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Datum/Zeit: | 11.05.2010 20:00:38 |
#define FBDATE_Jan 0
#define FBDATE_Feb 3
#define FBDATE_Mae 3
#define FBDATE_Apr 6
#define FBDATE_Mai 1
#define FBDATE_Jun 4
#define FBDATE_Jul 6
#define FBDATE_Aug 2
#define FBDATE_Sep 5
#define FBDATE_Okt 0
#define FBDATE_Nov 3
#define FBDATE_Dez 5
type FBDate
declare constructor ()
declare constructor (byval d as string)
declare constructor (byval t as string, byval m as string, byval y as string)
datum as string
declare function getDay() as integer
declare function getDayOfWeek() as integer
declare function getDayOfYear() as integer
declare function dayName() as integer
declare function getYear() as integer
declare function getMonth() as integer
declare function daysInYear() as integer
declare function daysInMonth() as integer
declare function leapYear() as integer
declare function isValid () as integer
declare function addDay(byval i as integer = 0) as FBDate
declare function addMonth(byval i as integer = 0) as FBDate
declare function addYear(byval i as integer = 0) as FBDate
declare static function currentDate () as FBDate
declare static function isValid (byval d as string) as integer
end type
constructor FBDate ()
datum = date
end constructor
constructor FBDate(byval d as string)
datum = d
end constructor
constructor FBDate (byval t as string, byval m as string, byval y as string)
datum = m + "-" + t + "-" + y
end constructor
function FBDate.getDay() as integer
dim as string d = datum
d = mid(d,4,2)
return val(d)
end function
function FBDate.getDayOfWeek() as integer
return dayName()
end function
function FBDate.getDayOfYear() as integer
dim as integer m = getMonth()
dim as integer tag = 0
if m > 1 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 1 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 2 and getYear() mod 4 = 0 then tag = tag + 29
if m = 2 and getYear() mod 4 = 0 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 2 and getYear() mod 4 <> 0 then tag = tag + 28
if m = 2 and getYear() mod 4 <> 0 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 3 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 3 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 4 then tag = tag + 30
if m = 4 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 5 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 5 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 6 then tag = tag + 30
if m = 6 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 7 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 7 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 8 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 8 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 9 then tag = tag + 30
if m = 9 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 10 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 10 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 11 then tag = tag + 30
if m = 11 then tag = tag + getDay()
if m > 12 then tag = tag + 31
if m = 12 then tag = tag + getDay()
return tag
end function
function FBDate.dayName() as integer
dim t as integer = getDay() mod 7
dim as string d2 = datum
d2 = mid(d2,9,2)
dim as integer j = val(d2)
j = (j + (val(d2) / 4)) mod 7
d2 = datum
d2 = mid(d2,7,2)
dim as integer jh = val(d2)
jh = (3 - jh mod 4) * 2
d2 = datum
d2 = mid(d2,1,2)
dim as integer m = val(d2)
dim sch as integer = 0
if m < 3 and (getYear() mod 4 = 0) then sch = -1
dim monat as integer = getMonth()
if monat = 1 then
monat = FBDATE_Jan
elseif monat = 2 then
monat= FBDATE_Feb
elseif monat = 3 then
monat= FBDATE_Mae
elseif monat = 4 then
monat= FBDATE_Apr
elseif monat = 5 then
monat= FBDATE_Mai
elseif monat = 6 then
monat= FBDATE_Jun
elseif monat = 7 then
monat= FBDATE_Jul
elseif monat = 8 then
monat= FBDATE_Aug
elseif monat = 9 then
monat= FBDATE_Sep
elseif monat = 10 then
monat= FBDATE_Okt
elseif monat = 11 then
monat= FBDATE_Nov
elseif monat = 12 then
monat= FBDATE_Dez
end if
dim as integer r = (sch + jh + j +t + monat) mod 7
if r = 0 then r = 7
return r
end function
function FBDate.getYear() as integer
dim as string d = datum
d = mid(d,7,4)
return val(d)
end function
function FBDate.getMonth() as integer
dim as string d = datum
d = mid(d,1,2)
return val(d)
end function
function FBDate.daysInYear() as integer
if getYear() mod 4 = 0 then return 366
return 365
end function
function FBDate.daysInMonth() as integer
dim monat as integer = getMonth()
if monat = 1 then
return 31
elseif monat = 2 then
if daysInYear() = 366 then return 29
return 28
elseif monat = 3 then
return 31
elseif monat = 4 then
return 30
elseif monat = 5 then
return 31
elseif monat = 6 then
return 30
elseif monat = 7 then
return 31
elseif monat = 8 then
return 31
elseif monat = 9 then
return 30
elseif monat = 10 then
return 31
elseif monat = 11 then
return 30
elseif monat = 12 then
return 31
end if
end function
function FBDate.leapYear() as integer
if daysInYear() = 366 then return -1
return 0
end function
function FBDate.isValid () as integer
dim as integer tag = 0,monat = 0,jahr = 0
dim as string s
s = mid(datum,1,2)
monat = val(s)
s = mid(datum,4,2)
tag = val(s)
s = mid(datum,7,4)
jahr = val(s)
if monat = 1 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 2 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 28 then return -1
if monat = 2 and tag = 29 and jahr mod 4 = 0 then return -1
if monat = 3 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 4 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 5 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 6 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 7 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 8 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 9 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 10 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 11 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 12 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
return 0
end function
function FBDate.currentDate () as FBDate
return FBDate()
end function
function FBDate.isValid (byval d as string) as integer
dim as integer tag = 0,monat = 0,jahr = 0
dim as string s
s = mid(d,1,2)
monat = val(s)
s = mid(d,4,2)
tag = val(s)
s = mid(d,7,4)
jahr = val(s)
if monat = 1 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 2 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 28 then return -1
if monat = 2 and tag = 29 and jahr mod 4 = 0 then return -1
