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Datum/Zeit:02.07.2009 17:06:36

  MultiUse = -1  'True
  Persistable = 0  'NotPersistable
  DataBindingBehavior = 0  'vbNone
  DataSourceBehavior  = 0  'vbNone
  MTSTransactionMode  = 0  'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "DP_Class"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1
Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = &H3

Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetEndOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)

Private Type DP_FileHeader_Type
    T_InUse As Boolean
    V_Crypted As String
    V_FileName As String
    V_Path As String
    V_PathRelativ As Boolean
    V_Filesize As Long
    V_AddDate As String
    V_Attribute As Long
    V_DataPD() As Long
    V_DataC As Long
End Type
Private Type DP_InfoHeader_Type
    V_Blocksize As Byte
    V_Locked As Boolean
    V_CreateDate As String
    V_Compressed As Boolean
    V_Author As String
    V_Copyright As String
    V_Informations As String
    V_PassProtect As String
    V_FileD() As DP_FileHeader_Type
    V_FileC As Long
    V_FreePD() As Long
    V_FreeC As Long
    T_FileC As Long
End Type
Private DP_Path As String
Private DP_InfoHeader As DP_InfoHeader_Type
Private DP_Change As Boolean
Private DP_BlockCount As Long
Private DP_FileLen As Long
Private DP_FN As Integer
Private XTot As Double
Private XTotN As Double

Public Event DPProgressMax(V_ID As Long, V_Max As Long)
Public Event DPProgressValue(V_ID As Long, V_Value As Long)
Public Event DPState(V_ID As Long, V_Data As String)

Private Function ErrC() As Boolean
ErrC = False
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    ErrC = True
End If
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Public Function DP_DPCreate(V_Path As String, V_Compressed As Byte, V_Author As String, V_Copyright As String, V_Informations As String, V_Blocksize As Byte, V_Solid As Byte, V_Locked As Byte, V_PassProtect As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_DPCreate = -1
If DP_FN <> 0 Then DP_DPCreate = 14: Exit Function
If File_CheckExist(V_Path) = True Then DP_DPCreate = 2: Exit Function
If File_Open(V_Path, DP_FN, True) = False Then DP_DPCreate = 3: Exit Function
DP_Path = V_Path
Dim DPI As DP_InfoHeader_Type
DP_InfoHeader = DPI
With DP_InfoHeader
    .V_Blocksize = V_Blocksize
    If .V_Blocksize = 0 Then .V_Blocksize = 1
    .V_Compressed = V_Compressed
    .V_Author = V_Author
    .V_Copyright = V_Copyright
    .V_Informations = V_Informations
    .V_CreateDate = Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
    File_Put DP_FN, 1, Chr(.V_Blocksize)
End With
DP_FileLen = 1
DP_BlockCount = 0
DP_Change = True
DP_DPCreate = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_DPOpen(V_Path As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_DPOpen = -1
If DP_FN <> 0 Then DP_DPOpen = 14: Exit Function
If File_CheckExist(V_Path) = False Then DP_DPOpen = 2: Exit Function
If File_Open(V_Path, DP_FN, True) = False Then DP_DPOpen = 3: Exit Function
DP_Path = V_Path
If DP_FileLen = 0 Then DP_DPOpen = 4: Exit Function
DP_Change = False
Dim DPI As DP_InfoHeader_Type
DP_InfoHeader = DPI
Dim TD As String
File_Get DP_FN, 1, 1, TD
DP_InfoHeader = DPI
DP_InfoHeader.V_Blocksize = Asc(TD)
File_Header_Read False
DP_DPOpen = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_DPClose()
On Error Resume Next
If DP_FN <> 0 Then
    Close DP_FN
    DP_FN = 0
End If
End Function

