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2x kollisionsengie, 2x funzt nicht

Datum/Zeit:19.03.2008 14:30:23

'-----------die kranke, besser funktionierende:---------
declare sub xstop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub ystop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub collisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub aua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TPhysics)
declare sub schlagtest (byref object1 as TPhysics, byref object2 as TPhysics)
dim shared as integer bx1,by1,bx2,by2
sub collisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)
    dim as byte rstop,lstop,ustop,dstop,fallen,i

    with object
        if (bx1<>.obx1 or bx2<>.obx2) and by1=.oby1 and by2=.oby2 then
            xstop object
        elseif bx1=.obx1 and bx2=.obx2 and (by1<>.oby1 or by2<>.oby2) then
            ystop object
        elseif (.obx1 <> bx1 or .obx2 <> bx2) and (.oby1 <> by1 or .oby2 <> by2) then
            if bx1>.obx1 or bx2>.obx2 then
                for i=by2 to by1
                    if (block(bx2,i).solid or (block(bx2,i).half and .stupid)) = false then rstop=false:exit for

                'if (block (bx2,by1).solid or (block(bx2,by1).half and .stupid)) and (block (bx2,by2).solid or (block(bx2,by2).half and .stupid)) then rstop=true else rstop=false
            elseif bx1<.obx1 or bx2<.obx2 then
                for i=by2 to by1
                    if (block(bx1,i).solid or (block(bx1,i).half and .stupid)) = false then lstop=false:exit for
                'if (block (bx1,by1).solid or (block(bx1,by1).half and .stupid)) and (block (bx1,by2).solid or (block(bx1,by2).half and .stupid)) then lstop=true else lstop=false
            end if
            if by1>.oby1 or by2>.oby2 then
                for i=bx1 to bx2
                    if (block(i,by2).solid or (block(i,by2).half and .stupid))=false then dstop=false:exit for

                'if (block(bx1,by1).solid or (block(bx1,by1).half and .stupid)) and (block (bx2,by1).solid or (block(bx2,by1).half and .stupid)) then dstop=true else dstop=false
            elseif by1<.oby1 or by2<.oby2 then
                for i=bx1 to bx2
                    if (block(i,by1).solid or (block(i,by1).half and .stupid))=false then ustop=false:exit for

                'if (block(bx1,by2).solid or (block(bx1,by2).half and .stupid)) and (block (bx2,by2).solid or (block(bx2,by2).half and .stupid)) then ustop=true else ustop=false
            end if
            if rstop or lstop then xstop object
            if ustop or dstop then ystop object

            if (rstop=false and lstop=false and ustop=false and dstop=false) or ((rstop=true or lstop=true) and (ustop=true or dstop=true)) then
                'hier: an koordinaten x,yalt bzw xalt,y block?
                dim as byte xpech,ypech
                'if bx1<.obx1 or bx2<.obx2 then
                for i=bx1 to bx2 'pr&#65533;fen, ob an x,yalt was w&#65533;re
                    if (block(i,.oby1).solid or (block(i,.oby1).half and .stupid)) _
                    or (block(i,.oby2).solid or (block(i,.oby2).half and .stupid)) then
                    end if

                for i=by2 to by1 'pr&#65533;fen, ob an xalt,y was w&#65533;re
                    if (block(.obx1,i).solid or (block(.obx1,i).half and .stupid)) _
                    or (block(.obx2,i).solid or (block(.obx2,i).half and .stupid)) then
                    end if

                if ypech = false and xpech then .y=.yalt:by1=.oby1:by2=.oby2
                if xpech = false and ypech then .x=.xalt:bx1=.obx1:bx2=.obx2

                if abs(.vx)<abs(.vy) then
                    xstop object
                    ystop object
                    ystop object
                    xstop object
                end if
            end if
        if .ay=0 then
            for i=bx1 to bx2
                if (block(i,by1+1).solid=false and (block(i,by1+1).half=false or (not(.stupid))))=false then fallen=false

            if fallen then .ay=gravity
            'if (block(bx1,by1+1).solid =0 and (block(bx1,by1+1).half=0 or (not(.stupid)))) and (block (bx2,by1+1).solid=0 and (block (bx2,by1+1).half=0 or (not( .stupid)))) then .ay=gravity

        end if

    end with
end sub
sub xstop (byref object as TPhysics)
    dim as byte stopp,i
    with object
        for i=by2 to by1
            if block(bx2,i).solid or (block(bx2,i).half and .stupid) then stopp=true:exit for
        if stopp then

