Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
"Der" Petzold, das über 1000 Seiten starke Standardwerk zum Win32-API - besonders nützlich u. a. bei der GUI-Programmierung in FreeBASIC! [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:13.10.2009 10:58:59
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

#include once "GuiPtr.bi"
type TextType
    s as string
    declare operator cast() as string
    declare operator let(v as string)
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor(v as string)
end type

constructor TextType()
end constructor

constructor TextType(v as string)
    s = v
end constructor

operator TextType.Cast() as string
    return s
end operator

operator TextType.let(v as string)
    s = v
end operator

Type Console
    Object as GuiObject ptr
    declare sub Print(_text as string)
    declare sub PrintALine(_text as string)
    declare function Locate(r as integer, c as integer) as Console ptr
    declare sub cls()
    declare sub Color(FColor as integer, BColor as integer)
    TextCollection as Collection ptr = new Collection
    Rows as integer
    Columns as integer
    Backcolor as uinteger
    BorderStyle as integer
    ForeColor as uinteger = RGB(196,196,196)
    FontStyle as ubyte
    ScrollRow as integer = 1
    CursorRow as integer = 1
    CursorColumn as integer = 1
    declare constructor(l as integer, t as integer, w as integer, h as integer)
end type

Sub Console.Color(FColor as integer = -1, BColor as integer = -1)
    Dim c(0 to 15) as uinteger
    C(0) = RGB(0,0,0):    C(1) = RGB(0,0,170)
    C(2) = RGB(0,170,0):    C(3) = RGB(0,170,170)
    C(4) = RGB(170,0,0):    C(5) = RGB(170,0,170)
    C(6) = RGB(170,85,0):    C(7) = RGB(170,170,170)
    C(8) = RGB(85,85,85):    C(9) = RGB(85,85,255)
    C(10) = RGB(85,255,85):    C(11) = RGB(85,255,255)
    C(12) = RGB(255,85,85):    C(13) = RGB(255,85,255)
    C(14) = RGB(255,255,85):    C(15) = RGB(255,255,255)

    If Fcolor >= 0 then ForeColor = c(FColor)
    If Bcolor >= 0 then BackColor = c(BColor)
end sub

function Console.Locate(r as integer, c as integer) as Console ptr
    while r > TextCollection->Count
        Print ""
    CursorRow = r: CursorColumn = c
    return @This
end function

sub console.cls()
    Dim TextPtr as TextType ptr
        TextPtr = Textcollection->Item(1)
        delete TextPtr
    loop until Textcollection->Count = 0
    ScrollRow = 1:    CursorRow = 1
    CursorColumn = 1
end sub

sub Console.Print(_text as string)
    Dim SubString as string = _text & CHR(13,10)
    Dim SubString2 as string
    dim i as integer
    dim i2 as integer

    while instr(SubString,CHR(13,10)) > 0
        i = instr(SubString,CHR(13,10))
        SubString2 = Left(SubString,i-1)

        if len(SubString2) > Columns then
            SubString = left(SubString,Columns) & CHR(13,10) & right(SubString, len(SubString) - Columns)
            i = instr(SubString,CHR(13,10))
            SubString2 = Left(SubString,i-1)
        end if

        PrintALine SubString2
        SubString = right(SubString, len(SubString) - len(SubString2) -2)
end sub

sub Console.PrintALine(_text as string)
    Dim TmpText as TextType ptr

    if CursorRow + (ScrollRow -1) > TextCollection->Count then
        TextCollection->Add(New TextType(_text))
        TmpText = TextCollection->item(CursorRow + (ScrollRow -1))
        if len(TmpText->s) < CursorColumn + len(_text) then
            TmpText->s = TmpText->s & Space(((CursorColumn -1)+ len(_text))-len(TmpText->s)  )
        end if
        mid(TmpText->s, CursorColumn, len(_Text)) = _Text
    end if
    If CursorRow > Rows then
        ScrollRow += 1
        CursorRow += 1
    end if
    CursorColumn = 1
end sub

Sub DrawConsole(go as any ptr)
    dim c as Console ptr = go
    dim TextTmp as TextType ptr
    dim i as integer
    dim AllRows as Item = Item(TextTmp, c->TextCollection)
    with *c->Object
        line .buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+.width,.top+.height),c->Backcolor,BF
        if c->BorderStyle = 0 then
            line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top + .height),RGB(255,255,255),B
            line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left, .top + .height),RGB(64,64,64)
            line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top),RGB(64,64,64)
        end if
        ForEach(TextTmp) in(c->TextCollection)
            i = i +1
            If i >= c->ScrollRow and i - c->ScrollRow < c->Rows then
                Draw string .buffer, (.left+2, .top+ ((i - c->ScrollRow)* 14) +2 ), left(*TextTmp,c->Columns), c->ForeColor
            end if
    end with
end sub

constructor Console(l as integer, t as integer, r as integer, c as integer)
    Object = new GuiObject(@This)
    with *Object
        .ClassName = "Console"
        .left = l: .top = t
        .width = c * 8 + 4: .height = r * 14 + 4
        .FixedIndex = 1
        .PrivateEvents = new Events
        .PrivateEvents->OnDraw = @DrawConsole
    end with
    Rows = r
    Columns = c
end constructor