fb:porticula NoPaste
Uploader: | Eternal_Pain |
Datum/Zeit: | 22.03.2015 14:39:44 |
Declare Sub ShowScreensaver()
Dim Param as String
Param = Command(1)
If Param = "" Then
Param = "/p" 'End
End If
'Wenn ein Parameter angegeben wurde, lösen wir uns das 2. Zeichen heraus (Merke: Das 1. Zeichen war entweder ein Slash oder ein Bindestrich.):
Param = Mid(Param, 2, 1)
'Schlussendlich konvertieren wir ihn einfach in einen Kleinbuchstaben:
Param = LCase(Param)
'Und jetzt können wir mittels Select-Case ganz einfach entscheiden, was bei welchem Parameter ausgeführt wird:
Select Case Param
Case "s","p"
Case "c"
Case Else
End Select
randomize timer
Function HSV(Byval H as Single) as UInteger
Static as Single Hue, Saturation, Value, Red, Green, Blue, f, p, q, t
Static as Integer Hs
Hue = ABS(H MOD 360) / 60 : Saturation = 1 : Value = 1
Hs = Hue : f = Frac(Hue) : p = Value * (1-Saturation)
q = Value * (1-(f*Saturation)) : t = Value * (1-((1-f)*Saturation))
Select Case as Const Hs
Case 0 : Red = Value : Green = t : Blue = p
Case 1 : Red = q : Green = Value : Blue = p
Case 2 : Red = p : Green = Value : Blue = t
Case 3 : Red = p : Green = q : Blue = Value
Case 4 : Red = t : Green = p : Blue = Value
Case 5 : Red = Value : Green = p : Blue = q
End Select
Red *= 255 : Green *= 255 : Blue *= 255
Function = RGB(Red,Green,Blue)
End Function
Sub ScreenSoft()
static as Integer scrWidth, scrHeight, scrPitch
static as integer ptr scradr
Static as Integer red, green, blue
static as integer ptr bufadr
static as integer bufpitch
static as Integer pix(0 to 4)
static as any ptr bufscr
if bufscr=0 then
ScreenInfo scrWidth, scrHeight,,,scrPitch
scrPitch \= 4
scradr = screenptr
bufscr = imagecreate(scrWidth,scrHeight)
imageinfo bufscr,,,,bufpitch,bufadr
bufpitch \= 4
end if
For y as Integer = 0 to scrHeight - 1
For x as Integer = 0 to scrWidth -1
red = 0 : green = 0 : blue = 0
pix(0) = scradr[x + (y*scrPitch)]
'if pix(0) and &h00FFFFFF Then
If (y > -1) andalso (x > 0) Then pix(1) = scradr[(x-1) + (y*scrPitch)] Else pix(1) = 0 'left
If (y > 0) andalso (x > -1) Then pix(2) = scradr[x + ((y-1)*scrPitch)] Else pix(2) = 0 'up middle
If (y > -1) andalso (x < scrWidth-1) Then pix(3) = scradr[(x+1) + (y*scrPitch)] Else pix(3) = 0 'right
If (y < scrHeight-1) andalso (x > -1) Then pix(4) = scradr[x + ((y+1)*scrPitch)] Else pix(4) = 0 'down middle
For l as Integer = 0 to 4
red += lobyte(hiword(pix(l)))
green += hibyte(loword(pix(l)))
blue += lobyte(loword(pix(l)))
Next l
red shr = 3 'red \= 5
green shr = 3 'green \= 5
blue shr = 3 'blue \= 5
bufadr[x + (y*bufPitch)] = rgb(red,green,blue)
'pset bufscr,(x,y),rgb(red,green,blue)
' pset bufscr,(x,y),pix(0)
'end if
Next x
Next y
End Sub
Type ppoint
as Single dx, dy, ox, oy
as Single x, y, mx, my
as Integer c, scrWidth, scrHeight, huepal(0 to 359)
Declare Constructor()
Declare Sub DrawPoint()
End Type
Constructor ppoint()
ScreenInfo scrWidth, scrHeight
x = rnd * scrWidth : y = rnd * scrHeight
ox = x : oy = y
mx = scrWidth * 0.03
my = scrHeight * 0.03
dx = rnd * (mx*2) - mx
dy = rnd * (my*2) - my
c = rnd * 360
for php as integer = 0 to 359
huepal(php) = HSV(php)
next php
End Constructor
Sub ppoint.DrawPoint()
line (ox,oy)-(x,y),huepal(c)'HSV(c)
ox = x : oy = y
x += dx : y += dy
if x>scrWidth-1 Then dx = - rnd * mx
If x< 0 Then dx = rnd * mx
if y>scrHeight-1 Then dy = - rnd * my
If y< 0 Then dy = rnd * my
c += 1
if c >= 360 then c = 0
End Sub
Sub ShowScreensaver()
Dim as Integer dskWidth, dskHeight, maxpoint = 25
Dim as ppoint rainbowpoint(0 to maxpoint-1)
screeninfo dskWidth, dskHeight
screenres dskWidth,dskHeight,32,,&h08
'screenres 640,480,32
Dim as Integer lp, brk
Dim as Integer mx, my, mox, moy
dim as string key
setmouse ,,0
sleep 10 'inital-break
dim as integer fps,ofps,fpsa
Dim as double fpstimer = timer
dim as any ptr fpstxtbuffer = imagecreate(100,100)
dim as any ptr fpsoldbuffer = imagecreate(100,100)
key = inkey
getmouse mx, my
if mox = 0 or moy = 0 then mox = mx : moy = my
if mx<>mox or my<>moy or key<>"" then brk = 1
if brk = 0 Then
if fpsa then put (0,0),fpsoldbuffer,pset
lp = 0
lp += 1
if multikey(&h01) then
brk = 1
exit do
end if
loop until lp = maxpoint
screensoft() 'need more performance!!!!!
fpsa = 1
get (0,0)-(99,99),fpsoldbuffer
get (0,0)-(99,99),fpstxtbuffer
draw string fpstxtbuffer,(5,5),str(ofps)
put (0,0),fpstxtbuffer,pset
end if
sleep 1
if timer-fpstimer >= 1 then
ofps = fps : fps = 0 : fpstimer = timer
end if
fps += 1
Loop until brk
End Sub