Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
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Brick 2

Datum/Zeit:10.12.2007 11:22:12

' Brick 2
' From Eternal Pain
' Modifications by Croco
' 2007
' See www.freebasic-portal.de

#include "fbgfx.bi"

Const Ckeydelay=0.15

''-- Data Lines --''

Data 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 , 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,14,14,07,07,04,04,04,07,07,09,09 , 09,07,07,05,05,05,07,07,02,07,07,02,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,07,07,14,07,04,07,07,04,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,05,07,02,07,07,02,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,07,07,14,07,04,07,07,04,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,07,07,02,07,02,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,07,07,14,07,04,07,07,04,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,07,07,02,02,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,14,14,07,07,04,04,04,07,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,07,07,02,02,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,07,07,14,07,04,07,07,04,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,07,07,02,07,02,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,07,07,14,07,04,07,07,04,07,07,09 , 07,07,05,07,07,07,05,07,02,07,07,02,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,14,14,14,07,07,04,07,07,04,07,09,09 , 09,07,07,05,05,05,07,07,02,07,07,02,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 , 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 , 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07 , 07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,16
Data 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 , 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16


    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,1,1,0
    Data 0,1,1,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,1,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,1,1,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,1,0,0
    Data 0,1,1,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,1,1,1
    Data 0,0,0,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0
    Data 0,0,1,0

''-- Global Dimensions --''
    Screen 12,,2
    SetMouse 0,0,0

    Randomize Timer

    Dim Shared as UByte A_Form(3,3) 'Aktuelle Form
    Dim Shared as UByte P_Form(3,3) 'Preview Form

    Dim Shared as UByte A_Col       'Aktuelle Farbe
    Dim Shared as UByte P_Col       'Preview Color

    Dim Shared as UByte Edit_Scr    'Edit Screen
    Dim Shared as UByte View_Scr    'View Screen
    Edit_Scr = 1 : View_Scr = 0

    Dim Shared as UInteger Score    'Score
    Dim Shared as UInteger OldScore
    Dim Shared as UByte Level       'Level
    Dim Shared as UByte OldLevel
    OldScore = 0 : Score = 0 : Level = 1 : OldLevel = 0
    Dim Shared as UInteger Lines
    Lines = 0
    Const Start_x=4
    Const Start_y=-5

    Dim Shared as Byte Pos_x
    Dim Shared as Byte Pos_y
    Pos_x = Start_x : Pos_y = Start_y

    Dim Shared as UByte Game_Scr(15,23)

    Dim Shared as Double Key_Timer
    Dim Shared as Double Fall_Timer

        M_Down = 0
    End Enum

    Dim Shared as ubyte GameOver
    GameOver = 0
    Palette 1,&h15,&h65,&h60

    Declare Sub Get_Form
    Declare Sub Set_Brick (byval px as ushort,byval py as ushort,byval sco as ubyte)
    Declare Sub Game_Background
    Declare Sub Game_Screen
    Declare Sub Rotate_Form (byval form as ubyte)
    Declare Sub Set_Form
    Declare Sub Move_Form (byval direction as UByte)
    Declare Sub Preview_Form
    Declare Sub control_raster

    Declare Sub Main_Screen
    Declare Sub Game_Play
    Declare Sub Help_Screen

    Declare Sub Game_Over_Screen

    Sub Get_Form
    'schreibe vorschau zu aktuell
        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            A_Form(x,y) = P_Form(x,y)
        Next x
        Next y
            A_Col = P_Col

    'wähle zufällige neue Form
        Rnd_Form = Int(rnd*6)

            Select Case Rnd_Form

        Case 0
            Restore Form1
        Case 1
            Restore Form2
        Case 2
            Restore Form3
        Case 3
            Restore Form4
        Case 4
            Restore Form5
        Case 5
            Restore Form6

            End Select
    'wähle/setze zufällige neue Farbe
        Rnd_Col = Int(rnd*5)

            Select Case Rnd_Col

        Case 0
            P_Col = 9
        Case 1
            P_Col = 2
        Case 2
            P_Col = 4
        Case 3
            P_Col = 5
        Case 4
            P_Col = 14

            End Select
    'schreibe neue Vorschau Form
        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            Read P_Form(x,y)
        Next x
        Next y
    'Rotiere Vorschau zufällig
        Rnd_rot = Int(rnd*4)

        For l=0 to Rnd_rot
            Rotate_Form (1)
        Next l

End Sub

    Sub Set_Brick (byval px as ushort,byval py as ushort,byval sco as ubyte)

        Line (1+px,1+py)-(18+px,18+py),sco,bf
        Line (0+px,0+py)-(19+px,19+py),15,b
        Line (19+px,0+py)-(19+px,19+py),8
        Line (0+px,19+py)-(19+px,19+py),8

