case " "

            If XDest = "" Then XDest = C4S_Trim(Mid(V_Line, 1, X))

        Case "=": If XVB = 0 Then XVB = 1

        Case Else

            If XDest <> "" Then

                XSource = C4S_Trim(Mid(V_Line, X))

                BV = C4S_Do_Sub_Block(V_FPN, XSource, V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)
                If XVB = 0 Then

                    Select Case LCase(XDest)

                        Case "return": V_LoopExit = 1: Return BV

                        Case "echo": F_Print G_Echo & BV

                        case "print": F_PrintOut BV

                        Case "dim"

                            BV_VarC = BV_VarC + 1

                            ReDim Preserve BV_VarD(BV_VarC) As Var_Type

                            With BV_VarD(BV_VarC)

                                .V_Name = LCase(BV)

                                .V_Value = ""

                            End With

                        Case "global"
                            BV = Lcase(BV)
                            If C4S_Var_Exist(BV) = 0 then C4S_Var_Add BV, ""
                        Case "#include": XVB = C4S_Read_File(BV)

                        Case "beep": Beep

                        Case "exit"
                            Select Case LCase(BV)
                                case "do": V_LoopExit = 1
                                case else: ExOut = 1
                            End Select

                    End Select


                    XDest = LCase(XDest)

                    For Y = 1 To BV_VarC

                        If BV_VarD(Y).V_Name = XDest Then

                            BV_VarD(Y).V_Value = BV

                            Return ""

                        End If

                        If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""
                    If C4S_Var_Exist(XDest) > 0 then C4S_Var_Set XDest, BV
                End If

                Return ""

            End If

    End Select

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

Return C4S_Do_Sub_Block_Exec(V_FPN, V_Line, V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)

End Function

Function C4S_Do_Sub_Block(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Line As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim TIV As Long

Dim LC As String

Dim KGUV As Long

Dim BV As String

Dim LLC As String

Dim LLX As Long

Dim XFu As String

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim Z As Long

Dim D As String

Dim SID As Long

Dim ED As String

Dim BVI As Long

Dim T As String

X = 0

LLX = 0


    X = X + 1

    If X > Len(V_Line) Then Exit Do

    Select Case Mid(V_Line, X, 1)

        Case " "

        Case """": If TIV = 0 Then TIV = 1 Else TIV = 0

        Case "("

            If TIV = 0 Then

                LLC = C4S_Trim(LC)

                BV = C4S_Do_Sub_Block(V_FPN, Mid(V_Line, X + 1), V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)

                Select Case C4S_Trim(LLC)

                    Case "&", "+", "-", "/", "\", "*", "^", "": V_Line = Mid(V_Line, 1, X - 1) & BV

                    Case Else: V_Line = Mid(V_Line, 1, X) & BV

                End Select

                Y = X + 1

            End If

        Case ")"

            If (TIV = 0) And (Y > 0) Then

                Select Case C4S_Trim(LLC)

                    Case "&", "+", "-", "/", "\", "*", "^", ""

                        BV = C4S_Do_Sub_Block_Exec(V_FPN, Mid(V_Line, Y - 1, X - Y + 1), V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)

                        V_Line = Mid(V_Line, 1, Y - 2) & BV & Mid(V_Line, X + 1)

                        X = Y - 1

                    Case Else

                        If LLX = 0 Then LLX = 1

                        XFu = LCase(C4S_Trim(Mid(V_Line, LLX, Y - LLX - 1)))

                        For Z = 1 To G_SubC

                            If G_SubD(Z).V_Name = XFu Then

                                SID = Z

                                Exit For

                            End If

                            If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        C4S_SplitParam Mid(V_Line, Y, X - Y), DD(), DC

                        If SID > 0 Then

                            If G_SubD(SID).V_ValC = DC Then

                                D = ""

                                For Z = 1 To DC

                                    T = C4S_Do_Sub_Block(V_FPN, DD(Z), V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)