Public Function DP_Info(B_DPSize As Long, B_Compressed As Byte, B_Author As String, B_Copyright As String, B_Informations As String, B_CreateDate As String, B_Solid As Byte, B_Locked As Byte, B_Protected As Byte, B_Filecount As Long, B_Blocksize As Byte) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_Info = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_Info = 1: Exit Function
With DP_InfoHeader
    B_DPSize = LOF(DP_FN)
    If .V_Compressed = True Then B_Compressed = 1 Else B_Compressed = 0
    B_Author = .V_Author
    B_Copyright = .V_Copyright
    B_Informations = .V_Informations
    B_CreateDate = Mid(.V_CreateDate, 1, 4) & "." & Mid(.V_CreateDate, 5, 2) & "." & Mid(.V_CreateDate, 7, 2) & "-" & Mid(.V_CreateDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(.V_CreateDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(.V_CreateDate, 13, 2)
    If .V_FreeC = 0 Then B_Solid = 1 Else B_Solid = 0
    If .V_PassProtect <> "" Then B_Protected = 1 Else B_Protected = 0
    B_Filecount = .V_FileC
    B_Blocksize = .V_Blocksize
End With
DP_Info = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_FileAdd(V_Data As String, V_DataIsPath As Boolean, V_FileName As String, V_Path As String, V_PathIsRelativ As Boolean, V_CryptData As Boolean, V_CryptKey As String, B_FileID As Long) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_FileAdd = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_FileAdd = 1: Exit Function
If V_Data = "" Then DP_FileAdd = 10: Exit Function
If V_DataIsPath = True And File_CheckExist(V_Data) = False Then DP_FileAdd = 11: Exit Function
Dim TFN As Integer
If V_DataIsPath = True Then If File_Open(V_Data, TFN, False) = False Then DP_FileAdd = 12: Exit Function
RaiseEvent DPState(11, "")
Dim MX As Long
If V_DataIsPath = True Then
    MX = LOF(TFN)
Else: MX = Len(V_Data)
End If
Dim FIHID As Long
RaiseEvent DPProgressMax(1, MX)
If DP_Change = False Then File_Header_Read True
With DP_InfoHeader
    FIHID = 0
    Dim X As Long
    For X = 1 To .T_FileC
        If .V_FileD(X).T_InUse = False Then
            FIHID = X
            Exit For
        End If
    If FIHID = 0 Then
        .V_FileC = .V_FileC + 1
        .T_FileC = .T_FileC + 1
        FIHID = .V_FileC
        ReDim Preserve .V_FileD(.V_FileC) As DP_FileHeader_Type
    End If
    Dim FIHT As DP_FileHeader_Type
    .V_FileD(FIHID) = FIHT
    With .V_FileD(FIHID)
        .T_InUse = True
        .V_Crypted = ""
        .V_FileName = V_FileName
        .V_Filesize = MX
        .V_Path = V_Path
        .V_PathRelativ = V_PathIsRelativ
        .V_AddDate = Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
        If V_DataIsPath = True Then .V_Attribute = GetAttr(V_Data)
        Dim Y As Long
        Dim BFID As Long
        Dim XStep As Long
        Dim D As String
        XStep = GetBlockStepSequenz
        For X = 1 To MX Step XStep
            If V_DataIsPath = True Then
                D = String(XStep, " ")
                If MX - X < XStep Then D = String(MX - X + 1, " ")
                Get TFN, X, D
            Else: D = Mid(D, X, XStep)
            End If
            If Len(D) < XStep Then D = D & String(XStep - Len(D), Chr(1))
            With DP_InfoHeader
                BFID = 0
                For Y = 1 To .V_FreeC
                    If .V_FreePD(Y) > 0 Then
                        BFID = .V_FreePD(Y)
                        .V_FreePD(Y) = 0
                        Exit For
                    End If
                If BFID = 0 Then
                    DP_BlockCount = DP_BlockCount + 1
                    BFID = DP_BlockCount
                End If
            End With
            .V_DataC = .V_DataC + 1
            ReDim Preserve .V_DataPD(.V_DataC) As Long
            .V_DataPD(.V_DataC) = BFID
            File_Put DP_FN, 2 + (BFID - 1) * XStep, D
            DP_FileLen = DP_FileLen + XStep
            RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(1, X)
            If XTot < Timer Or XTotN < Now Then DoEvents: XTot = Timer: XTotN = Now
        RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(1, MX)
    End With
End With
If TFN <> 0 Then Close TFN
DP_FileAdd = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_FileDel(V_FileID As Long, V_DelSpace As Boolean) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_FileDel = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_FileDel = 1: Exit Function
With DP_InfoHeader
    If V_FileID <= 0 Or V_FileID > .V_FileC Then DP_FileDel = 12: Exit Function
    Dim X As Long
    Dim XFID As Long
    If DP_Change = False Then File_Header_Read True
    For X = 1 To .T_FileC
        If .V_FileD(X).T_InUse = True Then XFID = XFID + 1
        If XFID = V_FileID Then XFID = X: Exit For
    .V_FileD(XFID).T_InUse = False
    If V_DelSpace = True Then
        Dim D As String
        Dim XStep As Long
        XStep = GetBlockStepSequenz
        D = String(XStep, Chr(0))
        With .V_FileD(XFID)
            RaiseEvent DPProgressMax(2, .V_DataC)
            For X = 1 To .V_DataC
                File_Put DP_FN, 1 + (.V_DataPD(X) - 1) * XStep, D
                RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(2, X)
                If XTot < Timer Or XTotN < Now Then DoEvents: XTot = Timer: XTotN = Now
            RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(2, .V_DataC)
        End With
    End If
    .V_FileC = .V_FileC - 1
End With
DP_FileDel = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_FileGet(V_FileID As Long, VB_Data As String, V_DataIsPath As Boolean, V_OverridePath As Boolean) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_FileGet = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_FileGet = 1: Exit Function
With DP_InfoHeader
    If V_FileID <= 0 Or V_FileID > .V_FileC Then DP_FileGet = 12: Exit Function
    Dim X As Long
    Dim XFID As Long
    For X = 1 To .T_FileC
        If .V_FileD(X).T_InUse = True Then XFID = XFID + 1
        If XFID = V_FileID Then XFID = X: Exit For
    With .V_FileD(XFID)
        Dim D As String
        Dim TFN As Integer
        If V_DataIsPath = True Then
            If File_Open(VB_Data, TFN, False) = False Then DP_FileGet = 13: Exit Function
        Else: VB_Data = ""
        End If
        Dim XStep As Long
        Dim AKL As Long
        XStep = GetBlockStepSequenz
        RaiseEvent DPProgressMax(3, .V_DataC)
        For X = 1 To .V_DataC
            File_Get DP_FN, 2 + (.V_DataPD(X) - 1) * XStep, XStep, D
            If X = .V_DataC Then D = Mid(D, 1, .V_Filesize Mod XStep)
            If V_DataIsPath = True Then
                File_Put TFN, AKL + 1, D
                AKL = AKL + Len(D)
            Else: VB_Data = VB_Data & D
            End If
            RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(3, X)
            If XTot < Timer Or XTotN < Now Then DoEvents: XTot = Timer: XTotN = Now
        RaiseEvent DPProgressValue(3, .V_DataC)
        If TFN <> 0 Then Close TFN
    End With
End With
DP_FileGet = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_FileGetCount(B_Filecount As Long) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_FileGetCount = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_FileGetCount = 1: Exit Function
B_Filecount = DP_InfoHeader.V_FileC
DP_FileGetCount = 0
End Function

