Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
"Der" Petzold, das über 1000 Seiten starke Standardwerk zum Win32-API - besonders nützlich u. a. bei der GUI-Programmierung in FreeBASIC! [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:20.09.2009 17:04:43
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
Warnung: Es steht bereits eine neuere Version des Quelltexts zur Verfügung. Die hier vorliegende alte Version könnte Fehler enthalten, die in der neuen Version vielleicht ausgebessert wurden.

'Ein einfacher Knopf

type Button
    Object as GuiObject ptr
    Caption as string
    Pressed as ubyte
    declare constructor(left as integer, top as integer, w as integer, h as integer, GWindowtitle as string)
end type

sub DrawButton(ButtonPTR as any ptr)
    dim b as Button ptr = ButtonPTR
    with *b
        select case .pressed
        case 0
            with *.object
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top + .height),RGB(212,208,200),BF
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top + .height),RGB(64,64,64),B
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left, .top + .height),RGB(255,255,255)
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top),RGB(255,255,255)
                Draw string .buffer, (.left + ((.width /2) - ((len(b->caption)*8)/2)), .top + ((.height / 2) - 7)),b->caption, RGB(0,0,0)
            end with
        case 1
            with *.object
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top + .height),RGB(212,208,200),BF
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top + .height),RGB(255,255,255),B
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left, .top + .height),RGB(64,64,64)
                line .buffer, (.left, .top)-(.left + .width, .top),RGB(64,64,64)
                Draw string .buffer, (1+.left + ((.width /2) - ((len(b->caption)*8)/2)), 1+.top + ((.height / 2) - 7)),b->caption, RGB(0,0,0)
            end with
        end select
    end with
end sub

sub DrawButtonPressed(ButtonPTR as any ptr,e as EventParameter)
    dim b as Button ptr = ButtonPTR
    b->pressed = 1
end sub

sub DrawButtonReleased(ButtonPTR as any ptr,e as EventParameter)
    dim b as Button ptr = ButtonPTR
    b->pressed = 0
end sub

constructor Button(left as integer, top as integer, w as integer, h as integer, ButtonCaption as string)
    Object = new GuiObject(@This)
    with *Object
        .ClassName = "Button"
        .left = left
        .top = top
        .width = w
        .height = h
        .PrivateEvents = new Events
        with *.PrivateEvents
            .OnDraw = @DrawButton
            .OnMouseDown = @DrawButtonPressed
            .OnMouseUp = @DrawButtonReleased
        end with
    end with
    Caption = ButtonCaption
end constructor