Dateiverschlüsselung mit XTEA
Lizenz: | Erster Autor: | Letzte Bearbeitung: |
k. A. | Neo7530 | 07.11.2012 |
Das ist ein kleines Programm, womit man Dateien jeglicher Art im XTEA-CBC-Mode verschlüsseln kann. Das 128-Bit-Password wird als MD5 gehasht. Codierte Dateien enden auf ".tea", das Programm erkennt auch an dieser Extension, dass die Datei bereits verschlüsselt ist, und geht in den Decoder-Modus, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.
Viel Spass damit.
'##### last modified: 2011-12-21 ######## added password-check ###########
Declare sub enc (a As UInteger, b As UInteger, round As UInteger)
Declare sub dec (a As UInteger, b As UInteger, round As UInteger)
Declare Sub passwd
Declare Sub getblock
Declare Sub putblock
Declare Sub cbc
Declare Sub iv_gen
Declare Sub iv_get
Declare Sub final_e
Declare Sub final_d
Declare Sub passgen
Declare Sub passcheck
Dim Shared As UInteger text(0 To 1), ki(0 To 3), cbct(0 To 1) ,s, cbct_n(0 To 1), pc
Dim Shared As UByte pb(0 To 7)
#Include "md5.bas"
Open Command(1) For Binary Access Read As #1
If Mid(Command(1),Len(Command(1))-3,4) = ".tea" Then
s = 1
Open Command(1) + ".tea" For Binary Access write As #2: s = 0
If s=0 Then 'encrypt
If s=1 Then 'decrypt
Open Mid(Command(1),1,Len(Command(1))-4) For Binary Access write As #2
Do Until Eof(1)
pc = Lof(1) - Loc(1)
If pc < 8 And s = 0 Then final_e Else getblock 'if text-block < 64bit => padding
If s=0 Then 'encrypt
text(0) Xor= cbct(0) : text(1) Xor= cbct(1) ' Plaintext XOR IV (or last Crypttext-Block)
enc (text(0),text(1),31) 'encrypt
cbct(0) = text(0) : cbct(1) = text(1) 'Crypttext = next IV (CBC)
putblock 'Write block to file
If LOC(1) = Lof(1) Then pc = 0 : final_e 'add last Padding-block
If s=1 Then 'decrypt
cbct(0) = cbct_n(0): cbct(1) = cbct_n(1) 'get next cbc-block from last-round
cbct_n(0) = text(0): cbct_n(1) = text(1) 'next round cbc-block = ciphertext
dec (text(0),text(1),31) 'decrypt
text(0) Xor= cbct(0): text(1) Xor= cbct(1) 'text XOR cbc-block
If pc = 8 Then final_d 'reverse-padding
putblock 'write Plaintext to file
? "ready..."
Sub passgen
text(0) = &h56881ade
text(1) = &h5b621734
text(0) Xor= cbct(0) : text(1) Xor= cbct(1)
enc (text(0),text(1),31)
cbct(0) = text(0) : cbct(1) = text(1) 'Crypttext = next IV (CBC)
putblock 'Write block to file
End Sub
Sub passcheck
cbct(0) = cbct_n(0): cbct(1) = cbct_n(1) 'get next cbc-block from last-round
cbct_n(0) = text(0): cbct_n(1) = text(1) 'next round cbc-block = ciphertext
dec (text(0),text(1),31) 'decrypt
text(0) Xor= cbct(0): text(1) Xor= cbct(1) 'text XOR cbc-block
If (text(0) Xor text(1)) = &h0dea0dea Then
Exit Sub
Else ? "Wrong Password!!!" : Sleep : End
End Sub
Sub final_e
getblock 'get Plaintext
text(1) Or= (8-pc) Shl 24 'add padding-length
' ? Hex(text(0),8);Hex(text(1),8)
text(0) Xor= cbct(0) : text(1) Xor= cbct(1) 'CBC
enc (text(0),text(1),31) 'crypt
putblock 'write to file
Close #1, #2
? "ready...."
End Sub
Sub final_d
For i As Integer = 0 To 1 'integer to byte-splitting
pb(i*4) = text(i) And &hFF
pb(i*4+1) Or= text(i) Shr 8
pb(i*4+2) Or= text(i) Shr 16
pb(i*4+3) Or= text(i) Shr 24
For i As Integer = 0 To 7-pb(7)
Put #2, ,pb(i) 'put byte-by-byte exept padding bytes
Close #1,#2
? "ready...": End
End Sub
Sub iv_gen
Randomize (-1,0)
For i As Integer = 0 To 1
cbct(i) = Int(rnd(1)*&hFFFF) Shl 16 + Int(rnd(1)*&hFFFF)
Put #2, , cbct(0)
Put #2, , cbct(1)
End Sub
Sub iv_get
Get #1, , cbct_n(0)
Get #1, , cbct_n(1)
End Sub
Sub passwd:
If Command$(2) ="" Then
Dim As String test, x
? "password: ";
x = InKey$: IF x = CHR$(13) THEN EXIT DO 'Exit with Enter Key
If x <> "" THEN test = test + x: PRINT "*";
Dim As String result = createHash(test)
Dim As String result = createFileHash(Command$(2))
End If
For i As Integer = 0 TO 3
ki(i) = (ki(i) + lpszMD5(i*4)) Shl 24 + lpszMD5(i*4+1) Shl 16 + lpszMD5(i*4+2) Shl 8 + lpszMD5(i*4+3)
End Sub
Sub getblock
Get #1, , text(0)
Get #1, , text(1)
End Sub
Sub putblock
Put #2, , text(0)
Put #2, , text(1)
End Sub
Sub enc (a As UInteger, b As UInteger, round As UInteger)
Dim As UInteger i, v0, v1, sum, delta
v0=a: v1=b: sum=0: delta=&h9E3779B9
for i = 0 To round
v0 += ((((v1 Shl 4) xor (v1 Shr 5)) + v1) Xor (sum + ki(sum And 3)))
sum = sum + delta
v1 += ((((v0 Shl 4) xor (v0 Shr 5)) + v0) Xor (sum + ki((sum Shr 11) And 3)))
text(0) = v0: text(1)=v1
End sub
Sub dec (a As UInteger, b As UInteger, round As Uinteger)
Dim As UInteger i, v0, v1, delta, sum
v0=a: v1=b: delta=&h9E3779B9
sum = (round+1)* delta
for i = 0 To round
v1 -= ((((v0 Shl 4) xor (v0 Shr 5)) + v0) Xor (sum + ki((sum Shr 11) And 3)))
sum -= delta
v0 -= ((((v1 Shl 4) xor (v1 Shr 5)) + v1) Xor (sum + ki(sum And 3)))
text(0) = v0: text(1)=v1
End sub
Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen |
- Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 07.11.2012 von Neo7530 angelegt.
- Die aktuellste Version wurde am 07.11.2012 von Neo7530 gespeichert.