Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Antivirus 1: Version 1.1

Datum/Zeit:08.09.2007 14:54:24

'Antivirus 1
'nach dreaels Tutorial

'umlaute  (funktion von Jojo)
function uml(blah as string) as string
select case blah
case "ä": return chr(132)
case "ö": return chr(148)
case "ü": return chr(129)
case "ß": return chr(225)
end select
end function

screen 18,12
color 0,15


const nGebiete% = 31   '32 Gebiete

dim Gebiet$(1 to nGebiete%), Nord%(1 to nGebiete%), Sued%(1 to nGebiete%)
dim West%(1 to nGebiete%), Ost%(1 to nGebiete%)
dim Suedost%(1 to nGebiete%), Suedwest%(1 to nGebiete%)
dim GebietStat$(1 to nGebiete%)

for i% = 1 to nGebiete%
    read Gebiet$(i%), Nord%(i%), Sued%(i%), West%(i%), Ost%(i%), Suedost%(i%), Suedwest%(i%), GebietStat$(i%)
next i

'       Gebiet                                      N   S   W   O  SO  SW   Status
data "RAM-Speicher",                                0,  0,  0,  0,  2,  3,  ""
data "Festplatte C:",                               1,  7,  3, -2,  6,  8,  ""
data "Festplatte D:",                               1,  9,  4,  2,  0,  0,  ""
data "E: (CD-Laufwerk)",                            0, 10,  5,  3,  0,  0,  ""
data "F: (USB-Stick)",                             -1, 11,  0,  4,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\WINDOWS",                                  2,  0,  0,  0, 12, 13,  ""
data "C:\Users",                                    2, 14,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Games",                                    2,  0,  0,  0, 15, 16,  ""
data "D:\Programme",                                3,  0,  0,  0, 17, 18,  ""
data "E:\Backup",                                   4, 19,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "F:\mp3s",                                     5,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\WINDOWS\system32",                         6,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\WINDOWS\Drivers",                          6,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r",                        7,  0,  0,  0, 20, 21,  ""
data "C:\Games\Steam",                              8,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Games\Hotel-Manager",                      8,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "D:\Programme\FreeBASIC",                      9,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  "Suche das Programm taskkill.exe"    'startposition
data "D:\Programme\OpenOffice.org",                 9,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "E:\Backup\Fotos",                            10,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Eigene Dateien",        14,  0,  0,  0, 25, 26,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Desktop",               14,  0,  0,  0, 27, -3,  ""
data "C:\Games\Steam\Steam-Apps",                  15,  0, -4,  0, 23, 24,  ""
data "C:\Games\Steam\Steam-Apps\Counter-Strike",   22,  0, 24,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Games\Steam\STeam-Apps\Half-Life",        22,  0,  0, 23,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Eigene Dateien\files",  20, 28,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Eigene Dateien\docs",   20,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Desktop\fotos",         21,  0,  0,  0, 31, 32,  ""
'                                                               N   S   W   O  SO  SW   Stat
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Eigene-Dateien\files\downloads",    25, -5,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Eigene Dateien\files\mp3s",         25,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Desktop\fotos\urlaub",              27,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""
data "C:\Users\1337-h4XX0r\Desktop\fotos\ausflug",             27,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  ""

const nGegenstaende% = 5
dim Gegenstand$(1 to nGegenstaende%), Ort% (1 to nGegenstaende)
for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
    read Gegenstand$(i%), Ort%(i%)
next i%

data "taskkill.exe",    12
data "fbc.exe",         17
data "Fotos",           19
data "mp3s",            30
data "Rechnung",        27

AktPos% = 17
InSpiel% = -1
NeuPos% = AktPos%


print "Willkommen bei Antivirus!"
print "1) Neues Spiel starten"
print "2) Spiel laden"
print "3) Befehls"; uml("ü"); "bersicht sehen"
print "4) Hilfe aufrufen"
print "5) Beenden"
input "Was willst du tun? ", menu_abfrage%
select case menu_abfrage%
case 1
    goto start
case 2
    input "Dateiname: ",saveg$
    open saveg$ for input as 1
        input #1, Kennung$
        if Kennung$ <> "Antivirus" then
            print "Keine g"; uml("ü"); "ltige Spielstanddatei!!!"
            input #1, AktPos%
            for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
                input #1, Ort%(i%)
            next i%
        end if
    close 1
case 3
    color 4                                                                                 'rot anfang
    print                                                                                   'rot
    print "Der Befehlswortschatz umfasst folgende Kommandos:"                               'rot
    print "gehe h"; uml("ö"); "her|tiefer|links|rechts oder Abk"; uml("ü"); "rzung h|t|l|r" 'rot
    print "nimm|leg <Gegenstand>"                                                         'rot
    print "speichereals|lade <dateiname.erw>"                                             'rot
    print "Leertaste dr"; uml("ü"); "cken"                                                  'rot
    sleep                                                                                   'rot
    color 0                                                                                 'rot ende
    goto menu
case 4
    color 4                                         'rot anfang
    print "Hilfe noch nicht verf"; uml("ü"); "gbar" 'rot
    sleep                                           'rot
    color 0                                         'rot ende
case 5
end select


