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Collection.bi - Eine doppelt verkettete Liste - sehr einfach gehalten

Datum/Zeit:12.03.2009 13:56:37

'| +----------------------------------------------------------+ |
'| |  Projekt:      Collection                                | |
'| |  Version:      0.01                                      | |
'| |  Start:        10.03.2009                                | |
'| |  Autor:        Weazle25                                  | |
'| |  Lizenz:       Open Source                               | |
'| |  Beschreibung: Collection ist eine doppelt verkettete    | |
'| |                Liste in ihrer (fast) einfachsten Form.   | |
'| |                Ich habe sie nur so erweitert das man     | |
'| |                mehrere von einander unabhängige Listen   | |
'| |                erstellen kann.                           | |
'| +----------------------------------------------------------+ |

Const CCollection = "Collection"
Const CCollectionNode = "CollectionNode"
Const CBefore = 1
Const CAfter  = 2

Type TCollectionDummy As TCollection

Type TCollectionNode
    VClassName As ZString*21
    VOwner As TCollectionDummy Ptr = 0
    VPrevNode As TCollectionNode Ptr = 0
    VNextNode As TCollectionNode Ptr = 0
    VValue As Any Ptr
    Declare Constructor()
End Type

Constructor TCollectionNode()
    This.VClassName = CCollectionNode
End Constructor

Type TCollection
    VClassName As ZString*21
    VCount As Integer = 0
    VFirstNode As TCollectionNode Ptr = 0
    VLastNode As TCollectionNode Ptr = 0
    Declare Constructor()
    Declare Property PCount() As Integer
    Declare Function FNew( Value As Any Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FNewAtFirst( Value As Any Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FDelete( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
    Declare Function FFirst() As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FLast() As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FBefore( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FAfter( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
    Declare Function FInsert( Node1 As TCollectionNode Ptr, Direction As Byte, Node2 As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
    Declare Function FExempt( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
End Type

Constructor TCollection()
    This.VClassName = CCollection
End Constructor

Property TCollection.PCount() As Integer
'| Gibt die Anzahl der Nodes zurück die sich in der Liste befinden |
    Return This.VCount
End Property

Function TCollection.FNew( Value As Any Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Erzeugt einen Node und hängt ihn an das Ende der Liste       |
    Dim Node As TCollectionNode Ptr = New TCollectionNode
    Node->VValue = Value
    Node->VOwner = @This
    If This.VFirstNode = 0 And This.VLastNode = 0 Then
        This.VFirstNode = Node
        This.VLastNode = Node
        This.VLastNode->VNextNode = Node
        Node->VPrevNode = This.VLastNode
        This.VLastNode = Node
    This.VCount += 1
    Return Node
End Function

Function TCollection.FNewAtFirst( Value As Any Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Erzeugt einen Node und setzt ihn an den Anfang der Liste     |
    Dim Node As TCollectionNode Ptr = New TCollectionNode
    Node->VValue = Value
    Node->VOwner = @This
    If This.VFirstNode = 0 And This.VLastNode = 0 Then
        This.VFirstNode = Node
        This.VLastNode = Node
        This.VFirstNode->VPrevNode = Node
        Node->VNextNode = This.VFirstNode
        This.VFirstNode = Node
    This.VCount += 1
    Return Node
End Function

Function TCollection.FDelete( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
'| Löscht einen Node aus der Liste                              |
'| Gehört der Node zu einer anderen Liste dann wird die         |
'| FDelete-Funktion der entsprechenden Liste ausgeführt.        |
    If Node = 0 Then Return 0
    If Node->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Then Return 0
    If Node->VOwner = 0 Then
        Delete Node
        Return 1
    If Node->VOwner <> @This Then
        Return Node->VOwner->FDelete( Node )
    This.FExempt( Node )
    Delete Node

    Return 1
End Function

Function TCollection.FFirst() As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Gibt den ersten Node der Liste zurück                        |
    Return This.VFirstNode
End Function

Function TCollection.FLast() As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Gibt den letzten Node der Liste zurück                       |
    Return This.VLastNode
End Function

Function TCollection.FBefore( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Gibt den Node zurück der sich vor Node befindet oder 0 wenn  |
'| Node der erste Node der Liste ist                            |
    If Node = 0 Then Return 0
    If Node->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Then Return 0
    Return Node->VPrevNode
End Function