                                    If Val(T) <> 0 Then

                                        D = D & T & ","

                                    Else: D = D & """" & T & ""","

                                    End If

                                    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

                                    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                                If Right(D, 1) = "," Then D = Left(D, Len(D) - 1)

                                BV = C4S_Do_Sub(V_FPN, 0, XFu, D)

                                T = Mid(V_Line, 1, LLX - 1) & """" & BV & """" & Mid(V_Line, X + 1)

                                V_Line = T

                                X = LLX - 1

                                LLX = 0

                            Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -10, XFu

                            End If


                            BVI = C4S_InterFunc(V_FPN, XFu, Mid(V_Line, Y, X - Y), BV)

                            If BVI = 0 Then

                                D = ""

                                For Z = 1 To DC

                                    D = D & C4S_Do_Sub_Block(V_FPN, DD(Z), V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC) & ","

                                    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

                                    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                                If Right(D, 1) = "," Then D = Left(D, Len(D) - 1)

                                V_Line = Mid(V_Line, 1, LLX - 1) & BV & Mid(V_Line, X + 1)

                                X = LLX - 1

                            Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, BVI, XFu

                            End If

                        End If

                End Select

                Y = 0

            End If

        Case "&", "+", "-", "/", "\", "*", "^"

            If TIV = 0 Then

                LC = Mid(V_Line, X, 1)

                LLX = 0

            End If

        Case Else

            If TIV = 0 Then

                LC = Mid(V_Line, X, 1)

                If LLX = 0 Then LLX = X

            End If

    End Select

    If ExOut = 1 Then Return ""

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""
Return C4S_Do_Sub_Block_Exec(V_FPN, V_Line, V_SID, V_VD(), V_VC, BV_VarD(), BV_VarC)

End Function

Function C4S_Do_Sub_Block_Exec(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Line As String, ByRef V_SID As Long, V_VD() As String, ByRef V_VC As Long, BV_VarD() As Var_Type, ByRef BV_VarC As Long) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim T1 As String

Dim T2 As String

Dim BV As String

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim TIV As Long

Dim XS As String

Dim ROK As Long

Dim D As String
D = V_Line

DC = 0

For X = 1 To Len(D)

    T1 = ""

    T2 = ""

    If X > Len(D) Then Exit For

    Select Case Mid(D, X, 1)

        Case """": If TIV = 0 Then TIV = 1 Else TIV = 0

        Case "&", "+", "-", "/", "\", "*", "^"

            If TIV = 0 Then

                T1 = Mid(D, 1, X - 1)

                T2 = Mid(D, X, 1)

                D = C4S_Trim(Mid(D, X + 1))

                X = 0

            End If

    End Select

    If (T1 <> "") And (T2 <> "") Then

        DC = DC + 2

        ReDim Preserve DD(DC) As String

        DD(DC - 1) = C4S_Trim(T1)

        DD(DC) = C4S_Trim(T2)

        T1 = ""

        T2 = ""

    End If

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

If D <> "" Then

    DC = DC + 1

    ReDim Preserve DD(DC) As String

    DD(DC) = C4S_Trim(D)

Else: Return ""

End If

Dim DOC As Long

DOC = 1

For X = 1 To DC

    Select Case Left(DD(X), 1)

        Case ")", "(": DOC = 0

    End Select

    Select Case Right(DD(X), 1)

        Case ")", "(": DOC = 0

    End Select

    If DOC = 0 Then Exit For

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

If DOC = 0 Then

    For X = 2 To DC

        DD(1) = DD(1) & " " & DD(X)


    Return DD(1)

End If

For X = 1 To DC

    If (Left(DD(X), 1) <> """") Or (Right(DD(X), 1) <> """") Then

        ROK = 0

        Select Case DD(X)

            Case "+", "-", "*", "/", "\", "^", "&"

            Case Else

                XS = LCase(DD(X))