            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx else .vx=0
        end if

        for i=by2 to by1
            if block(bx1,i).solid or (block(bx1,i).half and .stupid) then stopp=true:exit for
        if stopp then
            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx else .vx=0
        end if
    end with

end sub

'sub flachxstop (byref object as TPhysics)
'    with object
'        if Block(bx+1,by).solid or Block(bx+1,by).half then
'            .x=bx*xlen-xlen-1
'            .ax=0:.vxalt=0
'            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx:.vxvorher=.vx else .vx=0
'            bx=fix(fix(.x)/xlen)+1
'        end if
'        if Block(bx,by).solid or Block(bx,by).half then
'            .x=bx*xlen+1
'            .ax=0:.vxalt=0
'            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx:.vxvorher=.vx else .vx=0
'            bx=fix(fix(.x)/xlen)+1
'        end if
'    end with
'end sub

sub ystop (byref object as TPhysics)
        dim as byte stopp,i
        with object
            for i=bx1 to bx2
                if block (i,by2).solid or (block(i,by2).half and .stupid) then stopp=true:exit for
            if stopp then
            end if

            for i=bx1 to bx2
                if block (i,by1).solid or (block(i,by1).half and .stupid) then stopp=true:exit for
            if stopp then
            end if
        end with

end sub
'sub flachcollisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)
'        with object
'        bx=fix(fix(.x)/xlen)+1
'        by=fix(fix(.y)/ylen)+1
'        if .vx<>0 then
'            flachxstop object
'            bx=fix(fix(.x)/xlen)+1
'            .obx=bx
'        elseif bx=.obx and by<>.oby then
'            ystop object
'            by=fix(fix(.y)/ylen)+1
'            .oby=by
'        end if
'        .obx=bx:.oby=by
''        if .ay=0 then
''            if block(bx,by+1)=0 and block (bx+1,by+1)=0
''        end if
'        if .ay=0 then
'            if (block(bx,by+1).solid =0 and (block(bx,by+1).half=0 or (not(.stupid)))) and (block (bx+1,by+1).solid=0 and (block (bx+1,by+1).half=0 or (not( .stupid)))) then .ay=gravity:.vxvorher=.vx:.vx=0 else .vx=.vxvorher
'        end if
'    end with
'end sub
sub aua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TPhysics)
    dim as double x11,x21,y11,y21,x12,x22,y12,y22
    with object1
        select case .direction
            case 1: x11=.x+.xplus:x21=.x+.width-.xminus
            case 0: x11=.x+.xminus:x21=.x+.width-.xplus
        end select
        with object2
            select case .direction
                case 0: x12=.x+.xplus:x22=.x+.width-.xminus
                case 1: x12=.x+.xminus:x22=.x+.width-.xplus
            end select
        end with
        'locate 3,1:?fix(x11),fix(x21),fix(x12),fix(x22)
        if .height>object2.height then
            if (object2.y<=.y and object2.y >= .y-.height) or (object2.y-object2.height<=.y and object2.y-object2.height>= .y-.height) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 and object2.unverwundbarende=0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 and object2.unverwundbarende=0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if
            if (.y<=object2.y and .y >= object2.y-object2.height) or (.y-.height<=object2.y and .y-.height >= object2.y-object2.height) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 and object2.unverwundbarende=0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 and object2.unverwundbarende=0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if