if monat = 3 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 4 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 5 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 6 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 7 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 8 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 9 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 10 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
if monat = 11 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 30 then return -1
if monat = 12 and tag >= 1 and tag <= 31 then return -1
return 0
end function
function FBDate.addDay(byval i as integer) as FBDate
dim as integer tag = 0,monat = 0,jahr = 0
dim as string s
dim z as integer = 0
s = mid(datum,1,2)
monat = val(s)
s = mid(datum,4,2)
tag = val(s)
s = mid(datum,7,4)
jahr = val(s)
if i < 1 then return FBDate(datum)
z = z + 1
tag = tag + 1
if monat = 1 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 2 and tag = 29 and jahr mod 4 <> 0 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 2 and tag = 30 and jahr mod 4 = 0 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 3 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 4 and tag = 31 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 5 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 6 and tag = 31 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 7 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 8 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 9 and tag = 31 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 10 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 11 and tag = 31 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 12 and tag = 32 then tag = 1 : monat = monat + 1
if monat = 13 then monat = 1 : jahr = jahr + 1
s = "00-00-0000"
if tag < 10 then
mid(s,5,1) = str(tag)
mid(s,4,2) = str(tag)
end if
if monat < 10 then
mid(s,2,1) = str(monat)
mid(s,1,2) = str(monat)
end if
if jahr < 10 then
mid(s,10,1) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 100 then
mid(s,9,2) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 1000 then
mid(s,8,3) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 10000 then
mid(s,7,4) = str(jahr)
end if
loop until z = i
return FBDate(s)
end function
function FBDate.addMonth(byval i as integer) as FBDate
dim as integer tag = 0,monat = 0,jahr = 0
dim as string s
dim as integer z = 0
s = mid(datum,1,2)
monat = val(s)
s = mid(datum,4,2)
tag = val(s)
s = mid(datum,7,4)
jahr = val(s)
if i < 1 then return FBDate(datum)
monat = monat + 1
z = z + 1
if monat = 13 then monat = 1 : jahr = jahr + 1
if monat = 1 and tag = 32 then tag = 1
if monat = 2 and tag = 29 and jahr mod 4 <> 0 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 2 and tag = 30 and jahr mod 4 = 0 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 2 and tag = 31 and jahr mod 4 <> 0 then tag = 28
if monat = 2 and tag = 31 and jahr mod 4 = 0 then tag = 29
if monat = 3 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 4 and tag = 31 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 5 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 6 and tag = 31 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 7 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 8 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 9 and tag = 31 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 10 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 11 and tag = 31 then tag = tag - 1
if monat = 12 and tag = 32 then tag = tag - 1
s = "00-00-0000"
if tag < 10 then
mid(s,5,1) = str(tag)
mid(s,4,2) = str(tag)
end if
if monat < 10 then
mid(s,2,1) = str(monat)
mid(s,1,2) = str(monat)
end if
if jahr < 10 then
mid(s,10,1) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 100 then
mid(s,9,2) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 1000 then
mid(s,8,3) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 10000 then
mid(s,7,4) = str(jahr)
end if
loop until i = z
return FBDate(s)
end function
function FBDate.addYear(byval i as integer) as FBDate
dim as integer tag = 0,monat = 0,jahr = 0
dim as string s
dim as integer z = 0
s = mid(datum,1,2)
monat = val(s)
s = mid(datum,4,2)
tag = val(s)
s = mid(datum,7,4)
jahr = val(s)
if i < 1 then return FBDate(datum)
jahr = jahr + 1
z = z + 1
s = "00-00-0000"
if tag < 10 then
mid(s,5,1) = str(tag)
mid(s,4,2) = str(tag)
end if
if monat < 10 then
mid(s,2,1) = str(monat)
mid(s,1,2) = str(monat)
end if
if jahr < 10 then
mid(s,10,1) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 100 then
mid(s,9,2) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 1000 then
mid(s,8,3) = str(jahr)
elseif jahr < 10000 then
mid(s,7,4) = str(jahr)
end if
loop until i = z
return FBDate(s)
end function
operator > (byval d1 as FBDate,byval d2 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() > d2.getYear() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() > d2.getMonth() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() > d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator
operator < (byval d2 as FBDate,byval d1 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() > d2.getYear() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() > d2.getMonth() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() > d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator
operator >= (byval d1 as FBDate,byval d2 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() > d2.getYear() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() > d2.getMonth() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() > d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() = d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator
operator <= (byval d2 as FBDate,byval d1 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() > d2.getYear() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() > d2.getMonth() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() > d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() = d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator
operator = (byval d1 as FBDate,byval d2 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() = d2.getYear() and d1.getMonth() = d2.getMonth() and d1.getDay() = d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator
operator <> (byval d1 as FBDate,byval d2 as FBDate) as integer
if d1.getYear() <> d2.getYear() or d1.getMonth() <> d2.getMonth() or d1.getDay() <> d2.getDay() then
return -1
end if
return 0
end operator