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Code-Beispiele » Grafik und Fonts

Alle Pixel aus einem Image Pointer holen

Lizenz:Erster Autor:Letzte Bearbeitung:
GPLMitgliedjakidomi 06.12.2009


#Include "getpixel.bi"
#include "jpeg4fb.bas"

screen 18,32

dim as any ptr img
dim as pixel pix()
img= jpegget("miloan.jpg")

dim as uinteger w,h
dim as double ti,tig=timer
consprint"Generiere Pixel Liste"
consprint"Fertig - pixel: "+str(ubound(pix))
consprint str(abs(timer-ti))

consprint"Draw Pixels"
consprint"Fertig - pixel: "+str(ubound(pix))
consprint str(abs(timer-ti))
consprint str(abs(timer-tig))



#Include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "fonts.bi"
Using FB
type pixel
    r as ubyte
    g as ubyte
    b as ubyte
    a as ubyte
    f as uinteger
    declare sub i()
    declare constructor ()
end type
constructor pixel()
end constructor
sub pixel.i()
end sub
sub getAllPixel(pix() as pixel,img as any ptr)
    dim as uinteger u,t,w,h
    for y as integer=0 to h
        for x as integer=0 to w
            redim preserve pix(u)
            pix(u).r=getrot(t)' hole rot wert aus farbcode t
            pix(u).g=getgruen(t)' hole grün wert aus farbcode t
            pix(u).b=getblau(t)' hole blau wert aus farbcode t
            pix(u).a=getalpha(t)' hole alpha wert aus farbcode t
end sub
sub setAllPixel(pix() as pixel,img as any ptr)
    dim as uinteger u,t,w,h
    for y as integer=0 to h
        for x as integer=0 to w
            if u>ubound(pix) then exit for
            pset img,(x,y),pix(u).f
end sub
sub PutAllPixel(x as integer,y as integer,w as uinteger,h as uinteger,pix() as pixel)
    dim as uinteger u
    for yy as integer=0 to h
        if yy+y>scy then exit for
        for xx as integer=0 to w
            if u>ubound(pix) then exit for
            if xx+x>scx then u+=w-xx:exit for' consprint str(xx+x)+" - "+str(scx)+" - "+str(u)'exit for
            pset (x+xx,y+yy),pix(u).f
end sub

Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen
  • Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 06.12.2009 von Mitgliedjakidomi angelegt.
  • Die aktuellste Version wurde am 06.12.2009 von Mitgliedjakidomi gespeichert.
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