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Colorpicker Plugin wxFBE

Datum/Zeit:10.12.2013 21:25:53

#Include Once "wx-c/wx.bi"
#Include Once "pluginsystem.bi"


'Menu IDs
    pickColor = 0 'always start with 0!
End Enum

'Prepare API
Dim Shared As ProgramAPI Ptr programApi


'Implement must-have functions
Function getDyLibInfo Alias "getDyLibInfo" ( ) As DyLibInfo Ptr Export
    Dim As DyLibInfo Ptr dyLibInfo = New DyLibInfo 'create new DyLibInfo object

    dyLibInfo->libraryName       = "colorpicker"
    dyLibInfo->APIVersion        = CURRENTAPIVERSION
    dyLibInfo->libraryVersion    = "1.0"
    dyLibInfo->description       = "This plugin provides a colorpicker"
    dyLibInfo->author            = "MOD"
    dyLibInfo->authorEmail       = ""
    dyLibInfo->copyright         = "MOD"
    dyLibInfo->homepage      = "http://www.freebasic-portal.de/"
    dyLibInfo->flags             = 0

    Return dyLibInfo
End Function

'Tell the program, how many menus we provide
Function getMenuCount Alias "getMenuCount" ( ) As Integer Export
    Return menuCounter
End Function


'Implement can-have functions
Function getProgramAPI Alias "getProgramAPI" ( ByRef api As ProgramAPI Ptr ) As Integer Export
    programApi = api 'save API to be able to use it
    Return 0
End Function

Function onLoad Alias "onLoad" ( ByRef dyLibID As Integer ) As Integer Export
    'Use the onLoad function to install our menus
    Dim As wxMenuBar Ptr menuBar =  programApi->getEditorMenuBarPtr( ) 'get pointer to the menubar

    Dim As wxMenu Ptr toolsMenu = wxMenuBar_GetMenu( menuBar, wxMenuBar_FindMenu( menuBar, wxString_ctorUTF8( programApi->getEditorTranslation( "menuTools" ) ) ) ) 'find the tools menu - we have to use the language key as the menu is called different in different languages
    If toolsMenu <> WX_NULL Then
        'append two menu items - as the menu ID use your menu ID + the provided dyLibID!!
        wxMenuBase_Append( toolsMenu, dyLibID + pickColor, wxString_ctorUTF8( "Colorpicker" ), wxString_ctorUTF8( "Colorpicker" ), 0 )
    Return 0
End Function

'Function onUnload Alias "onUnload" ( ) As Integer Export
'   Return 0
'End Function

'This will get called, when one of our menus is clicked
Function onDyLibMenu Alias "onDyLibMenu" ( ByRef menuID As Integer ) As Integer Export
    Select Case menuID 'which menu was clicked
        Case pickColor
            Dim As wxStyledTextCtrl Ptr thisSTC = programApi->getSTCPtr( ) 'get pointer to the current styledtextctrl
            If thisSTC <> WX_NULL Then
                Dim As wxColourData Ptr colData = wxColourData_ctor( )

                Dim As wxColourDialog Ptr colDialog = wxColourDialog_ctor( )
                wxColourDialog_Create( colDialog, programApi->getEditorFramePtr( ), colData )

                If wxColourDialog_ShowModal( colDialog ) = wxID_OK Then
                    Dim As wxColour Ptr col = wxColour_ctor( )
                    col = wxColourData_GetColour( wxColourDialog_GetColourData( colDialog ) )

                    wxStyledTextCtrl_AddText( thisSTC, wxString_ctorUTF8( "&H" & Hex( wxColour_Red( col ), 2 ) + Hex( wxColour_Green( col ), 2 ) + Hex( wxColour_Blue( col ), 2 ) ) )

        Case Else
            'This shouldn't happen ever
            wxMsgBox( programApi->getEditorFramePtr( ), wxString_ctorUTF8( "Unknown menu event" ), wxString_ctorUTF8( "Error" ), wxOK, 150, 50 )

    End Select
    Return 0
End Function
