Code-Beispiel für Win + Linux
Die hier vorgestellte Bibliothek stellt - per #Include eingebunden - 5 Funktionen zur Verfügung:
* bipOpen(ProgrammName, [showmode] ) - Öffnet das (Konsolen-)programm ProgrammName und richtet zwei unidirektionale Pipes zur Kommunikation ein. Der optionale Parameter showmode legt die Erscheinungsweise des aufgerufenen Programms fest. Mögliche Parameter siehe hier. Default ist SW_NORMAL. Der Rückgabewert ist ein Pointer auf das entsprechende HANDLE - Array (HandlePointer).
* bipClose(HandlePointer) - Beendet das Programm, schließt die Pipes, löscht die Handles, gibt den Speicher frei und setzt den HandlePointer auf 0.
* bipWrite(HandlePointer, text, ["b"]) - Sendet einen String zur Standardeingabe des geöffneten Programms. Wird der optionale Parameter "b" (für binary) gesetzt, wird der String unverändert gesendet, ansonsten wird noch ein Chr(13,10) angehängt.
* bipRead(HandlePointer, [timeout]) - Liest die Standardausgabe des Programms. Default für timeout ist 100ms.
* bipReadLine(HandlePointer, [separator], [timeout]) - Liest eine Zeile vom gestarteten Programm, analog zum "Line Input" - Befehl. Der optionale Parameter separator ist entweder ein "a" (für any), gefolgt von einer Liste von Zeichen, von denen jedes die Zeile beendet, oder ein "e" (für exact), gefolgt von einem oder mehreren Zeichen, das den Separator darstellt. Default ist "a" & Chr(13,10). Default für timeout ist 100ms.
Die Linux - Routinen wurden von darkinsanity geschrieben, ebenso die Konvertierung des ursprünglichen Codes zum Objekt.
This library provides - embedded by #Include - 5 functions:
* bipOpen(ProgramName, [showmode] ) - Opens the (console-)program ProgramName and establishes two uni-directional pipes for communication. The optional parameter showmode determines the specification how the window of the opened program is shown. Default is SW_NORMAL. The return value is a pointer to the according HANDLE - Array (HandlePointer).
* bipClose(HandlePointer) - Terminates the program, closes the pipes, deletes the handles, deallocates the memory and sets the HandlePointer to 0.
* bipWrite(HandlePointer, text, ["b"]) - Sends a string to the standard input of the opened program. With the optional parameter "b" (for binary) set, the string is transmitted unchanged, otherwise a Chr(13,10) is attached.
* bipRead(HandlePointer, [timeout]) - Reads the standard output of the program. The default for timeout is 100ms.
* bipReadLine(HandlePointer, [separator], [timeout]) - Reads a line from the opened program, analogue to the "Line Input" - statement. The optional parameter is either an "a" (for any), followed by a list of characters which any of them terminates the line, or an "e" (for exact), followed by one or multiple characters defining the separator. Default it "a" & Chr(13,10). The default for timeout is 100ms.
The Linux - routines were written by darkinsanity, as well as the conversion of the initially code to an objekt.
#If Defined(__FB_WIN32__)
#Include Once ""
#ElseIf Defined(__FB_LINUX__)
#Include Once "crt/linux/"
Declare Function ioctl Alias "ioctl" (fd As Integer, request As ULong, ...) As Integer
#define FIONREAD &h541B
Type BiPipe
#If Defined(__FB_WIN32__)
hProcessHandle As HANDLE
hWritePipe As HANDLE
hReadPipe As HANDLE
#ElseIf Defined(__FB_LINUX__)
pipeStdin As Long
pipeStdout As Long
Declare Constructor (prgName As String,showmode As Short = SW_NORMAL)
Declare Destructor ()
Declare Function write (text As String) As Integer
Declare Function Read (timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
Declare Function readLine (separator As String = "a" & Chr(13,10), timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
End Type
#If Defined(__FB_WIN32__)
Constructor BiPipe (prgName As String,showmode As Short = SW_NORMAL)
Dim As HANDLE hReadPipe, hWritePipe, hReadChildPipe, hWriteChildPipe
'set security attributes
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL 'use default descriptor
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE
'create one pipe for each direction
CreatePipe(@hReadChildPipe,@hWritePipe,@sa,0) 'parent to child
CreatePipe(@hReadPipe,@hWriteChildPipe,@sa,0) 'child to parent
si.wShowWindow = showmode 'appearance of child process window
si.hStdOutput = hWriteChildPipe
si.hStdError = hWriteChildPipe
si.hStdInput = hReadChildPipe
this.hProcessHandle = pi.hProcess 'handle to child process
this.hWritePipe = hWritePipe
this.hReadPipe = hReadPipe
End Constructor
Destructor BiPipe ()
TerminateProcess(hProcessHandle, 0)
End Destructor
Function BiPipe.write (text As String) As Integer
Dim bytesWritten As Integer
WriteFile(hWritePipe, StrPtr(text), Len(text), @bytesWritten, 0)
Return bytesWritten
End Function
Function (timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
'returns the whole pipe content until the pipe is empty or timeout occurs.
