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Datum/Zeit: | 12.04.2015 00:36:53 |
' buffer.bas - Do what the f... you want (WTFPL).
' Author: StringEpsilon, 2015
' Like the hashtable, this is heavily inspired by mono / .net
' Example: DelcareBuffer(integer, IntegerBuffer, false)
' Creates a non threadsafe buffer with elements of type Integer. You can push() new values on and pop() values off.
' The buffer is first it, first out (a queue).
' If the third parameter is "true", you get a threadsafe (or rather: mutex locked) buffer.
#ifndef bool
enum bool
false = 0
true = not false
end enum
#MACRO DeclareBuffer(datatype, buffername, CreateThreadSafe)
type ##buffername##
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
_mutex as any ptr
_array as datatype ptr
_arraySize as uinteger
_head as uinteger = 0
_tail as uinteger = 0
_size as uinteger
_version as uinteger
declare destructor ()
declare constructor overload ()
declare constructor (initialCount as uinteger)
declare function Contains(item as datatype) as bool
declare sub clear()
declare function Pop () as datatype
declare sub Push (element as datatype)
declare sub SetCapacity (newSize as uinteger)
declare property Count() as uinteger
declare property Capacity() as uinteger
end type
constructor ##buffername##()
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
this._mutex = mutexcreate()
shell "echo Threadsafe buffer"
shell "echo Unsafe buffer"
this._array = callocate(sizeof(datatype))
end constructor
constructor ##buffername##(initialCount as uinteger)
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
this._mutex = mutexcreate()
this._array = callocate(sizeof(datatype)*initialCount)
this._arraySize = initialCount
end constructor
destructor ##buffername##()
deallocate (this._array)
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
end destructor
sub ##buffername##.Clear()
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
this._head = this._tail = this._size = 0
this._version += 1
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
end sub
function ##buffername##.Pop() as datatype
dim as datatype element
if ( this._size > 0 ) then
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
element = this._array[this._head]
if (this._head + 1 = this._arraySize) then
this._head = 0
this._head +=1
end if
this._size -= 1
this._version +=1
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
end if
return element
end function
function ##buffername##.Contains(item as datatype) as bool
if (this._size = 0) then return false
dim i as integer = 0
while i < this._size
if ( this._array[i] = item ) then return true
return false
end function
sub ##buffername##.Push(item as datatype)
if (this._size = this._arraySize OR this._tail = this._arraySize) then
this.SetCapacity(IIF(_size<_tail, _tail, _size)* 2)
end if
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
this._array[this._tail] = item
if ( this._tail + 1 = this._arraySize ) then
_tail = 0
_tail += 1
end if
this._size +=1
this._version +=1
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
end sub
sub ##buffername##.SetCapacity(newSize as uinteger)
if ( newSize <= this._size) then
exit sub
end if
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
this._arraySize = newSize
this._array = reallocate(this._array ,sizeof(datatype)*this._arraySize)
this._tail = _size
this._head = 0
this._version +=1
#if CreateThreadSafe = true
end sub
property ##buffername##.Count() as uinteger
return this._size
end property
property ##buffername##.Capacity() as uinteger
return this._arraySize
end property