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Datum/Zeit:12.08.2009 07:47:38

'# LL_INT_LinkedList Version: 2.00.0 - 30.03.2009
'# Autor:   /_\ DeltaLab's Germany - Experimental Computing
'# Writer:  Martin Wiemann - Admin@MLN.ath.cx - IRC://MLN.ath.cx/#mln
'# Idea:    20:50:53 - 30.03.2009
'# This sourcecode is open source! Full or parts of this source CAN copy. Do what u want!

Enum LL_StoreFormat
    LL_SF_Unknown   = 0
    LL_SF_LL        = 1
    LL_SF_XML       = 2
End Enum
Enum LL_DataType
    LL_DT_Unknown   = 0
    LL_DT_LL        = 1
    LL_DT_String    = 2
    LL_DT_UInteger  = 3
    LL_DT_Integer   = 4
    LL_DT_AnyPtr    = 5
End Enum
Type LL_INT_LinkedList
    V_Next          as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
    V_Prev          as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
    V_Root          as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
    V_Parent        as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
    V_ChildF        as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
    V_ChildL        as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr

    V_DataType      as LL_DataType
    V_Data          as String
    V_DataX         as UInteger
End Type

#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Dim Shared LL_INT_Mutex                     as Any Ptr

    Sub LL_INT_Construct() Constructor
    LL_INT_Mutex = MutexCreate()
    End Sub

    Sub LL_INT_Destruct() Destructor
    LL_INT_Mutex = 0
    End Sub

Public Function LL_DatatypeName(V_Datatype as LL_DataType) as String
Select Case V_Datatype
    Case LL_DT_Unknown:     Return "[Unknown]"
    Case LL_DT_LL:          Return "LinkedList"
    Case LL_DT_String:      Return "String"
    Case LL_DT_UInteger:    Return "UInteger"
    Case LL_DT_Integer:     Return "Integer"
    Case LL_DT_AnyPtr:      Return "Any Ptr"
    Case Else:              Return "[Unknown Datatype]"
End Select
End Function

Private Function LL_INT_Item_Add(ByRef RV_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, ByRef RV_LL as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Parent as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Root as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
Dim C as UInteger
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = RV_LF
Dim NPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If V_Index > 0 Then
    Do Until TPtr = 0
        C += 1
        If C = V_Index Then Exit Do
        TPtr = TPtr->V_Next
    If TPtr <> 0 Then
        NPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
        NPtr->V_Next = TPtr
        NPtr->V_Prev = TPtr->V_Prev
        TPtr->V_Prev = NPtr
        If TPtr->V_Prev <> 0 Then TPtr->V_Prev->V_Next = NPtr
        Return NPtr
    End If
End If
If NPtr = 0 Then
    If RV_LL <> 0 Then
        RV_LL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
        RV_LL->V_Next->V_Prev = RV_LL
        RV_LL = RV_LL->V_Next
        RV_LL = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
        RV_LF = RV_LL
    End If
    NPtr = RV_LL
End If
With *NPtr
    .V_Parent   = V_Parent
    .V_Root     = V_Root
End With
Return NPtr
End Function

Private Function LL_INT_Item_Get(V_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Index as UInteger) as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If V_LF = 0 Then Return 0
If V_Index = 0 Then Return 0
Dim C as UInteger
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = V_LF
Do Until TPtr = 0
    C += 1
    If C = V_Index Then Exit Do
    TPtr = TPtr->V_Next
Return TPtr
End Function

Private Sub LL_INT_Item_Del(ByRef RV_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, ByRef RV_LL as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Index as UInteger)
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = LL_INT_Item_Get(RV_LF, V_Index)
If TPtr = 0 Then Exit Sub
With *TPtr
    If .V_Next <> 0 Then .V_Next->V_Prev = .V_Prev
    If .V_Prev <> 0 Then .V_Prev->V_Next = .V_Next
    If RV_LF = TPtr Then RV_LF = TPtr->V_Next
    If RV_LL = TPtr Then RV_LL = TPtr->V_Prev
End With
If TPtr->V_DataType = LL_DT_AnyPtr Then
    If Cast(Any Ptr, TPtr->V_DataX) <> 0 Then DeAllocate(Cast(Any Ptr, TPtr->V_DataX))
End If
End Sub