        end if
    end with
end sub
sub Feuerballaua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TFeuerball)
    dim as double x11,x21,y11,y21,x12,x22,y12,y22
    with object1
        select case .direction
            case 1: x11=.x+.xplus:x21=.x+.width-.xminus
            case 0: x11=.x+.xminus:x21=.x+.width-.xplus
        end select
        with object2
        end with
        'locate 3,1:?fix(x11),fix(x21),fix(x12),fix(x22)
        if .height>object2.size then
            if (object2.y<=.y and object2.y >= .y-.height) or (object2.y-object2.size<=.y and object2.y-object2.size>= .y-.height) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if
            if (.y<=object2.y and .y >= object2.y-object2.size) or (.y-.height<=object2.y and .y-.height >= object2.y-object2.size) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if

        end if
    end with
end sub

sub vogelaua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TVogel)
    dim as TPhysics temp
    with temp
    end with
    aua object1,temp
end sub

sub UpDownAua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TUpDown)
    dim as TPhysics temp
    with temp
    end with
    aua object1,temp
end sub

sub schlagtest (byref object1 as TPhysics, byref object2 as TPhysics)
    dim as double x11,x21,y11,y21,x12,x22,y12,y22
    with object1
        select case .direction
            case 1: x11=.x:x21=.x+.width
            case 0: x11=.x:x21=.x+.width
        end select
        with object2
            select case .direction
                case 0: x12=.x:x22=.x+.width
                case 1: x12=.x:x22=.x+.width
            end select
        end with
        'locate 3,1:?fix(x11),fix(x21),fix(x12),fix(x22)
        if (.direction=1 and x21<x22) or (.direction=0 and x11>y12) then
            if .height>object2.height then
                if (object2.y<=.y and object2.y >= .y-.height) or (object2.y-object2.height<=.y and object2.y-object2.height>= .y-.height) then
                    if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                        if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                        if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
                if (.y<=object2.y and .y >= object2.y-object2.height) or (.y-.height<=object2.y and .y-.height >= object2.y-object2.height) then
                    if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                        if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                        if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                    end if
                end if

            end if
        end if

    end with
end sub

'--------die vielversprechende, aber nicht funzende-----------
'--------allerdings ne ältere version, da fedora meine datenpartition nich mounten will...
declare sub xstop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub ystop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub collisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)
declare sub aua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TPhysics)
declare sub schlagtest (byref object1 as TPhysics, byref object2 as TPhysics)
dim shared as integer bx,by
sub collisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)
    dim as byte rstop,lstop,ustop,dstop
    with object

        dim as double dx,dy,xcnt,ycnt,xtemp,ytemp
        dx=fix(.x)-fix(.xalt) '.width-1
        dy=fix(.y)-fix(.yalt) '.height-1
        'logge str(dx)+"||"+str(dy)
        if dx<>0 and dy <> 0 then
            if abs(dx)>abs(dy) then
                logge "dx>dy"
                for xcnt=0 to dx step sgn(dx)
                    if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then
                        if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then .vx=0:.ax=0':.x=.x-sgn(dx)
                        if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then .vy=0:.ay=0':.y=.y-sgn(dy)
                        exit for
                    end if
                logge "dy>dx"
                for ycnt=0 to dy step sgn(dy)
                    if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then
                        if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then object.vx=0:object.ax=0':.x=.x-sgn(dx)
                        logge str(bx)+"|"+str(by)
                        if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then object.vy=0:object.ay=0':.y=.y-sgn(dy)
                        exit for
                    end if
            end if
            if dx=0 and dy <>0 then
                logge "dx=0"
                for ycnt=0 to dy step sgn (dy)
                    if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then

                        exit for
                    end if
                if dx<>0 and dy=0 then
                    logge "dy=0"
                    for xcnt=0 to dx step sgn (dx)
                        if block (bx,by) or block (bx+1,by) or block (bx,by-1) or block(bx+1,by-1) then
                            exit for
                        end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if .ay=0 then
            if block(bx,by+1)=0 and block (bx+1,by+1)=0 then .ay=gravity
        end if

    end with
end sub

sub xstop (byref object as TPhysics)
    with object
        if (Block(bx+1,by) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by-1)=-1) then