Public Function DP_FileGetInfo(V_FileID As Long, B_Crypted As Boolean, B_AddDate As String, B_FileName As String, B_Filesize As Long, B_Attribute As Long, B_Path As String, B_PathIsRelativ As Boolean) As Long
On Error Resume Next
DP_FileGetInfo = -1
If DP_FN = 0 Then DP_FileGetInfo = 1: Exit Function
With DP_InfoHeader
    If V_FileID <= 0 Or V_FileID > .V_FileC Then DP_FileGetInfo = 12: Exit Function
    Dim X As Long
    Dim XFID As Long
    For X = 1 To .T_FileC
        If .V_FileD(X).T_InUse = True Then XFID = XFID + 1
        If XFID = V_FileID Then XFID = X: Exit For
    With .V_FileD(XFID)
        If .V_Crypted <> "" Then B_Crypted = True Else B_Crypted = False
        B_AddDate = Mid(.V_AddDate, 1, 4) & "." & Mid(.V_AddDate, 5, 2) & "." & Mid(.V_AddDate, 7, 2) & "-" & Mid(.V_AddDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(.V_AddDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(.V_AddDate, 13, 2)
        B_FileName = .V_FileName
        B_Filesize = .V_Filesize
        B_Attribute = .V_Attribute
        B_Path = .V_Path
        B_PathIsRelativ = .V_PathRelativ
    End With
End With
DP_FileGetInfo = 0
End Function

