Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Simple GUI



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The download provides a small source code library for a simple GUI to be used on a FreeBasic graphics window. The following controls are implemented:
- Label
-TextBox (styles: string, password, numeric)
- Button (normal, checkbox, radiobutton)
- Listbox
- DataGrid (editable)
- Trackbar (horizontal and vertical)
- Progressbar
- Panel (subwindow)
- Frame
- Inputbox
- Messagebox.
The purpose is to enable a very easy coding with a simple event loop for small projects. An example can be found on the project site: Simple GUI.

The project was inspired by some code examples of BasicCoder2 and dodicat on the english forum and is introduced here: Externer Link!http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23202. Please report any questions or problems to this site or to the german FreeBasic forum.

If you you are interested in something like this GUI for the console window as well, you may have a look at this file: TUI für Konsole oder Grafik (simpler listbox, no data grid). Code and use of this include file is very similiar to the GUI.

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