[Linux] Systeminformationen
Lizenz: | Erster Autor: | Letzte Bearbeitung: |
k. A. | Mao | 03.01.2008 |
Dieser Code zeigt Systeminformationen, wie die Uptime, die Speicherauslastung, etc. auf Linux-Systemen an.
Type sysinfo
uptime As Long
loads(2) As ULong
totalram As ULong
freeram As ULong
sharedram As ULong
bufferram As ULong
totalswap As ULong
freeswap As ULong
procs As UShort
f(22) As UByte
End Type
Declare Function Info CDecl Alias "sysinfo" (ByRef Return As sysinfo) As Integer
Dim MySysInfo As sysinfo
info mysysinfo
With mysysinfo
Print "Laeuft seit :";.uptime
Print "Speicher :"; .totalram
Print "Frei :";.freeram
Print "Shared :"; .sharedram
Print "Buffered :";.bufferram
Print "Swap :";.totalswap
Print "Frei :";.freeswap
Print "Prozesse :";.procs
End With
Quelle: fb@rchiv
Autor: Benjamin Kunz
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