Private Function File_CheckExist(V_Path As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
File_CheckExist = False
If Dir(V_Path, vbArchive Or vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem) <> "" Then File_CheckExist = True
End Function

Private Function File_Open(V_Path As String, B_FileID As Integer, V_SetDPFL As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
File_Open = False
B_FileID = FreeFile
Open V_Path For Binary As B_FileID
If ErrC = False Then
    If V_SetDPFL = True Then DP_FileLen = LOF(B_FileID)
    File_Open = True
Else: B_FileID = 0
End If
End Function

Private Function File_Header_Write()
On Error Resume Next
If DP_Change = False Then Exit Function
DP_Change = False
Dim T As String
Dim X As Long
T = ""
With DP_InfoHeader
    If .V_Compressed = True Then T = T & Chr(1) Else T = T & Chr(2)
    T = T & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_Author)) & .V_Author
    T = T & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_Copyright)) & .V_Copyright
    T = T & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_Informations)) & .V_Informations
    T = T & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_CreateDate)) & .V_CreateDate
    T = T & AC_ValOut(.V_FreeC)
    For X = 1 To .V_FreeC
        T = T & AC_ValOut(.V_FreePD(X))
End With
T = T & File_HeaderFiles_Write
T = T & AC_ValOut(Len(T))
File_Put DP_FN, DP_FileLen + 1, T
End Function

Private Function File_Header_Read(V_ReadOut As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
If DP_Change = True Then Exit Function
RaiseEvent DPState(10, "")
Dim TD As String
Dim TL As Long
Dim T As String
Dim X As Long
File_Get DP_FN, DP_FileLen - 2, 3, TD
TL = AC_ValIn(TD)
File_Get DP_FN, DP_FileLen - TL - 2, TL, TD
If V_ReadOut = True Then
    DP_FileLen = DP_FileLen - TL - 2
    File_SetLen DP_FileLen
    DP_Change = True
End If
Debug.Print Mid(TD, 1, 2000)
With DP_InfoHeader
    T = Left(TD, 1)
    If Asc(T) = 1 Then .V_Compressed = True Else .V_Compressed = False
    TD = Mid(TD, 2): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_Author = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
    TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_Copyright = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
    TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_Informations = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
    TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_CreateDate = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
    TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): .V_FreeC = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
    ReDim .V_FreePD(.V_FreeC) As Long
    For X = 1 To .V_FreeC
        TD = Mid(TD, 4): .V_FreePD(X) = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
    TD = Mid(TD, 4)
    File_HeaderFiles_Read TD
End With
End Function

Private Function File_HeaderFiles_Write() As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim D As String
Dim T1 As String
With DP_InfoHeader
    For X = 1 To .T_FileC
        T1 = ""
        With .V_FileD(X)
            If .T_InUse = True Then
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_Crypted)) & .V_Crypted
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_AddDate)) & .V_AddDate
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_Path)) & .V_Path
                If .V_PathRelativ = True Then T1 = T1 & Chr(1) Else T1 = T1 & Chr(2)
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(Len(.V_FileName)) & .V_FileName
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(.V_Filesize)
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(.V_Attribute)
                T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(.V_DataC)
                For Y = 1 To .V_DataC
                    T1 = T1 & AC_ValOut(.V_DataPD(Y))
                D = D & AC_ValOut(Len(T1)) & T1
            End If
        End With
        If XTot < Timer Or XTotN < Now Then DoEvents: XTot = Timer: XTotN = Now
End With
File_HeaderFiles_Write = D
End Function

