Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Datum/Zeit:16.11.2007 14:39:55

#Include "fbgfx.bi"

#Define PageNum 4
#Define FS 0
#If FS = 1
    #Define ScreenMode fb.GFX_FULLSCREEN
    #Define ScreenMode
#Define rs_800x600 Screen 19, 32, PageNum, ScreenMode, 60
#Define rows_80x50 Width 80, 50
#Define xwid 80

' Texte
#Define ces "CheckEuroSerial"
#Define search "Suche"
#Define sFound "Seriennummer gefunden!"

#Define RGBSame(x)          RGB(x  , x  , x  )

' Farben
#Define White               RGB(255, 255, 255)
#Define Grey200             RGBSame(200      )
#Define Grey150             RGBSame(150      )
#Define Grey100             RGBSame(100      )
#Define Grey50              RGBSame(50       )
#Define Black               RGB(0  , 0  , 0  )

#Define Red                 RGB(255, 0  , 0  )
#Define Green               RGB(0  , 255, 0  )
#Define Blue                RGB(0  , 0  , 255)

#Define Yellow              RGB(255, 255, 0  )
#Define Tuerkese            RGB(0  , 255, 255)
#Define Lila                RGB(255, 0  , 255)

' Style
#Define Title_Active        Blue
#Define Title_InActive      Tuerkese

#Define Title_Active_Font   White
#Define Title_InActive_Font Black
#Define Font_Color          Yellow

Dim Shared TrmInt As Integer = 0

Function MakeImage(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Any Ptr
    Dim img As Any Ptr
    Line img, (0,0)-(x,y), Black, BF
    Return img
End Function

' Term() Funktion
#Define Term() TrmInt = 1: End

#Macro ScreenInit()
    WindowTitle ces

#Macro DoSearch()
    Dim found As Integer=0
    For n As Integer = LBound(sSerialNums) To UBound(sSerialNums)
        If sSerialNums(n) = sSerialInput Then found = 1: Exit For
    'Draw String (10,500), sFound, Green

' Aufgabe: Benutztereingaben verarbeiten
Type CheckObjects
    Declare Sub CheckObject_Mouse()
    Declare Sub CheckObject_Vars()
    Declare Sub CheckObject_X()
    Declare Sub CheckObject_Input()
    Declare Sub CheckObject_Search()
    ToSearch As Integer=0
    ToInput As Integer=0
    Input As String
    x As Integer ' X Koordinate der Maus
    y As Integer ' Y Koordinate der Maus
    b As Integer ' Welche Mausbuttons sind gedrückt?
    ToTerm As Integer ' Programmterminierungssignal
End Type

Sub CheckObjects.CheckObject_Mouse()
    GetMouse(x, y, 0, b)
End Sub

Sub CheckObjects.CheckObject_Vars()
    If this.ToTerm = 1 Then Term()
End Sub

Sub CheckObjects.CheckObject_X()
    If x>=784 And x<=798 And y>=2 And y<=18 And Bit(b, 0) Then this.ToTerm = 1
End Sub

Sub CheckObjects.CheckObject_Input()
    If x>=30 And x<=630 And y>=30 And y<=48 And Bit(b, 0) Then this.ToInput = 1
End Sub

Sub CheckObjects.CheckObject_Search()
    If x>=650 And x<=783 And y>=30 And y<=48 And Bit(b, 0) Then this.ToSearch = 1
End Sub

' Aufgabe: Objekte zeichnen
Type PaintObjects
    Declare Constructor()
    Declare Destructor()
    Declare Sub DrawObject_WinBrder()
    Declare Sub DrawObject_X()
    Declare Sub DrawObject_Input()
    Declare Sub DrawObject_SearchButton()
    Declare Sub DrawObject_List()
    atx As Integer
    aty As Integer
    Object_CloseButton As Any Ptr
    Object_InputBox As Any Ptr
    Object_SearchButton As Any Ptr
    Object_List As Any Ptr
End Type

Constructor PaintObjects()
    Object_CloseButton=MakeImage(16, 16)
    Object_InputBox=MakeImage(623, 20)
    Object_SearchButton=MakeImage(134, 20)
    Object_List=MakeImage(774, 531)
End Constructor