End Sub

    Sub Rotate_Form (byval form as ubyte)

        Dim Save_Form(3,3) as UByte
        Dim New_Form(3,3) as UByte

        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            If form = 0 Then Save_Form(x,y) = A_Form(x,y)
            If form = 1 Then Save_Form(x,y) = P_Form(x,y)
        Next x
        Next y






        If Form=0 Then
            For y=0 to 3
            For x=0 to 3
                If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_y+y<24 Then
                If Game_Scr(Pos_x+x,Pos_y+y)<>0 and New_Form(x,y)=1 Then RC=1
                End If
            Next x
            Next y
        End If

        If RC=0 Then
        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            if form = 0 then A_Form(x,y) = New_Form(x,y)
            if form = 1 then P_Form(x,y) = New_Form(x,y)
        Next x
        Next y
        End If

        If Pos_x<0 Then
            If Pos_x<-2 Then Pos_x=-2

        If Pos_x=-2 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(1,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=-1
        End If

        If Pos_x=-1 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(0,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=0
        End If

        If Pos_x>12 Then
        If Pos_x>14 Then Pos_x=14

        If Pos_x=14 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(2,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=13
        End If

        If Pos_x=13 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(3,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=12
        End If

        End If
        End If
End Sub

''--Game_Background-- Game Background Screen Build Up
    Sub Game_Background
        For y=0 to 23
        For x=0 to 7
            Set_Brick (x*20,y*20,1)
            Set_Brick (480+(x*20),y*20,1)
        Next x
        Next y

        Line (520,20)-(599,99),0,bf

        Line (520,120)-(599,159),0,bf
        Line (520,200)-(599,239),0,bf
        Line (520,280)-(599,319),0,bf

        color 15:locate 09,67:?"Score:"
        locate 10,67:?using"########";Score

        locate 14,67:?"Level:"
        locate 15,67:?using"########";Level

        locate 19,67:?"Lines:"
        locate 20,67:?using"########";Lines

End Sub

    Sub Game_Screen
        For y=0 to 23
        For x=0 to 15

            If Game_Scr(x,y)<>0 then
                Set_Brick (160+(x*20),y*20,Game_Scr(x,y))
                Line (160+(x*20),y*20)-(179+(x*20),19+(y*20)),0,bf
            End If

        Next x
        Next y
End Sub

    Sub Set_Form
        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and Pos_y+y<24 and A_Form(x,y)<>0 Then Set_Brick(160+((Pos_x+x)*20),(Pos_y+y)*20,A_Col)
        Next x
        Next y
End Sub

    Sub Preview_Form
        For y=0 to 3
        For x=0 to 3
            If P_Form(x,y)<>0 Then Set_Brick(520+(x*20),20+(y*20),P_Col)
        Next x
        Next y
End Sub


    Function Move_Form0 (byval direction as UByte) as integer

      dim CO as integer

        If Direction=1 Then
            For y=0 to 3
            For x=0 to 3
                If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and Pos_y+y<24 and _
                A_Form(x,y)=1 and Game_Scr(Pos_x+x-1,Pos_y+y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next x
            Next y

            If CO=0 Then Pos_x=Pos_x-1
        End If

        If Direction=2 Then
            For y=0 to 3
            For x=0 to 3
                If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and Pos_y+y<24 and _
                A_Form(x,y)=1 and Game_Scr(Pos_x+x+1,Pos_y+y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next x
            Next y

            If CO=0 Then Pos_x=Pos_x+1
        End If

        If Pos_x<0 Then
            If Pos_x<-2 Then Pos_x=-2

        If Pos_x=-2 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(1,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=-1
        End If

        If Pos_x=-1 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(0,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=0
        End If

        End If

        If Pos_x>12 Then
        If Pos_x>14 Then Pos_x=14

        If Pos_x=14 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(2,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=13
        End If

        If Pos_x=13 Then
            For y=0 to 3
                If A_Form(3,y)<>0 Then CO=1
            Next y

            If CO=1 Then Pos_x=12
        End If

        End If

        If direction = 0 Then
            For y=0 to 3
            For x=0 to 3
                If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and A_Form(x,y)=1 Then
                    If Pos_y+y<24 and Game_Scr(Pos_x+x,Pos_y+y+1)<>0 Then CO=1
                    If Pos_y+y=23 Then CO=1
                End If
            Next x
            Next y

            If CO=0 Then Pos_y=Pos_y+1

        End If


End Function


Sub Move_Form (byval direction as UByte)


      If CO=1 and direction=0 Then
          If Pos_y<1 Then GameOver=1
          For y=0 to 3
          For x=0 to 3
              If Pos_x+x>-1 and Pos_y+y>-1 and Pos_x+x<16 and Pos_y+y<24 Then
              If A_Form(x,y)<>0 Then Game_Scr (pos_x+x,pos_y+y)=A_Col
              End If
          Next x
          Next y
      End If