Private Function File_HeaderFiles_Read(V_Data As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim D As String
Dim TD As String
Dim TL As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
D = V_Data
With DP_InfoHeader
    .V_FileC = 0
    .T_FileC = 0
    For X = 1 To Len(D)
        If Len(D) = 0 Then Exit For
        TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(D, 1, 3))
        TD = Mid(D, 4, TL)
        D = Mid(D, TL + 4)
        .V_FileC = .V_FileC + 1
        .T_FileC = .T_FileC + 1
        ReDim Preserve .V_FileD(.V_FileC) As DP_FileHeader_Type
        With .V_FileD(.V_FileC)
            .T_InUse = True
            TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_Crypted = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
            TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_AddDate = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
            TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_Path = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
            TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): If Asc(Mid(TD, 1, 1)) = 1 Then .V_PathRelativ = True Else .V_PathRelativ = False
            TD = Mid(TD, 2): TL = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3)): .V_FileName = Mid(TD, 4, TL)
            TD = Mid(TD, TL + 4): .V_Filesize = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
            TD = Mid(TD, 4): .V_Attribute = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
            TD = Mid(TD, 4): .V_DataC = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
            ReDim Preserve .V_DataPD(.V_DataC) As Long
            For Y = 1 To .V_DataC
                TD = Mid(TD, 4): .V_DataPD(Y) = AC_ValIn(Mid(TD, 1, 3))
        End With
End With
End Function

Private Function File_PutData(V_BlockID As Long, V_Data As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

End Function

Private Function File_GetData(V_BlockID As Long, B_Data As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

End Function

Private Function File_Put(V_FileID As Integer, V_Pos As Long, V_Data As String)
On Error Resume Next
Put V_FileID, V_Pos, V_Data
End Function

Private Function File_Get(V_FileID As Integer, V_Pos As Long, V_DataLen As Long, B_Data As String)
On Error Resume Next
B_Data = String(V_DataLen, " ")
Get V_FileID, V_Pos, B_Data
End Function

Private Function AC_ValOut(V_Value As Long) As String
On Error Resume Next
AC_ValOut = Space(4)
RtlMoveMemory ByVal AC_ValOut, V_Value, 4
End Function

Private Function AC_ValIn(ByVal V_Value As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
RtlMoveMemory AC_ValIn, ByVal V_Value, 4
End Function

Public Function File_SetLen(V_FileLen As Long)
On Error Resume Next
Dim FN2 As Long
If DP_FN <> 0 Then Close DP_FN
If FN2 = -1 Then Exit Function
'Debug.Print SetFilePointer(FN2, V_FileLen, 0, 0)
'Debug.Print SetEndOfFile(FN2)
CloseHandle FN2
If DP_FN <> 0 Then
    DP_FN = FreeFile
    Open DP_Path For Binary As DP_FN
End If
End Function

Private Function GetBlockStepSequenz() As Long
On Error Resume Next
GetBlockStepSequenz = DP_InfoHeader.V_Blocksize * 1024
End Function

Public Function Get_BID_Description(V_BID As Long) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim D As String
Select Case V_BID
    Case -1: D = "Unbekannter Fehler"
    Case 0: D = "Kein Fehler"
    Case 1: D = "Es wurde keine Datei ge&#65533;ffnet"
    Case 2: D = "Pfad nicht gefunden"
    Case 3: D = "Konnte Datei nicht &#65533;ffnen"
    Case 4: D = "Datei enth&#65533;lt keine Daten"
    Case 10: D = "Es wurde kein Pfad zu einer Datenquelle bzw. keine Daten &#65533;bergeben"
    Case 11: D = "Pfad der Datenquelle nicht gefunden"
    Case 12: D = "FileID auserhalb des g&#65533;ltigen Bereichs"
    Case 13: D = "Konnte Ziel-Datei nicht &#65533;ffnen"
    Case 14: D = "Es wurde bereits eine Datei ge&#65533;ffnet"
End Select
Get_BID_Description = D
End Function

Public Function DP_CheckIsOpen(B_Locked As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
DP_CheckIsOpen = False
B_Locked = False
If DP_FN <> 0 Then DP_CheckIsOpen = True Else Exit Function
B_Locked = DP_InfoHeader.V_Locked
End Function