Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Datum/Zeit:20.09.2009 17:21:56
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
Warnung: Es steht bereits eine neuere Version des Quelltexts zur Verfügung. Die hier vorliegende alte Version könnte Fehler enthalten, die in der neuen Version vielleicht ausgebessert wurden.

#include once "GuiPtr.bi"

Type CheckBox
    Object as GuiObject ptr
    Value as Ubyte
    Caption as String
    declare Constructor(left as integer, top as integer, CBCaption as string, CBValue as ubyte = 0)
end type

Sub DrawCheckBox(GO as any ptr)
    dim CB as CheckBox ptr = GO
    with *CB->Object
        draw string .Buffer,(.left+ 17, .top+1), CB->Caption, RGB(0,0,0)
        line .Buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+14,.top + 14),RGB(0,0,0),B

        if CB->Value = 1 then
            line .Buffer, (.left+2,.top+2)-(.left+12,.top + 12),RGB(0,0,0)
            line .Buffer, (.left+12,.top+2)-(.left+2,.top + 12),RGB(0,0,0)
        end if
    end with
end sub

Sub CBChangeValue(GO as any ptr, e as EventParameter)
    dim CB as CheckBox ptr = GO
    if CB->Value = 0 then
        CB->Value = 1
        CB->Value = 0
    end if
end sub

Constructor CheckBox(left as integer, top as integer, CBCaption as string, CBValue as ubyte = 0)
    Object = New GuiObject(@This)
    with *Object
        .ClassName = "CheckBox"
        .left = left
        .top = top
        .width = 16 + (len(CBCaption) * 8)
        .height = 14
        .PrivateEvents = new Events
        with *.PrivateEvents
            .OnDraw = @DrawCheckBox
            .SingleClick = @CBChangeValue
            .DoubleClick = @CBChangeValue
        end with
    end with
    Caption = CBCaption
    Value = CBValue
end constructor