End Sub

    sub control_raster
        dim l_t as double

        while y>-1

        cr = 0

        for x=0 to 15
            if game_scr(x,y)<>0 then cr=cr+1
        next x

        if cr=16 then

        Screenset View_Scr,View_Scr

        for ll=0 to 4
            for xb=0 to 15
            next xb

            l_t=Timer:while timer-l_t<.09:wend

            for xb=0 to 15
            next xb

            l_t=Timer:while timer-l_t<.09:wend
        next ll

        for yy=y to 1 step -1
        for xx=0 to 15

            game_scr(xx,yy) = game_scr(xx,yy-1)

        next xx
        next yy

        y = 24

        'score = score + ((level*100)*(bonsco+1))
        score = score + 100
        end if

        y = y-1


end sub

SUB Game_Play
    Dim x_Timer as double
    Dim Key$
    dim as integer i


    GameOver = 0
    Level    = 1
    OldLevel = 0
    Score    = 0
    OldScore = 0
    Lines    = 0

    Pos_x=Start_x : Pos_y=Start_y

    For y=0 to 23
    For x=0 to 15
    Next x
    Next y

    while key$<>chr$(27) and gameover=0
        If OldLevel<>Level Then
            Select Case Level
        Case 1
            Palette 1,&h15,&h65,&h60
        Case 2
            Palette 1,&h15,&h45,&h80
        Case 3
            Palette 1,&h00,&h30,&hAA
        Case 4
            Palette 1,&h30,&h10,&hFF
        Case 5
            Palette 1,&h50,&h00,&hBB
        Case 6
            Palette 1,&h75,&h00,&h88
        Case 7
            Palette 1,&h90,&h30,&h50
        Case 8
            Palette 1,&hB0,&h50,&h30
        Case 9
            Palette 1,&hC0,&h60,&h10
        Case 10
            Palette 1,&hf0,&h75,&h00
            End Select
        End If

        If MultiKey(&h4B) and Timer-Key_Timer>Ckeydelay Then Move_Form(1):Key_Timer=Timer
        If MultiKey(&h4D) and Timer-Key_Timer>Ckeydelay Then Move_Form(2):Key_Timer=Timer
        If Timer-Fall_Timer>(.4-((Level-1)*.042)) Then Move_Form(0):Fall_Timer=Timer

        If MultiKey(&h48) and Timer-Key_Timer>Ckeydelay Then Rotate_Form(0):Key_Timer=Timer
        If MultiKey(&h50) and Timer-Key_Timer>0.2 Then
          For k1=0 to 30:k2=Move_Form0(0):next k1
        end if

        'If Score-OldScore>(1000*(Level*Level))-1 and Level<11 Then OldScore=(1000*(Level*Level)):Level=Level+1
        If Score-OldScore>999 and Level<11 Then Level=Level+1:OldScore=Score
        If MultiKey(SC_PAGEUP) then
          'Empty keybuffer
          for i=0 to 999999:Key$=inkey$:next i
          'input key$
        end if

        Screenset Edit_Scr
        Game_Background : Game_Screen : Preview_Form : Set_Form
        Screenset ,Edit_Scr
        Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr

        If asc(LCase(Key$))=112 Then
            Break=1:ScreenSet View_Scr,View_Scr
            While Break=1

                    If cl=16 then cl=1

                        Locate 15,37
                        Color cl
                        Color cl+1
                        Color cl+2
                        Color cl+3
                        Color cl+4
                        Color cl+5
                    If asc(LCase(Key$))=112 Then Break=0

                    While Timer-x_timer<.1 and Break=1
                        If asc(LCase(Key$))=112 Then Break=0

        End If


end sub

'--------------Main Screen
    Sub Main_Screen

    Dim Key$

    While Key$<>Chr$(27)

    If GameOver=1 Then GameOver=0:Game_Over_Screen:key$=" ":while key$<>"":key$=Inkey$:wend

    ScreenSet Edit_Scr

    restore Main

    for y=0 to 23
    for x=0 to 31
        read c
        if c<>16 then set_brick(x*20,y*20,c) else line(x*20,y*20)-(19+(x*20),19+(y*20)),0,bf
    next x
    next y
        color 15
        locate 20,25:?" Press -Space- to Start New Game"
        locate 21,25:?"       Press -H- for Help      "
    ScreenSet ,Edit_Scr
    Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr

    If LCase(Key$)=chr$(32) Then Game_Play:key$=" ":while key$<>"":key$=Inkey$:wend
    If LCase(Key$)=chr$(104) Then Help_Screen:key$=" ":while key$<>"":key$=Inkey$:wend

End Sub

'--------------Help Screen
    Sub Help_Screen

        Dim Key$

        While Key$<>Chr$(27)

