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der code des spiels (game.bas)

Datum/Zeit:15.12.2007 15:21:30

'bei den zeichnen-subs müsst ihr es so umbauen, dass ein kasten statt der figur gezeichnet wird, die teile fürs laden der grafik auskommentieren

'Programmiert von Florian Jung (icq 305-487-969)
const xlen=19,ylen=19,gravity=200,jump=100
dim shared as byte block(1 to fix(1024/xlen)+1, 1 to fix(786/ylen)+1)

#include "physics.bi"
#include "collison.bi"

declare sub FigurZeichnen()
declare sub badguyZeichnen()
declare sub Figurweg()
declare sub badguyweg()
declare sub flachdeppzeichnen()
declare sub flachdeppweg()

'dim shared Figur as TPhysics
'dim shared badguy as TPhysics
'dim shared flachdepp as TPhysics
with flachdepp
end with

with badguy
end with

with Figur
end with
dim as double dT

screenres  800,600,8,2
screenset 1,0

dim shared as fb.image ptr FigurSprite(1 to 3,0 to 1,1 to 2, 0 to 1)
dim shared as fb.image ptr FigurDead (1 to 3,0 to 1)
dim shared as fb.image ptr FigurHG , badguyHG,flachdeppHG,FigDeadHG

dim as integer i
for i=1 to 3
    FigurSprite(i,0,1,0)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,0,1,1)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,1,1,0)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,1,1,1)=imagecreate (19,23)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwert\l"+trim(str(i))+"-1.bmp", FigurSprite(i,0,1,0)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwert\l"+trim(str(i))+"-2.bmp", FigurSprite(i,0,1,1)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwert\r"+trim(str(i))+"-1.bmp", FigurSprite(i,1,1,0)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwert\r"+trim(str(i))+"-2.bmp", FigurSprite(i,1,1,1)
    FigurSprite(i,0,2,0)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,0,2,1)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,1,2,0)=imagecreate (19,23)
    FigurSprite(i,1,2,1)=imagecreate (19,23)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwertschlag\l"+trim(str(i))+"-1.bmp", FigurSprite(i,0,2,0)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwertschlag\l"+trim(str(i))+"-2.bmp", FigurSprite(i,0,2,1)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwertschlag\r"+trim(str(i))+"-1.bmp", FigurSprite(i,1,2,0)
    bload "gfx\charas\schwertschlag\r"+trim(str(i))+"-2.bmp", FigurSprite(i,1,2,1)
    FigurDead(i,0)=imagecreate (22,30)
    FigurDead(i,1)=imagecreate (22,30)
    bload "gfx\charas\engel\"+trim(str(i))+"-1.bmp", FigurDead(i,0)
    bload "gfx\charas\engel\"+trim(str(i))+"-2.bmp", FigurDead(i,1)
FigurHG=imagecreate (19,23)
badguyHG=imagecreate (19,23)
flachdeppHG=imagecreate (19,23)
FigDeadHG=imagecreate (22,30)
dim as integer bx,by,obx,oby
for by=20 to 1 step -1
    for bx=23-by to 31-20+by
        block (bx,by)=-1
    'for bx=5 to 10

    '    block (bx,19)=-1
block (15,2)=-1
for bx=1 to fix(1024/xlen)+1
    block (bx,1)=-1:block (bx,25)=-1
for by=1 to fix(786/ylen)+1
    block (1,by)=-1:block (34,by)=-1
block (3,20)=0
for bx=1 to fix(1024/xlen)+1
    for by=1 to fix(786/ylen)+1
        if block (bx,by) then line(bx*xlen-xlen,by*ylen-ylen)-step(xlen,ylen),1,BF else line(bx*xlen-xlen,by*ylen-ylen)-step(xlen,ylen),4,B

    pcopy 1,0
end scope

'put (1,1),Figursprite(1,1),pset
with Figur
end with
get (Figur.x,Figur.y)-step(Figur.width-1,Figur.height-1),FigurHG
get (badguy.x,badguy.y)-step(badguy.width-1,badguy.height-1),badguyHG
get (flachdepp.x,flachdepp.y)-step(flachdepp.width-1,flachdepp.height-1),flachdeppHG

dim shared as double schlag
dim as byte keinschlag

    sleep 10
    'locate 3,1:?Figur.energy;"   "


    if Figur.energy=0 then
        'sleep 500
        with Figur
            get (.x,.y)-step(21,29),FigDeadHG
            locate 1,1:?.x,.y

                put (.xalt,.yalt),FigDeadHG,pset
                get (.x,.y)-step(21,29),FigDeadHG
                put (.x,.y),FigurDead(.walkstatus,1),or
                put (.x,.y),FigurDead(.walkstatus,0),and
'                if timer-.walktime>.walkspeed then
'                    .walktime=timer
'                    .walkstatus+=1
'                    if .walkstatus>.maxwalkstatus then .walkstatus=1
'                end if
                pcopy 1,0
                locate 1,1:?.x,.y,.walkstatus
                sleep 10
                move Figur,dT
            loop until .y <0
        end with
    end if


