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2D.bi (Windows)

Datum/Zeit:08.06.2011 21:42:24

#include once "fbgfx.bi"

#include once "GL/gl.bi"

#ifdef Render_OpenGL

namespace ogl

dim shared as integer CORS(255)

dim shared as any ptr BUFFER

dim shared as integer TEXTURE,SCRX,SCRY,BPP

dim shared as double OFX,OFY,UPTIME

dim shared as integer FRAMESKIP=0

sub CallScreen( WID as integer,HEI as integer, BPP as integer,PAGS as integer,FLAGS as integer )


  WindowTitle("X- the forgotten battles")

end sub

' ***** Make a integer multiple of a power of 2 ****

#macro ogl_MulBits( MultipleBits, MyIntVar )


  mov eax,[MyIntVar]

  dec eax

  shr eax,(MultipleBits)

  inc eax

  shl eax,(MultipleBits)

  mov [MyIntVar],eax

end asm


' ***** Raise a integer to a power of 2 *****

#macro ogl_Power2( MyIntNumber )


  mov eax,[MyIntNumber]

  dec eax

  bsr ecx,eax

  inc ecx

  mov eax,0xFFFF0000

  rol eax,cl

  and eax,0xFFFF

  inc eax

  mov [MyIntNumber],eax

end asm


end namespace

#undef screenres

sub screenres( WID as integer=-1, HEI as integer=-1, BPP as integer=32, PAGS as integer=1, FLAGS as integer=0 )

  dim as integer TEXX,TEYY

  dim as any ptr TMP

  dim as integer SCX,SCY


  if WID=-1 then WID=SCX

  if HEI=-1 then HEI=SCY

  if WID>=SCX or HEI>=SCY then FLAGS or= fb.gfx_fullscreen


  if BPP <> 8 and BPP <> 32 and BPP <> 32 then BPP = 32

  if BPP = 8 then exit sub

  ogl_Mulbits( 3, WID)

  ogl_Mulbits( 3, HEI)

  ogl.SCRX = WID:ogl.SCRY = HEI







  ogl.callscreen WID,HEI,BPP,PAGS,fb.GFX_OPENGL or FLAGS


  glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)  'Select The Projection Matrix

  glLoadIdentity()             'Reset The Projection Matrix

  glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)   'Select The Modelview Matrix

  glLoadIdentity()             'Reset The Projection Matrix

  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)      'Texture Mapping

  glGenTextures 1, @ogl.TEXTURE


  glClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f)



  glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, ogl.TEXTURE



  if BPP = 8 then BPP=32

  TMP = ImageCreate(TEXX,TEYY,0,BPP)

  if BPP = 32 then




  end if

  if ogl.bpp = 8 then

    ogl.BUFFER = TMP



  end if

  color ,rgba(0,0,0,0)


end sub

#undef screensync

sub screenSync()



  dim BT as double,TMP as any ptr, BUFSZ as integer

  static as integer FS


  glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, ogl.TEXTURE

  FS += 1

  if FS > OGL.FRAMESKIP then FS=0

  if FS=0 then

  if ogl.BPP = 32 then


  elseif ogl.BPP = 16 then



    for BUFSZ = 0 to 255

      'ogl.CORS(BUFSZ) = rgba(64,0,BUFSZ,0)

      Palette Get BUFSZ,ogl.CORS(BUFSZ)

    next BUFSZ

    TMP = screenptr

    BUFSZ = ogl.SCRX*ogl.SCRY


      mov esi,[TMP]

      mov edi,[ogl.BUFFER]

      add edi,sizeof(fb.image)

      mov edx,offset ogl.CORS

      mov ecx,[BUFSZ]

      xor eax,eax



      mov ebx,[EDX+EAX*4]

      mov [edi],ebx

      add edi,4

      dec ecx

      jnz _8TO32_NEXTPIXEL_

    end asm


  end if

  end if




  glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION)

  glPushMatrix ()

  glLoadIdentity ()

  glOrtho (-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1)





  glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW)

  glLoadIdentity ()


  glTexCoord2f(ogl.OFX, ogl.OFY):glVertex3f(1,-1,0)

  glTexCoord2f(0, ogl.OFY):glVertex3f(-1,-1,0)


  glTexCoord2f(ogl.OFX, 0):glVertex3f(1,1,0)










end sub


namespace ogl

dim shared as double UPTIME

dim shared as integer FRAMESKIP=0

end namespace
