Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Datum/Zeit:15.02.2014 20:58:09

'basierend auf Eternal Pains Code:
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type ColorDefinition
  RGBValue      as uinteger
  Red           as ubyte
  Green         as ubyte
  Blue          as ubyte

  Hue           as single
  Saturation    as single
  Value         as single

  declare constructor

  declare sub AllToZero

  declare sub SetRGB (rgbv as uinteger)
  declare sub SetRed (r as ubyte)
  declare sub SetGreen (g as ubyte)
  declare sub SetBlue (b as ubyte)

  declare sub SetHSV (h as single, s as single, v as single)
  declare sub SetHue (h as single)
  declare sub SetSaturation (s as single)
  declare sub SetValue (v as single)

  declare function GetRGB as uinteger
  declare function GetRed as ubyte
  declare function GetGreen as ubyte
  declare function GetBlue as ubyte

  declare function GetHue as single
  declare function GetSaturation as single
  declare function GetValue as single

  declare sub CalcHSV
  declare sub CalcRGB
end type

constructor ColorDefinition
end constructor

sub ColorDefinition.AllToZero
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetRGB (rgbv as uinteger)
  Red   =((RGBValue shr 16) and &HFF)
  Green =((RGBValue shr 8) and &HFF )
  Blue  =(RGBValue and &HFF         )
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetRed (r as ubyte)
  RGBValue=(cuint(Red) shl 16) or (cuint(Green) shl 8) or cuint(Blue)
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetGreen (g as ubyte)
  RGBValue=(cuint(Red) shl 16) or (cuint(Green) shl 8) or cuint(Blue)
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetBlue (b as ubyte)
  RGBValue=(cuint(Red) shl 16) or (cuint(Green) shl 8) or cuint(Blue)
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetHSV (h as single, s as single, v as single)
  if Hue>=360 then Hue=0
  if Hue<=0 then Hue=0
  if Saturation>100 then Saturation=100
  if Saturation<0 then Saturation=0
  if Value>100 then Value=100
  if Value<0 then Value=0
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetHue (h as single)
  if Hue>=360 then Hue=0
  if Hue<=0 then Hue=0
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetSaturation (s as single)
  if Saturation>100 then Saturation=100
  if Saturation<0 then Saturation=0
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.SetValue (v as single)
  if Value>100 then Value=100
  if Value<0 then Value=0
end sub

function ColorDefinition.GetRGB as uinteger
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetREd as ubyte
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetGreen as ubyte
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetBlue as ubyte
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetHue as single
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetSaturation as single
end function

function ColorDefinition.GetValue as single
end function

sub ColorDefinition.CalcHSV
  dim as ubyte RGB_Max,RGB_Min,RGB_Range

  'Maximal- und Minimalwerte ermitteln
  if Red<RGB_Min then RGB_Min=Red
  if Green<RGB_Min then RGB_Min=Green
  if Blue<RGB_Min then RGB_Min=Blue

  if Red>RGB_Max then RGB_Max=Red
  if Green>RGB_Max then RGB_Max=Green
  if Blue>RGB_Max then RGB_Max=Blue


  'Grundfarbe in Grad ermitteln
  if RGB_Range then'keine Grauwerte
    select case RGB_Max
      case Red                                 'Maximalwert:rot
        Hue=60 * (0 + (Green-Blue) / RGB_Range)
      case Green                                 'Maximalwert:grün
        Hue=60 * (2 + (Blue-Red) / RGB_Range)
      case Blue                                 'Maximalwert:blau
        Hue=60 * (4 + (Red-Green) / RGB_Range)
    end select
    if Hue<0 then Hue +=360

  end if

  if RGB_Max then Saturation=100 * RGB_range/RGB_Max else Saturation=0

  Value=100 *RGB_Max/255
end sub

sub ColorDefinition.calcRGB
  dim as integer Huecase
  'Grundfarbe ermitteln
  select case Huecase
    case 1                        'grün steigend
      Green=255 * Hue/60
    case 2                        'rot fallend
      Red=255 - (255 * (Hue-60) / 60)
    case 3                        'blau steigend
      Blue=255 * (Hue-120)/60
    case 4                        'grün fallend
      Green=255 - (255 * (Hue-180)/60)
    case 5                        'rot steigend
      Red=255 * (Hue-240)/60
    case 6                        'blau fallend
      Blue=255 - (255 * (Hue-300)/60)
  end select
  '        s Sättigung      und    v Helligkeit berechnen
  Red=(255 - (255-Red)*Saturation/100)    * Value/100
  Green=(255 - (255-Green)*Saturation/100)    * Value/100
  Blue=(255 - (255-Blue)*Saturation/100)    * Value/100
  RGBValue=(cuint(Red) shl 16) or (cuint(Green) shl 8) or cuint(Blue)
end sub