                For Y = 1 To BV_VarC

                    If XS = LCase(BV_VarD(Y).V_Name) Then

                        DD(X) = BV_VarD(Y).V_Value

                        ROK = 1

                        Exit For

                    End If

                    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                If ROK = 0 Then

                    If V_SID > 0 Then

                        With G_SubD(V_SID)

                            For Y = 1 To .V_ValC

                                If XS = LCase(.V_ValD(Y).V_Name) Then

                                    If .V_ValD(Y).V_ByRef = 0 Then

                                        If V_VC >= Y Then

                                            DD(X) = V_VD(Y)

                                            If (Left(DD(X), 1) = """") And (Right(DD(X), 1) = """") Then DD(X) = Mid(DD(X), 2, Len(DD(X)) - 2)

                                        End If

                                    Else: DD(X) = str(Y)

                                    End If

                                    ROK = 1

                                    Exit For

                                End If

                                If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                        End With

                    End If

                End If

                If ROK = 0 Then

                    XS = LCase(DD(X))

                    For Y = 1 To G_VarC

                        If XS = LCase(G_VarD(Y).V_Name) Then

                            DD(X) = G_VarD(Y).V_Value

                            ROK = 1

                            Exit For

                        End If

                        If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

                End If

                If ROK = 0 Then

                    ROK = C4S_InterFunc(V_FPN, DD(X), "", XS)

                    If ROK = 0 Then DD(X) = XS: ROK = 1

                End If

                If (ROK = 0) And (DC > 1) Then F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -13, DD(X)

        End Select

    Else: DD(X) = Mid(DD(X), 2, Len(DD(X)) - 2)

    End If

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""

If DC > 2 Then

    C4S_Calc "^", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "*", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "\", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "/", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "-", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "+", DD(), DC

    C4S_Calc "&", DD(), DC

End If

Return DD(1)

End Function

Sub C4S_Calc(ByRef V_OP As String, V_DD() As String, V_DC As Long)

Dim X As Long

Dim Y As Long

Dim BV As String

Dim V1 As String

Dim V2 As String

Dim V1X As Long

For X = 1 To V_DC

    V1 = ""

    V2 = ""

    Select Case V_DD(X)

        Case V_OP

            V1X = 0

            For Y = X - 1 To 1 Step -1

                Select Case V_DD(Y)

                    Case ""

                    Case "+", "-", "*", "/", "\", "^", "&"

                    Case Else

                        V1 = V_DD(Y)

                        V1X = Y

                        Exit For

                End Select


            If V1X = 0 then V1X = 1

            For Y = X + 1 To V_DC

                Select Case V_DD(Y)

                    Case ""

                    Case "+", "-", "*", "/", "\", "^", "&"

                    Case Else

                        V2 = V_DD(Y)

                        V_DD(Y) = ""

                        Exit For

                End Select


            If ((Val(V1) <> 0) or (V1 = "0")) And ((Val(V2) <> 0) or (V2 = "0")) Then

                BV = ""

                Select Case V_OP

                    Case "+": BV = str(Val(V1) + Val(V2))

                    Case "-": BV = str(Val(V1) - Val(V2))

                    Case "*": BV = str(Val(V1) * Val(V2))

                    Case "/": BV = str(Val(V1) / Val(V2))

                    Case "\": BV = str(Val(V1) \ Val(V2))

                    Case "^": BV = str(Val(V1) ^ Val(V2))

                    Case "&": BV = V1 & V2

                End Select

                V_DD(V1X) = BV


                BV = ""

                Select Case V_OP

                    Case "&": BV = V1 & V2

                End Select

                V_DD(V1X) = BV

            End If

    End Select

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Exit Sub

End Sub

Function C4S_InterFunc(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_Func As String, ByRef V_Data As String, ByRef B_Data As String) As Long