Function TCollection.FAfter( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As TCollectionNode Ptr
'| Gibt den Node zurück der sich nach Node befindet oder 0 wenn |
'| Node der letzte Node der Liste ist                           |
    If Node = 0 Then Return 0
    If Node->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Then Return 0
    Return Node->VNextNode
End Function

Function TCollection.FInsert( Node1 As TCollectionNode Ptr, Direction As Byte, Node2 As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
'| Verschiebt Node1 vor bzw hinter Node2.                       |
'| Befinden sich Node1 und Note2 in verschiedenen Listen dann   |
'| wird Node1 aus der Liste von Node1 entfernt und der Liste von|
'| Node2 hinzugefügt.                                           |
    If Node1 = 0 Or Node2 = 0 Then Return 0
    If Node1->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Or Node2->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Then Return 0
    If Node2->VOwner = 0 Then Return 0

    If Direction = CBefore And Node2->VOwner->FFirst() = Node2 Then
        If Node1->VOwner <> 0 Then Node1->VOwner->FExempt( Node1 )
        Node2->VOwner->VFirstNode = Node1
        Node2->VPrevNode = Node1
        Node1->VPrevNode = 0
        Node1->VNextNode = Node2
        Node2->VOwner->VCount += 1
        Node1->VOwner = Node2->VOwner

    If Direction = CAfter And Node2->VOwner->FLast() = Node2 Then
        If Node1->VOwner <> 0 Then Node1->VOwner->FExempt( Node1 )
        Node2->VOwner->VLastNode = Node1
        Node2->VNextNode = Node1
        Node1->VPrevNode = Node2
        Node1->VNextNode = 0
        Node2->VOwner->VCount += 1
        Node1->VOwner = Node2->VOwner

    If Node2->VOwner->FFirst() = Node2 And Node2->VOwner->FLast() = Node2 Then
        If Direction = CBefore Then
            If Node1->VOwner <> 0 Then Node1->VOwner->FExempt( Node1 )
            Node1->VPrevNode = Node2->VPrevNode
            Node1->VNextNode = Node2
            Node2->VPrevNode->VNextNode = Node1
            Node2->VPrevNode = Node1
            Node2->VOwner->VCount += 1
            Node1->VOwner = Node2->VOwner
        ElseIf Direction = CAfter Then
            If Node1->VOwner <> 0 Then Node1->VOwner->FExempt( Node1 )
            Node1->VPrevNode = Node2
            Node1->VNextNode = Node2->VNextNode
            Node2->VNextNode->VPrevNode = Node1
            Node2->VNextNode = Node1
            Node2->VOwner->VCount += 1
            Node1->VOwner = Node2->VOwner
    Return 0
End Function

Function TCollection.FExempt( Node As TCollectionNode Ptr ) As Byte
'| Löst den Node aus der Liste heraus ohne ihn zu löschen so das|
'| der Node zu keiner Liste mehr gehört.                        |
'| FExempt wird automatisch von FDelete und FInsert aufgerufen. |
'| Es ist daher nicht notwendig FExempt manuell aufzurufen.     |
    If Node = 0 Then Return 0
    If Node->VClassName <> CCollectionNode Then Return 0
    If Node->VOwner = 0 Then Return 1
    If Node->VOwner <> @This Then
        Return Node->VOwner->FExempt( Node )
    If This.VFirstNode = Node And This.VLastNode = Node Then
        This.VFirstNode = 0
        This.VLastNode = 0
        Node->VOwner = 0
        Node->VPrevNode = 0
        Node->VNextNode = 0
        This.VCount -= 1
        Return 1
    If This.VFirstNode = Node Then
        This.VFirstNode = Node->VNextNode
        Node->VNextNode->VPrevNode = 0
        Node->VOwner = 0
        Node->VPrevNode = 0
        Node->VNextNode = 0
        This.VCount -= 1
        Return 1
    If This.VLastNode = Node Then
        This.VLastNode = Node->VPrevNode
        Node->VPrevNode->VNextNode = 0
        Node->VOwner = 0
        Node->VPrevNode = 0
        Node->VNextNode = 0
        This.VCount -= 1
        Return 1
    Node->VPrevNode->VNextNode = Node->VNextNode
    Node->VNextNode->VPrevNode = Node->VPrevNode
    Node->VOwner = 0
    Node->VPrevNode = 0
    Node->VNextNode = 0
    This.VCount -= 1
    Return 1
End Function