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assoziativer Speicher
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Datum/Zeit: | 20.12.2007 14:45:25 |
/' Assoziativer Speicher
Syntax :
init (sizeOfInput, sizeOfOutput) - Größer des Input & Output Layers festlegen
learn () - Input & Output Muster lernen
work () - aus einem Inputmuster ein Outputmuster
resetAll () - interne Methode
resetIn () - Eingabemuster löschen
resetOut () - Ausgabemuster löschen
resetWeights () - Gewichte löschen
Type ddouble
dd As Double Ptr
End Type
Type assocMemory
sizeInput As Short
sizeOutput As Short
InValue As Double Ptr
OutValue As Double Ptr
weights As ddouble Ptr
Declare Constructor ()
Declare Constructor (ByVal As Short, ByVal As Short)
Declare Destructor ()
Declare Sub init (ByVal As Short, ByVal As Short)
Declare Sub learn ()
Declare Sub work ()
Declare Sub resetAll ()
Declare Sub resetIn ()
Declare Sub resetOut ()
Declare Sub resetWeights ()
End Type
Constructor assocMemory ()
'Standartwerte festlegen
With this
.sizeInput = 10
.sizeOutput = 10
.resetAll ()
End With
End Constructor
Constructor assocMemory (ByVal sizeOfInput As Short, ByVal sizeOfOutput As Short)
With this
.sizeInput = sizeOfInput
.sizeOutput = sizeOfOutput
.resetAll ()
End With
End Constructor
Destructor assocMemory ()
With this
DeAllocate (.InValue)
DeAllocate (.OutValue)
DeAllocate (.weights)
End With
End Destructor
Sub assocMemory.init (ByVal sizeOfInput As Short, ByVal sizeOfOutput As Short)
With this
.sizeInput = sizeOfInput
.sizeOutput = sizeOfOutput
.resetAll ()
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.learn ()
Dim a As Short
Dim b As Short
With this
For a = 0 To sizeInput - 1
For b = 0 To sizeOutput - 1
.weights[a].dd[b] += (.InValue[a] * 2 - 1) * (.OutValue[b] * 2 - 1)
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.work ()
Dim a As Short
Dim b As Short
Dim sum As Double
With this
For a = 0 To .sizeOutput - 1
sum = 0
For b = 0 To .sizeInput - 1
sum += .InValue[b] * .weights[b].dd[a]
If sum > 0 Then
.outValue[a] = 1
.outValue[a] = 0
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.resetAll ()
With this
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.resetIn ()
With this
DeAllocate (.InValue)
.InValue = Callocate (SizeOf(Double) * .sizeInput)
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.resetOut ()
With this
DeAllocate (.OutValue)
.OutValue = Callocate (SizeOf(Double) * .sizeInput)
End With
End Sub
Sub assocMemory.resetWeights ()
Dim a As Short
With this
.weights = Callocate (SizeOf(ddouble) * .sizeInput)
For a = 0 To .sizeInput - 1
.weights[a].dd = Callocate (SizeOf(Double) * sizeOutput)
End With
End Sub
Dim t As assocMemory = assocMemory(3,3)
Dim a As Short
t.InValue[0] = 1
t.InValue[1] = 0
t.InValue[2] = 1
t.OutValue[0] = 0
t.OutValue[1] = 1
t.OutValue[2] = 0
t.learn ()
t.resetIn ()
t.resetOut ()
t.InValue[0] = 1
t.InValue[1] = 0
t.InValue[2] = 1
t.work ()
For a = 0 To 2
Print t.OutValue[a]