print "Vorgeschichte: Jimmy programmiert gerne in FreeBASIC. Er ist 16 Jahre alt."
print "Er surft sehr gerne im Internet, chattet und ladet sich viele Programme und"
print "Spiele aus dem Internet runter."
print "Zur zeit merkt er immer wieder, dass bei seinem Computer etwas nicht stimmt."
print "Er f"; uml("ü"); "rchtet, dass ein Virus in sein System eingedrungen ist."
print "Darauf schreibt er einen Antivirus-Programm in FreeBASIC und l"; uml("ä"); "sst das"
print "Programm den Computer absuchen."
print "Du bist nun der Antivirus!"
print "Leertaste dr"; uml("ü"); "cken!"

while InSpiel%
    color 4             'rot anfang
    print "Ort: "       'rot
    print "---- "       'rot
    color 0             'rot ende
    print Gebiet$(AktPos%)
    color 4                                         'rot anfang
    print "M"; uml("ö"); "gliche Gehrichtungen: "   'rot
    print "-----------------------"                 'rot
    color 0                                         'rot ende
    if Nord%(AktPos%) <> 0 then
        print " h"; uml("ö"); "her"
    end if
    if Sued%(AktPos%) <> 0 then
        print " tiefer"
    end if
    if West%(AktPos%) <> 0 then
        print " links"
    end if
    if Ost%(AktPos%) <> 0 then
        print " rechts"
    end if
    if Suedwest%(AktPos%) <> 0 then
        print " links tiefer"
    end if
    if suedost%(AktPos) <> 0 then
        print " rechts tifer"
    end if
    color 4         'rot anfang
    print "Status: "        'rot
    print "------- "        'rot
    color 0         'rot ende
    print GebietStat$(AktPos%)
    color 4                                                 'rot anfang
    print "Gegenst"; uml("ä"); "nde in diesem Bereich: "    'rot
    print "---------------------------- "                   'rot
    color 0                                                 'rot ende
    h% = 0
    for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
        if Ort%(i%) = AktPos% then
            print " "; Gegenstand$(i%)
            h% = h% + 1
        end if
    next i%
    if h% = 0 then
        print " keine"
    end if
    input "Was willst du tun?", bef$
    h% = instr(bef$, " ")
    if h% >0 then
        verb$ = left$(bef$, h% - 1)
        objekt$ = mid$(bef$, h% + 1)
        verb$ = bef$
        objekt$ = ""
    end if
    select case lcase$(verb$)
    case " h", "h"
        NeuPos% = Nord%(AktPos%)
    case " t", "t"
        NeuPos% = Sued%(AktPos%)
    case " l", "l"
        NeuPos% = West%(AktPos%)
    case " r", "r"
        NeuPos% = Ost%(AktPos%)
    case " rt", "rt"
        NeuPos% = Suedwest%(AktPos%)
    case " lt", "lt"
        NeuPos% = Suedost%(AktPos%)
    case " gehe", "gehe"
        select case lcase$(objekt$)
        case "hoch"
            NeuPos% = Nord%(AktPos%)
        case "tiefer"
            NeuPos% = Sued%(AktPos%)
        case "links"
            NeuPos% = West%(AktPos%)
        case "rechts"
            NeuPos% = Ost%(AktPos%)
        case "rechts tiefer"
            NeuPos% = Suedwest%(AktPos%)
        case "links tiefer"
            NeuPos% = Suedost%(AktPos%)
        case else
            color 4                         'rot anfang
            print "In welche richtung???"   'rot
            color 0                         'rot ende
        end select
    case " cheat", "cheat"
        select case lcase$(objekt$)
        case "thereistaskkill"
            NeuPos% = 12
        case "imondrivec"
            NeuPos% = 2
        case "gotoram"
            NeuPos% = 1
        case "therightway"
            NeuPos% = 7
        case "thebestway"
            NeuPos% = 20
        end select
    case  " speicher", "spiecher"
        open  objekt$ for output as 1
        print #1, "Antivirus"
        print #1, AktPos%
        for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
            print #1, Ort%(i%)
        next i%
        color 4                         'rot anfang
        print "Spielstand gespeichert"  'rot
        color 0                         'rot ende
    case " lade", "lade"
        open objekt$ for input as 1
        input #1, Kennung$
        if Kennung$ <> "Antivirus" then
            color 4                                                 'rot anfang
            print "Keine g"; uml("ü"); "ltige Spielstanddatei!!!"   'rot
            color 0                                                 'rot ende
            input #1, AktPos%
            for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
                input #1, Ort%(i%)
            next i%
        end if
        close 1
    case " nimm", "nimm"     'Gegenstandsverwaltung
        h% = 0
        for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