' timeout default is 100ms to prevent a deadlock
Dim As Integer iNumberOfBytesRead, iTotalBytesAvail, iBytesLeftThisMessage
Dim As String buffer, retText
Dim As Double tout = Timer + Cast(Double,timeout) / 1000
If iTotalBytesAvail Then
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
retText &= buffer
ElseIf Len(retText) Then
Exit Do
Loop Until Timer > tout
Return retText
End Function
Function BiPipe.readLine (separator As String = "a" & Chr(13,10), timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
'returns the pipe content till the first separator if any, or otherwise the whole pipe
' content on timeout. timeout default is 100ms to prevent a deadlock
Dim As Integer iNumberOfBytesRead, iTotalBytesAvail, iBytesLeftThisMessage, endPtr
Dim As String buffer, retText, mode
Dim As Double tout = Timer + Cast(Double,timeout) / 1000
mode = LCase(Left(separator,1))
separator = Mid(separator,2)
If iTotalBytesAvail Then
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
PeekNamedPipe(hReadPipe,StrPtr(buffer),Len(buffer),@iNumberOfBytesRead, _
@iTotalBytesAvail,@iBytesLeftThisMessage) 'copy pipe content to buffer
Select Case mode
Case "a" 'any
endPtr = InStr(buffer, Any separator) 'look for line end sign
Case "e" 'exact
endPtr = InStr(buffer, separator) 'look for line end sign
End Select
If endPtr Then 'return pipe content till line end
Select Case mode
Case "a"
Do While (InStr(separator,Chr(buffer[endPtr - 1]))) And (endPtr < Len(buffer))
endPtr += 1
endPtr -= 1
Case "e"
endPtr += Len(separator)
End Select
retText = Left(buffer,endPtr)
ReadFile(hReadPipe,StrPtr(buffer),endPtr,@iNumberOfBytesRead,0) 'remove read bytes from pipe
Select Case mode
Case "a"
Return RTrim(retText,Any separator) 'remove line end sign from returned string
Case "e"
Return Left(retText,Len(retText) - Len(separator))
End Select
Loop Until Timer > tout
If iTotalBytesAvail Then 'return all pipe content
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
Return buffer
Return ""
End Function
#ElseIf Defined(__FB_LINUX__)
Constructor BiPipe (prgName As String)
Dim pipeStdin(0 To 1) As Long
Dim pipeStdout(0 To 1) As Long
If fork() = 0 Then
dup2(pipeStdin(0), 0)
dup2(pipeStdout(1), 1)
execl(StrPtr("/bin/sh"), StrPtr("sh"), StrPtr("-c"), StrPtr(prgName), Cast(UByte Ptr, 0))
End If
this.pipeStdin = pipeStdin(1)
this.pipeStdout = pipeStdout(0)
End Constructor
Destructor BiPipe ()
End Destructor
Function BiPipe.write (text As String) As Integer
Return write_(pipeStdin, StrPtr(text), Len(text))
End Function
Function (timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
'returns the whole pipe content until the pipe is empty or timeout occurs.
' timeout default is 100ms to prevent a deadlock
Dim As Integer iNumberOfBytesRead, iTotalBytesAvail, iBytesLeftThisMessage
Dim As String buffer, retText
Dim As Double tout = Timer + Cast(Double,timeout) / 1000
ioctl(pipeStdout, FIONREAD, @iTotalBytesAvail)
If iTotalBytesAvail Then
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
read_(pipeStdout, StrPtr(buffer), Len(buffer))
retText &= buffer
ElseIf Len(retText) Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Timer > tout
Return retText
End Function
#If 0
Function BiPipe.readLine (separator As String = "a" & Chr(13,10), timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
'returns the pipe content till the first separator if any, or otherwise the whole pipe
' content on timeout. timeout default is 100ms to prevent a deadlock
Dim As Integer iNumberOfBytesRead, iTotalBytesAvail, iBytesLeftThisMessage, endPtr
Dim As String buffer, retText, mode
Dim As Double tout = Timer + Cast(Double,timeout) / 1000
mode = LCase(Left(separator,1))
separator = Mid(separator,2)
If iTotalBytesAvail Then
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
PeekNamedPipe(hReadPipe,StrPtr(buffer),Len(buffer),@iNumberOfBytesRead, _
@iTotalBytesAvail,@iBytesLeftThisMessage) 'copy pipe content to buffer
Select Case mode
Case "a" 'any
endPtr = InStr(buffer, Any separator) 'look for line end sign
Case "e" 'exact
endPtr = InStr(buffer, separator) 'look for line end sign
End Select
If endPtr Then 'return pipe content till line end
Select Case mode
Case "a"
Do While (InStr(separator,Chr(buffer[endPtr - 1]))) And (endPtr < Len(buffer))
endPtr += 1
endPtr -= 1
Case "e"
endPtr += Len(separator)
End Select
retText = Left(buffer,endPtr)
ReadFile(hReadPipe,StrPtr(buffer),endPtr,@iNumberOfBytesRead,0) 'remove read bytes from pipe
Select Case mode
Case "a"
Return RTrim(retText,Any separator) 'remove line end sign from returned string
Case "e"
Return Left(retText,Len(retText) - Len(separator))
End Select
Loop Until Timer > tout
If iTotalBytesAvail Then 'return all pipe content
buffer = String(iTotalBytesAvail,Chr(0))
Return buffer
Return ""
End Function
Function bipOpen(PrgName As String, showmode As Short = SW_NORMAL) As BiPipe Ptr
Return new BiPipe(PrgName,showmode)
End Function
Sub bipClose(ByRef handles As BiPipe Ptr)
delete handles
handles = 0
End Sub
Function bipWrite(handles As BiPipe Ptr, text As String) As Integer
Return handles->write(text)
End Function
Function bipRead(handles As BiPipe Ptr, timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
Return handles->read(timeout)
End Function
Function bipReadLine(handles As BiPipe Ptr, separator As String = "a" & Chr(13,10), timeout As UInteger = 100) As String
Return handles->readLine(separator,timeout)
End Function
Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen |
- Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 01.07.2015 von grindstone angelegt.
- Die aktuellste Version wurde am 06.10.2020 von nemored gespeichert.