fb:porticula NoPaste
DeGUI test V1.1
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Datum/Zeit: | 06.11.2011 19:46:51 |
#Include "DeGUI.bi"
Screenres 400, 400, 32
Declare Sub Ev(ID as String)
Dim as GUI G
Dim Shared as Checkbox PTR CheckPTR
Dim Shared as Button PTR ButtPTR
Dim Shared as TextField PTR TF
Dim Shared as Integer TextFieldNr, ButtonNr, CheckboxNR
G.NewLabel(150, 10, "Damn Easy GUI")
G.NewLabel(10, 55, "Checked Checkbox")
CheckboxNR = G.NewCheckbox(150, 50, "1C", @Ev)
CheckPTR = G.GetCheckboxPTR(CheckboxNR)
CheckPTR->Checked = 1
TextFieldNr = G.NewTextField(25, 100, 40, "Hier klicken um etwas zu schreiben")
TF = G.GetTextFieldPTR(TextFieldNr)
ButtonNr = G.NewButton("Button1", @Ev, "ClickMich", 100, 150)
ButtPTR = G.GetButtonPTR(ButtonNr)
While(NOT Multikey(&h01))
Sub Ev(ID as String)
If ID = "Button1" And CheckPTR->Checked = 1 then
Draw String (10, 250), "Im TextFeld steht:"
Draw String (10, 260), TF->Text
Draw String (10, 270), "Wird geaendert in 'Foobar'"
TF->Text = "Foobar"
ElseIf ID = "Button1" And CheckPTR->Checked = 0 then
Draw String (10, 250), "Erst auf die Checkbox klicken!"
End Sub