Destructor PaintObjects()
End Destructor

Sub PaintObjects.DrawObject_WinBrder()
    Line(0,0)-(800,18), Title_Active, BF
    Draw String (2,2), ces, Title_Active_Font
End Sub

Sub PaintObjects.DrawObject_X()
    Line Object_CloseButton, (0,0)-(15,15), White, B
    Line Object_CloseButton, (4,4)-(12,12), White
    Line Object_CloseButton, (4,12)-(12,4), White
    Put((800-16)-1, 1), Object_CloseButton, PSet
End Sub

Sub PaintObjects.DrawObject_Input()
    Line Object_InputBox, (3,3)-(623, 20), White, B
    Line Object_InputBox, (2,2)-(622, 19), Grey200, B
    Line Object_InputBox, (1,1)-(621, 18), Grey150, B
    Put(atx, aty), Object_InputBox, PSet
End Sub

Sub PaintObjects.DrawObject_SearchButton()
    Line Object_SearchButton, (3,3)-(133,20), White, B
    Line Object_SearchButton, (2,2)-(132,19), Grey200, B
    Line Object_SearchButton, (1,1)-(131,18), Grey150, B
    Draw String Object_SearchButton, ((65-Len(search)*8/2),4), search, Font_Color
    Put(atx, aty), Object_SearchButton, PSet
End Sub

Sub PaintObjects.DrawObject_List()
    Line Object_List, (3,3)-(773,530), White, B
    Line Object_List, (2,2)-(772,529), Grey200, B
    Line Object_List, (1,1)-(771,528), Grey150, B
    Put(atx, aty), Object_List, PSet
End Sub

' Aufgabe: Hauptprogramm
Type main
    Declare Function method() As Integer
    returnvalue As Integer
End Type

Sub WatchDog(th As Any Ptr)
    Dim ChObj As CheckObjects

    Do Until TrmInt = 1
        Sleep 50
        With ChObj
        End With
End Sub

Function main.method() As Integer

    Dim PaObj As PaintObjects
    Dim ChObj As CheckObjects

    With PaObj
        .atx = 10
        .aty = 30
        .atx = 650
        .aty = 30
        .atx = 10
        .aty = 60
    End With

    Dim wdThread As Any Ptr
    wdThread=ThreadCreate(Procptr(WatchDog), 0)

    Dim sSerialNums(0 To 25) As String
    Dim sOwners(0 To 25) As String

    Dim sSerialInput As String
    Dim iLines As Integer

    Dim sString As String

    Draw String (15, 64), "Seriennummer:", Font_Color
    Draw String (450, 64), "Besitzer:", Font_Color

    Open "nums.txt" For Input As #1
    Do Until Eof(1)
        Line Input #1, sString
        For n As Integer = 0 To Len(sString)
            If Mid(sString, n, 1) = ";" Then
                sSerialNums(iLines) = Left(sString, n-1)
                sOwners(iLines) = Right(sString, n-11)
        Draw String (15, iLines*16+64), sSerialNums(iLines), Font_Color
        Draw String (450, iLines*16+64), sOwners(iLines), Font_Color
    Close #1

    Dim found As Integer=0

    Dim Taste As String * 1
    Dim Inpt As String
    Dim sSeriNum As String * 12 ' Seriennummern haben 13 Stellen (12 Numerische + 1 Alpha)

        Sleep 50
        With ChObj
            If .ToSearch = 1 Then
                For n As Integer = LBound(sSerialNums) To UBound(sSerialNums)
                    If sSerialNums(n) = sSerialInput Then
                        Beep(): Beep(): Beep()
                        Line(14, n*16+64)-(590, n*16+64+16), Red, B
                        Exit For
        End With

        If ChObj.ToInput = 1 Then

                If Taste<>"" Then
                    Select Case Asc(Taste)
                        Case 27, 13 ' Esc + Enter
                            Exit Do
                        Case 8 ' Backspace
                            If Len(Inpt) > 0 Then Inpt = Left(Inpt, Len(Inpt)-1)
                        Case Else
                            If Len(Inpt) > Len(sSeriNum) Then Beep(): Exit Do
                            Inpt += Taste
                    End Select

                Line (15, 34)-(629,47), Black, BF ' Inhalt löschen
                Draw String (15, 34), Inpt, Font_Color, , PSet ' Inhalt neuschreiben

                Sleep 50

    Return 0
End Function

Dim proc As main
End proc.method()