fb:porticula NoPaste
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Datum/Zeit: | 31.05.2008 15:54:41 |
Dim Shared XShow as UByte = 0
Dim Shared XSW as UInteger = 600
Dim Shared XSH as UInteger = 150
Sub StatPrint(V_Text as String)
Line (0, XSH * 4)-(XSW, XSH * 4 + 10), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
Locate (XSH * 4) \ 8 + 1, 1
Print V_Text
Sleep 1, 1
End Sub
screenres XSW, XSH * 4 + 20, 24
Dim TPic as UByte Ptr = ImageCreate(XSW, XSH, 24)
Dim V as UInteger
Dim C as UInteger
Dim C2 as UInteger
Dim X as UInteger
Dim Y as UInteger
Dim Z as UInteger
Dim ZX as UInteger
Dim ZY as UInteger
Dim XX as UInteger
Dim XY as UInteger
Dim LX as UInteger
Dim LY as UInteger
Dim NP as UInteger
Dim NX as UInteger
Dim NY as UInteger
Dim SX as UInteger
Dim SY as UInteger
Dim NF as UByte
Dim CF as UInteger
Dim XColorV() as UInteger
Dim XColorC() as UInteger
Dim XFontSize as UInteger = 98
Dim Font50 as UByte Ptr = ImageCreate(XFontSize * 26 * 2, XFontSize, 8)
BLoad "font.bmp", Font50
If Font50 = 0 Then Screen 0: Print "Fehler beim laden des Bildes!": End -1
StatPrint("Buchstabentabelle fuer Erstnutzung vorbereiten...")
For X = 0 to 51
StatPrint("Buchstabentabelle fuer Erstnutzung vorbereiten... [" & Str(X) & "]")
Line TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
Put TPic, (0, 0), font50, (X * XFontSize, 0)-((X + 1) * XFontSize, XFontSize), PSet
Put (0, 0), font50, (X * XFontSize, 0)-((X + 1) * XFontSize, XFontSize), PSet
C = 0
For ZX = 1 to XFontSize - 1
For ZY = 1 to XFontSize - 1
If (Point(ZX, ZY, TPic) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
For NY = 1 to XFontSize
For NX = ZX + 1 to XFontSize
If (Point(NX, NY, TPic) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
Put font50, (X * XFontSize, 0), TPic, (ZX, NY)-(XFontSize + ZX + 1, XFontSize + ZY + 1), PSet
C = 1
If XShow = 1 Then Sleep 500
End If
PSet (NX, NY), RGB(255, 0, 0)
If C = 1 Then Exit For
If C = 1 Then Exit For
End If
PSet (ZX, ZY), RGB(0, 255, 0)
If C = 1 Then Exit For
If C = 1 Then Exit For
StatPrint("Lade Bild...")
BLoad "../captcha/cap/10.bmp", TPic
If TPic = 0 Then Print "Fehler!": end -1
Put (0, 0), TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), pset
Dim XRauschBlockRaster as UInteger = 3
Dim XRauschschwelle as UInteger = 7
For X = 1 to XSW
For Y = 1 to XSH
V = Point (X, Y, TPic)
If V <> 0 Then
C = 0
For ZX = X to X + XRauschBlockRaster
For ZY = Y to Y + XRauschBlockRaster
If Point (ZX, ZY, TPic) = V Then C += 1
If C > XRauschschwelle Then
PSet (X, Y), V
Else: PSet (X, Y), RGB(0, 0 ,0)
End if
End If
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
Put TPic, (0, 0), Screenptr ,(0, 0) - (XSW, XSH), PSet
Dim XScanBlockRaster as UInteger = 3
Dim XScanSchwellwert as UInteger = 11
For X = 1 to XSW - XScanBlockRaster step XScanBlockRaster
For Y = 1 to XSH - XScanBlockRaster step XScanBlockRaster
Redim XColorV(XScanBlockRaster * XScanBlockRaster) as UInteger
Redim XColorC(XScanBlockRaster * XScanBlockRaster) as UInteger
C = 1
For ZX = X To X + XScanBlockRaster
For ZY = Y To Y + XScanBlockRaster
V = Point (ZX, ZY)
For Z = 1 to C
If XColorV(Z) = V Then
XColorC(Z) += 1
V = 0
Exit For
End If
If V > 0 Then
C += 1
XColorV(C) = V
XColorC(C) = 1
Exit For
End If
ZX = 0
ZY = 0
For Z = 1 to C
If XColorV(Z) > 0 Then
If XColorC(Z) > XScanSchwellwert Then
If XColorC(Z) > ZX Then
ZY = Z
ZX = XColorC(Z)
End If
End If
End if
If ZY > 0 Then
Line (X, XSH + Y)-(X + XScanBlockRaster, XSH + Y + XScanBlockRaster), XColorV(ZY), BF
Else: Line (X, XSH + Y)-(X + XScanBlockRaster, XSH + Y + XScanBlockRaster), 0, BF
End If
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
StatPrint("Objekterkennung / Mask-Rastnest...")