Private Sub LL_INT_Item_Clear(ByRef RV_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, ByRef RV_LL as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr)
Do Until RV_LF = 0
    RV_LL = RV_LF->V_Next
    LL_INT_Item_Clear(RV_LF->V_ChildF, RV_LF->V_ChildL)
    If RV_LF->V_DataType = LL_DT_AnyPtr Then
        If Cast(Any Ptr, RV_LF->V_DataX) <> 0 Then DeAllocate(Cast(Any Ptr, RV_LF->V_DataX))
    End If
    RV_LF = RV_LL
End Sub

Private Function LL_INT_Item_Count(V_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr) as UInteger
If V_LF = 0 Then Return 0
Dim C as UInteger
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = V_LF
Do Until TPtr = 0
    C += 1
    TPtr = TPtr->V_Next
Return C
End Function

Private Function LL_INT_Item_GetIndex(V_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_LC as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr) as UInteger
If V_LF = 0 Then Return 0
If V_LC = 0 Then Return 0
Dim C as UInteger
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = V_LF
Do Until TPtr = 0
    C += 1
    If TPtr = V_LC Then Return C
    TPtr = TPtr->V_Next
Return 0
End Function

Private Sub LL_INT_Item_TreePut(V_FNID as Integer, V_Format as LL_StoreFormat, V_WithSubTree as Byte, V_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_DeepStep as UInteger = 1)
If V_LF = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim TPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = V_LF
Dim T as String
Dim L as UInteger
Dim L2 as UInteger
Dim CSL as UInteger
Select Case V_Format
    Case LL_SF_LL
        Do Until TPtr = 0
            With *TPtr
                Print #V_FNID, Chr(.V_DataType and 255); Chr((.V_DataType shr 8) and 255); Chr((.V_DataType shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_DataType shr 24) and 255);
                Select Case .V_DataType
                    Case LL_DT_LL
                        LL_INT_Item_TreePut(V_FNID, V_Format, 1, Cast(LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, .V_DataX))

                    Case LL_DT_String
                        L2 = Len(.V_Data)
                        Print #V_FNID, Chr(L2 and 255); Chr((L2 shr 8) and 255); Chr((L2 shr 16) and 255); Chr((L2 shr 24) and 255);
                        Print #V_FNID, .V_Data;

                    Case LL_DT_UInteger, LL_DT_Integer
                        Print #V_FNID, Chr(.V_DataX and 255); Chr((.V_DataX shr 8) and 255); Chr((.V_DataX shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_DataX shr 24) and 255);

                End Select
                If V_WithSubTree = 1 Then
                    If .V_ChildF <> 0 Then
                        Print #V_FNID, Chr(255, 255, 255, 255);
                        LL_INT_Item_TreePut(V_FNID, V_Format, V_WithSubTree, .V_ChildF)
                    End If
                End If
            End With
            TPtr = TPtr->V_Next
        Print #V_FNID, Chr(0, 0, 0, 0);

    Case LL_SF_XML
        Do Until TPtr = 0
            With *TPtr
                Print #V_FNID, Space(V_DeepStep); "<ITEM>"
                Print #V_FNID, Space(V_DeepStep);" <TYPE>";
                Select Case .V_DataType
                    Case LL_DT_LL:          Print #V_FNID, "LL";
                    Case LL_DT_String:      Print #V_FNID, "String";
                    Case LL_DT_UInteger:    Print #V_FNID, "UInteger";
                    Case LL_DT_Integer:     Print #V_FNID, "Integer";
                    Case LL_DT_AnyPtr:      Print #V_FNID, "AnyPtr";
                End Select
                Print #V_FNID, "</TYPE>"
                Print #V_FNID, Space(V_DeepStep);" <DATA>";
                Select Case .V_DataType
                    Case LL_DT_LL:          LL_INT_Item_TreePut(V_FNID, V_Format, 1, Cast(LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, .V_DataX), V_DeepStep + 1)
                    Case LL_DT_String:      Print #V_FNID, .V_Data;
                    Case LL_DT_UInteger:    Print #V_FNID, Str(Cast(UInteger, .V_DataX));
                    Case LL_DT_Integer:     Print #V_FNID, Str(Cast(Integer, .V_DataX));
                    Case LL_DT_AnyPtr
                End Select
                Print #V_FNID, "</DATA>"
                If V_WithSubTree = 1 Then If .V_ChildF <> 0 Then LL_INT_Item_TreePut(V_FNID, V_Format, V_WithSubTree, .V_ChildF, V_DeepStep + 1)
                Print #V_FNID, Space(V_DeepStep);"</ITEM>"
            End With
            TPtr = TPtr->V_Next

