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Code-Beispiele » Maus und Tastatur


Lizenz:Erster Autor:Letzte Bearbeitung:
k. A.RedakteurMOD 03.03.2012

Der Code wurde von Externer Link!coderJeff erstellt und stellt ein umfassendes Beispiel zur Nutzung eines Joysticks/Gamepads mit FreeBASIC dar.

'' Joystick Diagnostic Program
'' Aug/2007 - coderJeff
'' Compile with fb 0.17 or higher
'' on dos/linux/win32

#include "vbcompat.bi"

declare function main() as integer

dim shared img_axis as any ptr
dim shared img_dot  as any ptr
dim shared img_btn0 as any ptr
dim shared img_btn1 as any ptr

  end main()

function FormatSng( byval x as single ) as string

  return Format(x, "0.00")

end function

sub RoundBox _
  ( _
    byval img as any ptr, _
    byval x as integer, _
    byval y as integer, _
    byval w as integer, _
    byval h as integer, _
    byval r as integer, _
    byval c as integer _

  circle img, ( x + r    , y + r         ), r, c, , , , f
  circle img, ( x + r    , y + h - r - 1 ), r, c, , , , f
  circle img, ( x + w - r - 1, y + r     ), r, c, , , , f
  circle img, ( x + w - r - 1, y + h - r - 1 ), r, c, , , , f

  line img, ( x, y + r ) - ( x + w - 1, y + h - r ), c, bf
  line img, ( x + r, y ) - ( x + w - r, y + h - 1 ), c, bf

end sub

sub gfx_init()

  img_axis = ImageCreate( 128, 128, 0 )
  RoundBox img_axis, 0,0,128,128,8,15
  RoundBox img_axis, 4,4,120,120,4,1

  line img_axis, ( 8, 64 ) - ( 120, 64 ), 7, , &h77777777
  line img_axis, ( 64, 8 ) - ( 64, 120 ), 7, , &h77777777

  img_dot = ImageCreate( 16, 16, 0 )
  circle img_dot, ( 8, 8 ), 7, 14, , , , f
  circle img_dot, ( 8, 8 ), 7, 15

  img_btn0 = ImageCreate( 32, 32, 0 )
  RoundBox img_btn0, 0,0,32,32,6,15
  RoundBox img_btn0, 3,3,26,26,2,1

  img_btn1 = ImageCreate( 32, 32, 0 )
  RoundBox img_btn1, 0,0,32,32,6,15
  RoundBox img_btn1, 3,3,26,26,2,14

end sub

sub gfx_shut()

  deallocate img_axis
  deallocate img_dot
  deallocate img_btn0
  deallocate img_btn1

end sub

sub DrawAxis _
  ( _
    byval title as zstring ptr, _
    byval xpos as single, _
    byval ypos as single, _
    byval x as single, _
    byval y as single _

  dim t as string

  put( xpos, ypos ), img_axis, pset

  put( _
    xpos + 64 + x * 50 - 8, _
    ypos + 64 + y * 50 - 8), _
    img_dot, trans

  Draw String ( xpos + 128 + 3, ypos + 64 - 4 ), FormatSng( x ), 15

  t = FormatSng( y )
  Draw String ( xpos + 64 - len(t) * 4, ypos - 10 ), t, 15

  Draw String ( xpos + 64 - len(*title) * 4, ypos - 20), *title, 14

end sub

sub DrawButton _
  ( _
    byval id as integer, _
    byval xpos as integer, _
    byval ypos as integer, _
    byval state as integer _

  if( state ) then
    put ( xpos, ypos ), img_btn1, pset
    draw string (xpos + 6, ypos + 6), ltrim(str(id)), 1
    put ( xpos, ypos ), img_btn0, pset
    draw string (xpos + 6, ypos + 6), ltrim(str(id)), 15
  end if

end sub

function main() as integer

  dim page as integer = 0
  dim as integer id, b, i, c
  dim as single x,y,z,r,u,v,d,f
  dim as string k

  screenres 640,480,8,2


  screenset page, page xor 1

  id = 0

  while multikey(1) = 0

    getjoystick id,b,x,y,z,r,u,v,d,f

    k = inkey
    if( len(k) > 0 ) then

      if( k = "+" or k = "=" ) then
        id += 1
        id mod= 16

      elseif( k = "-" ) then
        id += 15
        id mod= 16

      end if

    end if


    Draw String ( 240, 8 * 1 ), "Joystick Test program"

    Draw String ( 240, 8 * 3 ), "Press ESCAPE to quit", 14

    Draw String ( 240, 8 * 5 ), "Press (+) or (-) to select controller ID", 14

    Draw String ( 240, 8 * 8 ), "Current Controller ID: " + str( id ), 10

    DrawAxis "Axis 1 and 2", 20, 50, x, y
    DrawAxis "Axis 3 and 4", 20, 220, z, r
    DrawAxis "Axis 5 and 6", 230, 220, u, v
    DrawAxis "Axis 7 and 8", 440, 220, d, f

    c = 1
    for i = 0 to 31

      DrawButton i + 1, _
        (i mod 16) * 40 + 4, _
        400 + (i \ 16) * 40, _
        (( b and c ) <> 0 )

      c shl= 1

    next i

    page xor= 1
    screenset page, page xor 1

    sleep 25



  return 0

end function

Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen
  • Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 03.03.2012 von RedakteurMOD angelegt.
  • Die aktuellste Version wurde am 03.03.2012 von RedakteurMOD gespeichert.
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