Dim BV As String

Dim OV As String

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim X As Long

C4S_SplitParam V_Data, DD(), DC

For X = 1 To DC

    If Left(DD(X), 1) = """" And Right(DD(X), 1) = """" Then DD(X) = Mid(DD(X), 2, Len(DD(X)) - 2)

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return -15

If DC > 0 Then BV = DD(1)

Select Case LCase(V_Func)

    Case "abs": OV = str(Abs(Val(BV)))

    Case "asc": OV = str(Asc(BV))

    Case "abs": OV = str(Abs(Val(BV)))

    Case "abs": OV = str(Abs(Val(BV)))

    Case "atn": OV = str(Atn(Val(BV)))

    Case "cbyte": OV = str(CByte(Val(BV)))

    Case "clng": OV = str(CLng(Val(BV)))

    Case "cint": OV = str(CInt(Val(BV)))

    Case "cdbl": OV = str(CDbl(Val(BV)))

    Case "csng": OV = str(CSng(Val(BV)))

    Case "chr": OV = Chr(Val(BV))

    Case "__command": OV = G_Command

    Case "cos": OV = str(Cos(Val(BV)))

    Case "date": OV = Str(Date)

    Case "dir"

        Select Case DC
            Case 1: OV = Dir(BV)

            Case 2: OV = Dir(BV, Val(DD(2)))

            Case Else: OV = Dir("")

        End Select

    Case "fix": OV = Str(Fix(Val(BV)))

    Case "filelen": OV = Str(FileLen(BV))

    Case "freefile": OV = Str(FreeFile)

    Case "format"

        Select Case DC

            Case 2: OV = Format(val(DD(1)), DD(2))

            Case Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -10, LCase(V_Func)

        End Select

    Case "hex": OV = Hex(Val(BV))

    Case "__ipa": OV = G_IPA

    Case "len": OV = str(Len(BV))

    Case "ltrim": OV = LTrim(BV)

    Case "left"

        Select Case DC

            Case 2: OV = Left(DD(1), Val(DD(2)))

            Case Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -10, LCase(V_Func)

        End Select

    Case "mid"

        Select Case DC

            Case 2: OV = Mid(DD(1), Val(DD(2)))

            Case 3: OV = Mid(DD(1), Val(DD(2)), Val(DD(3)))

            Case Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -10, LCase(V_Func)

        End Select

    Case "now": OV = Str(Now)

    Case "oct": OV = Oct(Val(BV))

    Case "__port": OV = G_Port

    Case "__request": OV = G_Request

    Case "__request_type": OV = G_RequestType

    Case "rtrim": OV = RTrim(BV)

    Case "randomize": Randomize Val(BV)

    Case "right"

        Select Case DC

            Case 2: OV = Right(DD(1), Val(DD(2)))

            Case Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, -1, -10, LCase(V_Func)

        End Select

    Case "sin": OV = str(Sin(Val(BV)))

    Case "tan": OV = str(Tan(Val(BV)))

    Case "time": OV = Str(Time)

    Case "timer": OV = Str(Timer)

    Case "trim": OV = Trim(BV)

    Case "val": OV = str(Val(BV))

    Case Else: Return -8

End Select

B_Data = OV
return 0

End Function

Function C4S_Sub_Add(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Var As String, ByRef V_Code As String) As Long

Dim X As Long

Dim XPos As Long

Dim DD() As String

Dim DC As Long

Dim T1 As String

Dim T2 As String

T1 = LCase(V_Name)

For X = 1 To G_SubC

    If G_SubD(X).V_Name = T1 Then F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -9: Return -9


G_SubC = G_SubC + 1

ReDim Preserve G_SubD(G_SubC) As Sub_Type

With G_SubD(G_SubC)

    .V_Name = T1

    .V_FromFile = V_FPN

    .V_FromLine = V_LID

    .V_Code = V_Code

    If Right(.V_Code, 1) <> ":" Then .V_Code = .V_Code & ":"

    F_SplitString V_Var, DD(), DC, ",", 1, 1, 1

    For X = 1 To DC

        T1 = C4S_Trim(DD(X))