        ScreenSet Edit_Scr

        restore Main
        for y=0 to 23
        for x=0 to 31
            read c
            if c<>16 then set_brick(x*20,y*20,c) else line(x*20,y*20)-(19+(x*20),19+(y*20)),0,bf
        next x
        next y

        Line (40,240)-(599,439),0,bf

        Color 15
            Locate 17,10:?"Help: Use arrow keys to control the bricks"
        Color 7
            Locate 19,10:?"UP    ->  Rotate brick"
            Locate 20,10:?"LEFT  ->  Move left"
            Locate 21,10:?"RIGHT ->  Move right"
            Locate 22,10:?"DOWN  ->  Speed Up falling down"
            Locate 23,10:?"PgUp  ->  Increase Level by 1"
        Color 15
            Locate 25,10:?"Press ESCape to return Main Screen"

        ScreenSet ,Edit_Scr
        Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr


End Sub

'---------------Game Over Screen
    Sub Game_Over_Screen
    Dim Free as integer
    Dim FL as UInteger
    Dim hscName(9) as String*12
    Dim hscScore(9) as UInteger
    Dim hscLevel(9) as UByte
    Dim hscLines(9) as UInteger
    Dim Key$,NewName$

    ScreenCopy View_Scr,Edit_Scr
    ScreenSet Edit_Scr

    Free = freefile

    Open "brick.hsc" for binary access read as #Free
    Close #Free

        If FL=0 Then

        Free = freefile
        Open "brick.hsc" for binary access write as #Free

        For l=0 to 9
            Put #Free,,hscName(l)
            Put #Free,,hscScore(l)
            Put #Free,,hscLevel(l)
            Put #Free,,hscLines(l)
        Next l

        Close #Free
        End If

    Free = freefile
    Open "brick.hsc" for binary access read as #Free

    For l=0 to 9
        Get #Free,,hscName(l)
        Get #Free,,hscScore(l)
        Get #Free,,hscLevel(l)
        Get #Free,,hscLines(l)
    Next l

    Close #Free

        Line (160,0)-(479,479),0,bf

        Color 7
        Locate 2,23:?"Name"
        Locate 2,35:?"Score"
        Locate 2,45:?"Level"
        Locate 2,54:?"Lines"
        Color 15
    For l=0 to 9
        Locate 5+(l*2),23
        Locate 5+(l*2),36
        Locate 5+(l*2),46
        Locate 5+(l*2),53
    Next l

    ScreenSet ,Edit_Scr
    ScreenCopy Edit_Scr,View_Scr
    Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr

    While hscControl<10
        If Score>hscScore(hscControl)-1 Then hscL=hscControl:Exit While
        If hscControl<>hscL Then Sleep:Exit Sub

        While key$<>chr$(13)
        ScreenSet Edit_Scr
        Color 7
        Locate 26,22:?"Enter Your Name: "
        Color 15
        Locate 26,41:?"             "
        Locate 26,41:?NewName$+"_"
        ScreenSet ,Edit_Scr
        Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr

            If asc(key$)>27 and asc(key$)<211 and Len(NewName$)<13 Then NewName$=NewName$+chr$(asc(key$))
            If MultiKey(&h0E) Then NewName$=Mid$(NewName$,1,Len(NewName$)-1)

        ScreenSet Edit_Scr

        If hscL<9 Then
            For l=9 to hscL-1 step-1
                hscName(l)  = hscName(l-1)
                hscScore(l) = hscScore(l-1)
                hscLevel(l) = hscLevel(l-1)
                hscLines(l) = hscLines(l-1)
            Next l
        End If

        hscName(hscL)  = NewName$
        hscScore(hscL) = Score
        hscLevel(hscL) = Level
        hscLines(hscL) = Lines

        Line (160,0)-(479,479),0,bf

        Color 7
        Locate 2,23:?"Name"
        Locate 2,35:?"Score"
        Locate 2,45:?"Level"
        Locate 2,54:?"Lines"
        Color 15
    For l=0 to 9
        Locate 5+(l*2),23
        Locate 5+(l*2),36
        Locate 5+(l*2),46
        Locate 5+(l*2),53
    Next l

    ScreenSet ,Edit_Scr
    ScreenCopy Edit_Scr,View_Scr
    Swap Edit_Scr,View_Scr
        Free = freefile
        Open "brick.hsc" for binary access write as #Free

        For l=0 to 9
            Put #Free,,hscName(l)
            Put #Free,,hscScore(l)
            Put #Free,,hscLevel(l)
            Put #Free,,hscLines(l)
        Next l

        Close #Free

    key$=" ":while getkey<>0 and key$<>"":key$=Inkey$:wend
    key$=" ":while getkey<>0 and key$<>"":key$=Inkey$:wend

End Sub