    if multikey(&h48) and Figur.ay=0 then Figur.ay=gravity:Figur.vy=-jump
    if multikey(&h4b) then Figur.vx=-75 else if multikey(&h4d) then Figur.vx=75 else Figur.vx=0
    if multikey(&H1D) then
        if schlag =0 and keinschlag=0 then
        end if
        schlag =0
    end if

    if timer-schlag>0.1  then schlag=0
    do until inkey="" : loop
    move Figur,dT
    collisionstop Figur
    if badguy.energy>0 then
        'move badguy,dT
        'collisionstop badguy
        aua Figur,badguy
    end if
    if flachdepp.energy>0 then
        'move flachdepp,dT
        'flachcollisionstop flachdepp
        aua Figur,flachdepp
    end if

    if schlag then
        schlagtest Figur,badguy
        schlagtest Figur,flachdepp
    end if

    'locate 1,1:?Figur.energy,badguy.energy,flachdepp.energy

    locate 1,1:?figur.ay;"  "
    locate 2,1:?fix(1/dT) ; "FPS"

    pcopy 1,0


'sub FigurZeichnen
'    static temp as byte ,zeit as double,direction as byte,_move as integer ,omove as integer
'    if _move=0 then _move=((direction*2)-1)*5
'    'dim as integer _move
'    if Figur.vx<0 then direction=0:_move=-4 else if Figur.vx>0 then direction = 1:_move=4
'    if abs(timer-zeit)>0.2 then zeit=timer:temp=temp+1: if temp>3 then temp=1
'    if Figur.vx=0 then temp=1
'    'temp+=1    : if temp=4 then temp=1
'    put (Figur.xalt+omove,Figur.yalt-Figur.height+2),FigurHG,pset
'    omove=_move
'    ' _move=((direction*2)-1)*5
'    get (Figur.x+_move,Figur.y-Figur.height+2)-step(Figur.width-1,Figur.height-1),FigurHG
'    put (Figur.x+_move,Figur.y-Figur.height+2),FigurSprite(temp,direction,1-(schlag<>0),1),or
'    put (Figur.x+_move,Figur.y-Figur.height+2),FigurSprite(temp,direction,1-(schlag<>0),0),and
'    'line(figur.x,figur.y-24)-step(23,23),3,BF
'end sub
'sub badguyZeichnen
'    with badguy
'    'static temp as byte ,zeit as double
'    if .move=0 then .move=((.direction*2)-1)*5
'    'dim as integer _move
'    if badguy.vx<0 then .direction=0:.move=-4 else if badguy.vx>0 then .direction = 1:.move=4
'    if abs(timer-.walktime)>.walkspeed then .walktime=timer:.walkstatus=.walkstatus+1: if .walkstatus>3 then .walkstatus=1
'    if badguy.vx=0 then .walkstatus=1
'    'temp+=1    : if temp=4 then temp=1
'    put (badguy.xalt+.omove,badguy.yalt-badguy.height+2),badguyHG,pset
'    .omove=.move
'    ' _move=((direction*2)-1)*5
'    get (badguy.x+.move,badguy.y-badguy.height+2)-step(badguy.width-1,badguy.height-1),badguyHG
'    put (badguy.x+.move,badguy.y-badguy.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),1),or
'    put (badguy.x+.move,badguy.y-badguy.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),0),and
'    'line(figur.x,figur.y-24)-step(23,23),3,BF
'    end with
'end sub

sub FigurWeg
    with Figur
    end with
end sub

sub BadGuyWeg
    with BadGuy
        if .energy>-1 then put(.xalt+.omove,.yalt-.height+2),BadGuyHG,pset: if .energy=0 then .energy=-1
    end with
end sub

sub flachdeppWeg
    with flachdepp
        if .energy>-1 then put(.xalt+.omove,.yalt-.height),flachdeppHG,pset: if .energy=0 then .energy=-1
    end with
end sub

sub flachdeppZeichnen
    with flachdepp
        if .energy>0 then
            get (.x+.move,.y-.height)-step(.width-1,.height-1),FlachDeppHG
            line (.x,.y-.height)-step(.width-1,.height-1),1,BF
        end if

    end with
end sub

sub FigurZeichnen
    with Figur
        if .nowmove=0 then .nowmove=((.direction*2)-1)*.move
        get (.x+.move,.y-.height+2)-step(.width-1,.height-1),FigurHG
        put (.x+.move,.y-.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),1),or
        put (.x+.move,.y-.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),0),and
    end with
end sub
sub badguyZeichnen
    with badguy
        if .energy>0 then
            if .nowmove=0 then .nowmove=((.direction*2)-1)*.move
            get (.x+.move,.y-.height+2)-step(.width-1,.height-1),badguyHG
            put (.x+.move,.y-.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),1),or
            put (.x+.move,.y-.height+2),FigurSprite(.walkstatus,.direction,1-(schlag<>0),0),and
        end if

    end with
end sub