Glue und Split Funktionen
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k. A. | Sannaj | 19.05.2012 |
Die hier vorgestellten Funktionen glue ("klebe"), crop ("stutze") und split("spalte") ermöglichen es dem Programmierer, zwei Integer zu einem Großen zusammen zu schweißen und wieder zu trennen. Dies ist nützlich, wenn man eine Funktion bauen möchte, die zwei Werte zurückgibt. (Z.B. einen Wert und einen Fehlercode). Innerhalb der Funktion werden beide Werte zusammengeschweißt, sodass sie anschließend aufgespaltet werden können.
Es gibt folgende Funktionen:
c = glue(a, b) - "Klebt" zwei gleich große Integer-Variablen zu einer doppelt so großen zusammen. (a ist der high-part, b der low-part)
b = crop(a, c) - Schreibt den high-part von c in die Variable a und gibt den low-part zurück.
a = crop(b, c) - Schreibt den low-part von c in die Variable b und gibt den high-part zurück.
' Glue and Split operators
' These operators could be useful if you want to return e.g. two informations from a function.
' You can glue them together within the function and then split them afterwards.
' 1. glue - Sticks together two datas
' 2. crop - Removes the high-part and returns the lower one
' 3. split - Removes the low-part and returns the higher one
declare function glue overload(uppB as byte, downB as byte) as short
declare function glue(uppS as short, downS as short) as integer
declare function glue(uppI as integer, downI as integer) as longint
declare function crop overload(byref uppB as byte, boxS as short) as byte
declare function crop(byref uppS as short, boxI as integer) as short
declare function crop(byref uppI as integer, boxLS as longint) as integer
declare function split overload(byref downB as byte, boxS as short) as byte
declare function split(byref downS as short, boxI as integer) as short
declare function split(byref downI as integer, boxLS as longint) as integer
function glue(uppB as byte, downB as byte) as short
return cast(short, uppB) shl 8 or cast(ushort, downB)
end function
function glue(uppS as short, downS as short) as integer
return cast(integer, uppS) shl 16 or cast(uinteger, downS)
end function
function glue(uppI as integer, downI as integer) as longint
return cast(longint, uppI) shl 32 or cast(uinteger, downI)
end function
dim as integer a = &h01234567, b = &h89abcdef
dim as longint c = &hBADC0FFEE0DDF00D
print hex(glue(b, a),16)
function crop(byref uppB as byte, boxS as short) as byte
:function = cast(byte, boxS)
uppB = cast(byte, boxS shr 8)
end function
function crop(byref uppS as short, boxI as integer) as short
:function = cast(short, boxI)
uppS = cast(short, boxI shr 16)
end function
function crop(byref uppI as integer, boxLS as longint) as integer
:function = cast(integer, boxLS)
uppI = cast(integer, boxLS shr 32)
end function
function split(byref downB as byte, boxS as short) as byte
downB = cast(byte, boxS)
return cast(byte, boxS shr 8)
end function
function split(byref downS as short, boxI as integer) as short
downS = cast(short, boxI)
return cast(short, boxI shr 16)
end function
function split(byref downI as integer, boxLS as longint) as integer
downI = cast(integer, boxLS)
return cast(integer, boxLS shr 32)
end function
Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen |
- Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 15.01.2012 von Sannaj angelegt.
- Die aktuellste Version wurde am 19.05.2012 von ytwinky gespeichert.