Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Umfassend, aber leicht verständlich führt dieses Buch in die Programmierung von ATMEL AVR Mikrocontrollern ein. [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:06.03.2010 03:02:24

    Liest eine BMP ein und speichert sie als schnell einzufuegende Funktion.
    BMPToFunction (BMPFile,FunctionName)
    BMPFile ist ein String der den Namen der Bitmap enthaelt
    FunctionName ist ein Optionaler String der den Namen der Funktion enthaelt
    Funktioniert ausschliesslich mit 32bit Farbtiefe
    Screen 18,32 'Screen Initialisieren (Hinweis beachten)
    BMPToFunction ("MeinBild.bmp","Bild")

Declare Sub BMPToFunction (Byval BMPFileName as String, Byval FunctionName as String="")

Declare Function StrReplace (Byval StrEx as String, Byval StrMask as String, Byval StrRplce as String) as String
Declare Function BaseColor (Byval Image as any ptr) as UInteger


Function StrReplace (Byval StrEx as String, Byval StrMask as String, Byval StrRplce as String) as String

    If Len(StrEx)=0 or Len(StrMask)>Len(StrEx) Then Return StrEx

    Dim Buffer as String=StrEx
    Dim MaskSearch as UInteger
    Dim MFound as byte
    Dim lp as UInteger=1


        If MaskSearch Then

        End If

    Loop while MFound=1

    Return Buffer
End Function


Type BaseColorCount
    RGBColor   as UInteger
    ColorCount as UInteger
End Type

Private Function BaseColor (Byval Image as any ptr) as UInteger
    If Image=0 Then Return 0

    Dim ImageVersion as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,Image)
    If ImageVersion <> &h07 Then Return 0

    Dim ImageBPP    as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,Image+4)
    If ImageBPP      < &h04 Then Return 0

    Dim ImageWidth  as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,Image+8)
    Dim ImageHeight as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,Image+12)
    Dim ImagePitch  as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,Image+16)
    Dim ImageRGBBitList as UByte PTR=Callocate(2097152)
    Dim ImageColorList  as BaseColorCount PTR=Callocate((ImageWidth*ImageHeight)*Len(BaseColorCount))
    Dim ImageColorCount as UInteger

    Dim BitListByte as Integer
    Dim BitListBit  as Integer

    Dim ReadColor   as UInteger

    For Y as UInteger=0 to ImageHeight-1
    For X as UInteger=0 to ImageWidth-1

        ReadColor=Peek(UInteger,Image+32+(X*4)+(Y*ImagePitch)) and &hFFFFFF

        BitListBit=ReadColor mod 8

        If Bit(ImageRGBBitList[BitListByte],BitListBit)=0 Then
            ImageRGBBitList[BitListByte]+=(1 shl BitListBit)

            ImageColorList[ImageColorCount].RGBColor=(&hFF SHL 24)+ReadColor
            For C as UInteger=0 to ImageColorCount-1
                If (ImageColorList[C].RGBColor and &hFFFFFF)=ReadColor Then
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next C
        End If
    Next X
    Next Y
    Deallocate ImageRGBBitList

    Dim CB as UInteger
    Dim CC as UInteger
    For C as UInteger=0 to ImageColorCount-1
        If ImageColorList[C].ColorCount>CC Then
        End If
    Next C

    Deallocate ImageColorList

    Return CB
End Function


Public Sub BMPToFunction (Byval BMPFileName as String, Byval FunctionName as String="")
    If Dir(BMPFilename)="" Then Exit Sub

    Dim BMPHeader as String*2
    Dim SizeX     as UInteger
    Dim SizeY     as UInteger

        GET #F,   , BMPHeader
        If BMPHeader<>"BM" Then
            Close #F
            Exit Sub
        End If

        GET #F, 19, SizeX
        GET #F,   , SizeY
    Close #F

    Dim BMPImage     as any ptr=ImageCreate(SizeX,SizeY)
    BLoad BMPFileName,BMPImage

    ?"Search BaseColor"
    Dim BMPBaseColor as UInteger=BaseColor(BMPImage)
    ?"BaseColor is Hex:"+Hex(BMPBaseColor,8)
    Dim ReadColor    as UInteger
    Dim IMG_width    as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,BMPImage+8)
    Dim IMG_height   as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,BMPImage+12)
    Dim IMG_Pitch    as UInteger=Peek(UInteger,BMPImage+16)
    Dim APos         as UInteger

    If Trim(FunctionName)="" Then FunctionName=BMPFileName

    Open FunctionName+".txt" for output as #F

    Print #F,"/"+chr(39)
    Print #F,chr(34)+"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"+chr(34)
    Print #F,FunctionName
    Print #F,chr(39)+"/"
    Print #F,"Function "+FunctionName+" as any ptr"
    Print #F,"  Dim IMGBuffer as UInteger PTR=ImageCreate("+str(IMG_width)+","+str(IMG_height)+",&h"+hex(BMPBaseColor,8)+")"

    for y as integer=0 to IMG_height-1
    for x as integer=0 to IMG_width-1


        If ReadColor<>BMPBaseColor Then
            Print #F,"  IMGBuffer["+Str(APos)+"]=&h"+hex(ReadColor,8)
        End If

    next x
    next y

    Print #F,"  Return IMGBuffer"
    Print #F,"/"+chr(39)
    Print #F,chr(34)+"---"+chr(34,32)+FunctionName+chr(32,34)+"---"+chr(34)
    Print #F,chr(39)+"/"
    Print #F,"End Function"
    Print #F,"/"+chr(39)
    Print #F,chr(34)+"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"+chr(34)
    Print #F,chr(39)+"/"
    Close #F
    ?"Function saved as "+FunctionName+".txt"
End Sub