End Select
End Sub

Private Sub LL_INT_Item_XMLDataParse(V_FNID as Integer, ByRef RV_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, ByRef RV_LL as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Parent as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Root as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_DataMax as UInteger, ByRef V_DataPos as UInteger = 1, ByRef V_Data as String = "")
End Sub

Private Function LL_INT_Item_LLDataParse(V_FNID as Integer, ByRef RV_LF as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, ByRef RV_LL as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Parent as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_Root as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr, V_DataMax as UInteger, ByRef V_DataPos as UInteger = 1, ByRef V_Data as String = "") as Integer
Dim T as String = Space(6000)
Dim XType as UInteger
Dim L2 as UInteger
Dim XRV as Integer
Dim XTV as UInteger = Cast(UInteger, -1)
    If Len(V_Data) < 4 Then
        If V_DataPos >= V_DataMax Then Exit Do
        If V_DataPos + 6000 > V_DataMax then T = Space(V_DataMax - V_DataPos + 1)
        Get #V_FNID, V_DataPos, T
        V_DataPos += Len(T)
        V_Data += T
    End If
    If Len(V_Data) < 4 Then Exit Do
    XType = V_Data[0] or (V_Data[1] shl 8) or(V_Data[2] shl 16) or (V_Data[3] shl 24)
    V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 5)
    Select Case XType
        Case 0
            Exit Do

        Case XTV
            XRV = LL_INT_Item_LLDataParse(V_FNID, RV_LL->V_ChildF, RV_LL->V_ChildL, RV_LF, V_Root, V_DataMax, V_DataPos, V_Data)
            If XRV <> 0 Then Return XRV

        Case LL_DT_LL

        Case LL_DT_String
            If Len(V_Data) < 4 Then Exit Select
            L2 = V_Data[0] or (V_Data[1] shl 8) or(V_Data[2] shl 16) or (V_Data[3] shl 24)
            If (Len(V_Data) - 4) < L2 Then
                V_Data = Chr(L2 and 255) & Chr((L2 shr 8) and 255) & Chr((L2 shr 16) and 255) & Chr((L2 shr 24) and 255) & V_Data
                Exit Select
            End If
            With *LL_INT_Item_Add(RV_LF, RV_LL, V_Parent, V_Root)
                .V_DataType = XType
                .V_Data     = Mid(V_Data, 5, L2)
            End With
            V_Data = Mid(V_Data, L2 + 5)

        Case LL_DT_UInteger, LL_DT_Integer
            If Len(V_Data) < 4 Then Exit Select
            L2 = V_Data[0] or (V_Data[1] shl 8) or(V_Data[2] shl 16) or (V_Data[3] shl 24)
            With *LL_INT_Item_Add(RV_LF, RV_LL, V_Parent, V_Root)
                .V_DataType = XType
                .V_DataX    = L2
            End With
            V_Data = Mid(V_Data, 5)

    End Select
Return 0
End Function


Type LinkedList
    LLPtr                                   as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr

    Declare Function    Item                (V_Index as UInteger) as LinkedList
    Declare Function    Index               () as UInteger
    Declare Function    DataType            () as LL_DataType
    Declare Function    Count               () as UInteger

    Declare Property    Text                () as String
    Declare Property    Text                (as String)
    Declare Property    UNum                () as UInteger
    Declare Property    UNum                (as UInteger)
    Declare Property    Num                 () as Integer
    Declare Property    Num                 (as Integer)
    Declare Property    AnyData             () as Any Ptr
    Declare Property    AnyData             (as Any Ptr)