        If T1 <> "" Then

            XPos = InStr(1, T1, " ")

            If XPos > 0 Then

                T2 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T1, 1, XPos - 1))

                T1 = C4S_Trim(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))

            Else: T2 = ""

            End If

            If T1 <> "" Then

                If .V_ValC < 255 Then

                    .V_ValC = .V_ValC + 1

                    With .V_ValD(.V_ValC)

                        .V_Name = T1

                        Select Case LCase(T2)

                            Case "byval", "": .V_ByRef = 0

                            Case "byref": .V_ByRef = 1

                            Case Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -6, T2: Return -6

                        End Select

                    End With

                Else: F_ErrAdd V_FPN, V_LID, -5: Return -5

                End If

            End If

        End If

        If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return -15

End With

Return G_SubC

End Function

Function C4S_Var_Add(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Value As String) As Long
G_VarC = G_VarC + 1

ReDim Preserve G_VarD(G_VarC) As Var_Type

With G_VarD(G_VarC)

    .V_Name = LCase(V_Name)

    .V_Value = V_Value

End With

Return G_VarC

End Function

Function C4S_Var_Get(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef B_Value As String) As Long

Dim X As Long

Dim S As String

S = LCase(V_Name)

For X = 1 To G_VarC

    If G_VarD(X).V_Name = S Then B_Value = G_VarD(X).V_Value: Return X


Return 0

End Function

Function C4S_Var_Set(ByRef V_Name As String, ByRef V_Value As String) As Long

Dim X As Long

Dim S As String

S = LCase(V_Name)

For X = 1 To G_VarC

    If G_VarD(X).V_Name = S Then G_VarD(X).V_Value = V_Value: Return X


Return 0

End Function

Function C4S_Var_Exist(ByRef V_Name As String) As Long

Dim X As Long

Dim S As String

S = LCase(V_Name)

For X = 1 To G_VarC

    If G_VarD(X).V_Name = S Then Return X


Return 0

End Function

Sub F_SplitString(V_Data As String, B_DD() As String, ByRef B_DC As Long, V_CutString As String, V_ClearArray As Byte, V_Casesensitivity As Byte, V_AddEmpty As Byte)

If V_ClearArray = 1 Then B_DC = 0

ReDim Preserve B_DD(B_DC) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim Pos1 As Long

Dim Pos2 As Long

Dim SLen As Long

Dim T As String

Dim S As String

Dim XOK As Byte

S = V_CutString

If V_Casesensitivity = 0 Then S = LCase(V_CutString)

SLen = Len(S)

Pos1 = 1

Pos2 = 1

For X = 1 To Len(V_Data) - SLen

    If V_Casesensitivity = 0 Then

        If LCase(Mid(V_Data, X, SLen)) = S Then

            T = Mid(V_Data, Pos1, X - Pos1 + SLen - 1)

            X = X + SLen - 1

            Pos1 = X + 1

        End If


        If Mid(V_Data, X, SLen) = V_CutString Then

            T = Mid(V_Data, Pos1, X - Pos1 + SLen - 1)

            X = X + SLen

            Pos1 = X

        End If

    End If

    If Pos1 <> Pos2 Or X = Len(V_Data) - SLen Then

        If Pos1 = Pos2 Then T = Mid(V_Data, Pos1)

        XOK = 1

        If T = "" Then If V_AddEmpty = 0 Then XOK = 0

        If XOK = 1 Then

            B_DC = B_DC + 1

            ReDim Preserve B_DD(B_DC) As String

            B_DD(B_DC) = T

        End If

        Pos2 = Pos1

    End If

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub F_Print(ByRef V_Text As String)

Print V_Text

End Sub

Sub F_PrintOut(ByRef V_Text As String)
if G_LocalExec = 0 then Print #G_FOFN, Lof(G_FOFN), V_Text

