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Bumpmap rekursiv

Datum/Zeit:23.04.2008 20:22:41

' erzeugt rekursiv (grayscale)Bumpmaps
' kann man in Raytracern und Renderern wie POVRAY oder Blender benutzen um Gebirge zu erzeugen
' Kritik an muttonhead@hotmail.de

DECLARE sub calcbump (xfirst as integer ,xlast as integer ,yfirst as integer ,ylast as integer,submode as integer)

Dim as integer i,k,l,gray,xlow,ylow,xhigh,yhigh

'werden von calcbump benötigt
'bumpfield array enthält die "Hoehendaten"
'bumplevel ist die vertikale Auflösung (255 entspricht 256 Graustufen)
dim shared as integer bumpfield(xhigh,yhigh) , bumplevel

screen 20,8,1
if screenptr then
    color 0,255
    for i=0 to 255
        palette i,i,i,i
    next i
    randomize timer
'berechnen des Hoehenfeldes
  calcbump (xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,1)

' gespiegelte Anzeige des ganzen
   for k=yhigh to ylow step-1
        for i=xlow to xhigh
        next i
    next k

    print "Sorry, no Screen available! Press any key..."
end if

sub calcbump (xfirst as integer ,xlast as integer ,yfirst as integer ,ylast as integer,submode as integer)
    static as single diff0
    dim as integer diffx,diffz,xmiddle,ymiddle,_
    dim as single randlevel

    diffx  =xlast-xfirst
    diffz  =ylast-yfirst

' beim ersten Aufruf wird das ganze array geloescht
' es geht mit Sicherheit eleganter als mit FOR NEXT, ist halt alte Schule (MaxonBasic);)
    if submode=1 then
        for i=xfirst to xlast
            for k=yfirst to ylast
            next k
        next i


    end if


  if diffx>1 and diffz>1 then

        west=(bumpfield(xfirst,yfirst)+bumpfield(xfirst,ylast))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if west>bumplevel then west=bumplevel
    if west<0 then west=0

        north=(bumpfield(xfirst,ylast)+bumpfield(xlast,ylast))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if north>bumplevel then north=bumplevel
    if north<0 then north=0

        east=(bumpfield(xlast,ylast)+bumpfield(xlast,yfirst))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if east>bumplevel then east=bumplevel
    if east<0 then east=0

        south=(bumpfield(xlast,yfirst)+bumpfield(xfirst,yfirst))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if south>bumplevel then south=bumplevel
    if south<0 then south=0


' mit Mörder-Mapping Effekt, nicht zu empfehlen
'       bumpfield(xfirst,ymiddle)=west
'   bumpfield(xmiddle,ylast)=north
'       bumpfield(xlast,ymiddle)=east
'       bumpfield(xmiddle,yfirst)=south

' sieht was besser aus...
        if bumpfield(xfirst,ymiddle)=-1 then bumpfield(xfirst,ymiddle)=west
        if bumpfield(xmiddle,ylast)=-1 then bumpfield(xmiddle,ylast)=north
        if bumpfield(xlast,ymiddle)=-1 then bumpfield(xlast,ymiddle)=east
        if bumpfield(xmiddle,yfirst)=-1 then bumpfield(xmiddle,yfirst)=south

    center=(bumpfield(xfirst,yfirst)+bumpfield(xfirst,ylast)+bumpfield(xlast,ylast)+bumpfield(xlast,yfirst))/4 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if center>bumplevel then center=bumplevel
    if center<0 then center=0



    end if

    if diffx>1 and diffz<2 then

        north=(bumpfield(xfirst,ylast)+bumpfield(xlast,ylast))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if north>bumplevel then north=bumplevel
    if north<0 then north=0

        south=(bumpfield(xfirst,yfirst)+bumpfield(xlast,yfirst))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if south>bumplevel then south=bumplevel
    if south<0 then south=0


        if bumpfield(xmiddle,ylast)=-1 then bumpfield(xmiddle,ylast)=north
        if bumpfield(xmiddle,yfirst)=-1 then bumpfield(xmiddle,yfirst)=south

    end if

    if diffx<2 and diffz>1 then

        west=(bumpfield(xfirst,yfirst)+bumpfield(xfirst,ylast))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if west>bumplevel then west=bumplevel
    if west<0 then west=0

        east=(bumpfield(xlast,yfirst)+bumpfield(xlast,ylast))/2 + (sgn(rnd-.5)*randlevel)
        if east>bumplevel then east=bumplevel
    if east<0 then east=0


        if bumpfield(xfirst,ymiddle)=-1 then bumpfield(xfirst,ymiddle)=west
        if bumpfield(xlast,ymiddle)=-1 then bumpfield(xlast,ymiddle)=east

    end if
end sub