            if lcase$(Gegenstand$(i%)) = lcase$(objekt$) and Ort%(i%) = AktPos% then
                h% = i%
            end if
        next i%
        if h% <> 0 then
            color 4                                 'rot anfang
            print Gegenstand$(h%); " aufgelesen"    'rot
            color 0                                 'rot ende
            Ort%(h%) = 0
            color 4                         'rot anfang
            print "Hier ist kein "; objekt$ 'rot
            color 0                         'rot ende
        end if
    case " leg", "leg"
        h% = 0
        for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
            if lcase$(Gegenstand$(i%)) = lcase$(objekt$) and Ort%(i%) = 0 then
                h% = i%
            end if
        next i%
        if h% <> 0 then
            color 4             'rot anfang
            print gegenstand$(h%); " abegelegt" 'rot
            color 0             'rot ende
            Ort%(i%) = AktPos%
            color 4             'rot anfang
            print "Du hast kein "; objekt$  'rot
            color 0             'rot ende
        end if
    case " inventar", "inventar"
        color 4             'rot anfang
        print "Du hast folgendes: " 'rot
        print "------------------ " 'rot
        print               'rot
        color 0             'rot ende
        h% = 0
        for i% = 1 to nGegenstaende%
            if Ort%(i%) = 0 then
                print Gegenstand$(i%)
                h% = h% + 1
            end if
        next i%
        if h% = 0 then
            print "Nichts"
            print "Total "; h%; " Gegenst"; uml("ä"); "nde"
        end if
    case " hilfe", " ?", "hilfe", "?"
        color 4                                                     'rot anfang
        print                                                       'rot
        print "Der Befehlswortschatz umfasst folgende Kommandos:"   'rot
        print "gehe hoch|tiefer|links|rechts oder Abk"; uml("ü"); "rzung h|t|l|r" 'rot
        print "nimm|leg <Gegenstand>"                             'rot
        print "speicher|lade <dateiname.erw>"                     'rot
        print                                                       'rot
        print "Leertaste dr"; uml("ü"); "cken"                      'rot
        sleep                                                       'rot
        color 0                                                     'rot ende
    case " ende", " beenden", " end", " exit", " system", "ende", "beenden", "end", "exit", "system"
    case else
        color 4                                                     'rot anfang
        print                                                       'rot
        print "Falsches Kommando"                                   'rot
        print "Versuche es nochmal oder gib 'hilfe' bzw. '?' ein"   'rot
        print "Leertaste dr"; uml("ü"); "cken"                      'rot
        sleep                                                       'rot
        color 0                                                     'rot ende
    end select
    if NeuPos% = 0 then
        color 4                 'rot anfang
        print                   'rot
        print "Da kannst du nicht hin!"     'rot
        print "Leertaste dr"; uml("ü"); "cken"  'rot
        sleep                   'rot
        color 0                 'rot ende
        AktPos% = NeuPos%
        if NeuPos% < 0 then
            InSpiel% = 0     '0 = FALSE (Boolean)
        end if
    end if

if AktPos% = -5 then
    color 4                     'rot anfang
    print "Du bist am Ziel!"    'rot
    color 0                     'rot ende
    if Ort%(1) <> 0 then
        color 4                                                                                         'rot anfang
        print "Du hast taskkill.exe vergessen, deshalb konnte dich der Virus zerst"; uml("ö"); "ren."   'rot
        color 0                                                                                         'rot ende
        color 4                     'rot anfang
        print "Du hast gewonnen!!!" 'rot
        color 0                     'rot ende
    end if
    color 4
    if AktPos% = -1 then
        print "Leider bist du au"; uml("ß"); "erhalb des Systems geraten und wurdest somit gel"; uml("ö"); "scht!"
    elseif AktPos% = -2 then
        print "Leider bist du in den Papierkorb gefallen!"
    elseif AktPos% = -3 then
        print "Ups, du bist in den Papierkorb geraten!"
    elseif  AktPos% = -4 then
        print "Dich hat leider das uninstall-Programm von Steam erwischt!"
        print "Programmierfehler! Bitte lesen sie die readme.txt!"
    end  if

    print "Du bist tot!"
    goto anfang
end if