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Diffuse Limited Aggregation

Datum/Zeit:05.07.2006 15:09:55

'DLA - Diffuse Limited Aggregation
'Simulation by psygate
'Comments on my source will follow within the next days.
'05. July 2006
'use as you like
'just leave some credits ^_^
'Let the user draw the Attraktor
'Color improvements (8 bits are very poor BUT enough!)
'hide mouse (DONE)

option explicit
randomize timer

type particle
    x as double
    y as double
    dx as double
    dy as double
    ox as double
    oy as double
end type
dim as uinteger num,xmax,ymax

print "Use current resolution? (1)"
input num
if num=1 then
    screeninfo xmax,ymax
    print "X-Screen-Width?"
    input xmax
    print "Y-Screen-Width?"
    input ymax
end if
print "Number of particles?"
input num

dim as integer pointer ascreen,buffer
dim as integer a,b,p,q,g,t,s,win,ag
dim as string key
dim as particle dot(num)
screenres xmax,ymax,8,,1
setmouse xmax-1,ymax-1,0
for a=0 to num
    with dot(a)
    end with


if q=1 then
    circle ascreen,(xmax/2,ymax/2),ymax/2,3
elseif q=2 then
    line ascreen,(xmax/3,ymax/2)-(xmax/3*2,ymax/2),3
elseif q=3 then
    pset ascreen,(xmax/2,ymax/2),3
elseif q=4 then
    line ascreen,(0,ymax-1)-(xmax-1,ymax-1),3
elseif q=5 then
    pset ascreen,(xmax/3,ymax/2),3
    pset ascreen,(xmax/3*2,ymax/2),3
end if

put (0,0),ascreen,pset
while key<>chr(27)
    put (0,0),ascreen,pset
    for a=0 to num
        with dot(a)
            if .x>=xmax-1 and .dx>0 then .x=xmax-1:.dx-=1
            if .x<=0 and .dx<0 then .x=0:.dx+=1
            if .y>=ymax-1 and .dy>0 then .y=ymax-1:.dy-=1
            if .y<=0 and .dy<0 then .y=0:.dy+=1
            if point(.x-1,.y,ascreen)=3 or point(.x,.y,ascreen)=3 or point(.x+1,.y,ascreen)=3 or _
            point(.x-1,.y-1,ascreen)=3 or point(.x,.y-1,ascreen)=3 or point(.x+1,.y-1,ascreen)=3 or _
            point(.x-1,.y+1,ascreen)=3 or point(.x,.y+1,ascreen)=3 or point(.x+1,.y+1,ascreen)=3 then
                pset ascreen,(.x,.y),3
            end if
        end with
    if ag=1 then locate 1,1:print "Aggregated Particles:";g
    if key="n" then goto new
    if key="s" then bsave "C:\DLA_"+str(s)+".bmp",0:s+=1
    if key="a" then
        if ag=1 then ag=0
        if ag=0 then ag=1
    end if
    if key="w" then
        if win=0 then
            put screenptr,(0,0),buffer,pset
            screenres xmax,ymax,8,,
            put (0,0),buffer,pset
        elseif win=1 then
            put screenptr,(0,0),buffer,pset
            screenres xmax,ymax,8,,1
            put (0,0),buffer,pset
        end if
    end if
    if key<>chr(27) and key<>"n" and key<>"s" and key<>"a" and key<>"w" and key<>"" or key="h" then
        put screenptr,(0,0),buffer,pset
        locate 1,1
        print "HELP-LINES:"
        print "------------"
        print "Key | Effect"
        print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
        print " a  | Show/Don't show number of aggregated particles"
        print " n  | Start new aggregation (Change Attraktor by luck)"
        print " s  | Save a picture (.bmp) of current state of aggregation"
        print " w  | Change between window or full-window mode"
        print "Please use lowercase characters! If you don't use them"
        print "you'll just get here into the help menu ;-)"
        print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
        print "About (Scientific Background):"
        print "------------------------------"
        print "This program was written by psygate to simulate the aggregation of "
        print "Many attractive images and life-like structures can be generated"
        print "using models of physical processes from areas of chemistry and physics."
        print "One such example is diffusion limited aggregation or DLA which describes,"
        print "among other things, the diffusion and aggregation of zinc ions in an"
        print "electrolytic solution onto electrodes. 'Diffusion' because the particles"
        print "forming the structure wander around randomly before attaching themselves"
        print "('Aggregating') to the structure."
        print "Source: http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/dla/"v
        put (0,0),buffer,pset
    end if