    Declare Function    Add     Overload    (V_String as String, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
    Declare Function    Add     Overload    (V_UInteger as UInteger, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
    Declare Function    Add     Overload    (V_Integer as Integer, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
    Declare Function    Add     Overload    (V_AnyPtr as Any Ptr, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
    Declare Sub         Del                 (V_Index as UInteger)
    Declare Sub         Clear               ()

    Declare Function    SaveLL              (V_PathFile as String, V_WithSubTree as Byte = 1) as Integer
    Declare Function    LoadLL              (V_PathFile as String) as Integer
    Declare Function    SaveXML             (V_PathFile as String, V_WithSubTree as Byte = 1) as Integer
    Declare Function    LoadXML             (V_PathFile as String) as Integer
End Type

Private Function LinkedList.Item(V_Index as UInteger) as LinkedList
Dim TLL as LinkedList
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return TLL
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return TLL
Dim TLPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr = LL_INT_Item_Get(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, V_Index)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Return TLL
Return TLL
End Function

Private Property LinkedList.Text() as String
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return ""
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_String Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return ""
    Dim T as String = This.LLPtr->V_Data
    Return T
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_String Then Return ""
    Return This.LLPtr->V_Data
End Property
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Property LinkedList.Text(V_Value as String)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Property
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_String Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_Data = V_Value
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_String Then Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_Data = V_Value
End Property

Private Property LinkedList.UNum() as UInteger
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_UInteger Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim T as UInteger = This.LLPtr->V_DataX
    Return T
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_UInteger Then Return 0
    Return This.LLPtr->V_DataX
End Property
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Property LinkedList.UNum(V_Value as UInteger)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Property
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_UInteger Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = V_Value
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_UInteger Then Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = V_Value
End Property

Private Property LinkedList.Num() as Integer
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_Integer Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim T as Integer = Cast(Integer, This.LLPtr->V_DataX)
    Return T
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_Integer Then Return 0
    Return Cast(Integer, This.LLPtr->V_DataX)
End Property
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Property LinkedList.Num(V_Value as Integer)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Property
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_Integer Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_Value)
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_Integer Then Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_Value)
End Property

Private Property LinkedList.AnyData() as Any Ptr
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_AnyPtr Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim T as Any Ptr = Cast(Any Ptr, This.LLPtr->V_DataX)
    Return T
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_AnyPtr Then Return 0
    Return Cast(Any Ptr, This.LLPtr->V_DataX)
End Property
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Property LinkedList.AnyData(V_Value as Any Ptr)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Property
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_AnyPtr Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_Value)
    If This.LLPtr->V_DataType <> LL_DT_AnyPtr Then Exit Property
    This.LLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_Value)
End Property

Private Function LinkedList.Add Overload (V_String as String, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Dim TLL as LinkedList
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
Dim TLPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If This.LLPtr->V_Parent <> 0 Then
    TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr->V_Root, V_Index)
Else: TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr, V_Index)
End If
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If TLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return TLL
    If TLPtr = 0 Then Return TLL
TLPtr->V_DataType = LL_DT_String
TLPtr->V_Data = V_String
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return TLL
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.Add Overload (V_UInteger as UInteger, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Dim TLL as LinkedList
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
Dim TLPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If This.LLPtr->V_Parent <> 0 Then
    TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr->V_Root, V_Index)
Else: TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr, V_Index)
End If
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If TLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return TLL
    If TLPtr = 0 Then Return TLL
TLPtr->V_DataType = LL_DT_UInteger
TLPtr->V_DataX = V_UInteger
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return TLL
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.Add Overload (V_Integer as Integer, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Dim TLL as LinkedList
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
Dim TLPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If This.LLPtr->V_Parent <> 0 Then
    TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr->V_Root, V_Index)
Else: TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr, V_Index)
End If
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If TLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return TLL
    If TLPtr = 0 Then Return TLL
TLPtr->V_DataType = LL_DT_Integer
TLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_Integer)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return TLL
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.Add Overload (V_AnyPtr as Any Ptr, V_Index as UInteger = 0) as LinkedList
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Dim TLL as LinkedList
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
Dim TLPtr as LL_INT_LinkedList Ptr
If This.LLPtr->V_Parent <> 0 Then
    TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr->V_Root, V_Index)
Else: TLPtr = LL_INT_Item_Add(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, This.LLPtr, This.LLPtr, V_Index)
End If
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If TLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return TLL
    If TLPtr = 0 Then Return TLL
TLPtr->V_DataType = LL_DT_AnyPtr
TLPtr->V_DataX = Cast(UInteger, V_AnyPtr)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return TLL
End Function

