Colorcount (Farben zählen)
Lizenz: | Erster Autor: | Letzte Bearbeitung: |
k. A. | Eternal_Pain | 23.08.2011 |
Kann manchmal ganz nützlich sein heraus zu finden wieviele unterschiedliche Farben ein Image besitzt
So habe ich hier zwei Beispiele geschrieben.
ColorCount ist universal für alle Grafikscreens einsetzbar
ColorCount24 für Screens bzw Images ab 24bpp, um einiges schneller
dank Inline ASM
Function ColorCount (byval Image as any ptr) as UInteger
If Image=0 Then Return 0
Dim BufferVersion as UInteger=*cast(UInteger ptr,Image)
If BufferVersion<>7 Then Return 0
Dim BufferBPP as UInteger=*cast(UInteger ptr,Image+4)
Dim BufferSizeX as UInteger=*cast(UInteger ptr,Image+8)
Dim BufferSizeY as UInteger=*cast(UInteger ptr,Image+12)
Dim BufferPitch as UInteger=*cast(UInteger ptr,Image+16)
Dim ColorBitList as UByte ptr=Callocate(2097152)
Dim CBLByte as UInteger
Dim CBLBit as UByte
Dim IndexColor as UInteger
Dim CountColor as UInteger
Dim PAdr as any ptr
Dim PAdd as Integer
PAdr = Image+32
For Y as UInteger=0 to BufferSizeY-1
For X as UInteger=0 to BufferSizeX-1
Select Case as Const BufferBPP
Case 1
IndexColor=*cast(Ubyte ptr,PAdr+PAdd)
Case 2
IndexColor=*cast(UShort ptr,PAdr+PAdd)
Case Else
IndexColor=(*cast(UInteger ptr,PAdr+PAdd) and &hFFFFFF)
End Select
CBLByte = Fix(IndexColor/8)
CBLBit = (IndexColor mod 8)
If Bit(ColorBitList[CBLByte],CBLBit)=0 Then
ColorBitList[CBLByte]+=(1 SHL CBLBit)
End If
Next X
Next Y
Deallocate (ColorBitList)
Return CountColor
End Function
Function ColorCount24 (byval Image as any ptr) as UInteger
If Image=0 Then Return 0
Dim BufferVersion as UInteger=cast(UInteger ptr,Image)[0]
Dim BufferBPP as UInteger=cast(UInteger ptr,Image)[1]
If BufferBPP<4 orelse BufferVersion<>7 Then Return 0
Dim BufferSizeX as UInteger=cast(UInteger ptr,Image)[2]
Dim BufferSizeY as UInteger=cast(UInteger ptr,Image)[3]
Dim BufferPitch as UInteger=cast(UInteger ptr,Image)[4]
Dim ColorBitList as UByte ptr=Callocate(2097152)
Dim CBLByte as UInteger
Dim CBLBit as UByte
Dim IndexColor as UInteger
Dim CountColor as UInteger
Dim PAdrBase as any ptr
Dim PAdd as integer
PAdrBase = Image+32
For Y as UInteger=0 to BufferSizeY-1
For X as UInteger=0 to BufferSizeX-1
IndexColor=(cast(uinteger ptr,PAdrBase+PAdd)[0] and &hFFFFFF)
mov eax, [IndexColor]
mov ebx, &h08
mov edx, &h0
div ebx
mov [CBLByte],eax
mov [CBLBit],edx
If Bit(ColorBitList[CBLByte],CBLBit)=0 Then
ColorBitList[CBLByte]+=(1 SHL CBLBit)
End If
Next X
Next Y
Deallocate (ColorBitList)
Return CountColor
End Function
Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen | |||||||