            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx else .vx=0
        end if
        if (Block(bx,by) =-1 or Block (bx,by-1)=-1)  then
            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx else .vx=0
        end if
    end with

end sub

sub flachxstop (byref object as TPhysics)
    with object
        if Block(bx+1,by) =-1 then
            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx:.vxvorher=.vx else .vx=0
        end if
        if Block(bx,by) =-1 then
            if .stupid then .vx=-.vx:.vxvorher=.vx else .vx=0
        end if
    end with

end sub

sub ystop (byref object as TPhysics)
        with object
            if (Block(bx,by-1) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by-1)=-1) and .vy<0 then
            end if
            if (Block(bx,by) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by)=-1) and .vy>0 then
            end if
        end with

end sub
sub flachcollisionstop (byref object as TPhysics)

        with object
        if .vx<>0 then
            flachxstop object
        elseif bx=.obx and by<>.oby then
            ystop object
        end if

        if .ay=0 then
            if block(bx,by+1)=0 and block (bx+1,by+1)=0 then .ay=gravity:.vxvorher=.vx:.vx=0 else .vx=.vxvorher
        end if

    end with
end sub

sub aua (byref object1 as TPhysics,byref object2 as TPhysics)
    dim as double x11,x21,y11,y21,x12,x22,y12,y22
    with object1
        select case .direction
            case 0: x11=.x+.xplus:x21=.x+.width-.xminus
            case 1: x11=.x+.xminus:x21=.x+.width-.xplus
        end select
        with object2
            select case .direction
                case 0: x12=.x+.xplus:x22=.x+.width-.xminus
                case 1: x12=.x+.xminus:x22=.x+.width-.xplus
            end select
        end with
        'locate 3,1:?fix(x11),fix(x21),fix(x12),fix(x22)
        if .height>object2.height then
            if (object2.y<=.y and object2.y >= .y-.height) or (object2.y-object2.height<=.y and object2.y-object2.height>= .y-.height) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if
            if (.y<=object2.y and .y >= object2.y-object2.height) or (.y-.height<=object2.y and .y-.height >= object2.y-object2.height) then
                if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                    if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                    if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                        if .unverwundbarende =0 then .unverwundbarende=timer+.unverwundbartime: .energy-=1
                    end if
                end if
            end if

        end if
    end with
end sub

sub schlagtest (byref object1 as TPhysics, byref object2 as TPhysics)
    dim as double x11,x21,y11,y21,x12,x22,y12,y22
    with object1
        select case .direction
            case 0: x11=.x+.xplus:x21=.x+.width
            case 1: x11=.x:x21=.x+.width-.xplus
        end select
        with object2
            select case .direction
                case 0: x12=.x+.xplus:x22=.x+.width-.xminus
                case 1: x12=.x+.xminus:x22=.x+.width-.xplus
            end select
        end with
        'locate 3,1:?fix(x11),fix(x21),fix(x12),fix(x22)
        if (.direction=0 and x21<x22) or (.direction=1 and x11>y12) then
            if .height>object2.height then
                if (object2.y<=.y and object2.y >= .y-.height) or (object2.y-object2.height<=.y and object2.y-object2.height>= .y-.height) then
                    if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                        if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                        if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
                if (.y<=object2.y and .y >= object2.y-object2.height) or (.y-.height<=object2.y and .y-.height >= object2.y-object2.height) then
                    if x11+x21>x12+x22 then
                        if (x12>x11 and x12<x21) or (x22>x11 and x22<x21) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                        if (x11>x12 and x11<x22) or (x21>x12 and x21<x22) then
                            if object2.unverwundbarende =0 then object2.unverwundbarende=timer+object2.unverwundbartime: object2.energy-=1
                        end if
                    end if
                end if

            end if
        end if

    end with
end sub