End Sub

Sub F_ErrAdd(ByRef V_FPN As String, ByRef V_LID As Long, ByRef V_EC As Long, V_AddInfo As String = "")

Dim T as string

T = "[" & V_FPN & "]__[" & V_LID & "](" & V_EC & ") " & F_ErrCodeDesc(V_EC, V_AddInfo)

If G_LocalExec = 0 then
    Print #G_FOEFN, Lof(G_FOEFN), T

Else: Print T
End If

End Sub

Function F_ErrCodeDesc(ByRef V_ErrCode As Long, V_AddInfo As String = "") As String

Dim D As String

Select Case V_ErrCode

    Case Is > 0

    Case 0: D = "Keine Fehler!"

    Case -1: D = "'End Sub' vor 'Sub()' gefunden."

    Case -2: D = "'Sub()' ohne 'End Sub'."

    Case -3: D = "Fehlendes '(' in Sub-Deklaration."

    Case -4: D = "Fehlendes ')' in Sub-Deklaration."

    Case -5: D = "'Sub()' Parameter hat maximalanzahl überschritten (255)."

    Case -6: D = "'Sub()' ByVal / ByRef Definitionsangabe unbekannt. [" & V_AddInfo & "]"

    Case -7: D = "Keine 'Sub Main()' gefunden."

    Case -8: D = "Sub() nicht gefunden. [" & V_AddInfo & "]"

    Case -9: D = "Sub() existiert bereits. [" & V_AddInfo & "]"

    Case -10: D = "Anzahl übergebener Parameter stimmt mit Sub()-Deklaration nicht überein. [" & V_AddInfo & "]"

    Case -11: D = "'End If' in 'If' nicht gefunden."

    Case -12: D = "'End If' ohne 'If' gefunden."

    Case -13: D = "Variable oder 'Sub()' nicht gefunden. [" & V_AddInfo & "]"

    Case -14: D = "Unzureichende Parameter für Operationsvorgang."

    Case -15: D = "Zeitüberschreitung der Abarbeitungszeit"

End Select

Return D

End Function

Sub C4S_SplitParam(ByRef V_Data As String, B_DD() As String, ByRef B_DC As Long)

B_DC = 0

ReDim Preserve B_DD(B_DC) As String

Dim X As Long

Dim TIV As Long

Dim KIV As Long

Dim D As String

Dim XOP As Long

D = V_Data

For X = 1 To Len(D)

    Select Case Mid(D, X, 1)

        Case """": If TIV = 0 Then TIV = 1 Else TIV = 0

        Case "(": If TIV = 0 Then KIV = KIV + 1

        Case ")": If TIV = 0 Then KIV = KIV - 1

        Case ","

            If KIV <= 0 Then

                If B_DC < 255 Then

                    XOP = 1

                    B_DC = B_DC + 1

                    ReDim Preserve B_DD(B_DC) As String

                    B_DD(B_DC) = Mid(D, 1, X - 1)

                    D = Mid(D, X + 1)

                    X = 0

                End If

            End If

    End Select

    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Exit sub

If Len(D) > 0 Or XOP = 0 Then

    If B_DC < 255 Then

        B_DC = B_DC + 1

        ReDim Preserve B_DD(B_DC) As String

        B_DD(B_DC) = D

    End If

End If

End Sub

Function C4S_Trim(ByRef V_Data As String) as String
Dim X as Long

    X = 0
    If asc(Left(V_Data, 1)) = 9 then V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 2): X = 1
    If asc(Right(V_Data, 1)) = 9 then V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 1, Len(V_Data) - 1): X = 1
    If asc(Left(V_Data, 1)) = 32 then V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 2): X = 1
    If asc(Right(V_Data, 1)) = 32 then V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 1, Len(V_Data) - 1): X = 1
    If (X = 0) or (Len(V_Data) = 0) then Exit do
    If G_ExecTimeOut > 0 then If ExecTimeOut < Timer then Return ""
Return V_Data
End Function