Private Sub LinkedList.Del(V_Index as UInteger)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Sub
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Sub
LL_INT_Item_Del(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, V_Index)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
End Sub

Private Sub LinkedList.Clear()
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Sub
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Sub
LL_INT_Item_Clear(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
End Sub

Private Function LinkedList.Index() as UInteger
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    If This.LLPtr->V_Parent = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim C as UInteger = LL_INT_Item_GetIndex(This.LLPtr->V_Parent->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr)
    Return C
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
    If This.LLPtr->V_Parent = 0 Then Return 0
    Return LL_INT_Item_GetIndex(This.LLPtr->V_Parent->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr)
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.Count() as UInteger
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim C as UInteger = LL_INT_Item_Count(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF)
    Return C
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
    Return LL_INT_Item_Count(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF)
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.DataType() as LL_DataType
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    Dim C as LL_DataType = This.LLPtr->V_DataType
    Return C
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
    Return This.LLPtr->V_DataType
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.SaveXML(V_PathFile as String, V_WithSubTree as Byte = 1) as Integer
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
If dir(V_PathFile, -1) <> "" Then Kill V_PathFile
Dim XFNID as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_PathFile for Binary as #XFNID) <> 0 Then
    #IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Return 1
End If
Print #XFNID, "<LL>"
LL_INT_Item_TreePut(XFNID, LL_SF_XML, V_WithSubTree, This.LLPtr)
Print #XFNID, "</LL>"
Close #XFNID
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return 0
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.LoadXML(V_PathFile as String) as Integer
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
If This.LLPtr <> 0 Then LL_INT_Item_Clear(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
If dir(V_PathFile, -1) = "" Then Return 1
Dim XFNID as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_PathFile for Binary as #XFNID) <> 0 Then
    #IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Return 1
End If
'LL_INT_Item_XMLDataParse(XFNID, This.LLPtr, Lof(XFNID))
Close #XFNID
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return 0
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.SaveLL(V_PathFile as String, V_WithSubTree as Byte = 1) as Integer
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Return 0
    If This.LLPtr = 0 Then Return 0
If dir(V_PathFile, -1) <> "" Then Kill V_PathFile
Dim XFNID as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_PathFile for Binary as #XFNID) <> 0 Then
    #IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Return 1
End If
LL_INT_Item_TreePut(XFNID, LL_SF_LL, V_WithSubTree, This.LLPtr->V_ChildF)
Close #XFNID
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return 0
End Function

Private Function LinkedList.LoadLL(V_PathFile as String) as Integer
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
If This.LLPtr <> 0 Then LL_INT_Item_Clear(This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL)
If This.LLPtr = 0 Then This.LLPtr = CAllocate(SizeOf(LL_INT_LinkedList))
If dir(V_PathFile, -1) = "" Then Return 1
Dim XFNID as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_PathFile for Binary as #XFNID) <> 0 Then
    #IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    Return 1
End If
LL_INT_Item_LLDataParse(XFNID, This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, This.LLPtr->V_ChildL, 0, This.LLPtr->V_ChildF, Lof(XFNID))
Close #XFNID
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
Return 0
End Function

Public Sub LL_Destroy(V_LL as LinkedList)
#IFDEF LL_DEF_ThreadSafe
    If V_LL.LLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(LL_INT_Mutex): Exit Sub
    LL_INT_Item_Clear(V_LL.LLPtr->V_ChildF, V_LL.LLPtr->V_ChildL)
    V_LL.LLPtr = 0
    If V_LL.LLPtr = 0 Then Exit Sub
    LL_INT_Item_Clear(V_LL.LLPtr->V_ChildF, V_LL.LLPtr->V_ChildL)
    V_LL.LLPtr = 0
End Sub