Dim XSensTimeout as UInteger = 1000
Dim XSensSchwellwert as UInteger = 120
For X = XScanBlockRaster / 2 to XSW - XScanBlockRaster step XScanBlockRaster
For Y = XScanBlockRaster / 2 to XSH - XScanBlockRaster * 2 step XScanBlockRaster
V = Point (X, Y + XSH)
PSet (X, Y + XSH - 1), RGB(100, 100, 100)
If (V and &HFFFFFF) > 0 Then
C = 0
C2 = 0
For NX = X To 1 step -1
If Point (NX, Y) <> V Then XX = NX: Exit For
XY = Y
LX = XX + 1
LY = XY + 1
CF = 0
Line TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
NX = 1
For Z = 1 to 8
Select Case Z
Case 1: If XX - 1 = LX and XY - 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 2: If XX - 1 = LX and XY = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 3: If XX - 1 = LX and XY + 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 4: If XX = LX and XY + 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 5: If XX + 1 = LX and XY + 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 6: If XX + 1 = LX and XY = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 7: If XX + 1 = LX and XY - 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
Case 8: If XX = LX and XY - 1 = LY Then NP = Z + 1: Exit For
End Select
NF = 0
For Z = NP to 16
Select Case Z
Case 1, 9: NX = XX - 1 : NY = XY - 1
Case 2, 10: NX = XX - 1 : NY = XY
Case 3, 11: NX = XX - 1 : NY = XY + 1
Case 4, 12: NX = XX : NY = XY + 1
Case 5, 13: NX = XX + 1 : NY = XY + 1
Case 6, 14: NX = XX + 1 : NY = XY
Case 7, 15: NX = XX + 1 : NY = XY - 1
Case 8, 16: NX = XX : NY = XY - 1
End Select
If Point (NX, NY) = V Then
PSet TPic, (NX, NY), V
CF += 1
NF = 1
Exit For
End If
If XX = SY and XY = SY Then Exit Do
C += 1
If C > XSensTimeout Then Exit Do
If CF = 0 Then
C2 += 1
If C2 > 10 Then Exit Do
End If
CF = 0
C2 = 0
Put (0, XSH * 3), TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), PSet
For ZX = 1 to XSW
C2 = 0
For ZY = 1 to XSH
If Point (ZX, ZY, TPic) = V Then
CF += 1
For XY = ZY to XSH
If Point (ZX, XY) <> V and Point (ZX, XY + 1) <> V Then
Exit For
PSet TPic, (ZX, XY), V
PSet (ZX, XY + XSH * 3), V
CF += 1
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
End If
End If
If CF > XSensSchwellwert Then
Put (0, XSH * 3), TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), PSet
Put (0, XSH * 2), TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), Or
End If
End If
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
Dim XCutSchwellwert as UInteger = 5
C = 0
For X = 1 to XSW
C2 = 1
For Y = 1 to XSH
For Z = 1 to XCutSchwellwert
If (Point(X, Y + XSH * 2) and &HFFFFFF) > 0 Then C2 = 0: Exit For
If C2 = 0 Then Exit For
If C2 = 1 Then Line(X, XSH * 2)-(X, XSH * 3), RGB(255, 255, 255)
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
Redim XColorC(XSW) as UInteger
Redim XColorV(10) as UInteger
CF = 0
StatPrint("Objektkorecktur / Rastertest...")
For X = 1 to XSW
If (Point(X, XSH * 2) and &HFFFFFF) = 0 Then
PSet (X, XSH * 2 + 1), RGB(255, 0, 0)
Else: PSet (X, XSH * 2 + 1), RGB(0, 255, 0)
End If
If (Point(X, XSH * 2) and &HFFFFFF) = 0 Then
For XX = X to XSW
If (Point(XX, XSH * 2) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
If XX - X > 20 Then
C = 0
For ZY = XSH * 2 to XSH * 3
For ZX = X + 1 to XX - 1
If (Point(ZX, ZY) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
Line(X, XSH * 2)-(XX, ZY), RGB(0, 255, 0), BF
Get (X + 1, ZY + 1)-(XX - 1, XSH * 3), TPic
C = 1
Exit For
Else: PSet (ZX, ZY), RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
If XShow = 1 Then Sleep 1, 1
If C = 1 Then Exit For
Line (X, XSH * 2 + 2)-(XX, XSH * 2 + 2), RGB(255, 255, 0)
Line (0, XSH * 3)-(200, XSH * 4), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
Put (0, XSH * 3), TPic, (0, 0)-(XSW, XSH), PSet
Redim XColorC(52) as UInteger
For Z = 0 to 51
StatPrint("Objektkorecktur / Rastertest... [" & Str(Z) & "]")
XColorC(Z + 1) = 0
Put (200, XSH * 3), font50, (Z * XFontSize, 0)-((Z + 1) * XFontSize, XFontSize), PSet
Line (400, XSH * 3)-(600, XSH * 4), RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
LX = 0
For ZX = 1 to XFontSize - 1
For ZY = 1 to XFontSize - 1
If (Point(ZX, XSH * 3 + ZY) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
LX += 1
If (Point(ZX + 200, XSH * 3 + ZY) and &HFFFFFF) <> 0 Then
PSet (ZX + 400, XSH * 3 + ZY), RGB(255, 0, 0)
XColorC(Z + 1) += 1
End If
End If
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
C = 0
C2 = 0
For Z = 1 to 52
If C < LX Then
If XColorC(Z) > C Then
C = XColorC(Z)
C2 = Z
End If
End If
CF += 1
XColorV(CF) = C2
Exit For
Else: Line(X, XSH * 2)-(XX, XSH * 3), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF
End If
X = XX
End if
End If
If XShow = 1 Then sleep 1, 1
Dim T as String
For X = 1 to CF
Select Case XColorV(X)
Case 1 to 26: T += Chr(96 + XColorV(X))
Case 27 to 52: T += Chr(38 + XColorV(X))
End Select
StatPrint("Fertig! Objekt-Vermutung: " & T)
sleep 1, 1
Loop until inkey() <> ""
screen 0